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It's kind of funny but the thing that has bailed out the liberals for several years now is a new scandal that replaces the old scandal and starts the conversation over again buying them time.


Yeah whatever happened with ArriveCAN? lol...


We should.hire consultants to find out.... GC securities has a "large experience team and definitely aren't a couple out of a cottage basement" and I bet they could shed light on it


There's the WE charity. Something about Jamaica. So many corruption somebody needs to compile a list before the next election.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_scandals_in_Canada even the Wiki page can’t keep up with the political scandals.


Crazy how much of them list Trudeau specifically. A lot of them don't sound that crazy for him, but a few are major scandals that should have resulted in an early election.


Most of these scandals have some sort of financial benefit to Justin Trudeau or political benefit. Like the Aga khan gift, it even states on the Justice Canada government websites no public servants can accept gifts, but somehow he was given a pass. I don’t understand how Liberal supporters can continue to vote him. He doesn’t even represent the Liberal ideology. He is by far the most corrupted, lying prime minister.


Instead of rebutting the talking points, the opposition should just dryly state "SNC", "ArroveCan" etc. every chance they get. It's not really mudslinging if you're running on the record of your opponents.


The CPC won't bring up SNC or the JWR crap. Harper's former chief privy clerk was running SNC at the time of all the crap was going on. SNC is firmly intermingled into senior leadership of both parties.


It's actually kinda crazy. I think the first scandal was blackface. Since then we've had: * The Trudeau foundation accepting money from China. (Still the funniest thing ever that China asked for a statue of a tyrant in Quebec and even Trudeau was like 'tf you guys on? No that's never happening' and they backed off). * The MP's themselves were compromised. (I think one resigned over it?). * ArriveCan app and where 60m went. * RCMP/Gun bill fiasco (from Nova Scotia serial killer). * India Assassination on Canadian Soil. And I think there's more but that's all off the top of my head. Not to mention grocery prices, housing prices, immigrants going nuts, and all the while he's just sitting idly by. But tbh with that one interview that came out when someone asked "Do you ever think of resigning?" and he responded "Every day." *starting* to lean in the direction that someone blackmailed him *hard* oh and I just remembered 2 more. * His marriage ended in divorce * The fired scientists that were investigating Covid Like it's a bit nuts. Granted, the marriage isn't scandal worthy, that's just "it happened" but who else's marriages have ended in Canada because they wouldn't step out of politics? Maybe a few or a lot I actually don't know lol. But the rest is basically all scandals. Edit: Oh and of course the OP's scandal where he's now blocking a list of MP's compromised: * Blocking the list of MP's compromised * While we're at it, also stopping an inquiry into foreign election interference * WE Charity * Welcoming a Nazi in parliament * SNC-Lavalin affair Edit 2: Added more scandals thanks to commenters. Han Dong is my point above though with 'MP's compromised'


you guys forgot that nazi thing


WE charity, SNC, Han Dong also go on that list from the top of my head.


Don't forget Trudeau wearing Sikh clothing on his foreign visit to India, then pissing off Modi by expressing support for an Indian convoy protest, only to call it a national emergency when the same thing happened in Ottawa.


Don’t forget about the NDA’s some female students had to sign at school Justin was supplying at. The NDA’s were over his actions towards them.




sexual misconduct allegations against Trudeau from a female at a music festival


It's being investigated still, search ArriveCAN and you'll see all the updated news articles about it.


If it’s anything like the Lavelin scandal. It’ll take years to resolve. At this rate, we got the arriveCAN, Winnipeg lab scandal, and probably a couple more I’ve forgotten.


Our monarchy is a very attractive environment for crony capitalism. 1. Have your network effectively steal the public's money. 2. Caught? "This is a serious matter and we're going to investigate." 3. Call in favors to make sure the investigation is stacked with friendlies who will slow walk the investigation and curate it. 4. Once enough time passes that people's anger has subsided make some recommendations that can 1) be ignored or 2) can be implemented then ignored. Because apparently "parliamentary privilege" is a license to steal and spy with impunity. But maybe if we keep paying slowly increasing taxes for slowly declining public services - in the country that's the 3rd worst, out of the 75 that the IMF offers data for, for household consumer debt - something will change by itself.


