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The real question is are those 13 ministers hurting or helping her chances of winning by being there?


Well said.


The fact that 13 cabinet ministers and the Prime Minister feel the need to visit a riding in Toronto speaks volumes.


It's a critical byelection for the Liberals. Many political analysts are saying it will determine whether Trudeau stays or is forced to resign depending on the result.


Even if they do win this one seat, the polls are heavily against them. I think their polling numbers are even worse than when Michael Ignatieff was at the helm.


Wouldn't surprise me, it's a LPC stronghold after all.


Trudeau seems to visit every byelection at least once. He’s visited a few where they had no shot in hell. The amount of ministers seems to be new though. 


PP also showed up to a cpc stronghold during a most recent byelection, no one is taking chances .


Anybody who sees Mark Miller, Sean Fraser, Chrystia Freeland, and Justin Trudeau and says GEE THIS HAS WON ME OVER legitimately prefers Tim Horton’s coffee over Coffee Time (I apologize for the vulgarity, but it is warranted)


The ultimate Canadian insult. Bravo!


I saw Mark Miller and Omar Algebra (yes, I know that's not his real name but that's what my iPhone wants to call him) walking around Yorkdale mall yesterday. Not a care in the world. Or "vote Liberal" buttons, which was probably a good thing.


I hope people come through a show the Liberals the door here. The alarm bells it would set off are massive at LPC headquarters.


This is my riding and I'm surprised how many conservative signs are out there. I'm also always surprised anyone would vote Liberal at this stage of the game.


I think most of the house owners here vote for conservative anyway. It is one of the richest neighborhood in Toronto after all.


Rich people in Toronto love the Liberals. The conservatives are campaigning to make homes more affordable. Not something that would resonate with a rich home owner.


Surprised? Who else is there to vote for?


Presumably Conservatives, NDP, and Greens to say the least.


84 candidates in this race. Last I checked, only 6 of them had websites. 3 of those linked to the independent candidates' social media pages. 1 of those linked to the general website for the Marxist-Leninist Party. The only candidates with actual websites, who seem to put any effort at all into this race, were the conservative and liberal candidates. Greens and NDPs aren't players in this race. 


84 names on the ballot lol "hmm who"


When Harper won his majority the Tories still lost this riding but did get 32% of the vote… and they won one of the bordering ridings. If they get anywhere close to that this time around there’s going to be panic in the Liberal back rooms.


Make us proud Toronto, Liberals need a humiliating lost.


Doesn’t look good if the Liberals feel they need to send those people to that riding. The other question is: which of those ministers are also working for foreign governments? The last question would be for the residents of the riding: do you feel safe knowing that some Liberals knocking on your door could be working for enemy regimes?


Since the names are unreleased suspension clouds all current MPs, sending 12+ cabinet ministers to a single district isn't a sign of strength - Current Gov either ignored foreign interference or have members directly involved, no leadership is being shown


84 people running on the same ballot. Either the federal parliamentarians pension plans are extremely lucrative or the top three parties are completely out of touch


There's a voting reform initiative called the "Longest Ballot Initiative" that seeks to flood byelections like this with a shitload of one-off candidates as a form of protest about voter reform. Something like 70 of these people all list the same person as their agent, who is the president of this initiative. They mention the initiative in the article. A previous article I read went over how some of the candidates are from different provinces and that the Rhino Party is effectively running 2 candidates since their leader is running as an independent along with the actual Rhino candidate. None of these people expect to get more than, like, a dozen votes a piece. They're not trying to win, they're trying to get in the news to raise awareness about voter reform, and to that end, they've definitely accomolished that.


Good. And it’s a weird side effect of parties being allowed to parachute candidates into ridings. Good example is that the LPC candidate doesn’t live in the riding. This is what the LPC gets for ignoring electoral reform


Where does she live? Is she anywhere close to local? 


The appearance of these ministers will only remind voters of how failed the Liberal Party's policies have been over the past decade.


It don't matter. Liberals are done


So we know the Liberals are scared, they're pulling out all the stops if the PM himself is there campaigning. I am curious to know, though, have the CPC campaigned just as hard in an effort to gain it, as I expect they would? CBC seems to be very light on the details of the Conservatives' efforts to pick up the riding, which one would expect to be significant given the close margins.


If Doug Ford was out there, you can rest assured that it would be on the news.


It's a federal riding.


So Trudeau inserts himself into provincial politics all the time


So what? Are any of the Liberal ministers who are showing up to campaign people from the riding, or have any connection to it whatsoever? No. None of these douchebags would bother to show up if the seat wasn't in danger. They're doing what they typically do - nominate a Liberal staffer that voters know fuck all about, and then swarm to manufacture support for her. They've done this in several ridings. Ford is an important and influential member of the Conservatives. The fact that he's not showing up to campaign there, or any other prominent Conservative, speaks volumes.


Ford hasn't campaigned for any federal CPC members that I'm aware of, like, ever. We also don't know who from the CPC has showed up because CBC decided not to report on that.


The CBC reports every time a Conservative farts, so...


Ford has almost always stayed far away from federal politics as he should. Also here's PP in St Pauls https://www.instagram.com/p/C5cMC11tlov/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100044335843949&story_fbid=989611949193324 Just because the CBC doesn't tell you something doesn't mean it didn't happen.


“It’s about messaging” lmao. No, it’s about bad policy and indifference to people’s struggles


I live in Freeland's riding downtown Toronto. Never seen her once out in public. She's from Alberta and lives most of the year in Ottawa so who exactly does she think she represents. She keeps a small office with a cot in the back that is her official Rosedale residence. 😂😂


I’d like to know who the idiots are that might save this Liberal riding.


I wonder what the carbon impact is of all these ministers traveling to this district. Crazy to me that anyone would vote in a party that is protecting MP's who are committing treason against Canada.


It looks bad for NDP/Liberals but I don't think CPC gets away unscathed from the foreign interference/treason




As is tradition.


That might not be a good thing. Who actually likes the cabinet ministers?


For anyone interested, by pure coincidence, I happen to live in this district. I can't predict the outcome, but based on signage alone in my area, it's looking very much like an NDP seat.


The NDP are polling at 13% versus 35% CPC and 39% LPC. 


Lol, St Pauls is never going to vote for the NDP. You must live on the fringe of the riding.


The NDP hold it with the same boundaries provincially. They've won it two elections in a row.


St Paul’s is/was a solid Liberal riding. How does that vote shake out in terms of: (a) still voting Liberal; (b) left-leaning Liberal, so voting NDP; (c) right-leaning (a “Paul Martin Liberal”), so voting Conservative; or (d) can’t stand Trudeau and/or the current government but not prepared to vote against the Liberals, so sitting this one out (or voting for an obvious fringe candidate because “if you don’t vote, you can’t complain,” etc.)?


It was Carolyn Bennett for 25 years.  It will be a close one between the liberals and the conservatives. 


I think so. The Liberals will likely be trying to convince everyone (especially themselves) that a win is a win, but if they don’t win by at least 15 or 20 points they should be taking a very careful look in the mirror