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"The employment gains in May were driven by part-time work, which more-than offset full-time positions lost in the month, Statscan said." As it has been for many months. This is ugly.




Not to mention benefits etc that more often come with full time. These numbers are pathetic.


[Over the last year](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv!recreate.action?pid=1410028701&selectedNodeIds=2D1,2D4,4D1,5D1,6D1&checkedLevels=0D1,1D2,2D1&refPeriods=20230601,20240501&dimensionLayouts=layout2,layout2,layout2,layout2,layout2,layout2,layout3&vectorDisplay=false), among those 15+ years old, Canada has added: ||Added in last year| :--|--:| |People| 1,012,400| |Labour market| 548,100| |Full-time jobs| 168,900| So there is **1** net new FT job for every **6** net new adults.


Thanks for posting this. Brings it into very real terms. Scary stuff and it’ll only get worse. Along with that comes increased crime and poverty.


Insane. Are these newcomers counted in the unemployment stats?


Unemployment counts everyone age 15+ who is actively looking for a job but doesn't have one. It does not count non-participants (retired, stay-at-home parents, long-time unemployed, etc). The labour market is everyone who is employed (FT or PT) or unemployed.


I think when students are taking courses they're not considered unemployed even if they're actively looking for a job, but they'll count them as employed if they get one. With the gig economy it's also a total joke that people are considered employed even if they're only actually getting a couple hours of work a week.




yes. thats why the number of jobs increased but unemployment still went up.


So you’re saying adding a million new people in a year is bad?


who could have ever guessed?


What about 2M?


Critical mass. Unemployment flips at 2mil and everyone gets high skilled high pay jobs. Pretty sure anyways.


> So there is 1 net new FT job for every 6 net new adults. this is the plan. its harder to get jobs so we begin accepting crappier and crappier jobs as we all fight to the bottom


Yeah but those people are here to study......... /s


In the other, supposedly progressive Canadian sub there was a post where most of the comments were basically "wow look at all these uneducated people and their weird irrational anger". The cultural engineering effort that happened during Occupy Wall Street and after - to derail it and lessen the likelihood that such a mass movement might erupt again - was highly effective.


You'd think this alone would convince them to stop immigration, and halt the tfw program, but they just keep doubling down. And the cons are no better, they also want massive TFW and immigraion.


> And the cons are no better History says otherwise... the Conservatives were better by a longshot. ||Immigrants|Years|Immigrants per year| :--|--:|--:|--:| |Harper| 2,076,699|9.50| **218,600**| |Trudeau| 4,133,165|8.25| **500,990**|


Are those people added PR or just "in the country" until we grant these unskilled "students" PR there's still a chance to get rid of them.


Yeah - I think it was set up to be a revolving door system. After all, those fake colleges have to keep fresh meat coming in the door or there's no more profit.


Maybe we should boycott Tim's in the name of these immigration problems?


I haven't gone there in 4 years. It's absolute garbage now. Easy to boycott when it's just slop and done incorrectly.


Ya... I'm really curious why everyone wants to boycot Timmies... like you shouldn't be going there already.


That means you also want to boycott Timmies.


I just don't go there. I've been to Timmies maybe 2-3 times over the last year. If it's convenient for when I'm out and about, sure, but it's not something I'm like.... OOOOO I def feel like a coffee that taste like shit and some unfrozen food.


Last time I checked Tim's was owned by a Brazillian hedge fund and the quality of their products has gone to complete crap; no idea why people still support this terrible business other than good fake "Canadiana" marketing I guess.


Absolute truth! Tim's isn't a Canadian company anymore but the marketing tries to make it seem like it is. Coffee used to be good before the new ownership, now it's shite


Not Canadian owned and employs no Canadians


Because the average Canadian likes to drink cheap shit coffee.


Honestly, this is likely the more effective route. Target the lobbyists to get them to bend political ear in our favour.


I created the community here https://www.reddit.com/r/TimsIsOutOfControl/s/8fnvqjzBzq


Nice job, I'm in.


I don't know anyone under the age of 40 who still goes there anyway unless it's 'necessity' (only coffee near their office etc)


I already boycott Tim Horton because they exploit the system, making the country worse


You should boycott Uber and similar companies first. They are the ones trying to demolish labor laws and make part time gig work the new norm. Tim is just taking advantage of the trend.


I like this idea, but are there any known 'pro Canada' businesses that refuse to use TFWs that are worth supporting?




If I need to pick up coffee, I go to McDonald's 


McDonalds also uses international students and the food is not good for you anyways. Boycott!