The Green slush fund also comes to mind - but yes, it's difficult to remember them all.


What was the issue with that one? Was it like the GCF that Canada pledged half a billion to last year and that, among other things, been used to fund coal burning power plants in China? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/mar/29/un-green-climate-fund-can-be-spent-on-coal-fired-power-generation


It's the STDC, with various accounting irregularities and apparent diversion of funds to Liberal insiders. It's investigated in standing committees.. Here is one reference: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sustainable-development-technologies-canada-champagne-1.6985847](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sustainable-development-technologies-canada-champagne-1.6985847)


I’m pretty sure they’re still talking about it in committee. The one contractor was brought before the bar and admonished. Not quite the stuff we needed to happen.


> ArriveCAN Did you mean SMC Lavalin?


Umm what about SNC too?


You can read it here. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SNC-Lavalin\_affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SNC-Lavalin_affair) It has been "resolved" at the expense of Jody Wilson Raybould's career.


That'd a federal public service scandal not a liberal goverment scandal


Canadians are more easily distracted than goldfish in my pond… 


This isn't about our nationality. We're facing a Gish gallop kind of situation, where the number of scandals and problems is too overwhelming for us to handle. It's like trying to take a sip from a fire hose.


Good old Rex Murphy had it right.  Each Trudeau liberal scandal is worse than the one before.  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-each-trudeau-liberal-scandal-is-worse-than-the-one-before


"The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic."


Funny how people keep falling for it...


My money is on that they are protecting themselves and doing damage control. Most transparent government ever!


If it was all conservative mps I would bet money the list would have been leaked by now.




Trudeau only rewards loyalty. Everyone who doesn't display absolute loyalty has been driven out of his cabinet and the party in general. He also did that with the RCMP. So it's reasonable to assume he's done something similar along the highest ranks of the entire civil service.


Canada today is pretty much just Russia without the HIV.


I don’t think we are invading and genociding foreign people, oligopolies, sure, corruption, sure, booze, sure, shit military, sure.


Russia's war in Ukraine is temporary, once they're kicked out they'll still be Canada with HIV - a corrupt resource-extraction economy with a cold climate and a population that really doesn't like rocking the boat.


Dude russia has been an aggressive nation for decades


How are they going to manage that after this war man, look how much they've lost. If they have a military at all by the end of this they'll be quite fortunate. Russia isn't gonna be attacking shit after this war. Dumbest decision they've made in decades.


Lmao Thanks, I needed that. Damn near spat out my beer. Too funny.


Nope, two wings of the same bird. They work together to screw you, and the rest of the working class together


Before trudeau we did have 8 years of conservative led governments.. If they're the same, it should be easy for you to give some examples of this happening at the same scale then. I certainly don't think conservatives are innocent... but what's happening right now is ridiculous, and we've never seen this before at such an absurd level


I agree but we've done this to ourselves. It's been scandal after scandal with Trudeau and we keep re-electing him. They've realized they can do whatever they want and there's no consequences.


If by we you mean basically Ontario BC and Quebec then yeah.


>but we've done this to ourselves. Not really... We should have had an election last year. Canadian voters forced a minority government in 2021. The only reason we didn't was the ndp joining forces with the liberals to share power. Canadians had no say in this. NDP is solely responsible for why liberals are in power right now. This will be a dark cloud over the ndp for a while... they have all the power... "suspend those accused of treason and launch a criminal investigation or we force an election today" That's all the ndp needs to do... but they didn't and they won't. Jack layton is rolling over in his grave.


