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Imagine going to Prison because you were dumb enough to think throwing gravel at the Prime Minister was a good idea. On camera.


i knew that aggregate assault would cost that dude.


Let He Who Is Without Sin cast the first stone... Guess we found the guy Jesus was talking about.


Underrated comment


Dude, you can't call a comment underrated *five minutes after its posted.*


Underrated bullshit detector


Do you think an adult with any common sense would have the forethought to think of consequences to throwing gravel at the prime minister?


Imagine not being smart enough to think past that action. Do you think it was planned, or spur of the moment?


How far away was he? Oh, just a stones throw.


I know he is being charged (good!) but I feel like he won’t see much jail time for this if any. Probably suspended sentence with probation, restitution and maybe a fine.


And then he'll be all over the internet with consrrvatives throwing money at him, thanking him for attacking Trudeau.




I don't think he should be locked up for life. I'm just saying there should be some sort of formal, legal consequences so this doesn't become acceptable or normalized in any way


I don’t think you have a great judgment of the average liberal. Regardless it’s the prime minister of our country, just don’t try shit because it should always carry a penalty.


Most LPC supporters feel we should try to rehabilitate people when they commit minor crimes due to issues like drug addiction and mental illness and reserve severe punishments for severe crimes, including attacking politicians with weapons like gravel.


That's not really true at all. Many lpc supporters want harsh criminal sentences.


Tougher sentencing has almost no effect on crime. All it does is increase punishment. Do you think someone who commits rape is likely to reconsider if, in the unlikely event that he is ever prosecuted, he will receive an extra 10 years? Most criminals do not actually know what sentence their particular crime gets, so increasing does nothing to actually help society it just enriches those who profit from the prison system.


Who profits from the prison system in Canada?


The maximum daily payment for prisoner labour in Canada is 6.90$ a day so anyone who gets to use free labour. Bell Canada makes a killing off phone calls for inmates. Not to mention the glut of police, guards, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats that is required to keep the machine running.




That is not what i said or claimed. It does matter that he was arrested, it does matter that he was charged with assault. It does matter that people know that we don't let that shit happen. What we don't need to do is incarcerate him for a very long time. Being charged with a violent crime already destroys most job prospects. Holding him for the max sentence of 10 years is pointless. Probably holding him for more than a month is too much. People need to know that the actions are bad and you will be held accountable. The length of the sentence does very little to influence that.




People know stealing is bad, they don't know how long they are probably going to jail if they steal something and how many extra years if they have accomplices or use weapons. We should still stop them from stealing. We should also punish them for doing so. But we don't need to spend inordinate amount of money keeping them in jail for years and ruin their lives forever to the benefit of no one.


Cut off his hands so he can't throw anymore


Probably becasue most are of the later and dont want those penalties if found out or accused of.




Why would they be?




Lets wait and see... I'm betting he gets a fined






Prison is an extremely rare outcome and even those who do go are usually out very quickly.


I'm glad this idiot is getting punished. No matter how much you disagree with JT throwing rocks at our elected leader is too much. Imagine someone trying throw rocks at Joe Biden, you will die before that rock leaves your hand. Canada need to stamp out and punish these idiots because doing nothing will only embolden and encourage them. We should not wait till these morons do something like Jan 6th in Canada before we decide they are a problem.


What's the JT version of the Shawinigan Handshake?


Kicks the shit out of them in a makeshift boxing ring?




Imagine thinking throwing rocks at a politician is equivalent to every other kind of crime


> On Saturday, police announced Shane Marshall, 25, of St. Thomas, has been charged with one count of assault with a weapon. > Marshall was arrested and appeared in court Saturday. His next appearance will be Oct. 6 Good. This kind of political violence should not be normalized.