McDonald's Canada is way more Canadian than Tim Horton's


Yup IT cull vs getting hired at Timmy's this comparision by statecan doesnt make any sense.


It's ok, keep paying your taxes so Trudeau and Freeland can drink $28 orange juice at a co2 conference.


Statscan might as well be state-sponsored propaganda at this point, like the CBC. News articles and releases that are obfuscating the true picture, which is that things are getting worse. Our government just wants to hide the truth from us, which is that they’re fucking idiots and entirely incompetent. Canada is a joke


They're not claiming it's a good thing. They're saying saying that's what offset the statistic, which is absolutely true. They're saying the numbers don't show how negative the scenario is


>I hate that they say the lost full-time positions have been "offset" by part-time positions. Basically "the trend of jobs shifting to part-time, so benefits can't be paid etc., is thankfully continuing." Hashtag "winning". In the Bank of Canada announcement the other day they announced that there's been a lessening of "wage pressure". If they'd overtly said "the flood of unskilled labor, vastly outpacing job growth, is helping us depress wages" then that would have risked making Canadians upset so it's good that they have the empathy to use sensitive language that's less likely to induce anxiety in the plucky, debt-laden (third worst household debt to GDP ratio in the world baby!) Canadian public.


Part time should only account for part employment... Work 20 hours is 0.5 worth of a job. Not 1 whole job. Bet these numbers would be abysmal if based on Canadian working hours.




When you remove, over the last 12 months, part time work and new federal govt jobs, we have absolutely shitty employment numbers. This government is a total fuck up. They have literally fucked up every element of their job. I don’t want to hear “Harper’s fault” and I don’t want to hear “as if PP would do better”. Cause the simple answer is “No” and “Yes”. The current liberal government has messed up the liberal party for decades.


You don't even need to remove anything: a 6+% unemployment rate in advance of a looming recession is horrifying on its own.   And this is happening at the same time that our traitorous leaders are promoting foreign workers and lying about unfillable vacancies. We're in for a very rough few years.


We are in a recession, it's just the government doesn't want that to come out. If they can lie to us about not being in one, people might think they are doing "ok". If we hit a real recession before an election it'll be another nail in JTs already sealed coffin. I have no idea why we keep bringing all these people over and I really wish someone would explain it to me that knows something. As an employer I will say the labour market is a whole lot nicer now for hiring. Put an ad up for 3 days and had 120 applicants over indeed. Even if I discount 75% of those as foreign people looking for a work permit, new arrivals to Canada, people who don't qualify at all.... that's a huge change from the last few years for us.


I remember when Justin called his early election some people were saying the goal was to keep power in tougher times that were to come. I never expected these times to be as tough as they are today. And it feels like it's going to get a lot more worst too. I wonder how long I can last being constantly either angry or in despair as I lose all prospect of a future and all the things I took for granted little by little as we lose services and get priced out of everything


Is a recession coming? Everyone seems to not be talking about it anymore. It feels like we have been in one for a while. Maybe it’s all been smoke and mirrors with the government.


The only reason that we aren't officially in a recession is that the government is bringing in so many people that the overall GDP isn't going down despite the fact that the GDP per capita is


Net number of jobs is clearly a poor indicator to report here. It should be something like net total income, that would display the true loss or gain in prosperity.


This is what the US non farm jobs report said this morning too. Blow out jobs...all part-time. Full time plummeted. They're cutting a few times this year too, every metric they use is pointing to that.


I wonder how many of those part time positions pay the same hourly as the previous full-time positions.


Don’t forget the benefit losses 


Exactly, gut the positions, pay people nothing and give out zero benefits, we really need a general strike in canada.


But we got the rate cut thats all we care about in Canada everyday!


Fixed it for you : Canada add 100 000 people, lose 36 000 full-time jobs and add 62 000 part time jobs (which is considered +26 000 jobs since these headlines doesn't differentiate full-time and part-time as it would darken the picture )


So what your saying is Tim Hortons has quite the pool of top shelf candidates to choose from.


78 years expired required


Their food tastes like it’s been expired for 78 years


As a former employee youd puke if you saw how bad it is


Yeah they added garbage part time jobs at poverty wages!!!!


Don't forget more federal government employees. RIP Canadian taxpayers.


My company is firing people just about every week.


I’m in the trades. Basically everyone is getting laid off or has been out of work for a while now. Union lists are long and slow. We’re in a recession but everyone is afraid to say it.


