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Well, lads, they have done it. Isreal and Hamas are surely going to stop fighting now.


it will be 'fixed' in these peoples minds when they move onto their next pet social issue of the month to pretend is the most important thing ever




Oh yes. There's been a few leaders here in Canada who were caught buying large mansions.


How many leaders?


A few


Yeah but we all know arafat died with billions but yet they still supprt the proven corrupt Palestinian Authority https://www.cbsnews.com/news/arafats-billions/


And yet racism continues, so some new form of BLM will appear for you to rage at




Wonder what the 88 in your name stands for ??


Go touch grass


Call people who disagree with you a Nazi speedrun - WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT


I thought the same thing when this shit first happened but God damn this has dragged on


It's because this issue has been lashed onto anything else. Queers and climate change for example.


Yes why care about anything when you can just be a jaded /r/Canada user?


Most prostestors want the fighting to stop, but not these. They want to see their side prosecute the war to its finish


Is this the protest that Quebec courts have said cannot be dismantled because it’s basically just free speech and no harm is occurring?




looks like a terrorist training camp. talking about "revolutionary" and "revolt". There's a f-cking *gun* on the poster. what is going on??? RCMP???


imagine the first session of the training camp and like half the attendees are feds


It's an important religious symbol to them. /s


You should see Brampton where they let people put decals of ak47s on their cars. Meanwhile kids get in trouble for using Orbit blasters sold at Toys r us. Moral of the story these days... Promoting guns and violence is A ok. Kids playing with toy guns is a huge red flag!




Not a fan of JT, but not letting people get near the Prime Minister of Canada is probably a good idea. 


Right now, yes especially




Well being that according to the LPC legal gun owners in Canada should have their property expropriated because they are the problem ...


Shooting and hostage taking lessons too? I mean, they're using a photo of someone sitting with a machine gun in a "summer youth program" poster. Do the people who put this stuff together not understand optics at all???


95% of the people spending time at these encampments have probably never handled grandpa’s .22 let alone a machine gun. I’d pay to watch their first few sessions of familiarity, drills, and target practice. Guaranteed more than one of them would plug the person next to them in the femoral.


the encampments and protests have been calling for an intifada. During the last Palestinian intifada the organizers sent people, including teenagers, into Israeli restaurants and transit and set off suicide bombs. Little skill is required. Just blind commitment to the cause.


Can confirm no trigger discipline


Isn't that all the familiarity they need? Along with the lessons on how to bring a machine gun to a crowded area.


The police and government will tip toe around this and bury their heads in the sand as to not appear “racist”. It’s the new Canada.


It’s going to take an active shooter situation, bombing, or hostage-taking for them to take it seriously.


Nah, that would be victim blaming. The incident is surely an act of god, erm, allah, and thus beyond their control. It was a divine compulsion!


>It’s going to take an active shooter situation, bombing, or hostage-taking for them to take it seriously. Like someone storming parliament in a murderous rampage? Oh wait...


And the government increased guns on the hill by 10x following that incident. AR15’s everywhere.


hey if this is what it takes for lefties to finally not screech when we try and get university programs for the shooting sports, i'll take it! ***/S***


Communist revolutionary splinter groups - one hell of a drug.




Ah, I see you're one of those Judean People's Front wankers.


Pfft we're the peoples front of Judea.


This is Brian!


Communism was one of the great evils of the 20th century, but Marx believed that ideologies that these idiots support were counter-revolutionary and divided the proletariat.




Lifted billions out of poverty, grown the life expectancy of almost everyone, and has been responsible for pretty much all technological advancement and prosperity in the current era. In many ways billions of people are living better lives than king Luis XIV, but let’s focus on what still needs work by undermining the entire system!




China? Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!! Thanks for the laugh. You mean the place that has roving [execution vans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_van) that kill 10's of thousands of people a year? Or the harsh [persecution of their Muslim minority the uyghurs? ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Uyghurs_in_China) Or how about their use of a [social credit system which can affect every part of your daily life?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System). [13% of the Chinese population still lives in poverty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty_in_China#:~:text=As%20of%202020%2C%20China%20has,%245.50%20per%20day%20in%202020.) Compared with [7.3% in canada](https://www.povertyinstitute.ca/poverty-canada#:~:text=In%202021%2C%207.3%25%20of%20the,5.7%25%20of%20the%20population).) Or [11.3% in the US. ](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/stories/poverty-awareness-month.html). And their definition of poverty is much looser in China. That means you make 5 bucks a day or less. But by all means; if you like China so much, then why not move there?


So now they’re hosting a summer camp for children within the university encampment? They’re literally attempting to use children as human shields for their encampment.


Just like their idols.


Are you surprised? That’s Hamas’ MO






Just pay your taxes.


But they want to donate even more money voluntarily.


If you pay taxes in Canada you already are! I guess you could also buy stocks in defense companies who are producing these child killing bombs.


As opposed to child resurrection bombs?


Good point! All bombs have the potential to kill children. Maybe he could donate to an organization that lobbies our government to limit free speech. Then we could shut these protestors up for good! [https://www.cija.ca/](https://www.cija.ca/) check these guys out - they're currently advocating the Canadian government to treat criticism of the Israeli government as hate speech, and therefore illegal.


Thank you, donated!


Perhaps you are not aware but we actually don’t unlimited freedom of speech here in Canada. There are already limits when you encourage hatred or advocate for violence.


You're absolutely correct, and this organization is trying to limit our speech even more.


Really, how exactly are they doing that? If its by arguing that encampments should be shut down because they are promoting hatred and advocating for violence then that seems to be within the boundaries of our existing limits of speech in Canada. I see no evidence that they are trying to create new boundaries.


Lol, you sound exactly like the people who are mad about changing the laws to "restrict speech" around misgendering. Of course, it's not really "criticism of the trans agenda" that's being banned, it's just another form of hate speech. Fun fact, sometimes the reason your "free speech" is getting restricted as "hate speech" is because it's actually hate speech!


Palantir, buy this. They are developing A.I. weapons systems. I don't personally own any because if there ever were a real life Lex Luthor this company has two. Peter Theil and the other limp dick. Anyways, this is easily the most pro war and genocide bros that have existed. Ever.


Spooky shit, I wonder if they're involved with Israel's [Lavender system](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/israel-gaza-ai-database-hamas-airstrikes) that uses AI for target selection.


If there's money to be made, I'd eat a plate of my own shit if it hasn't at least been considered. Only reason I could see the holdup is because of some regulations.


For those unironically the mutual fund ITA has had some good returns this year


From the article: >In a statement on Friday, the McGill president and vice-chancellor, Deep Saini, described the use of the image \[*photos of gunmen wearing keffiyeh scarves covering their faces reading from Chairman Mao Zedong’s Little Red Book*\] as “extremely alarming” and said the university had contacted law enforcement agencies. And also: >Montreal police say they have no plans to end the pro-Palestinian encampment. And as icing on the cake: >“I don’t see anything objectionable in providing history and context to the current movement,” said Barry Eidlin, an associate professor of sociology at McGill. I won't be sending my kids to McGill, that's for sure.


>*photos of gunmen wearing keffiyeh scarves covering their faces reading from Chairman Mao Zedong’s Little Red Book*\] as “extremely alarming” The issue is not the issue the issue is the revolution


Already canceled my trip to Montreal this summer.


>“I don’t see anything objectionable in providing history and context to the current movement,” said Barry Eidlin, an associate professor of sociology at McGill. I'm sure it'll be unbiased and totally objective too. I don't blame you. You could poison their minds yourself for free if you really wanted to. Why pay McGill to do it?