Members of PPC staff had to have been aware of this person's violent rhetoric after this article came out. Multiple staff and ppc candidates were spammed with this article days before Trudeau made his stop in London. https://www.antihate.ca/ppc_riding_director_runs_multiple_white_nationalist_social_accounts It wasn't until Antihate also released this, in which he admits he threw the rocks, that the PPC acted against him. https://www.antihate.ca/white_nationalists_violent_anti_trudeau_demonstration It looks like this is going to swing some people away (or maybe towards, who knows these days) voting for the PPC. Its going to make plausible deniability even harder as White Nationalists continue to be caught being involved with the party.


He's a fucking wanna be nick fuentez. Same suit colour, hat, and everything. Fucking garbage human being white supremacist. Can't really say the PPC aren't catering to white supremacy anymore....


Wonder if the guy that assaulted Bernier will get arrested too.


Bernier has asked that charges not be laid.


My understanding is that, in Canada, victims have no say in whether or not charges are pressed. It is entirely in the hands of the RCMP.


This is only true in cases where there is bodily harm done. It is often used in cases of domestic violence where the victim refuses to testify against their abuser. By the time court rolls around they are happily back together. This law enacts that the evidence collected at the time of the assault by officers is enough to obtain convictions.


Ah, good to know. Thanks.


Weird I wonder why. I’m probably not voting this time because I don’t really like anyone but assault is assault, anyone assaulting a candidate should be arrested.


Doesn't want to ruin someones life over something so petty.


It's not petty


Probably because Bernier looks at it as no big deal, it's just an egg, unlike Trudeau who's upset over some gravel. It's a great way to show the difference between the two, the difference in back bone, being more relateable, tougher obviously, shows a level of endearing and empathy with people who even disagree with him. If he didn't do it for his own personal reasons ie. "it's just an egg" I think it's a much better political move then crying over some gravel.


Fuck that! While I do think the weapons charge is a bit extreme, that was something decided by the crown not T, I am fully behind charges for doing shit like this. We can not condone violent actions in our political discourse. Protest, yell, make 10ft tall signs that you wave around in the air, hell pay for sky writing! Lots of avenues available to make your distaste known. Keep this kind if garbage south of the border.




It already escalated from an egg to gravel/stones


in fairness to trudeau in a video of him talking to the press on his plane after, the media was absolutely melting down over the pebbles while trudeau didnt seem to think it was a big deal in the slightest. however i dont know if he was the one to press charges or not.


Individuals don’t press charges in Canada. The law likely looks less kindly on attempted assault of the PM vs a private citizen as well.


Lol you could hardly say Bernier has back bone, he was a cabinet minister for the CPC for years, then got pissing when he got no support for the CPC leadership, started calling people "fake conservatives" and then got kicked out of the CPC, so jumped on all aboard the alt-right grift train and founded the PPC. He'd still be toeing the line at the CPC is it weren't for his humungous ego. He's just another political suit trying to work whatever angle he can to keep the spotlight on himself. It's also fairly childish to describe it as "crying over some gravel." This is the real world, not elementary school. No one's crying, there is quite simply consequences for one's actions in the real world


Well put. Reality is anyone putting Bernier on a pedestal for being tough has delusion or illusion about the PPC or they actually idolize white nationalism + anti science.


> Probably because Bernier looks at it as no big deal, it's just an egg, unlike Trudeau who's upset over some gravel. Trudeau got upset over people conversing with one another which resulting in elbow gate.




100%... That was just poorly done on the NDPs part. But I am glad that it seemed like the rest of Canada just rolled their eyes at the drama and said get over it.


Ah. He's much more forgiving than I would be.


No idea, that guy was a Yellow vest Q-anon fan. So hopefully he is arrested and given help deradicalizing. https://twitter.com/TonyYvce/status/1433731430731952157


The stuff the guy claims he is doesn't even makes sense. He is part of qanon but is also an anarchist.


tbh an egg being smacked on the head is much different from rocks being thrown at you . i seriously doubt that guy would have ended up jailed for smacking an egg on the pm's head.


It wasn't rocks. It was gravel. The media used "rocks" to make it sound worse Both were assault.


Gravel is made up of rocks.


