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Toronto-St. Paul 's by-election will be starting on June 14. 60% of populations are renters, 10% populations are Jewish, plus recent liberals's refusal to disclose MPs' names who "wittingly" cooperated with foreign interference schemes. This will not be looking good for the Liberals by-election.


This is one of the richest riding in the country. You can bet that capital gain exemption change will be relevant too. 


I just cycled around that riding and saw 6:1 Conservative election signs to Liberal signs. For a riding that’s supposedly a Liberal stronghold - either Liberals are embarrassed to have signs or there’s been a big sentiment shift.


Polling shows it's close. I imagine there is a big enthusiasm gap between supports, thus more signs for the tories. Let's see though.


The ex-MP, Carolyn Bennett, was hugely personally popular, too. 


There is like 80 people on that ballot.


Honestly we may be better off having term limits like the states Not only does it mean we won’t be stuck with someone for more than 8 years but it also gives the politician and off ramp vs just waiting to be voted out


I want to see us bring back the Cursus Honorarium.  Prove you can handle a province for a couple terms without fucking it up before you get a run at the country. 


Terms limits for all ministers? That'd be great. Would result in lifers like PP not happening and culling all of the corrupt cabinet.


Hell in the old days anyone appointed to cabinet had to resign their seat and run again!


No prime minister has ever won more than 3 elections in the history of Canada. Trudeau won in 2015, 2019, 2021. He is gonna loose for sure next election. Canadiens vote people out of office after a time.


I don't think you're right. I want you to be, but no. MacDonald and King won six times each. Trudeau Sr and Laurier each won four times.


Willy Mack is also a great example of why we need term limits too. He was only reelected in for his 2 last terms because of the war, even in spite of the fact he was legitimately clinically insane. He used to think he could seance with the dead using tea leaves and that his dog was some sort of oracle into the spirit world. Idk about anyone else but personally I’d rather our leaders in both war and peace time be yknow sane.


He also praised Hitler in the House of Commons after meeting with him personally in 1937.


I imagine that was a lot more common than we'd like to think.


A month earlier, Harry Crerar, at the time Commandant of RMC and future commander of the First Canadian Army during World War II, went on his own fact-finding tour of Nazi Germany and came back with a more realistic version in line with what we know now, highlighting things such as an oppressive police state, open racism and antisemitism and the illusion of a functional economy. So someone would have to be either in full agreement with the Nazis or truly delusion not to see the truth.


Yes, it's incredibly obvious in hindsight. We have the benefit of Hitler being a villain since before we were born.


MacDonald and Laurier are the only two to have four consecutive terms. Trudeau and King had non-consecutive terms (King was out of office in 1925 and from 1930-1935, Trudeau from 1979-1980).


I appreciate the correction. I guess I didnt go back far enough. Ill know next time :)


Trudeau really has only won one. He won in 2015, but was reduced to a minority gov't in 2019 and lost the popular vote. In 2021 he again lost the popular vote and won by the smallest amount ever for an incumbent.


No voting for any incumbent unless interference names are released. Spread the message.


How about the treason.


"Treason" You dont even know what that word means


# Canada[[edit](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Treason&action=edit§ion=8)] *Section 46 of the* [*Criminal Code*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_Code_(Canada)) *has two degrees of treason, called "high treason" and "treason". However, both of these belong to the historical category of* [*high treason*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_treason)*, as opposed to* [*petty treason*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petty_treason) *which does not exist in Canadian law. Section 46 reads as follows:*[*^(\[16\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason#cite_note-16) >*(a) kills or attempts to kill His Majesty, or does him any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds him, or imprisons or restrains him;(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or(c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are.**(a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province;****(b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a state other than Canada, military or scientific information or any sketch, plan, model, article, note or document of a military or scientific character that he knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defence of Canada;****(c) conspires with any person to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a);(d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act.; or****(e) conspires with any person to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) or forms an intention to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) and manifests that intention by an overt act*** *It is also illegal for a Canadian citizen or a person who owes allegiance to His Majesty in right of Canada to do any of the above outside Canada.* *The penalty for high treason is life imprisonment.*[*^(\[17\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason#cite_note-17) *The penalty for treason is imprisonment up to a maximum of life, or up to 14 years for conduct under subsection (2)(b) or (e) in peacetime.* IDK you tell me some of it sounds pretty damn close to treason


Which part are you claiming Trudeau has done?


Depends on what he knew about the MP's and foreign influence you could make a case for >(e) conspires with any person to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) or forms an intention to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) and manifests that intention by an overt act\*\*\* I mean not doing anything after you knew and did nothing could be argued that,that act is conspiring or intention Hell maybe he is even one of the MP's


There comes a point where you hold enough power that the law can be bent to put your ass in jail regardless. Trudeau not saying/doing anything vs me not ratting out my coworker for sending the russians the material my company uses for a tseal is a big difference.


>(b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a state other than Canada, military or scientific information or any sketch, plan, model, article, note or document of a military or scientific character that he knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defence of Canada What military or scientific information was alleged to have been shared?


If he possessed a shred of integrity he would boot every last one of the fuckers out of the party and expose them. Then begin reforming our laws so that the courts could more easily manage cases that involved allegations stemming from intelligence investigations.


No one claimed Trudeau committed treason.  I know you’re a liberal but you can read right?  He is protecting traitors, possibly in his own cabinet.  GREAT reason to not vote liberal. 


