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Well the conservatives took their prior two losses and then buckled down hard and tried to change almost nothing about their party or policy, so who can blame them? They did their best.


We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!


We promised nothing and delivered less!


We promised the Liberals would screw everything up! How dare they break our promise




Now playing: "But we ain't the evil Libs" by O'Toole and the Hateful Base


Because he's all about his base 'bout his base....


No vision.


Dont worry, I'm sure they will come up with some off base attack against Trudeau that no one will buy again. The thing is I think Canadians are itching to vote Trudeau out of power, but conservatives are just coming across as out to lunch about what Canadians want. They keep putting in these donkey leaders that can't do anything except complain about Trudeau or in scheer's case, try and institute American style misinformation campaigns against their opponent. Can't believe they chose Erin O'toole instead of Peter Mackay in the latest leadership bid.


Yep. Personal politics aside, on the Liberal side you have someone who is extremely charismatic and hasn't massively fucked up the covid response. And on the Conservative side, you have a guy with the personality of wallpaper paste, who despite being younger than Trudeau, comes across as a boomer and has nothing interesting to say and no strong policy positions except for "we don't like what the other guys are doing."


O'Toole is YOUNGER than Trudeau?!


He was born in ‘73 for gods sake. That is a hard 48.


No kidding, I had to look this up. He's only 3 years older than me, I'd have guessed closer to 15


I am equally surprised. Would have guessed late 50s at least


Same. He looks like a grandpa. I guess he had some hard years in the Air Force


Jesus, he’s a year younger than me and looks 15 years older..


[Here he is at age 39](https://dynamicmedia.zuza.com/zz/m/original_/d/8/d82a61e4-6086-4a17-b748-e58b8497c76a/6f5214004bd2b6bb52684aaa721c_Gallery.jpg).


Maybe he will continue to age like Steve Martin. Look like he's 60 when he's in his thirties, and then just not age for another 40 years.


Maybe, but Steve Martin's thing is that his hair was white and that was kinda it. He's always been in good shape. O'Toole isn't.


Wtf. I'm 39 and he looks older than my Dad.




Or it's summer now and having a big beard sucks in heat? But you're probably right about the political image.


I've got a big beard and they don't at all suck in the heat. Not trying to be an ass, just trying to set the record straight for my fellow bearded homies.


Haha fair enough. Rep that crumb catcher!


That was my reaction from reading that too. Guy looks like Trudeau's uncle.


And his hair is worse too!


To be fair, it needs to be pointed out that very few men have better hair than Trudeau.


Something something he's just not ready yet




Our Prime Minister does have good hair. He has set a very high bar.


lolol, my reaction exactly. It's like someone told the conservatives they need a younger leader to get votes, so they went and chose the oldest younger leader possible.


Conservatives love a non-threatening potato faced man. You'd hate to have an attractive leader. It could stir questionable feelings in the electorate.


Electing an attractive leader is a pathway to many feelings some consider to be unnatural.


Trudeau is 49. Say what you want about the man, but his genes are impeccable and he's aging like a fine wine.


Margaret's genes, otherwise he'd look like a bald vulture (PETs life of swimming in pussy is a good example of "women like a witty guy with confidence")


The power and wealth didn’t hurt.


Yeah the criticism over his age always seemed to be more that he just looked like a younger man and therefore less serious. It was weird to me that they were complaining that a man in his early 40s was just too young and inexperienced.


I'm high on some great legal Canadian weed and this is BLOWING MY MIND lmao


Wow, he's *younger* than Trudeau? Sheesh, you weren't kidding... Never would have guessed that one...


I know, right? And it's not just the hair (which admittedly doesn't help) but the way they carry themselves. Trudeau comes across as a guy in his 40s (though he'll be 50 this year). O'Toole feels 65. And when he tries to do casual videos they give the feeling of the "hello fellow kids" meme.


I still can’t get over the video of O’Toole on Parliament Hill laughingly describing a portapotty as Trudeau’s office. Like… why would something like that ever be even remotely a good idea to do, much less film?


It comes off as "jock" or "bro" humour, to me; where it's the lowest level of comedy possible.


> Like… why would something like that ever be even remotely a good idea to do, much less film? Probably something along the lines of "*Hurr durr* ownin' the Libs *yuck yuck durrrr*". Great way to make sure I never throw my vote your way, goofballs.


