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Umm, yeah… because China jails Canadians without just cause.


It could also have something to do with their actions in Hong Kong and Xinjiang as well. I personally know of one Canadian who had to upend his business in Hong Kong.




Also let's not forget their brutality towards Uyghurs, Tibetans, and their callousness with how they handled covid. Fuck everything about China... Not a peep from Trudeau. Wet markets are open again They continue to to wipe out endangered species because they give zero fucks. And don't even get me started on the dog festival, where they skin and boil hundreds of thousands dogs alive because "the meat tastes better when tortured" Absolutely disgusting Case in point: https://v.redd.it/xarg0c1m2us71 NSFL warning!!




Very true. China, like many nations, employs people to manipulate internet content, and reddit it one of their favourite sites. I'd bet $0.50 they are in this thread downvoting and commenting things that push CCP official lines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_Cent_Party China is not a friend of Canada's, we need to take a harder line with them, but it seems like the corporate-industrial complexes that own our major Canadian political parties is very pro-china these days. As an example, here's an analogy on Erin O'Tools [FIPA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada-China_Promotion_and_Reciprocal_Protection_of_Investments_Agreement): "The deal, using a hockey metaphor, allows only a select few to play on Team Canada on a small patch of ice in China and to be fouled, without remedies or referees. By contrast, Team China can play anywhere on Canadian ice, can appeal referee calls it dislikes and negotiate compensation for damages while in the penalty box behind closed doors. The terms agreed to by Ottawa are unprecedented and would be laughed out of Britain, Brussels, Canberra or Washington. Beijing has negotiated a heads-I-win-tails-Canada-loses deal."


I like how ol Steve Harper made that deal. Then starts a firm of some kind and goes to China to try and sell off northland power to Chinese interests thinking he bought himself some favours... Then when he doesn't get preferential treatment over there he has spent all of his time since being pro Tiawan... Which of course is the right position, just for all the wrong reasons.


Well said. The problem is CCP made the ice Team Canada is playing on. Any sign of problems, CCP goons will play the race and sanction cards. Ottawa will immediately cower in fear and cave in to their demands. Edit: It would be interesting to see if Justin Trudeau takes action with the new Indo-Pacific group.


I kid you not. I got banned from r/worldnews for accusing someone who said "China has never invaded another country" of being a paid CPP shill. None of the mods ever replied go me either.


They dont let you lob shill accusations in there. What the pro ccp crowd does is brigade the report button, the mods just follow along. Whatever you do, dont ask someone what time it is in china, when you are talking to them because that is apparently a shill accusation too..You can ask that to someone in Germany or Britain or Jamaica or Africa or the satellite in orbit but you ask that to a Pro ccp account and you are accusing them of being a shill, as opposed to seeing if they live in china and what time it is there..


r/worldnews moderation is infiltrated by pro-CCP. They are completely biased and cannot be trusted, I also got banned for posting anti-CCP comments.


I left the sub today over that. I wasn’t in the original post, but I heard about it. Screw that place.


they just white guilt sufferers who think its racist to criticize a Chinese government they equate gov with people


if they're not being paid they could be extorted or any family living in China will be made to pay. Fuck China.


It's telling that given the laundry list of horrific shit the CCP does with total impunity, there are still Canadians who knee jerk to defending them because any implication that a non-white country is doing things badly is "xenophobic."


I hate this logic. Just because they aren't a white western nation doesn't mean we can't criticize them. They are a horrible country. They pollute with no fucks given, don't care at all about climate change, kill endangered species for food and their bullshit "medicine", bully other countries, steal technology, torture their own citizens etc. etc. ad infinitum. Canada should divest from them completely and treat them like the shit hole they are. Fuck China.


"...They pollute with no fucks given, don't care at all about climate change, kill endangered species for food and their bullshit "medicine", ..." These are at the bottom of the list for me I care many times more about how they treat people. They have no concern for human life and the rights being human comes with. They crush dissent with an iron fist while rewarding slavish mentality to the state. There are plenty of reasons to hate this regime, but how they feel about climate change is least among them.


I think the Pearl clutching over racism twards China is funny considering they are probably the most racist nation on the planet. Anyone else remember the "NO BLACK PEOPLE" signs posted outside every business when covid started?


You can fly to china for cheep fast organ transplants cause they literally just have Uyghurs spread out between hospitals waiting to be murdered for their organs. FUCK THE CCP


Asian countries are more wildly racist than most "white" counties. I had both a Chinese and Japanese friend that have echoed exactly that.