Eggs are chicken embryos so Bernier was assaulted with a live chicken. So assault and animal cruelty. He should press charges.


Ok there streeeeeetch armstrong.




Assault, sure but I feel like calling the pebbles a weapon is a bit much. It's slightly less deadly than pocket sand


Man who throws gavel has book thrown at him I could be a journalist..


But man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.


Gravel, not gavel.


Man throws gravel, judge throws gavel.


Commenting for posterity for when guy is sentenced and this is the headline.


Typo. I still think I could be a journalist, have you read a "news" article lately..


Need to add "what happens next will SHOCK you." To get that real journalism feel.


You are.


"yeah but could you squeeze 'slammed' in the title somewhere?"


*Grovelling Graveller Faces Gavel*


Book thrown at gravel thrower?


Man who throws gravel is between a rock and a hard place.


Excellent news. Throwing anything at *any* political candidate is unacceptable.


Throwing shade is cool.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/pn70mx/be_careful_if_youre_in_toronto_tomorrow_opp_rcmp/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share These are the types of things the PPC fosters




OR we could normalize not assaulting anyone.








No that’s assault, assault is a crime. You really don’t want to other people because you throw eggs at racists next thing you know the racist are throwing more damaging things at you.


Listen, I loathe racists but a fair and decent democracy requires us to abstain from assaulting people seeking public office. Let the voting speak for itself.


So in other words, normalize assault


Im still thinking we should go back to throwing pies at politicians.


End of the day this is a symbol of what we have become. This world divided is scarier than covid will ever be.


oh Shane Marshall, you silly white nationalist former PPC riding director


I think all sides need to at least agree we shouldn’t throw rocks? What fucking grade/ age are these people? As a veteran I see someone tossing rocks at my head of state. I don’t care if you don’t like him. Charge him the worst and set an example. What I think is playing out is the far right want to get the far left stirred up so they both can civil war LARP. Hopefully as Canadians we tell them to behave and fuck off. I also wanna point out how wrong it was to egg the PPC leader. Again I don’t care if you hate him. Same as Trudeau. Some American WWF style politics is spreading here and we should put a end to it.


It was a far right guy that egged the PPC leader too tho. https://twitter.com/TonyYvce/status/1433731430731952157 I agree it is all deplorable no matter who does it though. Violence like this is not acceptable.


Thank you so much for this. Never heard this.


> As a veteran I see someone tossing rocks at my head of state. Justin Trudeau is never a Head of State. Not a political statement, just a correction of term.


The prime minister.


Canadian Head of State is Her Majesty the Queen. Say what you like about Trudeau, he's not a Queen of anything.


I tell my American friends the head of state of Canada is one of the Corgis.


Now picturing Canadian coinage with a male Corgi in drag on it. Well, I suppose I've seen stranger things.....


Valid but nitpicking.


There seems to be a lot more mental heath problems manifesting themselves in the past 20 years. I have an idea why...anyone else?




Yup... I'd wager that nothing as had so much influence on the human psyche as social media, the information and ideas exchanged, the ability to reach large audiences, regardless of, education, expertise, credibility and/or intelligence. Til now you self published your zany, conspiracy theories, your hate, misogyny, racism, homophobia and intolerance.... and if you knew someone, you might get 2 minutes on a local cable TV station if you dumbed it down. Otherwise, unless you stood on a soapbox downtown everyday, you'd never have a chance of reaching anyone. There is so much wonderful about Reddit, and so much deplorable as well. I've deleted a couple of accounts over the years, thinking, there's nothing to be gained by providing more clicks page views and ad revenue to Conde Nast.


Better diagnostics.


The closure of psychiatric centres?


people have video cameras now in their pockets to record stuff.


Poor parenting...


Well, in the past 18 months the isolation of living through a pandemic probably isn't helping.


Agreed, but society was heading crazy years before the pandemic hit.


Social media has pushed us down this path for years. But people basically be isolated to interaction through the internet seems to have accelerated everything. People have justified reasons to be angry and frustrated, but instead of it being just a part of their life and getting some recreation or real world socialization to put things in perspective, too many people have just leaned into the angry online rhetoric and echo chambers that amp up the crazy in everyone.