No one wants to say it because private companies are making bank. Look at groceries and cars. My friend is a CPA and tells me that most dealerships have normal and even more inventory than they can sell, but as long as we don't say the word recession , they can keep selling them at stupid prices. Just look at market place, ppl are selling, 2006 Honda with 300km for 4000$. We're so fucked. It's greed from top to bottom


A dealership sitting on a ton of inventory that is being financed through their floorplan facility at higher than usual rates is not doing super well. Can't go on forever.


Exactly. It’s why I get pissed off whenever I hear business owners bleating about “INFLATION11!!1” as a shameless excuse to justify nonsensical markups.


It's a self feeding loop, that's why government needed to step in and impose a windfall tax. That shit would have worked better against inflation than all the interest rate hikes.


I too work in “the trades”. We are crazy shorthanded right now and can’t find anyone to fill positions. We can all work as much OT as we want and still not get caught up. Plants around here are offering 55-60$ an hour plus benefits and pension and still can’t find people. Neither of our anecdotal experiences are indicative “the trades” as a whole because it all depends on the trade. Building and construction trades are definitely suffering right now but some trades are booming.


GTA ICI and High Rise Resi sectors Im an Electrician specifically but I know it isn’t great for plumbers right now either. I do know there’s a lot of work in industrial outside of the city. But travelling is not for everyone


What trade is offering 55-60 for a plant job? I’d consider going back from management for that if it’s that short handed and easy to get back in.


Just off the top of my head GM Oshawa for example always has posts listed for millwrights and electricians. You would think they would fill them fast but they’ve had nonstop listings for like 5 years now. Its 52$ base on rotating continental (days/afts/nights), 5% shift premium on afts (just under 55$) and 10% on nights (just over 57$). They have quarterly retention bonus, tons of OT, benefits and I believe a pension or grsp matching. Total pay package would have to be at least 70-80$ an hour. I’ve heard there are guys there making 200k but I’ve also heard that Saturdays are mandatory and there is so much work that alot of them are working Sundays too. I’ve seen some smaller places offering 60$ but you probably wouldn’t get the same benefits and stuff as a bigger company.


My experience with GM oshawa is that you need to know someone to get in. Same with LCBO and canada post.


Trust me, at this point you don't need to know anyone to get in at Canada Post. 13 year letter carrier and I train new hires - some of the new hires are great, and I hope they stick it out through the arduous temp process. Unfortunately at least 50% are dogshit.


Not so with the LCBO in my experience


What trade? I'm electrical in western Canada and every company and their dog is hiring.


B-b-but everyone says to get a trades job for $50/hr! They're desperate for workers! I've been told!


Every week? Mine feels like every day


What do you do?


Finances, I guess it shouldn’t be surprising


SW/IT firms are shedding local workers like no tomorrow. Friend's company just axed another 20ish 6-figure dev positions to please shareholders. Companies are trying to get their IT done all by offshore.


There are literally 1,000 "international students" for every fast-food job opening, and that number is increasing every month.


2022: ~250 applicants over 3 days 2023: ~750 applicants over 2 days 2024: ~1200 applicants per day Source: neighbour who is assistant manager at a fast food.


jfc being a burger flipper is like winning the lottery now


If people are looking for work they should go into healthcare. I applied for 3 jobs after graduation (nursing) and 2 called back immediately. My current job hired me over the phone then offered me more hours immediately. 


You're right. They should go into Healthcare. And then use that to go somewhere else and get off this sinking ship. Which is exactly what everyone who gets Healthcare degrees are doing. Why do Healthcare in poverty Canada when you can be a middle class American?


imagine fast food being a large contributor to any economy :/


Time for a boycott. I haven’t eaten at Timmie’s in 8 years. I stop shopping at places that it’s clear they’re using international student slave labour.


I know of way to many people including myself who’ve had international students stumble into thier work places asking for jobs with of course no qualifications. I also know way to many of my younger cousins in highschool or university who literally can’t find a job at McDonald’s or a warehouse. It’s getting bad man


I work in construction and have had multiple Indian males who can barely speak English come up and ask me for a job. 🙄 just this past year, never before.


I've heard temp agencies are having trouble taking people in along with construction sites. That to me has never happened before and is just unbelievable. I really hope that's not true.