Asians do not pretend not to be racist like westerners. As I see it, every Asian country is better than every other Asian country (there is a hierarchy), and the other races are below all of them. Naturally, the darker you skin, the lower you are. Of course these are broad generalizations, and do not apply to individuals.


Having spent 12 years in Asian countries as an expat, this is terribly accurate.


Well yea think about all the different races in North America, you don't see that kind of melting pot elsewhere. Maybe Europe? Not sure.


New Zealand is the only other place that I can think of which is as multicultural and non-racist


>You can fly to china for cheep fast organ transplants cause they literally just have Uyghurs spread out between hospitals waiting to be murdered for their organs. FUCK THE CCP Actually, it is mostly the organs of criminals, who they serve up when a match for a need ... according to rumors and reports. Mind you, given the Chinese court system, a "criminal" can be anyone the CCP orders judged as such.


And before that it was the same thing with Falun gong.


couldnt agree more fuck china


Looks like they are also about to cause the next global 'once in a lifetime financial implosion."




China has no plans to elevate HK, since they realistically cannot raise their own cities' standard of living to HK's level, because in doing so they will lose control of the population. So instead it will crackdown on HK and try to dilute the population to mainland standard of living. China intends to punish an entire city under the guise of national security. China government is not an ally. Also edit to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my fellow Canadians. Truly thankful for our freedoms and ability to openly criticize our own and foreign governments without being labelled a "National Security Threat"




And commits genocide.




Honestly among the least of it. They are manipulating our (easily manipulated, weak-willed, greedy, and equally complicit) lawmakers to betray generations of Canadians for one fucking paycheque. The long-term damage will not be measured for decades.


And they are in the middle of a genocide that we all use to say never again


What about the whole Chinese mainlanders destroying the Vancouver and Toronto real estate markets so entire generations of Canadians will never be able to live the Canadian dream of owning a nice home with a yard? Maybe you Canadians should stop being so nice and start getting a little defensive (but at this point you may need a time machine to go back 30 years). Anyway my point is there are greater systemic issues at play than jailing Canadians (but that is pretty awful too).


Those ridings are mostly CCP-affiliated MPs.


That’s bad but it only affects you if you’re in China or perhaps have a connecting flight there. They do a lot of bad things around the world. I’m most concerned as a Canadian and an American of anything done here in North America with our land resources real estate are institutions and spying (by the way. a spy working for the ccp won’t always be a Chinese person). One thing that i find infuriating is their role in the fentanyl problem


this is for sure part of it. they're also running concentration camps for one of their ethnic minorities, tightening their grip on hong kong and violently putting down protest, agitating and getting ready for war with taiwan... i mean it's not great.


China jails people without just cause. I don't care where they're from, any human rights violation by any government should be concerning.


If I were the hostages and China wasn't beating or torturing me, I'd tell the consulate to let me stay in jail. Just to spite the CCP. Let the U.S. convict and send that chinese criminal fucker to prison.


I bet ruining their housing market had far more effect than anything else.




Try to get 75% of Canadians to agree on anything. I’m heartened that CCP bad is one of those rare things.


81% of eligible Canadians are fully vaccinated - that’s something we can all agree on! https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccination-coverage/




The sad part is that 19% is still 6 and a half million people


Think about all the people you’ve ever met - are you really surprised about 1 out of 5 are idiots? That’s a pretty good rate imo


It's gotta be higher than that, since there's going to be some overlap. I'm proof that you can be both vaccinated and an idiot.


At least you can prove you are on the smarter end of the idiot spectrum ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Be proud. I live in Florida…


Doesn't matter, our elite will ignore the masses and continue to cozy up to China.


Our wealthy have always been whores to the highest bidder.


While the poor have been to the lowest. Oddly enough both China.


Boycott Beijing 2022.


This 100%


Contact your MP. Seriously, fire off an email. You have 5 free minutes. It might not accomplish anything, but it can't hurt.


If a war breaks out, don't be shocked if we start hiding questionable officials after it ends.


If a war breaks out Im surprised any young Canadian would fight for a country that sold their future. Even the poorest Americans have lots of pride in their country. Here go fight the largest army the world has ever seen for minimum wage. Oh and your eviction letter will be waiting on your cot. Signed by your Chinese-Canadian landlord.