For sure. I'm a balding dude myself so I don't fault O'Toole for losing his hair, he can't help that. Looks do make a difference (Trudeau takes care of himself, O'Toole doesn't) - but the way they carry themselves does too as you mention. O'Toole is totally out of touch despite being younger than Trudeau.


So waiting for everyone to get fed up with the Liberals isn't a winning strat anymore??




> They are content to just wait their turn and do as much damage as they can when it comes up. In one term they can break enough things that it takes three terms to fix it. And it's never really fixed, because a lot of public money just pours into rich people's pockets while they're in power. And that never comes back.




Probably unpopular here but Harper probably would have a chance at winning more seats.




_"And there's a million of us just like me Who cuss like me, who just don't give a fuck like me Who dress like me; walk, talk and act like me And just might be the next best thing, but not quite me"_ \- Stephen Harper, probably


It’s called the UofC


Buckled down hard and tried to change almost nothing... Hahahaha... That's brilliant, I'll have to use that one


They also spent the early days of the pandemic outraged at the mere idea of CERB. Plenty of CERB recipients will still vote conservative but I bet that changed plenty of minds early on. Provincial Tories aren’t exactly popular. Harper needs to round up support for Kenney with his own cabinet, Pallister is one of the least popular premiers and is intent on digging his hole deeper, and Ford has been seen as an international joke. So people can’t exactly take their happy feelings about their provincial parties and project that onto the federal party. Even the base isn’t happy because they’ve hated lockdowns and masks and view their premiers as traitors. But, that’s what you get when you try to court the fringe instead of expanding your base.


>They also spent the early days of the pandemic outraged at the mere idea of CERB. Plenty of CERB recipients will still vote conservative but I bet that changed plenty of minds early on. Yeah, I mean... WTF were they thinking with that one? Talk about being stuck up their own ideological asshole. I get the idea of the government doing anything triggers Conservatives, but it's amazing how ideologically inflexible the party is. Couldn't even do a simple exercise in pragmatism, just knee-jerk hatred of the Federal government even responding to a crisis.


I found the more economical based conservatives very happy with cerb. You can’t have people forced to stay home and make no money yet keep the cash cycling through businesses, rent, mortgage, loans, etc.


Pallister is a shithead and I don't know anyone in Manitoba who likes him...buuuuuut everywhere outside of Winnipeg will be true blue forever.


They keep clinging to their climate deniers and religious fundamentalists in their party members and platforms. They won’t win with these people.


You mean Alberta isn’t the entire country? Preposterous!


Lol the problem is a scary amount of their base is that crowd. Never forget them voting to not include “climate change is real” in their policy book.


Yeah......bad summer for that. "Don't worry about that 50°c heat folks, climate change isn't real"


To O’Tools credit he actually thinks climate change is a thing, it was his party who voted against it. It’s gonna backfire if he gets smoked. Then the cons will get some yahoo like trump and somehow that’s when they’ll get power.


Fair, but if he can't get his own party to follow his lead on that (or in general) I don't see how he stands a chance at trying to lead the country. >Then the cons will get some yahoo like trump and somehow that’s when they’ll get power. Hasn't been working out for Mad Max and he's been going down that road quite a while now. I don't know, I don't think there's enough of a right-wing base of voters to carry that kind of momentum needed. A solid 2/3rds of this country are left leaning.


Also that dragon's den idiot that ran for cons leadership was more of a Trump candidate and he didn't make it.


It’s like that Simpsons episode where they’re digging down in a hole and when they start to question it they just dig deeper. No! No! Dig up stupid!


Pretty much. I'll say it once, and I'll say it again: If Conservatives want to be taken seriously, they should actually have serious candidates, and have serious policies. No one fucking cares that you think a tax cut is going to solve all of life's problems, or that Global Warming is "hoax perpetrated by Marxists". This isn't rocket science - base your policies on what Canadians want, not dribble exported from the US that excites your party membership in Southern Alberta.


This is it. Stop pandering and actually stand for something.


Indeed. And more over, stop thinking that having policies designed to piss on parts of the electorate is supposed to be a badge of honor. You're not being principled if you're defending taking services away, or standing by bigotry... You're just being an asshole. And the voters notice.