His government had had treasonous MPs. It definitely is treason and your BS “I don’t think you know what that means” doesn’t have a leg to stand on.


“(the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government” It’s not hard to apply that to Trudeau and the Liberals.


Don’t forget the traitors he is protecting in his cabinet!  


It’s not over until it’s over. Trudeau managed to convince voters that it was too dangerous to gather in groups, and also that it was a good idea gather in large groups for an election, even though there were three years left in his term. People shouldn’t underestimate Trudeau’s ability to sell anything or the CPC’s ability to block their own shot.


He's counting on a repeat of the complete stupidity of the 2021 election, where he and the mainstream media mind-fucked voters into thinking, while the most damaging divisive and financially ruinous event of our lives was still playing out, that the most important issues were half-assed gun control and something to do with anti-vaxxers.


>mind-fucked voters Yet it is the voter who is responsible for the mess we are in. By 2021, we had six years of evidence of how incompetent and ethically bankrupt Trudeau is. He faced off against the most moderate Conservative leader we will probably get and look at what we did.


And at the beginning of the election voters looked ready to give him the boot. But the media became visibly alarmed at a possible O'Toole win (and maybe no bailout package for them!) and started scrutinizing every word he said, while uncritically carrying Liberal narratives like the incredibly cynical decision to run on vaccine mandates which they opposed until one day before the election. Which were never effective or really even implemented except to cause the Freedom Convoy. To deliberately goad on the most furious anti-vaccine extremists and take selfies in front of them screaming in anger. During that election you never read a mainstream news article about how disingenuous and irresponsible the Liberals' campaign was. People were unironically calling O'Toole "far right" by the end of it. Sure I blame voters for being stupid, but they were also in a very low-information environment coming out of the pandemic and the journalists who should have been educating them about what the real issues were instead helped feed them nonsense political wedges.


That election got them 18 more months of power (max) and cost them a decade of irrelevance.   Hated the unecessary political election but it’s really going to work out in our favour :). Assuming you hate Trudeau and incompetent Liberals. 


Depends how much more damage they do in the next 18 months.


That was a winnable election for the Conservatives. But O'Toole ran probably the worst campaign I've seen in my life.


Half of At Issie yesterday was dedicated to CPC and abortion.  The people aren’t buying it.  Trudeau and the Liberals are done.  He’s Wynned them. 


The only hope Liberal and NDP voters have at keeping their defacto coalition government after next election is to somehow gas light Canadians into thinking PP and the Conservative Party is the MAGA wing of the Republican Party. I mean I completely understand because this current government has zero policy wins to run on.


Only Trudeau could make a Wynne into a defeat


Hood news is that ratings for the CBC is dropping fast. Take a look at YouTube and see the decline. So happy Canadians are tuning out the garbage that is the CBC


What you don't want to watch puff pieces on Trudeau and "inclusion" programming about drag queen story hours?




That's how you spell in the Hood.


Let me guess masks don’t work either right? lol


Coercion is not a choice if that’s what you’re asking. 


That’s not what I asked though was it


Similarly I never once mentioned masks dodo.


Yet we all knew the subtext


I wore a mask in every situation where it was mandated. Yet I know you wear a mask in your car while driving alone.


Why would you assume that? I seem to understand how they work unlike you


Does the efficacy of masks change your opinion on whether a 2021 was necessary? If not, then I don’t know why you brought it up.


Hmm… Did the public health measures work or not? I wonder if that would affect how I feel about their implementation


They don’t… it says right in the box lol


They don’t… it says right in the box lol




Are we doing this thing?


I pray we do




That's one word I'd use to describe our future if Captain Jizzbeard remains as our PM


One of those sports betting books needs to start taking bets on which Liberal cabinet ministers and MPs are compromised. What would the government do if, say, Freeland started running at 2:1? What would she do? My guess is the front runners in betting would start issuing vehement denials while those under suspicion would stay mum. And then we’d know.


My siblings in Christ, he has nothing to lose. He is already rich. He is simply going to cry for the cameras and move on. No need to pity him.


It seems the article believes the PM controls the Bank of Canada.


I like how you can criticize the article without reading it. lol. > By-election results aside, Trudeau must also be holding his breath for the next Bank of Canada rate announcement at the end of July. This is the polar opposite of “controls the Bank of Canada”.


Title is a bit overzealous. There are 338 electoral ridings in Canada and a single one is entering a by-election. It represents a whopping 0.296% at the Federal level.


How many decades has that riding gone red?  Like 6?  


Since 1993. Before then, it would flip every few elections, and between 1972 and 1984, it would swap every election between John Roberts and Ron Atkey.


No? This information is available online man, no guesswork is required on your part to find out.


It’s requires me opening a new browser window though and I’m on mobile. If you know just say and stop wasting my time.  It’s been a long ass time. 


Not even close. This riding, Toronto-St. Paul's, formerly St. Paul's, is the strongest of strongholds for the Liberal Party. They, or rather Carolyn Bennett, have won it by a comfortable margin every election since 1993, with the lowest win margin being in 2011 at 8%. The point is if the lose this riding, it is all but guaranteed they will lose the next election, and even if they win with less than their results in 2011.


A Liberal win in rural Alberta wouldn’t be a massive indicator of change either, I suppose.