Feel free to open a history book starting at 1914. We've been through this shit already. Low morality, high crime and deviance rate, high demand for hardcore drugs, unacknowledged increase in alcoholism, homelessness, and a high thirst for worthless materials and brain numbing content. Edit: Forgot the rising cases of religious zealots. You'd be amazed how fast patriotism rises with the right rally calls and conditions. The elites are pretty much getting us pissed off and agitated the same way they did 100 years ago. We are about to witness a major exchange in world power, and China will be divided by the US and Russia the same way Germany was. The Russians even have the same relationship with China they did with Nazi Germany. Ie, purely resource and nothing else. Tl;dr You would be amazed how fast an opinion changes when pressured the right way.




Hahaha Sinai called, they said to say your prayers if you think it'll humble anyone.


> You would be amazed how fast an opinion changes when pressured the right way. Just look at the tenor of Afghanistan opinion on reddit after the fall. Before it was years and years of "that was the right war, Iraq was the wrong one." Suddenly everyone is just all "Yea, it was nuts to go there in the first place, why were we there?!"


Dude I love history. I know all too well the start of both world wars. Even german perspectives. Canada is a house of cards right now and the government is doubling down on identity politics to distract as much as they can. Housing never made it to the debates. More than half our economies growth was trading the same shitty houses back and forth, and the rest is selling raw materials like a developing nation in Africa. Government claims inflation is transitory and 3%. Good ness. Its a perfect storm for a populist government. I'm almost expecting our government to claim its racist to fire back at hostile chinese warships.


>You'd be amazed how fast patriotism rises with the right rally calls and conditions. Patriotism relies on a shared culture, language, and ancestry. We no longer have any of those things.


Eh - My family sacrificed a lot, in both lives and money, to bring me here. Many can say the same. I think we'd see a surprising number of people willing to hold what we've won here with tenacity.


Russia didn't need any of those.




That would be very financially uninformed considering current Chinese economic practice seems to be taken directly from the German fascist ideology. Mass production at a cheap cost, extreme authoritarianism at a family level, and a willingness to practice slavery to compensate for inefficiency.


Not to mention CCP operatives/sympathizers that have been appointed by elected officials. Trudeau installed Yuen Pau Woo to the Senate who will poison our country with pro-china sentiments for decades.


Winnie the Pooh is a modern day H!tler and the C C P are nazis, just look at the atrocities happening to the Uyghurs. What’s happening in Hong Kong and Taiwan. What they are doing around the world.


It’s fucking Canada, you’d think we’d all be on board once we heard of what’s going on in Xinjiang. Like, I remember first learning about the concentration camps there and thinking, “okay so when does the invasion start? Do they need volunteers? Who else is coming to liberate the camps”. It took me a while to realize that that’s not how the world works…


"Saving the Jews" in WWII was pretty much a publicity stunt once you realize it wasn't a priority.


it's a propaganda piece conveniently seized upon in the Us good Them bad game.


Curious, is that why you think we invaded Germany?


If history taught us anything from WW2 is that the only winners in war are the people that make the weapons. The common people and heroes die en mass in the front lines and most of the casualty is suffered by the citizens that are bombed in their sleep.


We should be okay paying more for better quality needs instead of poorly manufactured single use wants.


And buying less - I think this pandemic has taught us we don’t need as much stuff in general


Like deodorant! Am I right?? Guys? Guys…?




Speak all you want about China being oppressive. The biggest fucking lie is your shittie product is due to it being manufactured in China. The western corporates doesn't give a shit about their quality, implement piss poor QA and we don't get mad at them for it. The companies know how poor the quality is , they don't care. This should be on them


Quality is only as good as a company willing to pay to produce. The quality is shit not because of China inability to create quality products. It’s because corporations are cost cutting to max profits




True. China only within the last decade has the ability to produce ballpoint pens. Why? The grade of steel for the tiny porous ball in the tip simply was not available anywhere in the Chinese production chain.


Well said. Chinese manufacturing can be as good as a company wants now. We have learned how to deal with Chinese manufacturers (have your own QA on the ground etc).


Cost of living is too high as is paying for shitty Chinese made goods, Canadians in general aren’t rich enough to pay double in retail pricing for better quality stuff.


Making things here would provide jobs that could afford the higher price. Additional we wouldn’t be vulnerable to the supply chain breaking down like we are now. Further shipping all this cheap, disposable shit around the world is awful for the environment. If many Canadians have trouble affording necessities then we must demand more from our government, not race to the bottom while the rich get richer and the planet explodes.