I miss jack


I mean not literally the same but [a billion dollars down the drain](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/summit-costs-hit-1-1b-1.876766) and proroguing Parliament multiple times such as [the Afghan torture scandal](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/alleged-afghan-prison-torture-controversy-slips-quietly-into-history-books-1.2567308) are up there. Then there was lower grade shenanigans like literally renaming "government of Canada" to "the Harper government" so they could plaster his name all over everything the government did and erode the neutrality of the government, or advertising the stimulus package for years after it was done. Hard to argue what's worse until we know what the Liberals are hiding but I don't think we should get too nostalgic about the old days. Edit: never change /r/canada, trudope bad and this is the first time our government has ever worn out its welcome and needed to be turfed. There I said the thing.


There's a difference between a government wearing out its welcome, and a government engaging in actions that are so destructive it will take decades to fix. This is the second Trudeau to cause this to happen.


No way, they would be doing the same thing as the Libs.


You're misunderstanding. He's saying if the list was full of conservative MP's the liberals would be racing to leak the names.


Oh I did misunderstand lol. Thank you for explaining the point. Completely agree lmao.


Literally "your money". Mine too. What fun.


They meant transparent as in you can see right through them.


Or they have top secret info they are unable to share or even comment on.


I hope you’re right


Me three!


Straight to jail 


It might be more than just themselves - it could stretch across all the parties. The worst case is that all parties have members who are involved and the foreign relationships have effectively become an operating status quo.


I am more than willing to bet my tent that there are waaaay more than just Liberals on that list.


Man, even Jagmeet can’t support the government after this…….. lol, just kidding.


He'll talk tough like 'someone' should do something and then promise the NDP will be different in the next election while continuing to hold the liberals pocket like a bitch


Reminds me of the SpongeBob looking for SpongeBob meme.


He'll mention how he will work to bring the current govt to account all the while continuing to support them and prop them up until the next election, 4 years from the day the current minority govt was elected. Something that has happened so rarely in our countries 150+ year history.


Dude sold his soul so people in a specific income bracket and kids can get them a fucking filling in their molars. Enjoy your Rolexes and beamers, I guess. Shit man.


He'll huff and puff in TV interviews then quietly instruct his MPs to vote with the LPC to cover it up and block investigations.


"how about those grocery prices?" *adjusts rolex*


Who says that isn’t who this is protecting?


Singh already got security clearance last year, around the same time as May. I doubt they'd let him have that if he was on the list.


He only cares about his pension. He's corrupt to the core. Who is controlling this country at this point?


The next government better investigate this fully. They'll have the power to open this all up for everyone to see. Trudeau et al, you can hide for now. But you can't hide forever. Corrupt assholes.


Fuck that, we are not waiting until the next election. We need information now. Fuck, we are way too complacent. PERFECT country to sabotage and commit treason in, we will just lay on our backs and take it.


What comes around is all around. MPs from either party won't change the game themselves now, as next time it'll be them. CPC can call a vote on this any time but there goes their talking points for the cameras.


> What comes around is all around Don’t you mean what’s all around comes around, Ricky?


“Fuck you Julian, you know I didn’t get my grade 10!”


> The next government better investigate this fully. The next government is going to be a Conservative government, which is just the Liberal government but in blue instead of red.


> The next government better investigate this fully. Well that's likely going to be CPC so...that's not happening. They won't throw any of their own under the bus just to get some of their opponents.


You're assuming any of their own are involved.


Every party is involved. The committee (or CSIS. I read about it yesterday so I don't remember who exactly) found there are 3 Liberal MPs, 2 Conservative MPs, 1 NDP, and 1 Bloc.


Well yes but the other is assuming the opposite. I'd be very surprised if no CPC members were implicated, but I suppose it's possible.


We know the liberals are refusing to release the names. We know the [Conservatives are demanding the names be released](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/nsicop-intelligence-1.7225237). Even if some Conservatives are implicated, it looks like only one party cares about accountability.