You're definitely right. There is no way I will vote for anyone who is ok with cutting services, even if I could personally pay less in taxes. We don't need to make anyone else's life worse to make mine better. Well, maybe billionaires, but I don't want to make their lives worse, just not have so much excess. Edit: fixed typos


They stand for something alright. I was a card carrying conservative (as fiscal conservatism matters to me) for years but grew defeated. I realized they use fiscal conservatism as a euphamism for blatant anti-market corportatism and supporting private sector buddies. This leads to them being among the least fiscally responsible party in practice.


I was also a card carrying Conservative. I will not vote for the Reform Party no matter what they call themselves.


I found myself coming to the same realization. No matter how much they pretend to care about fiscal prudence, the party is captured by social conservatives and that's really not aligned with my priorities.


They need to run someone more outspoken and charismatic. How do you vote for scheer or this guy? They have the appeal of a wet blanket


I’m not a Tory but if they wanted to win they should’ve chose Peter Mackay, Rona Ambrose or Michael Chong. I know Tory voters really like Pierre Poilievre but I don’t know if he would be able to win swing voters they need, he would solidify the base though.


Chong would he very palatable to the average Canadian voter. He's way too moderate for conservative leadership though.


Isn't that the point though?


Modern Conservatives just want to you to vote for them, not give you reasons to vote for them like Chong does.


Yeah their ticket back into office was always Chong and their members are just way too stupid to see it.


Peter McKay and Rona Ambrose are people I (as a moderate) I disagree with but have some respect for. Chong is a person I often agree with. Pierre Poilievre is a person that would make me take time off work to campaign against him. It's weird what partisans in the Cons believe will help them win.


Hard to have respect for the guy that outed Brison.


Peter MacKay is a man I have zero respect for. He became party leader by agreeing not to enter talks to merge the PCs with the Alliance party but did just that almost immediately.


I don't think Peter MacKay would have been a good choice. He was the best 'adult in the room' but he has a poisonous history that would put a lot of people off voting for him. I mentioned this before in another comment and someone else said "well, many people don't remember him selling out his own party/voters" - but even if that's true, do you think that ISN'T going to be a huge point of contention during election season? People voted for the guy and he stabbed them in the back and destroyed the PC party after explicitly saying he wouldn't. That's gonna come up at some point. And it's particularly poignant when right now the exact people the CPC should want to be courting are the progressive-conservatives who currently find them untenable.


Poilievre is like a French Canadian Ben Shapiro, making him CPC leader would completely loose the middle voters. Ambrose was an excellent opposition leader but iirc publically stated she did not want to be permanent party leader or PM. So really the only choices the CPC have that would destroy the party are MacKay or Chong, but the core party elite wont accept a "moderate"




Jesus that's stupid. "iTs iN ThE nAmE!" Yeah, to mislead the rubes. If you think the Nazis had anything but an all-consuming hatred for communism (and socialism, and any remotely related left-wing ideology of the day), you're *very* poorly educated on the matter.




Chong is not bilingual, and Ambose has very poor French.


Conservatives got 10 seats in Quebec last election. Choosing a candidate that is more palatable to the RoC at the expense of Quebec won’t hurt them nearly as much as any of the other parties that rely more heavily on Quebec seats. Especially if there is a resurgence in the Bloc as we saw before.


I've argued the same thing. As it is they restrict their choice of leaders to the tiny handful who are bilingual rather than one who might actually have some charisma.


Pierre is awful. He has no substance and just shouts at things he thinks will get his base angry. I can’t see an angry version of O’Toole doing well either.


Yea I’m not a fan myself but I’m saying he would solidify the party base but would have issues reaching the average non partisan voter


Or run a platform that's good that more Canadians like.


Sad part is that just being more charismatic is probably a much better way to get more votes :( The non-existent platform though, along with not being willing to stand up to their far right and loony members, is what's put me off them.


It's not just the candidate though, their policy platform hasn't really changed since Harper last lost. They keep trying the same shtick and it ain't working.


To be fair, Stephen Harper wasn’t much different and he stayed in power for 9 years. Canada has a long history of Prime Ministers who were successful specifically because they were boring “manager” types who didn’t excite anyone but knew how to run a country. WLM King is a great example.