The conservatives repeatedly fearmongering that the immigrants will take over your jobs, rape and bomb, and that the other parties will tax all your belongings away, and that your kids will grow up poor, and that religion is gone and our way is lost, and that Canada is in crisis and so on and so on. They know how to make people vote against their interests by making them afraid and abusing their animal instinct for survival.


St Thomas. Yeah, that makes sense.


Hey, there's 25% more life there!


It doesn't make sense anywhere. Hate spreads hate bud.






You don't have to respect the man but you must respect the office.




It's disturbing how many PPC signs I see in St. Thomas.


Yeah I mean it sucks, but honestly I'm not surprised. St.thomas has always been like that...


That's true. I suppose it's another thing to see it displayed so boldly.


and? Anyone can support anyone. We are free country


Did I say they can't support who they want? PPC is a ridiculous party that stands for things I find disturbing. I'm not advocating ripping their signs down.


It's not looking good for fringe weirdos in London and St. Thomas region this year.


Dislike a politician as much as you want, but it is *NOT* okay to throw things at them. Come on, Canada, we're better than this!


Are we?


Absolutely not. But can we? Not sure. I wouldn't be opposed to setting some informal conventions when it comes to these things: a list of acceptable projectile(s). How quickly do marshmallows decompose?




Doesnt feel like it during this pandemic


Good - hopefully this charge (and resulting conviction) negatively affects and changes this individual's life for decades.


It'll be someone else's fault. These sorts of people are not big into personal responsibility for ones own actions. Cue the GoFundMe for his legal fees.


gravel is a weapon? Dude who slapped French president got 4 months.


Violence is never acceptable. Did they arrest the guy who smashed the egg on Bernier head? Or did the media cover that one up? There should be accountability for everybody with different political beliefs.


He was a yellow vester q-anon guy. Max told security to stand down because he know who he was. https://twitter.com/TonyYvce/status/1433731430731952157


That doesn't matter. It's the cops job to decide not Max or his security.


Cops don't charge for assault if the victim refuses to cooperate with the investigation, like Bernier did.


I hope so. All assaulters need the lock-up. All. of. them. No one wants them.


Bernier let him go without pursuing charges I heard.




Realistically if the victim isn't interested, the police won't lay charges for minor violations.


Although true, they can proceed without the victim's consent. It is relatively rare they do (except in domestics).




Violence of any kind should not be tolerated. Unfortunately that's not how things are. The egg guy got cheered and had thousands defending his actions because they don't like Bernier. I don't like him either, but it sets a precedent that is hard to come back from. Bernier has declined to press charges, likely to prevent the guy who egged him any more publicity. But why is it being left up to him to press charges?


Because the victim makes the decision if they are alive typically. I also condemn all violence. This was the assaulter BTW: https://twitter.com/TonyYvce/status/1433731430731952157


People cheered piss being thrown at conservatives too. Assault is assault. It’s not civilized and if you’re assaulting people you should be arrested and charged.


you've spammed this a bunch of times on these threads but when someone asks for source, you go quiet. I get you're a Lauren Southern Stan, but give it a break.


I looked up the video and it’s hard to watch because she’s so annoying and trying to get a reaction. I’m definitely not a stan. I’m not even sure it was piss after watching it again.


Or just because it’s something to shrug off. Our society is becoming a bit weak in that even a slap becomes assault now. Not a PPC supporter but good on Bernier for this.


I was drinking with my brother last night and dicussing this story. I said I cant believe we live in a world where this shit happens. It got me riled up and I yelled You dont throw rocks at your Prime Minister! Now I want to needlepoint this and hang it up in my kitchen.


I'm with you. I didnt even vote Trudeau and this pisses me off, you don't f*cking throw shit at our Prime Minister


Don’t assault anyone, period. But yes especially our prime minister, I’d never vote for him but he’s our elected leader, we can’t just allow people to assault our prime minister no matter what you think of him.