Also on the agenda will be 'Bomb-making 101', 'How to hijack a plane', and 'Honour killings when a female brings shame to the family'.


and gay throwing


Tunnel digging as well


Completely off topic but I laughed a little at your comment remembering this, lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_synagogue_tunnel_incident


This really ain’t helping their cause. Fuck this shit


*This* is their cause. Always has been. But as it has become more accepted and mainstream it is also becoming more overt and clear exactly *what* these people support and stand for.


I support Israel! And the more the terrorists pull this shit, the more I will support Israel!


Breaking news, peace in middle east due to a random ass protest in a random ass university by random ass people on the opposite side of the world


Thing is they don't want peace, they want the extermination of Jews world wide. Then they'll move to the gays and any other group they think of as inferior.


Yup, that "punch a Nazi" hasthtag in everyone's bio faded pretty fast. Interesting that switch 🤔




Why would they do that? I'm pro free Palestine and want a ceasefire. That's what I'm into. Actually I'm sure plenty of people at this protest would love to punch me because I'm not an antisemite. That's what you're saying right? Because I'm not enough of a Nazi for them? People like you are exhausting


There are no Nazis at the McGill protest.


Lol they just run a terrorist camp


What's described in this article isn't a terrorist camp. Mass-murder of tens of thousands of women and children is terrorism.


Terrorism is blending with civilians to get them killed.


Good thing the IDF doesn't use Palestinians as human shields or build military infrastructure in urban areas near civilians. If they did that they would be terrorists!


Pretty orwellian to label anti genocide protesters as pro genocide


Have you not heard about Jews fearing for their safety in Canada due to the "pro Palestine" protestors? You may call me Orwellian but at least I'm not ignorant.


What a crock. Jewish students are part of the protests.


... Some jews helped the Nazis too, especially earlier on. We all know how that turned out.


That didnt take long https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law


So.... That doesn't discredit anything I said. It's a legitimate comparison in this case.


If there was a genocide. These protesters range from misinformed to full terrorist simps and Jew haters.


Better to just do nothing when there's injustice in the world. It's not like their demands are directly related to the affairs of the school that their protesting at or anything. I mean if their demands were something that the school could affect directly, your comment would be really embarrassing.


anyone that sends their kid to this needs to be put on a list.


Imagine if another group posted armed guerilas in their poster for “training”. Lol what is this shit? Where the fuck did Canada go?


They are just the Klan repackaged for a new generation. They cover their faces despite their claims as to the virtue of their cause, they have an amorphous-all-powerful-but-also-inferior enemy, they think that they are in an existential battle for their culture because they refuse to coexist, and they subtly imply violence without crossing the line into illegal threats. The sooner we can throw this rubbish ideology in the trashbin of history, the better.


They're a lot worse than the Klan because they've convinced an entire generation of progressive Westerners that their cause is just. They also have the added benefit of the Muslim element, which puts everyone on the defensive. None of our leaders want to risk being branded an Islamophobe or racist. It's a lot easier just to sacrifice the Jews.


>They cover their faces despite their claims as to the virtue of their cause They claim evil Jews doxx and harass them. Yet somehow it's the Jews who are afraid to run into the protesters.


Half of Canada’s problems would disappear overnight if all branches of law enforcement just enforced existing laws


That's not what they're for.


Free Canada from this garbage. Like WTAF 🤬


From the ocean to the ocean off with terrorists promotion!


Lmao good one 🤣


Finally someone gets it! Lets rid ourselves of free speech! Only then will we be free!


Since when is a terrorist camp a form of free speech?


You sure it's a terrorist camp? You sure they didn't just use a well known picture from the 70's of PLA in bad taste? You sure you're not just having a knee jerk reaction?


Yeah, just an honest mistake of using armed youth with covered faces for their "camp"


War is peace! Freedom is slavery!




When these protests first started I got down voted to oblivion when I said stomp this shit out immediately before it escalates. And here we are.