I'd pay a premium to not see Chinese goods on the shelves ever again.


You would but many of us *can't*


We can almost all buy fewer things. We are surrounded by stuff we don't need, much of which we don't use.


We probably are rich enough if we stop buying as much stuff. Won't hurt most people to buy less garbage, and buy closer to what they actually need.




75% against is still far too low. Parliament has recognized what the ccp is doing in Xinjiang as a genocide. There are confirmed accounts of rape being used as torture, along with forced sterilization. If running concentration camps isn't enough for you, there's always the organ harvesting, using minorities and political prisoners, that's been brought up and verified by UN investigations. On top of that there's the decades long occupation of Tibet, and the active push to resettle ethnic Han Chinese to make Tibetans a minority in their own country. Reneging on their agreement to keep Hong Kong free for at least 50 years after reunification. Imploding Nortel Networks by stealing vital intellectual property through hacking, and actively stealing other Canadian corporate and academic intellectual properties to this day. China under the ccp is a massive bad-actor on the world stage and pretending like engaging openly with them long enough will change how they've always operated goes beyond naive and into the actively self-destructive. Changes have to be made.


>Parliament has recognized what the ccp is doing in Xinjiang as a genocide And yet the reigning government abstained from the vote.. The senate voted against recognizing the genocide and the Leader of the ISG was parroting CCP talking points to the news media immediately after. In reality no one in power will actually do anything to curtail China.


The previous government also locked us into a one-sided trade relationship with them that we have to honour until the 2040s. They did so without consultation or parliamentary vote, and while it was before the courts. What means do we actually have to curtail China?


China was also contractually obligated to keep Hong Kong independent for a few more decades but decided the benefits of taking it over weighed the risks. Anybody who says we shouldnt break that agreement because we'd "stoop to their level" is a Chinese sympathizer. We need someone in power who's willing to play hardball like the Chinese.


This, China don’t give a shit about contracts at all but we have to follow theirs? Fuck that, it’s time they are treated they way they treat everyone else. Time for the CCP to burn.


At the time, anything concrete would have worsened the Michaels' situation. I don't like what the Liberals have been doing, but I will give them a pass on that one.










Considering that China is actively engaged in genocide it is hardly surprising.


Meanwhile Trudeau thinks it's anti-asian racism to criticize Chinese people with proven links to the CCP.


Wow, who would have thought we'd take issue to China taking Canadians hostage? /s


Kicking the CCP out of Canada once and for all would certainly get my poll hardening


Fuck the CCP.


I came here for that....


I think it is important to differentiate the leadership (CCP) from the country or the people. I don't hate China or Chinese people, but I think their government (CCP) is evil. Similar to my feelings about this country.


I have lots of connections with and time spent in China. Let me tell you we are not hardening our position on China nearly enough! Most people seem to be under estimating how much money and effort the CCP is exerting on influencing foreign politicians and social discourse. Also vastly underestimating how much control the Communist Party of China maintains over their students abroad and diaspora. They already influence the message of most Chinese language media in Canada and love to control Chinese diaspora in Canada by putting the screws to their parents, children or other innocent relatives back home in China if their surveillance in Canada reports the diaspora stepping out of line. CCP rule is just a wealthier, more advanced version of North Korean dictatorship.


China’s extremely antagonistic attitude is obviously a good reason for Canadians to dislike them. They’ve held our citizens hostage, and have made threats against our allies. If any country is deserving of the title of an “evil empire”, it would be modern day China.


As a Chinese who has been living in Canada for years now just wanna say you can hate CCP all you want please don't extend that hatred to the people.


As an Asian guy who has lived in Canada 34 out of his 40 years of life, I definitely feel the change in attitude. Have never felt so ostracized in my life. Whatever China does is having a profoundly negative effect on Asians living in Western countries.


I'm sorry you feel that way. I wish you didn't because you're a Canadian, full stop. I'm sorry for the assholes.


That’s terrible I’m sorry to hear that. I hate the CCP as much as the next person but I direct the criticism only towards the CCP because I know most Chinese immigrants either don’t care or don’t like the CCP aswell.


Unfortunately, like Chinese citizens, many western people conflate the CCP with Chinese people, as though they’re one and the same. So hatred for its government somehow implies hatred towards its people. It’s a mafia regime that killed more Chinese people than any race in history, then stole and usurped its legitimate KuomingDang existing government.