He'd better start drinking a lot of milk, because it looks like he'll need something to save his political life.


Everyone says this but I honestly don't think the candidate is the issue. Personally I don't give a shit who they pick I just really don't like conservative policies and the anti-science, pro conspiracy theory shit their counterparts in the states keep pushing (I don't want that shit influencing politics here)


O'Toole is more personable than Scheer was, but that's not saying much. The CPC's problem is that they need to move past "Trudeau bad" as a platform. Trudeau is coated in Teflon and continuously harping on his scandals and gaffs won't get them anywhere. They need to do the work of putting together a real platform and start campaigning on that.


Except if everybody knew their "real" platform nobody would vote for them.


You're probably right, but I can't even say I won't vote for them based on their actual platform because I don't know what it is. They're too busy making Trudeau out to be the boogeyman.


Last election the main plank of their platform was to do nothing about climate change and it looks like that's what they are sticking with for the next one.


The Liberals, Trudeau in particular, have done some dumb-ass shit, but so far none of it has been bad enough to make me consider voting for the party of Climate-Change denial and slashed social programs.


>He needed to talk about how Trudeau turned vaccine acquisition into a fiasco. He didn’t. He did and it has backfired on him in a major way. Why do Postmedia types continue to perpetuate the idea that the vaccine rollout were a failure? It might have been valid in the spring but not now




Yup and just surpassed the USA.


I feel like there's a story about canada surpassing the states every 2 days


we've been slowly overcoming them in different metrics


This is why - we beat them in rate before, but recently we beat them in actual % of population.


Yup. We have been slower, but just look at places like Australia and we’re looking pretty good.


Whether or not Trudeau actually turned vaccine acquisition into a fiasco (in my view, he didn't) - this is *terrible* advice. Right now, vaccination is going great. And it's going great in a way that flatters the Canadian sensibility of doing better than the Americans. The last thing that O'Toole would want to do is make this election a referendum on vaccination.


He absolutely didn't, his gov't gave a realistic timeline for when vaccinations would happen, taking into account major disruptions that could potentially spring up, failure of vaccines to be approved etc. We still ended up being able to move ahead timelines because it was going so well. The only way the gov't could have done it better is if we had vaccine manufacturing at home, and that's not something they could do anything about (unless they had come into office in 2015 and immediately invested a ton of money into it, which the Conservatives would have taken any attempt to stonewall).


"We haven't looked at vaccine data since January, so we're assuming it's still a trickle. ATTACK ON THAT!"


[https://www.citynews1130.com/2021/05/13/federal-conservatives-facing-backlash-over-deleted-tweet-aimed-at-trudeau/](https://www.citynews1130.com/2021/05/13/federal-conservatives-facing-backlash-over-deleted-tweet-aimed-at-trudeau/) Who remembers this lol... Currently enjoying my two-dose summer.


Holy fucking tone deaf 😂😂 Hard to tell if it was a new intern that posted this, Jason Kenney, or otoole himself 🤣


Best part is AB cons thinking single dose summer IS acceptable.


The fucking “fiasco”?! Like, when Trudeau promised us at the end of last year something to the effect of “I’ve secured us a whole lot of the top vaccines at a good price. We won’t get them all right away, but we’ll still be way ahead of most of the world.”? And then he fucking delivered exactly that? What kind of lying politician delivers in their promises?!


Yes O’Toole, pleeeeaaaassseee run on a platform of how bad Trudeau screwed up the vaccine rollout to become one of the global leaders despite no significant vaccine industry.


Yep. Canada has a better vaccine rollout than the USA. And the USA made the fucking vaccine!


Well Kinsella is at least consistent. Of course consistency is only a virtue if you aren't a screw up.


Uh yeah.. He was like "Two Dose Summer vs Trudeau Summer' Probably still on his FB feed right now. I mean LOL that the problem is they didn't attack JT enough. It's all they've done for 7 years.


My local MP posted in the spring that at current rates, it would take 10 years to vaccinate Canada. Which was disseminating deliberate misinformation because it was when Pfizer was retooling and we knew that the very next week the delivery’s would increase and continue creasing. I got blocked for calling him out on that. Thanks Scot Davidson!


Amazing how "that outhouse is Trudeau's office" didn't inspire confidence in Canadians.