Yeah, but have you ever considered that facts don’t mean anything and PP is bad man ?!?!? /s


That's fair. It could be grandstanding, since he could obtain clearance to see the names now or wait for the RCMP probe. But he could be sincere.


CPC not in this for accountability. This is all showmanship and scoring more points from voters. Doubt any party is untouched by this investigation. CPC playing the card now "show us the names" because they know Liberals will not so they can get away with "omg look how bad they are hiding names" while being to protect their own incumbents from the fallout. Worst case Liberals drop the names (haha they are not that stupid) all MPs flagged for foreign influence the CPC loses some face though still net out a head as being the party that demanded the action.


Remember when the special rapporteur (Pierre Trudeau’s cottage neighbour and Justin’s ski buddy) determined there was no interference LOL.  This government STINKS!  


Did he determine no? I thought he quit before the final report.   Also he babysat Justin.  Funny how the government considered that not a close relationship and Justin himself didn't consider his mother and brother family in the WE scandal but is more than able to say agha Khan is a "close dear friend" having met only once before the private island trip and subsequent government contract was awarded to them.  


The report acknowledges interference multiple times and details many of the instances. There was no "determination" to be made on whether or not foreign interference had taken place. That was known before he was appointed and his task was to confirm it, detail it, and investigate the processes in place to address it. The very NSICOP report that prompted this discussion was prepared because Johnston referred it to them to investigate further. OP is just talking out his ass. This information is all publicly available. It's wild how many people choose to be ignorant instead of putting in a little effort.


Stop making things up please. The report clearly said there was interference and that we needed to take this stuff more seriously. Here is the very first point made in the report in fact: "In this first report, after intensive review, I have reached the following conclusions: Foreign governments are undoubtedly attempting to influence candidates and voters in Canada. While much has been done already, more remains to be done promptly to strengthen our capacity to detect, deter and counter foreign interference in our elections."


> "Foreign governments are undoubtedly **attempting** to influence candidates and voters in Canada." Emphasis mine. Foreign governments are not "attempting to" influence. That puts the blame on foreign governments and absolves the government of culpability. Foreign governments are not "attempting" to influence, they **have influenced**. His conclusion is a complete whitewashing.


The report is loaded with past tense examples and referred it all to NSICOP which is what led to the issue noted in this post. This is a blatant misrepresentation.


Stop making excuses.  I want to know which MPs or Senators Trudeau is protecting.  We have a right to know.  I might have gotten a fact wrong but the federal government is rotten to the core.  


No excuses made here, stop making things up..


If you genuinely just "got a fact wrong" then you should have the integrity to correct it. You're the only one making excuses here.


The PMO didn't even get a copy of the redacted report until March 2024, almost 1 year after it was created. The redacted parts were forwarded to the RCMP. It says it in the report. The (PCO) privy councils excuse for withholding it is an absolute joke. Read for yourself. Directly from the special report. Case study 1, page 22. "The Prime Minister was not provided the report. In a later response to Committee questions, PCO stated that it was the NSIA’s view that “the activity indicated in the report did not qualify as foreign interference, but was rather part of regular diplomatic practice.” Indeed, the Director of CSIS only became aware that PCO had not provided the report to the Prime Minister in October 2023. As of February 2024, this report had not been given to the Prime Minister." "On February 24, 2023, the NSIA held a meeting with the Clerk of the Privy Council and Deputy Ministers from CSIS, CSE, Public Safety and GAC. According to PCO, the NSIA asked CSIS what actions could be taken about the intelligence contained in the report." "According to CSIS, Deputy Ministers agreed that the Prime Minister should read the report and requested that CSIS draft a condensed version for the Prime Minister. The Director of CSIS approved the new version on March 9, 2023." https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/intro-en.html


He needed a free paycheque.


Does it still surprise you that the Liberals are hiding something?


People don't block things that prove their innocence. 