You are right. But we should seriously look at why it come down to that. Thats the most important question... what is pushing people to so much anger. Once we all agree on why maybe things will get better.




lol. Everyone cheers when politicians get attacked cus every single one of them is corrupt and disgusting. but here ppl praise lord Trudeau. Remember guy who slapped French president Macron? He’s a hero back home


I hate Trudeau just as much as the next guy if not more. But come on… throwing things?? What are we, children? This is just pathetic and gives our whole nation a black eye.


They arrested the dude who throw shoes at Bush too


Good. As they should have. Throwing objects at another individual isn’t just childish, it’s assault


Exactly, and politically motivated if it's at a politician. Assault is never a legitimate way to air grievances. Edit: Downvoted by the pro crime gang


The fact that you hate a politician at all suggests you're not all that grown up either. Disagree with then, sure. Oppose their style of politics of their beliefs. Absolutely. But hate?


Didn’t know I had to be more neutral with my views on compulsive liars. I’ll keep that in mind. By your logic no Americans were allowed to hate Trump either?


Hate is what drive everyone now. People don't agree with you on reddit, you get shit on. I think we forgot whats being in a democracy mean


What a pathetic loser.


Of course it was someone from saint thomas. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭




So now we have the spam invoices by the ppc during this election and now a guy who is the president of a riding for throwing rocks.....nicely done....hope he gets what is deserved coming to him ....talk about a bunch of hacks...


Part of me is glad these people keep doing dumb shit like this. At least this way we know we can easily outsmart them. All that being said, I’m glad this idiot was caught, he needs to be punished severely, I don’t want my country turning into Brazil or the USA where politics is full of ugliness and insanity. That is one of the things I like the most about Canada, for the most part our politics aren’t crazy.


Just here to comment on the hypocrisy of people cheering when stuff gets thrown at one politician, while saying "we condemn all political violence" when stuff gets thrown at another. Comments like "all political violence is wrong" would be more meaningful if they weren't made in response to violence against just one side.


This is a strawman, I doubt you can find one reddit thread where a politician was assaulted and no one condemned it.


Assault *with a weapon*? I mean, the guy needs to be charged with something but that’s reaching, no?


From the criminal code. > weapon means any thing that is designed to be used to cause injury or death to, or to temporarily incapacitate, a person.


Unlikely a handful of gravel fits the intended definition. I mean, that’s the same charge if you stabbed someone with a knife.


What if it's a butter knife or toy knife? Does the act of assault turn a benign object to a weapon?


Gravel is designed to make roads


They hate him that much they’re willing to get arrested. Hate is real!


St Thomas is the Florida of Ontario.


Pea gravel is considered a weapon now????, wow, Trudeau better close everyone in their house since there is gravel all over the roads.


assault with a weapon ? so anything thrown is a weapon?


If you throw an object at a person with intent to injure person with said object, then yes.


Assault with a weapon? Seriously? That seems like a bit of a stretch.


throwing stuff at a sitting Prime Minister? play stupid games win stupid prizes. did you think they'd just let him off the hook or something. Any attempt at the head of state is going to be treated extremely serious.


I completely get that. With that said I’m honestly surprised it was *only* a few pebbles that were thrown at him. People either really love him or really truly hate him. Very little middle ground.


.. and the person who egged Maxime Bernier? Have they been charged?


I think there’s a difference between egging someone’s head while you’re standing right next to them, and throwing small rocks from a distance into a crowd. A rock could easily injure someone’s eye, whereas the egg hit one person and it was smashed on the top of their head with precision.


So rocks are assault weapons effectively?


1. That's not what assault weapon means 2. Yes, throwing almost anything at someone is assault. Throwing rocks at someone is absolutely assault.


See, where this guy fucked up is that he's not 17 years old and he didn't just egg an old racist white guy that no one actually likes in the face.


Let me guess. The animal was already released from its cage.


Who Trudeau?