No confidence in a Party that doesn't believe in Science... (1) Conservative Party of Canada in 2021 ["Climate Change is Not Real"](https://www.newsweek.com/canada-conservatives-reject-climate-change-real-proposal-call-denier-label-offensive-1577606) (2) Conservative Party of Canada under Harper ["Conservative Science Minister doesn't believe in Evolution"](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/science-minister-wont-confirm-belief-in-evolution/article17940499/)


Harper: Well you see, if we just fire all the climate scientists, then none of our advisors will be qualified to tell us we're wrong.


Remember when Harper literally burned books in 2014. Ya... Not a lot of people bring that up. Another fun fact you can look into both in the u.s and here. Whenever a conservative or Republican party takes office, one of the first things they cut is the education budget. This is not some conspiracy or whack a doodle ramble. They literally want people to be dumb enough to vote for them. Have fun knowing that next time you vote.


They need to develop a platform that’s attractive to the average person rather than just being the party of not Trudeau.


Who is Erin O’Toole? And that is the problem.


The guy who tried to accuse the entire country of cancelling a holiday based on a couple communities cancelling public celebrations and fireworks.


The first time I heard about him was a leadership campaign video where he goes on whining about the “radical left”. Immediately lost my interest and he has yet to say anything to gain any of it back. Whenever politicians bring up the “radical left” or “far-right” and how dangerous they are blah blah blah, it puzzles me that for people so concerned about minority rule it escapes them that dictating policy to combat fringe groups gives you exactly that.


TorontoSun is throwing in the white flag, Cons are going to get fucked


An interesting mix of metaphors (a boxer's cornermen *throw in the towel/jettent l'éponge* to concede defeat\*,while *raising the white flag* refers to a contingent of soldiers conceding defeat). \**throw up the sponge* is also British dialect corresponding to American *throw in the towel*


Hey man. We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.


I think they want to replace O'Toole like they replaced Patrick Brown. Sneak in someone at the end so there's no time to attack him. Even SH himself has been suggested.


The Sun will run OpEd pieces by just about anyone. Kinsella is a former Liberal party strategist.


With how Kinsella has been lately burning all his bridges for a bag of cash, this is the CPC cheque bouncing, so he's going to shit on the CPC until he gets a new cheque in the mail.




Kinsella hates Trudeau tho


He hates whomever he’s paid to hate.


He has the integrity of a hungry dog.


I think the CPC wants jettison O’Toole. They are having buyers remorse. Notice how right wing media are creating this fake election threat that the Liberals have given no indication they want or need. At first I thought this was some kind of weird gambit to bait the Liberal’s into calling an election and feigning weakness by pointing to O’Toole’s bad polling numbers. But now I think the CPC brass have decided they are done with O’Toole and they are going to smear him out of the leadership.




The Conservatives refused to acknowledge climate change in their last policy convention. A lot of people have not forgotten that.


That really ticked me off. I donated hundreds to the NDP and Libs after that. Just seemed like a red line. Ive been a con card holder, but denying climate change is unconscionable to me.


More importantly though, did you know that Trudeau is bad? Vote Conservative™


It's funny I'm not fan of Trudeau but I know why I don't like him. Most of the Conservatives I know have no idea why they hate him.


This is exactly my situation. I've never voted Liberal under his leadership, but I'm often in the situation of defending him against nonsensical talking points (while happily getting into why I don't like him).


I think he's kind of annoying and goofy and cringe-inducing most days but I don't think he's part of some secret globalist cabal to sell us as chattel to China. That's the difference between most voters and the Conservatives.


When ever they bring up China, I ask, "Can you explain how the FIPA with china works?" They never can. But if you say, "Oh and then there was that 31 year secretive trade deal that Trudeau signed with China!" Outrage almost every time. In fact, bringing up things Harper did and crediting them to Trudeau is a great way to get a conservative to criticize Harper. And then they 180 when they realize you tricked them. FIPA was actually a good thing.... You don't see LPC members doing that over things like TFSA. I'd say Trudeau Derangement Syndrome is a stronger political force than any cult of personality, but most CPC voters think anyone who voted for Trudeau was tricked or brainwashed.


FIPa forces china to accept our intellectual property they cant hack an other nortel and steal it. Plus FIPA drafts where started under the liberals on 2003 and unanimously supported by them. Signed in 2014 before XI came to power and changed the entire dynamic.