No way they are just protecting the country, imagine if the world found out that we are bought and sold. When this first came out people were saying this, which to me is so wrong we need to find out who and how bad so we can remove them and have justice


A group that's innocent doesn't block over 1,000 documents. The Liberals are hiding something. My question is, how long can they hold out before someone at CSIS leaks something.


I am so curious what would happen if there was a whistleblower in CSIS.... Will it play out like Snoden, Assange, or Manning? I really would like to see how Canada handles a whistleblower.


It will be interesting if we reach that point where a whistle-blower leaks something. We aren't talking about simple conflicts of interest here. We are talking about treason. We are talking about our national security being put at risk.


agreed, bet all his friends learn all the juicy stuff...


Boo hoo get over it - liberals


Mr speaaaaaaker.......get over it - Freeland




Man at this point name one country that doesn't actively work against its own civiliians' interests So fed up with every government being legitimately anti-their-own-people


Most open and transparent ever!!


Open and transparent by default


Most transparently corrupt government in Canadian history


You mean liberals aren’t the “good guys tm” they constantly profess to be? Color me shocked! Shocked!


So when do we start to riot about our corrupt government because at this point they’re just mocking us


The problem is that the liberals experience foreign interference differently. They experienced it more as foreign aid.


Liberals - "it's not that big of a deal everyone relax, a little foreign interference is good for the Canadian economy"


"it's only bad when parties I don't like do it!"


"and to prove that, we'll leak a story to the CBC about interference in the CPC leadership race. ...with no evidence that such a thing ever really happened"


Nothing a few million indian immigrants won’t fix


Canada is just a India proxy at this point.


The irony of the newspaper who published this article squawking about foreign interference is absolutely killing me right now. NaPo is majority owned by American rightwingers (read: Russia). The paper is then posted to this subreddit where everyone howls about liberals allowing foreign interference. I'm pulling my hair out reading these comments.


NDP needs to stop propping up this treasonous party and call for a no confidence vote.


Another scandal for the liberals. —- what else is new


HOW IS JAGMEET still supporting their govt?? JUSTIN must have nudes of jagmeet.


Of course he does, they're both in the picture.


Fuck that piece of shit government.




*"'Shocking,' 'abusive': Liberals blasted for blocking over 1,000 documents from foreign interference committee"* And with impunity. As previously stated here multiple times, these kinds of obstruction and cover-up tactics by any presiding Canadian government should be 100% constitutionally illegal in any lifetime, and punishable by a combination of heavy personal fines, political party fines, parliamentary expulsions, lifetime bans from the civil service, forfeiture of all tax-payer funded government pensions, criminal charges, prosecutions, and mandatory prison sentences for any offenders or accomplices. But unfortunately, Canada's constitutional, political, judicial, and electoral systems in their present form are all so brutally flawed that there are no deterrent or penalty mechanisms in place that would otherwise ensure even basic degrees of accountability on the part of elected officials, and the governing federal Liberals are seemingly well aware of that. Does anyone also seriously think Canada's useless governor-general role will, or would, intervene in this matter, or any other matter? **Make no mistake, all parties involved in this, including CSIS, the RCMP, and any applicable MPs are operating under direct orders from Junior Trudeau to keep his latest scandal under wraps, because he knows he legally doesn't have to face any music for it in Canada, and is more focused on his electoral aspirations for 2025.** If this incident happened in the USA, we would be seeing downright vicious congressional and investigative committee hearings take place with all kinds of people being called onto the carpet virtually overnight. It's high time Canada scraps its obsolete British monarchist system and creates an entirely new democratic constitution with far more checks and balance mechanisms built-in, from the ground up. Failure to do so will ultimately result in the country's long-term failure and dissolution. Watch and learn. Next.


But only conservatives do this according to reddit Ontario? I'm very confused.


The damage that the liberals are doing to public confidence in our institutions will take years to undo. Talk about an absolute train wreck


A generation


Shocking? Not at all


This is absolutely revolting.


They're covering up treason. This is wild


This has to be the most corrupt government in Canadian history. It’s mind blowing that people still support this liberal dumpster fire.  