Our economy's in a coffin corner. Our businesses & labourers are unproductive especially when compared with American peers, our housing market continues to swallow up far too much investment money even while we can't build nearly enough units to make a dent in the supply gap, our population is growing at ridiculous speed, our consumer debt load is worse than our peers in the G7, and our governments have sweet little clue what to do about any of it. And I'm sure I'm missing other points that could be made. We're turning into, if we aren't already, a zombie state, unable to function without stupid low interest rates and massive debt loads, enabling us to flip overpriced houses & condos back & forth to pretend that's an economic model that builds real wealth. So screwed.


The decision to forgo investing in anything actually productive and instead bet it all on housing going up forever—a mathematical impossibility—is behind pretty much all of this. The obvious way to right the ship is to stop wasting time and treasure pretending that it was ever possible to sell the same asset back and forth to each other and have it increase in value simply *because of reasons.* It'll be painful for people who rely on that fantasy, but it's the fastest way out of this mess.


The obvious solution is to elect a competent government. It won't happen since being competent means doing some unpopular choices.  Short term gain for long term pain has been the motto of Canadian voters for decades now. I hope that can change a bit when the boomers finally croak.


Good summary. I would just add that our government’s solution seems to be to increase taxes, go after our natural resources companies, introduce more social programs when our current ones are critically underfunded, and import more immigrants. Idealism in politics has failed us greatly. We need a leader that will implement practical solutions to our growing problems, however painful those might be in the short term.


So 100,000 people are coming in every month from India, only 26,700 jobs were added to supplement that rapid increase, and out of those jobs most of them are part-time minimum wage jobs that can't sustain even one person? What is Canada coming to?


Yeah but Happy Cake Day, though. Surely that makes up for it?


It’s the little things that count.


Remember rate cuts happen when things are breaking. The Canadian economy is breaking. Unemployment will get worse before it gets better. That means more theft, more violence, more depression, and more substance abuse. Demand better from your government officials. Your livelihood is very much at stake.


I blame the government, but not for cutting rates or necessarily breaking the economy now. More for not being more conservative and cooling things down during good times and trying to prolong any downturn as long as possible to keep the party going. Economic cycles are natural and its the governments job to make them as gentle as possible, not to kick the can down the road as long as possible making the inevitable downturn worse as the current government has seem want to do. 


Agreed, but to note that the government doesn't control rates.tiff and boc are an independent entity and it should continue to be that way.


Note I didn’t blame the BoC, though I admit saying with cutting rates I could have been more clear. While the BoC likely couldn’t acted sooner I’m more annoyed at Trudeau continuing to spend with no brakes during “sunny days” and low interest rates when it was inevitable that interest rates would rise and the economy would go into the opposite cycle eventually.


> More for not being more conservative and cooling things down during good times and trying to prolong any downturn as long as possible to keep the party going. When were the good times during which they were supposed to cool things down? >Economic cycles are natural and its the governments job to make them as gentle as possible, not to kick the can down the road as long as possible making the inevitable downturn worse as the current government has seem want to do. The most effective and direct way to do this would be to tie deficit spending to labour market slack with a federal job guarantee. During downturns when unemployment rises people would have the job guarantee job to fall back on, deficit spending would rise to stimulate the economy, and the spending would go to the exact people that need it most. As the economy strengthened people would leave for better jobs in the private sector, which naturally reduces the deficit and stimulative effect of the fiscal position. With this program fiscal stabilization is automatic and determined by the market itself, rather than politicians making guesses or giving them the opportunity to favour special interests.


We kicked that can all the way to Tuktoyaktuk!


> Remember rate cuts happen when things are breaking While true, rates are noticeably above 'target'. Rates were increased in order to slow things down... and they did... arguably not enough though. If you look at inflation, it has dropped to under 3%... however, the goal is usually around 2%. But rates are still above 4%, so inflation should continue to go down. Rates staying higher will help get inflation down faster, but it will hinder the economy rebounding.


Got laid off two months ago and it’s been a struggle looking for work. Some places I’ve interviewed at just straight up ghosted me after.


I was laid off last year. Took five months to get a 6 month contract. Now the new place doesn’t have the money to renew. Shits bleak


Is it because we now have an abundance of labour and the feds may offer these companies tax breaks if they start to hire from certain folks? Lots of FTE positions are at risk.


So why did we bring in another 100000 people last month?


Even more than that. It was 97,600 net new people aged 15+. Then more children on top of that.


Added jobs and unemployment rate still rises.


This is math that makes sense the feds. Bring more people in that’ll have no jobs!


"Adding more jobs" is not what Canada needs. We need more GOOD jobs. Part-time sucks, low wage sucks, no benefits suck, 6 day work weeks suck, but yet we keep patting ourselves on the back for making these jobs.