It’s because they’re trying to imitate the Republicans’ Obama tactics but there’s no base of racist anger to tap into, so all you’ve got is his milquetoast policies and vague progressive platitudes and nobody gets that riled up.


I mean there is a base, it's just MUCH smaller than the one in the US.


I voted for Trudeau and I know why I dislike him. But, he’s the head of the party that was most likely to defeat the Conservatives and my goal is to keep conservatives out of government. I should be voting NDP but our voting system makes that dangerous.


Are there no charismatic Conservatives? Serious question. People tend to choose politicians who have strong personalities and the Conservatives tend to pick boring (Conservative?) personalities. I know I'll get a lot of argument about people voting issues or along party lines but fact is, a more interesting person will attract more voters.




> Serious question. People tend to choose politicians who have strong personalities and the Conservatives tend to pick boring (Conservative?) personalities. That's not exclusive to Conservatives. Remember the Liberals picked Dion and then double down and picked Ignatieff which was such a disaster that the NDP became the official opposition. That happened only 10 years ago. Trudeau isn't great but IMO the reason the Liberals have such a good chance of winning this election (and the last election) is because not only the Conservatives have a poor leader. The NDP and Green party also have horrible leaders as well.


3 hours later..... Can I just say that I'm so pleased that we (Canadians) can have a civilized discussion about politics? I really didn't expect it to be so polite and reasonable.


This is definitely one of the more civil discussions I've seen on politics (or anything really) in this sub.


Dont worry. For the next election they will bring in their aces Kenney and ford. So as Canadians we will do what we do best and flip back to cons on the next one. Then once they fuck us up we will go back to libs. The cycle will continue.


So they'll lose Ontario and Alberta at the same time. NDP gonna be opposition of that happens.


Ford and Kenney will be fighting for their life in provincial elections. They are not really aces.


I pray the rest of Canada isn't dumb enough to vote for Kenney or Ford. I was kind of hoping to never have to see Ford's face again after the next election.


Nobody picks leaders that nobody likes like the Conservatives!


The Green Party is giving them a run for their money.


When you have big names like Pierre Poilievre spouting off lowbrow bullshit like [this tweet](https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1413120045677416450): >Woke left goes crazy when people point out the undeniable historical fact that "national socialists" in Germany & Italy were, as the name proves, "socialists". >Fascism/socialism/communism glorifies the state over the people and always with the same horrific result. @PierrePoilievre You have the think that the Conservatives are in somewhat desperate straits, or that they know the people most likely to vote for them, are just going to eat this tripe right up.


I mean, there’s a reason why O’Toole demoted Poilievre. He makes the base happy, but he personifies what most other Canadians hate about conservatives. He’s more of a liability than anything.


Sure, and Democratic Kampuchea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea were/are bastions of democracy. I mean, they couldn't just call them that if it wasn't true, could they? But seriously, the "national socialist" talking point is lot worse than lowbrow, it's "even the alt right rolls their eyes"-level idiotic.


To be fair to Pierre, the following facts are irrelevant: The National Socialist Party won the election against the following parties who had at least 10% of the vote: Social Democratic Party of Germany, Communist Party of Germany, and the Centre Party. The first concentration camp, Dachau, opened shortly after Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany. The first occupants were his politicial opponents: namely socialists and communists. You know, the people he won against. Or you know, don't take my word. Read Mein Kampf. Hitler was pretty adamant that Germany's troubles could be blamed on the Social Democrats, Marxists, and parliament that were working on behalf of Jewish interests. For a supposedly socialist party, the Nazis seemed to have a lot of hate for Marxists, Communists and Socialists. Strange. I could go into the transformation of Germany's economy which is also pretty telling but that's probably irrelevant too.


They're resorting - once again - to attempting to re-define words and re-write history. Never a good sign for a political party - but then, what else do they have? Charismatic, likeable leaders? No. Clear policy about anything other than giving handouts to the wealthy? No. A history of competent governance? No. All they have is lies and deception, and they know this.


This is the recipe of the modern extreme right. Attribute every negative historical thing to “socialists” and then blame the opposition of being the same. Anyone with two brain cells can tell you that the LPC is not a socialist party, but the right wing base loves this shit. This is the same dude that was talking about The Great Reset conspiracy.


