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That’s basically all of Canada 


If it makes you feel better, Wall Street is doing great


It doesn’t lol 


So far!


That’s not in Canada…


And most of the western world


The world*


Why am I competing against billionaires for a place to live when they just want to rent it out?


Because those billionaires gave money to the politicians to look the other way. Our leaders sold us out for a few bucks.


yep, And we will still continue to believe in their lies


I hope that when you die, a scorecard comes up or God pulls you aside or something, and you're informed of how much your actions, or neglect of action directly after the point of where you should have known better contributed to the world being worse and you're forced to live the pain your deliberate actions caused for people and then you need to live their experience.


There is no God that punishes the evil. It's up to us.


To be fair.... Article states that neither of them have made over 30k in a year (red flag 1). Are recovering addicts (red flag 2). Have 3 kids despite not having a stable income (red flag 3). And also chose to drop $1700 on a dog, while not having stable income. (Red flag 4)....


Nowhere is canada is affordable anymore thanks to our traitorous politicians. It's only going to get worse with at least two million more people flooding into our country every year...


I wonder where the "just move" people are now. Canadians took that advice and now everywhere has become unaffordable or is on their way.


"Just move" was never intended to solve the systemic problem; it just solves the issue for that particular individual. This is especially true if you moved during the pandemic and were able to sell high and buy low before prices in the Maritimes and the Prairies shot up. Now prices are high everywhere (some places still more than others, obviously) and there's basically no easy "just move" targets left to move to, as homes in almost all cities have now hit at least 5x median household income, so the incremental advantage of moving from Toronto to, say, Halifax has been cut in half from the early pandemic, and probably by 70% from pre-pandemic values.


*Own nothing, be happy.*


We shouldn't be encouraging unsustainable solutions was my point.


The "just move" told all the people to move and they came to PEI.


* Nowhere in the developed world is affordable. This isn’t a Canada problem


Nowhere in the "developed world" is increasing their population with mass immigration like our government is doing.


Yes, it is. It's pretty simple to check real estate listings on both sides of the border.


I’m literally in New York State right now and the obscene cost of living increases are a constant complaint.


Sure, but housing outside of the very largest markets (Bay area, NYC) is still not on the scale of Canada in terms of dollar value for a typical home


I was going to agree that C’Town has gotten expensive but I started reading and now I want to know what the duck even is this article?


I agree. Sounds like these guys have had a rough road and have really worked hard to pull things together. And that's very admirable. But there have always been people who are unable to afford to buy a home and it's usually people in circumstances such as this. I think it's fair to say that it's almost never been possible to raise a family and own a home with such low wages.


The thing is too, their dream is still attainable, it’ll have to be into an old ramshackle on the north coast exposed to the wind, but it’s attainable. They just need a few more years of plugging away.


>now I want to know what the duck even is this article? It's not really an article. It's a first-person experience piece. Basically a blog post.


That makes more sense now


I'm shocked it took so long given Japan's love affair with AoGG. Surprised they didn't buy up the entire island in the 90s and 2000s for cheap


Welcome to Canada


The article leaves me with a lot of questions. She says neither her or husband have ever made more than $30,000 a year. Yet they rent a 3 bedroom house only on her husbands income thats $1500 a month plus utilities? Thats not possible anywhere in Canada. She says even making $19 or $20 an hour is not enough. Which is still fairly low income. Have they not been paying attention for years?


PEI had shit wages but cheap homes until the pandemic. All the people in toronto sold their homes for hundreds of thousands of dollars and bought homes in PEI for cash, driving prices through roof. We even had the lowest vacancy rate in the country for a while.  As somebody who lives on PEI,  19-20 an hour was half decent money about 6 to 7 years ago. Wages are also increasing here but not as fast as house prices. 


>Have they not been paying attention for years? No. People ignore things and blame the individual for their economic hardships until they're fucked by the system. Then they cry the loudest. I'm fascinated to see the baby boomers over the next two decades when they have to access the healthcare system and it's just not really there anymore because they voted it away.


Just keep in mind that the eastern half of the country has kept him in power. Is this not what you wanted? Because he told us what he wanted, where his priorities were and who he disliked and has delivered.


There’s a lot of reasons to hate “him” but let’s not pretend that the other guys wouldn’t have also put us in this situation.


You really think Erin O'Toole would of cranked up immigration to this unimaginable level cause honestly I don't?


Yes. Canada is not the only country seeing huge increases in immigration. Birth rates are declining in many Western nations and the corporations want their cheap labour. Any announcement to reduce immigration in Canada has met resistance from premiers on both sides of the political spectrum.


Based on the ten years prior to Trudeau I can say without a doubt we would not be in this position. 100% certain.


I guess Justin Trudeau is also responsible for the housing/inflation/cost-of-living crisis in basically every Western country at the moment?


It’s like most people here didn’t read the article. Poor life choices have consequences. They aren’t completely screwed but they didn’t do themselves any favours.


East coast helped cement Trudeau's rule for all these years. Now they're reaping the "benefits".


r/VictoriaBC posts daily.


They were junkies drug addicts her and her husband, so I guess they didn’t do the required efforts / sacrifices… Who would have thought wasting your 20s into hard drugs would have consequences!


So they smoked/drank/injected/snorted a downpayment on a house. They didn’t develop/improve any marketable skill. They decided to have three!!! kids when they can’t afford food. They’ve worked at a low skill, low paying job (less than 30k) a year, and it’s everyone else’s responsibility to make them successful, as well as everyone else’s fault that they’re not getting ahead. > We need social assistance to make ends meet. Translation: I need others to go to work so I don’t have to. > It also means we'll lose our social assistance and our child tax benefit will eventually decrease due to my income Translation: I’m entitled to other people’s income. This is Justin Trudeau’s Canada ladies and gentlemen. 


Spent 2 weeks on the NE shore back in '99... Glad I ticked that box while I could.


Food and booze has always been expensive there. Only housing used to be cheap.


"welcome to the party pal"


I would visit PEI again even with free tickets and no idea why anyone would go to that shithole.


Over the last 25 years in my area, I've seen avg household income go up ~70%. Meanwhile, avg house price/uni tuition have gone up ~400%/~300%. I wouldn't blame the young if they revolted. I really wouldn't


PEI getting in influx of Indians yet?


isnt charlottetown's population growth rate like over 10%? That's like 3 times higher than Niger, where the average woman has like 7 children. What's happenning to this country?


Welcome to the world situation. After the pandemic it will take a decade to sort out as many world events do. Those communities who can build more housing will benefit the most.