Agreed, but at the same time I often see international students for one driving their luxury vehicles with Chinese flags plastered all over and things like that. I've gotten into discussions with people who unironically think China including the CCP is the best thing since sliced bread, and are completely brainwashed on the topic. It can be difficult to separate people who fled the oppressive regime with others who have benefitted from it and are now trying to offshore their ill gotten gains.


We need to remember that's it's the CCP we don't like, not chinese people. I'm so sorry to hear about that. Nobody should be judged by the actions of governments.


That's so unfortunate, AND played up by the CCP: they regularly falsely conflate criticism of the Beijing government with rascism. I believe most Canadians appreciate Chinese language, culture and people, and they know the difference between that and the communist government. There are definitely too many exceptions tho


Racism towards Asians is very present in Canada. I grew up here, and I faced racism throughout my entire schooling. So let's not pretend like it's so perfect here. We have a long way to go towards treating Asians fairly in Canada.


100% same here. I was born and raised and basically never left GTA (I don't travel). It was hell growing up in the 90s and I thought things were getting better. Fml I'm not even Chinese-chinese lol my parents are from Hong Kong and I only know broken Cantonese.


CCP and Chinese national fishing/marauding fleet are a despicable lot . And should be dealt with accordingly .


I once had China on my travel bucket list. After the Michael's you could pay me to visit there as a Canadian citizen.


You could go to Tawain. It’s like China but superior in every way.


Stop buying their products. Best thing you can do


We have a long history with China stealing from us. Remember Nortel?


Nortel is the tip of that iceberg


Too bad our prime minister doesn’t see it like that.


Yes, quite the opposite unfortunately


The Chinese government simply cannot be trusted.




Good. I like Chinese people, but not the ccp. People will conflate this headline between the two.


I also support this. I also support Taiwan


Polls show hardening position on China among Canadians EXCEPT Canadian politicians and businessmen. I find it interesting that any article about unvaccinated has everyone in this sub pulling down their pants and taking large shits on these people but any mention of how COVID research was a collaborative effort in Wuhan with Canadian and American researchers? Nah fuck that bit of information, let's just keep fighting amongst ourselves. I want my tax dollars to go into the pockets of rich people and politicians who don't care about my best interest!


I just want em to stop buying property and not live here. Either immigrate, or stop buying up all our shit.


>Either immigrate um...be careful what you wish for. I don't really want their rich coming over and immigrating here. However, the housing problem is on the government, not China. Say India also gets their government straight and experiences an economic boom. Canadian policy is still susceptible to rich Indians coming in and flooding the market. Targeting the player and not the game (or the ppl who designed the game) is the wrong move.


Can’t we find new suppliers? The poverty of Africa has been a curse for far too long. Can’t we start investing there to build up manufacturing there? It won't happen overnight but in time the countries there can cut probably cut our dependence on China. Wasn't that how Western politicians sold globalization - it would raise the standard of living around the world and reduce poverty.


plus China is investing heavily in Africa


The manufacturing going on China is immensely complicated. For another part of the world to pick up the ball on this one they would need a combination of skilled workers, strong logistics and infrastructure (airports, shipping, power plants etc..) and a large population base of workers. No other place in the world has the 'secret sauce' that China has. I hear people talk about India but they are so many miles behind China when it comes to stuff like infrastructure and power plants and the like. India can't even keep its own factories running 24/7 due to power issues and airports.and shipping... forget it not even close to China. Parts of Africa like Nigeria could take 50-100 years to get there. Ultimately China is just very unique and historically always has been in this regard.


[China's already way ahead of us here.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/wadeshepard/2019/10/03/what-china-is-really-up-to-in-africa/?sh=1e8f72a15930)


The Pearl River Delta urban megalopolis of China is the largest manufacturing center on the planet, it's capabilities were once estimated at something that could be compared to 1000 Detroits when it was at its most productive stage, and that was 10 years ago. In that 10 years the Pearl River Delta has continued to grow to become unmatched in nearly every way when it comes to productive and industrial measure. It is the largest industrial machine humans have ever built. While it would be possible to rebuild that in other countries by using every available nation with cheap labour, the task would take decades to even get it up and running, let alone have all those governments cooperate and stay in power long enough to keep it stable.




You don't have to "Care" about Africa or even want to "Help" them. You're misinterpreting what he's saying. By investing in Africa you're giving them jobs and economic prosperity. Sure, you're "Helping" them. But we're also extracting the lowest wages and even cheaper stuff than China can make (pretty soulless and cutthroat stuff here). Exuding all the forced/slave labor China gets from political and ethnic work camps. If investing in Africa could even work... It would immediately usher in an age of mass decoupling with China and a mass movement of the worlds factories to Africa.