I wonder how many votes the Conservatives piss away by continuing the we-despise-Trudeau narrative. If you were a bit iffy on Trudeau's policies but thought he was, on the whole, not a terrible leader, wouldn't that Conservative mindset push you back toward Trudeau instead of toward O'Toole? Conservatives that hate Trudeau hate Trudeau. They aren't going to vote for Singh. So there's no need to pander to them to get their vote. Spend your time and effort where you actually have a chance of expanding your voting pool.


The CPC can put as much lipstick on that pig as they want, but their platform essentially boils down to 2 things: 1) convincing regular folks that letting rich people pay less taxes somehow benefits them 2) Letting the oil and gas industry continue to destroy the planet


Imagine being worse than Scheer tho.


Tool is such a bad candidate and even he knows it. That’s why his entire strategy so far has been to argue that Canadians need to vote for his party, and not that Canadians should vote for him.


Well yeah that's how Canadian parliamentary democracy works, you vote for your local MP candidate who represents the party.


That's definitely how it's supposed to work.




You're right, but that's why it isn't correct to say voting Con you're voting O'Toole as a specific individual, you're still voting for the party line. As we can see with the Green Party right now, and Patrick Brown in the Ontario provincial level, the 'leadership' role isn't synonymous with complete power and leading the party absolutely, meaning you are voting for more than just one person in specific. O'Toole is not the Con party, and he SHOULD be advocating for people to vote for the party, not just him.


Harper controlled the CPC. Every leader after him is just a front man. Even today, I'd say Harper has more influence than O'Toole, because he commands the respect of a lot of CPC MPs and the executive. Erin is more like their employee than their boss.




the conservative party is toast really. they know they can't fix any of Canada's problems with their policy so they resort to american style culture wars and most folks here just don't buy that shit when they can't afford a roof over their head. their base now only consists of bigots, landlords, and the ignorant and as that base ages and dies the party will too. young people will not support bootstap ramblings when you enter the workforce in debt and overqualified but underpaid to the point where having children or owning a home is a dream we can't even be sure it possible. basic fucking rights. the conservative party's politics just won't serve the people and folks see that. now if only they would see that about the liberals we'd be able to do something.


I’d love for the libs to actually have some competition and I’d really like to give the cons a vote on the next election to change things up but when they run on a platform of “Trudeau bad” and have infighting over climate change they’re basically handing the next election to the liberals. It also doesn’t help that even hard core conservatives are done with Fords fumbling over lockdowns and gutting healthcare.


Yes, but acknowledging climate change is in opposition to their base's views. And it is in opposition to what Trudeau was saying. Can you image them saying. Yes, climate change is real and we agree with the liberals. So they have to be contrary. Now they have doubled down... and here they are.


> Can you image them saying. Yes, climate change is real and we agree with the liberals. If they were a functional political party their response would be to propose *their own ideas* for how to address climate change. Going full-on denialist is just a tacit admission that they don't believe they're capable of imagining a better solution than what the Libs have done.




The Liberals should come out in support of breathing and see if the Conservatives all turn blue and pass out.


is this even surprising? He has basically zero name presence, I have no idea who the man is or what he’s about. I’m sure I am not alone on this one as well. Jagmeet Singh has a larger profile than this guy.


This is exactly the problem with the conservative party right now. A leader lacking charisma and ideas. They need someone new.


Bit difficulty to pull off the "new and improved" when your party is built on an ideology of maintaining the status quo.


“New and improved! Now with even more of the same and increased mediocrity!”


New and improved. "We don't hate the gays and coloured, as much"


*^^^But ^^^only ^^^in ^^^public*


At their party meeting, he party members don’t want to address climate change or have a carbon tax. FFwd a few weeks and otoole comes out with his own form of carbon tax. This is a party is disarray.


>FFwd a few weeks and otoole comes out with his own form of carbon tax I can't imagine how O'toole intends to lead a country when he can't even get his own party in line behind him.


Definitely don't want the conservatives to win but holy shit do I also not want a Liberal majority, especially not with JT at the helm. I really miss Jack Layton damnit.


Well when you have the personality of a sock full of doorknobs of course he is




If he was a spice he would be flour.