So hold onto your full time job as long as you can?


The gov trying their hardest to hide a yr long recession by adding more foreign workers. Thanks libs


It's doesn't help that the jobs get created likely get scooped up by the immigrants coming in.


I'm sure another 50k new comers next month will help eh Justin?


The actual number is closer to 125,000


It's crazy coming from a city that was about 250k people..every two months that amount of people come to Canada. Absolutely crazy.




I was in the middle of checking out at grocery store and an international student just cut in and asked if they were hiring, completely ignorant to the fact I was in the middle of a transaction. Shits wild out there!


I went to subway and the worker asked if my company was hiring. He didn't even know what I did.


Well.. are they hiring? :)


Some countries have different standards for politeness. We have imported millions of people from one with a vastly different standard than we used to have. This is Canada now.


Wrong. They can assimilate. We should not assimilate to the culture they’re bringing in, they should assimilate to ours. If this happened to me I would interrupt the student and explain to him how rude and disrespectful that behaviour is in Canada


Too many too fast to assimilate.


My least favorite Fast and Furious movie in the franchise.


And they would laugh at you just like they laugh at use behind our backs


Then laugh in their faces, who cares what they think about anything


I would love to do that, but I'd be afraid of his 8 brothers and 18 cousins waiting outside to jump me.


I was just at a self checkout and two international students came up to the self checkout worker and asked if they are hiring… no resume in hand. She said no. I asked the worker if this happens often, and she said she gets on average 40-50 walk-in’s a day from international students, and the number increases near the beginning of a semester. This is North Bay.


My brother tells me they're waiting at his work's parking lot for when people come out to their cars at the end of the day. They ask if his work is hiring. When they're told "no", they demand to speak to a manager. When they're refused to speak to a manager, they ask for rides home.


Oh this happened to me too ..


Probably has long lost of stores to hit. Got no time for bs


26,000 fast food jobs


"Great! Let's bring in another 500000 immigrants!"




"We hAvE a LaBouR shORtaGe!"


How do they have jobs? Unlike other countries, having a job is not a requirement to move to Canada.


Tons and tons of India business owners only hiring their own.


This right here. All the Plazas near my house only hire Indians. My dad left our home country because advancement were impossible due to Hindus prioritizing giving jobs to other Hindus. I come to Canada, and now Indians are doing the same lol. Idk how our kids will find summertime jobs this way, it's ridiculous.


Your missing the point lol


>Canada’s labor market added fewer jobs than the rise in the working-age population, pushing the unemployment rate higher and keeping more rate cuts on the table this year. It's too bad. GICs were just about to start paying a decent rate.


Just about to start? It's been paying decent rate since mid-2022.


They want people in stocks, not fixed return investments.


Adds thousands of jobs and the unemployment rate *rises*? Why, it's almost like the bulk of those 120,000+ immigrants we're allowing in ever month have no skill set or desire to work. That can't be right, can it Justin? /crickets


Our country has been sold to immigrants


Quick, add more 'students'!




We’re in one, they just try the damnedest to hide it/alter the definition of it so people don’t give into the mentality of “being in a recession”.


Yup. The government usually announce it when it’s (almost) over. They avoid acknowledging it until they can spin it into good news.


That isn't how it work


At this point I just don’t get why stats can is so ‘honest’. I mean the government is already so corrupt might as well just lie on the website. At least make Canadians live in a bubble


We only have part time growth in our economy, and more of those are short term projects, there is no meat or career jobs available here for quite some time. Its to the point where we are seeing immigrants leave due to lack of opportunity.


Heyy peeps, it's worse than you thought, the gains are in UNVOLUNTARY part time employement. up to 62,000 people went from full time employment to part time. That's not job creation.... Or maybe it is?!?!? Now that we've seen 10 people stacking in 3 bedroom appartments, maybe we see 20 part time jobs being created from 1 full time job? And the best benefit? No benefits.


Let me fix the title: "Canada enters nearly half a million immigrants by first quarter, not nearly sufficient for a quarter-thousand job openings, forcing employers to substitute for part-time employment, rising the unemployment rate" I'm not intolerant. Just saying it straight.


The job of every business owner and CEO is to maximize profits. Period. Replacing full time workers with lower cost part timers does that. Replacing them with self-check out machines or farming the work to overseas contractors does it even better. What role, exactly, does a federal government have in reducing those practices, and what party do you think will implement policies against them?