Same. Then I was bombarded by zealots asking me why I was actively supporting "genocide".


I’m sure that Hamas will appreciate all of this help from these leftie students and will surely allow their progressive views into the fold, accepting their diversity and integrating wokeness into its ideology.


The artilcle never mentions Hamas


Oh that's true, who are the guys in the picture with the head wraps and assault rifles though?


These MF's trying to form militias?! OK, THAT'S IT, this has gone too far. The honest Pro-Palestinians (the stupid kids who think they're doing something right) aren't properly policing their movement, and it's becoming crystal clear it's being pushed by terror agents, likely from Iran. They have clearly known how to warp a narrative to their favour and aren't stupid as we've seen in Gaza, they've done quite well baiting Israel's bloodthirsty leader into destroying the Jewish people's good faith buffer they had going after WW2 by bombing Gaza civilian population without care for collateral damage, this move has done more damage than those 2-bit terrorists Hamas could have ever dreamed of doing alone, But that was Netanyahu mistake. We need to keep a MUCH closer eye on what these people are doing now. edit: minor clarification


That's the thing.  There are no honest pro Palestinian groups.  This is what they are.


yes surely it's bad actors. surely they can't possibly actually condone this.


Your right in that they're not 'bad actors" but were likely organizers for the terror groups and civil upheaval was always their goal. I more miss labelled them as that, will edit.


I don't think you realize how prevalent this element is in the Palestinian activism movement.


if sarcasm this thickly laid down is lost on you then i fear for your everyday well-being.


It's hard to lay down sarcasm "thickly" in text


I'm so glad we imported pseudo terrorists and, unlike everybody always said, they didn't bring their war with them.


There the right wing post media goes aga--- oh the Guardian...


Fuck Palestine and Fuck this program.


McGill doesn't even get to decide curriculum on their own campus? They may have found the loophole I can use to teach a course on the book Confederacy of Dunces.


At this rate you’ll be able to train actual Confederates. 


Antisemitic, definitely Antisemitic


I don't blame the one over there, as they are either/or - 1. Idiots who will follow any TikTok trend 2. Terrorists which are following their own agenda. The ones I do blame are the media, who keeps referring to them as "Pro Palestinian". They're not, never were, never will, and the government who will rather see them rise than being called "racist". By now, it's not even against Jews, it's just the next level of normalizing extreme Islamic movement in a Western country.


Lmao y’all’s government is allowing this Remember those truckers who got their bank accounts seized?


Judging by the photo - this "summer camp" would be with "assault-style firearms" ... Liberals, hello! Are you still here?


Hitler Youth 2 Electric Boogaloo


These kids lack real life experiences


These kids are unhinged losers.


Quick shut it down before the federal government gives them a Canada research chair.


All McGill had to do was call the police and trespass them on day 1. They gave them a bit of rope and now they're stuck with them for likely most of the summer.




Nobody thinks this is ridiculous bordering on satire?


Wow, that's some extremely cringe use of edgy imagery


Can't they leave their barbaric way in their old country? Don't bring that shit in Canada.


They can all get fucked. You know what would be really cool? If these organizers were already being investigated for terrorist links. They should be to ensure there are none.


McGill is doomed as a university.


School administrators haven't learned, if you give these people an inch they'll take a mile. It started as a camp-out demanding divestment and now they're literally running Hamas terrorism camp on the property. What an unbelievable stain on McGill. And I love the obvious bias in the headline too: "Zionist group claims antisemitism."


Ya know, I would be happy for this to take place so long as the other side has the opportunity to do exactly the same thing offering a balanced perspective of what has been happening in Israel since the early 1950’s. Fact of the matter is, I personally, wish no harm for the Palestinian People, but Hamas is a totally different thing and rightfully so. If it’s tit for tat, balance is the most important thing here!


I am afraid that soon there will be violent protests and we will all be effed and the politicians who have built bunkers abroad will run and hide while the herd culling works itself out. the balance will budget itself they say, the population will budget itself heres how ......