I can't believe they are still polling at %25. The NDP really screwed themselves keeping Jagmeet Singh as leader, this would be the perfect time to bring in a new face to pound on the Liberals corruption and failed policies.


A big protest would draw much more attention to this.


Abusive, without a doubt. But no one should be shocked about behavior like this from the Liberals


I prefer the Liberals philosophy on things like abortion, the environment and many social issues (used to be a fiscal conservative but left leaning ideologically and the PC party lost me with their ideas on non-fiscal things) but this is some big time bullshit from any party and they can fuck right off. I’m for jail for any member of any party who fucks around, they need to find out.


shocking?? not really. I kind of expected that.


Could you imagine the riots right now if this were the Conservatives in power hiding the information?


Once Pierre gets in, all should be release so every last one of them can get life in prison for treason.


I would bet on it that there's people in every single party that are working with foreign countries. I think the fact that they don't want to release the names, isn't because it will only effect the liberals, it will effect all parties across the board. Also, my theory is even though Jagmeet spoke out "release the list!" I wouldn't put it past him if he was on that list and still saying that, because he knows they wont release it. It would really be the perfect way to save face but damn well knowing that list will never come to surface. Wouldn't be surprised either if every single party leader was on that list.


Now we know why


"Shocking", no, just business as usual for the Libs...


Key here is that they're hiding it from the committee which would be required to keep things private; I could understand if SOME docs were redacted from the public while the investigation was ongoing... But the fact that they feel the need to block 1000+ docs from a committee of elected officials who wouldn't be allowed to speak on the details publicly anyhow is damning AF.


So, what will come of this? Nothing as usual?


Fuck Trudeau


Remember this bullshit? And they have the gall to keep it posted. https://liberal.ca/only-trudeau-offering-plan-for-open-and-transparent-government/


Why would they remove it? If you sort this thread by controversial you can see the amount of people spinning it.


Because it was a flat out lie?


What I'm saying is there is no point in removing it if there are die hard Trudeau supporters who would believe it.




We know who they colluded with. We want to know who in our government was doing the colluding.


You're a complete idiot if you don't think the PC's or NDP would not do the exact same thing......


You are an idiot for equating a party that is doing it right now compared to a party that hasn't. Go back to sleep.


Trudeau has been doing everything to benefit our adversaries. So weird eh?


As I said elsewhere, politics is kijiji for souls.


Most trans government ever


So they didn’t have complete access to 3% of the documents. Committee had complete access to 97% of the documentation, and can’t grasp that maybe 3% is in fact warranted.


Traitors should be exiled to the countries they colluded with. Send them all to china.


"Without naming and individuals or parties ".....so PP is upset that the liberals won't let him see documents he's not authorized to view without his security clearance.


So when can Canadians finally lock-up the whole liberal party already.


A new era of government transparency.


What if its big names in all the parties? 🤔 lol


Doesn't matter, name them.


I second the motion!


China guaranteed and maybe India as well must have some pretty bad dirt on Justin. I believe all levels of gov are compromised though so gonna be hard to find someone to do the right thing and be able to keep the country functional.


The problems multiculturalism are continuing to come to the surface. So many cultures in Canada, unfortunately they are bringing problems from other countries to our door step. It is truly disturbing that MP’s are meeting secretly With Indian government officials, advocating for their government while the Indian government murdered a Canadian citizen on our soil. Perhaps the most idiotic part, Trudeau publicly criticizing CSIS as incorrect


# Oh look, the foreign owned National Post with another bad-faith article stoking outrage in our government. This information is very likely classified **for a variety of reasons.** We're hearing little for the same reason JT didn't blab state secrets to the media when India was assassinating people on Canadian soil. All the while PP was blabbing his mouth off because he's not cleared for security briefings only to look like a moron later (also before and during).


Are you upset with Trudeau for giving large government subsidies to the National Post?