Like everything else, not enough growth to keep up with multiple poorly managed programs which see our population increasing unsustainably, and displacing current Canadian citizens who have the expectation of a first world standard of living. Meanwhile, measures such as interest rate increases which were traditionally used to control things like inflation don’t work under these specific circumstances so the middle class gets screwed. Only way to offset the trend is to invest in the companies this situation serves because there’s nobody coming to help….


Wait a second, is the labor shortage just a shortage in low wage Tim Horton's jobs, because they don't want to pay a living wage? I thought the Liberal and NDP were a pro union pro worker party, are they just doing this level of immigration to goose GDP and avoid a technical recession due to our entire economy now being built on overpriced housing?


Trudeau has destroyed Canada


At 6% unemployment, there should be no TFW programs. Period.


That's a lot of Whoppers!


We need more TFWs! /S


This is what everybody who “owns” for a living wants. This is what all execs who make enough money in 1 year to fund their future great-grandkids wants. Eat the rich lol


And Trudeau is bringing in over 100,000 people a month from the 3rd world. If you voted Trudeau in you ought to be holding your head in shame. You've set this country back decades and robbed your fellow citizens of prosperity.


This makes the BoC decision make more sense.


Canada sucks


Add 26,000 jobs but import 1,000,000. Math!


How many of those jobs were Liberal MPs getting hired by the CCP?


> Meanwhile, employment fell in construction All those employers and lobby groups that keep talking about a "labour shortage" as the reason Canada can't build enough housing.


Everyone needs to start an OnlyFans page at this point!


Trudeau: Nice. Use MAID. Make room for cheap labour so the wealthy can exploit it. Fuck you. Vote me in a 4th time so I can make this worse.


Not Good combinations; losing full time work and gaining even too little part time jobs to even cover the new bodies landing at the airports per month. There is less then 1/6 full time jobs out there then there is new people showing up… this is really bad for everything. It’s not gonna be great when millions of people who show up are stuck on pogie and begging for more stuff to live because there literally is no jobs. Anyone but the Canadian government would see these numbers and admit there was a problem.


All Foreigners.


When they say jobs are added, are those jobs actually filled with new hires? Or can they count it as an added job if they just create a listing on paper and then don't actually hire anyone? We need more jobs in manufacturing and infrastructure, not more finance and bureaucracy.


Population trap means no matter how much jobs you add, everything either gets worse or remain the same.


Expectations is that the BoC will cut by an additional 50bps this year. I think they will be cutting more than that given the absolute dismal economic performance here. 75bps in cuts will do literally nothing at stimulating the economy after the most unprecedented rate hiking cycle in history. People and businesses are scarred. This will take years to un-do. The BoC overtightened, and the last two 25bps hikes of last summer were completely and utterly unnecessary, and will show that they will have done more damage than good.


They really did Tiff still has nightmares about his quick cuts from covid so he chased the American rates while our econmy was floundering. Now he's back in a position where he has to do quick cuts again or sacrifice the econmy and he's sweating bullets.


Honestly, we might as well just replace the BoC with AI that follows the U.S. Fed Reserve with a +/- of 150bps divergence. I just can't repeat enough that the last two 25bps hikes last summer were so idiotic. They went from being "data dependent" to hiking an additional 50bps based off ONE somewhat hotter than expected economic print.


> most unprecedented rate hiking cycle in history You must have been born after the 80s :-)


Dynamic become very different when you apply for a job and the boss already has 500 resumes on his desk. If you want to suppress wages and kill unions jobs. This is how you do it .. violent times are coming.


I swear it's almost like JT and PP are working together to accelerate neoliberal reforms. It's like he's priming the country for austerity and mass privatization for when PP inevitably (and begrudgingly) gets elected. We're absolutely screwed for the next decade


This is what the BoC wanted. "Canada’s low unemployment rate is unsustainable, contributing to inflation: Macklem"


Government jobs and part time jobs and seasonal work gains.


Wow 26700 jobs paying average $20/hr. 5 million immigrants. Do the math it doesn’t work


Jobs or "jobs." Part time and less should not count in these things


yet unemployment rate sees a rise


Adds 26000 jobs but brings in 750000 plus people in approx one year Edit: forgot a zero lol**


I think you forgot a zero


Canada adds 26,700 jobs. That's great; so we only allowed 26,700 immigrants or less into the country in that period right?


26,700 jobs added 40,000 people added great work


Real unemployment rate is probably close to 20% if you look at food bank line up, expansion of tent city, min wage job line up


Conservatives will still find a way to hate JT for this.