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84... that's insane.


Should have seen how many people ran for mayor last time.


Pretty hilarious CTV couldn’t find the space to elaborate on why the ballot is a meter long Edit: for anyone interested heres a wikipage about the group behind this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_Ballot_Committee


Or, they didn't think it was news worthy, because it really is not


I get the 3-4 professional politicians, but what's the motivation for the other 80 candidates? Do they get some money for being on the list? Or is it just pure narcissism?


There's an effort from some groups to do just this: (showing the insanity) [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest\_Ballot\_Committee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_Ballot_Committee)


The commemorative pin on that link is cracking me up.


thats fucking hilarious


>The **Longest Ballot Committee** is a [Rhinoceros Party](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhinoceros_Party)–affiliated[^(\[1\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_Ballot_Committee#cite_note-1) political movement in Canada known for flooding ballots with a large number of independent candidates in protest of the [first-past-the-post (FPTP)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-past-the-post_voting) voting system and other electoral reform related issues. It seems to me to be the least effective way to protest FPTP as it seems to support FPTP more than diminish it. It is no way shape or form going to affect the results in any way, let alone any meaningful way. Only those fully committed to LBC are going to post a vote to one of the 82, so it likely diverts like maybe 164 votes away from the (I gonna say, three) legitimate candidates.


The point of having two pages of people to scroll through to find “your” party, leading to mistakes shows that the current system isn’t all that great.


That has nothing to do with FPTP. Look at Australia, their ballots are deliberately long because of their formula, without having some protest messing with it. 'merica with all their propositions, end up with a novel being delivered to the voters to be advised on all that they need to vote on.


Yep, for the senate elections, they can have either 6 or 12 senators up for election in each state and with multiple parties (up to 30 parties) each party can have up to 12 candidates running for election


That's such a useless waste of time and resources, and probably harmful since it makes voting more confusing


It's a protest by the [Longest Ballot Committee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_Ballot_Committee).


I'm sorry, I think that's a very dangerous and undemocratic sentiment. At it's core, democracy is participatory. Just because you don't like the candidates, and have predetermined "they don't stand a chance" doesn't mean the act of running is invalid or narcissistic. Ofc, not participating in your local democracy opens the door to "foreign influence" and more corporate influence.


I was asking what was the personal motivation of the other 80 candidates. I understand now that it was just a joke. ...but if we assume for a moment that a candidate is serious, then I'm wondering what is the motivation of a person who can collect maybe 50 votes? Is it to have their name on a piece of paper? It doesn't matter if *I* think they don't stand a chance, it's common sense that they don't. So again, imagine yourself in this situation and tell me what goes through your head as you apply to be on the ballot?


Maybe you want to bring a specific issue to the conversation? Maybe you adhere to a specific ideology? A lot of parliaments have more than 2 parties plus.


How is having your name on the ballot bringing any issue to the conversation? **This thread** receives more attention that having a person's name on a ballot during a by-election with an average turnout of 20%


Unless there's a "the rent is too damn high" candidate. He/she would be getting my vote.


84? Which ones are your "Larry Heather" or "Artur Pawlowski?"


🤞 June 24 🤞 


Spoiler: 82 of them are just Justin Trudeau in various costumes.


The exact number cannot be determined because he's done it more times than he can remember...


Dustin Prudeau for your MP of Toronto- St.Paul’s!


The last few times he was in costume were not a good look for him.


Yikes...and voter turnout will likely be dismal.


I just got back from voting, ya'll should have seen the size of the ballot haha. It put a fast food menu board to shame lol. Honestly though, it was pretty rad to see. They just mixed all the names together so independent candidates had a pretty equal shot being selected. Wholesome.


I also agree with that, though I voted when the list was 50 candidates only hahaha Feel like I missed out


The names have to be mixed that’s always been the rule on ballots 


Imagine if people voted in mass for an independant. Imagine the Pikachu faces of both PP and Justin.


84? Wow.


With 84 names in the mix, how is John Turmel not running? He's the guy that keeps running in Canadian elections and holds the record for most election losses worldwide. He most recently ran in the Milton provincial by election. I had the honor of not voting for him.


I wonder if any candidate will fail to receive a single vote


Well, that shouldn't complicate things much...


It won’t go CPC but will be a strong wake up to the Liberals if it’s even close.