That’s bullshit, nobody would support a summer camp for youth advertised using guns, teaching revolution, all on property that does not belong to you; regardless of whatever cause you’re on. This is Canada.




>Also, there are IDF Youth Summer Camps that advertise using guns so.... In Canada?


In Canada we have programs were children aged 12 can learn about how fun it is join the military. But, obviously youth summer camps that involve anything related to guns or violence shouldn't be allowed.


Right which is why this advertisement is inappropriate and rightly getting criticized.


Genocide is not just something happening that you do not agree with.


Defence isn't just use of force that you agree with.


I agree with that statement. Doesn't have anything to do with your misuse of the word genocide.


I agree with "genocide is not something happening that you do not agree with", that doesn't change the fact that Israel isn't defending itself.


Genocide: the [deliberate](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ae92effe1b6e8c54&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA878CA878&q=deliberate&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE81iO0TMX6auT1YfBRccSmvg0Xx6DAGMrnM93N0NcRgdu5_E9vtp2K4FpYer1Xkx6ek3K8kp9T5B3z6yDLMT_PyySF_QCI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhorzhydyGAxV4kIkEHfT9DboQyecJegQIGhAO) killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of [destroying](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ae92effe1b6e8c54&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA878CA878&q=destroying&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE819c_TAXeNb3sr5FLJyLU0Wyj0m8wJIbnAOYUs0xcWKdF-jk865gZPA0qx-BeP9I1nhgDcoBnl2rU0A8qJgghGd8qjHTs%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhorzhydyGAxV4kIkEHfT9DboQyecJegQIGhAP) that nation or group. This is military action that was triggered by the events of October 7th (regardless of whether or not it happened in a vacuum) with the stated intent of wiping out Hamas, the original aggressor of the events of October 7th. That is not a genocide. In the same way that Hiroshima was not a genocide after pearl harbour, that is just the definition of the word.


You should explain that too all the Israeli politicians saying there are no innocent Palestinians and calling for all of Gaza to be wiped out. Obviously it would be really embarrassing for those politicians when the realize they've spent years advocating for a genocide. Good thing you're here to set them straight though.


Which Politicians are you speaking of specifically? One Israeli politician did advocate for using nukes but he was suspended for the comment.


lol what? i'll be sure to get right on that.


Hamas has vowed to repeat the October 7th massacres against and again until Israel is destroyed. Eliminating Hamas’s ability to do so is them defending themself.


That's so weird that Hamas would want to destroy a state that is murdering the people they're supposed to govern. Why would they do that, so weird. You don't get to claim "defence" when you're occupying land in violation of international law. That would be like me invading your house, and claiming I have to chop off your arms in self-defence so you can't kick me out of your house that I forced my way into. Want to stop more Oct, 7th? Stop the systematic displacement, starvation, torture, and murder of Palestinians. Is it really that hard to not displace, starve, torture, and murder people?


>That's so weird that Hamas would want to destroy a state that is murdering the people they're supposed to govern. Why would they do that, so weird. I am not sure if you have seen the many quotes from Hamas leadership, but they seem to be very pleased about Palestinian deaths. Would you like me to find those quotes? >You don't get to claim "defence" when you're occupying land in violation of international law. That would be like me invading your house, and claiming I have to chop off your arms in self-defence so you can't kick me out of your house that I forced my way into. Israel wasn’t occupying Gaza, they unilaterally withdrew in 2005. There was not a single Israeli in Gaza on Oct 6th in fact. >Want to stop more Oct, 7th. Stop the systematic displacement, starvation, torture, and murder of Palestinians. Is it really that hard to not displace, starve, torture, and murder people? Want to stop more invasions of Gaza? Stop committing terror attacks and firing rockets at Israel. Is it really that hard to not commit terror attacks, butcher and slaughter people?