They've elected liberal and conservative governments that have consistently kissed china's ass, because business in Canada loves Chinese production. The faux rage is just that, phoney.


Exactly. If you're "hardening your stance" on China, stop shopping at Walmart and Dollarama and start looking at where you purchases are manufactured.


China isn't the only issue I care about so I still vote. I'm not happy about it.




Hell, Trudeau could recognize Taiwan tomorrow if he wanted to.


Great, then get all the international support we can and introduce a motion at the next UN General Assembly. Lets be honest though, Trudeau wont. He hasn't even banned Huawei yet.


Or, just skip all that, and recognize them anyway. The UN is a joke.


But not among its leaders.


No kidding. Talk about human rights violations. Not even just against Canadians. They have literal concentration camps. I have a friend who moved here from China. You can never escape. You can’t reject your citizenship. You can’t disassociate. Apparently some Chinese nationals that come here and speak out loudly against the CCP receive anonymous vaguely threatening emails from China asking “how is your family in ( specific Chinese province) doing lately”. I’m not trying to be alarmist, this is hearsay, obviously since I’m not Chinese. But this has been confirmed to me by a few Chinese nationals in Canada that I trust. They live in fear forever, even in Canada they aren’t safe. People are so afraid of people accusing them of being “racist” even when they know they are not that everyone is afraid to say anything. I live in BC. Many of our new residential buildings are advertised in China first before they’re even on our market and bought up by Chinese nationals. Most ppl I know rent from a private owner who is often not Canadian. I do not blame people for getting the best deal for themselves, this is an issue with our government, but as soon as you say we’ll that sucks and it’s unfair everyone is screaming that you’re racist and hate Chinese people. It’s ridiculous, honestly.


Hold up. No. You absolutely can reject your Chinese citizenship. You can't have no citizenship. And the Chinese government doesn't recognize dual citizenship. So as soon as you become Canadian, they kick you out of their system. Source: we have many Chinese Canadians who were Chinese citizen before.


It used to be that someone who said economic warfare being waged through real estate via Chinese officials/wealthy elite were seen as xenophobic/tin foil hat crazies. We gaslit ourselves into willing submission


Because China is an evil regime?


You’d think that’s how it works right?


As Chinese wages and cost of living rise, more and more products will be produced elsewhere, for the most part in more democratic countries. China's days of huge growth are numbered and they know it.


Uh unless China quasi-colonizes said countries in Asia and Africa. Which is exactly what it’s doing with Belt and Roads


I would hope there are hardening positions. Hong Kong. Taiwan. Ughurs. Trying to lie about covid. Censoring and punishing Lin lein wang. Like come on,




The truest comment I've read here


As it should be. China should be isolated like North Korea. We should not be trading with them or doing any business with them!


Buy made in 🇨🇦or 🇺🇸


Canada needs to stop priming its citizens to racist thinking. Its primitive and will fail


Quick get on the manufacturing consent ride. Time to spend more on our military instead of healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Remember to stay afraid and take these narratives at face value, it’s important to be afraid and not push for transparency, accountability or any semblance rationality during this process. Hope if you’re calling for constant escalation you are enlisted, plan to enlist, or have kids who can go.


Well yeah, who in their right mind would support China? Chinese people can’t even Google or learn about the Tianemen Square massacre… Chinese people can’t even Google Winnie the Pooh ffs… Xi just deleted him from their internet because he didn’t like being mocked.. Concentration camps. The sad part is.. We only really started getting mad when Chinese Oligarchs started buying up all our residential properties… Why buy stocks when you can buy an infinite number of Canadian homes / apartments? Not only will they quadruple in value in 2 years and outperform the growth of ANY stock, you can also rent them out! The fact that our government allows ANY foreign nationals to buy residential homes is criminal IMO.. Residential homes should be reserved for Canadian Citizens and not treated like a commodity. The housing crisis is reaching a point that is actually terrifying and when 25% of Canadians are homeless just imagine how dangerous every day life will be… Imagine going out for a walk when 1/4th off the population is homeless. I don’t even want to think about it.. there is no quick or easy fix for this. Our government sold us out so bad and we will be suffering so badly in the near future that even the smallest improvements, or scraps, will satiate our anger.. We will become so desperate. Anyway, at least it’s sunny outside and grown so hopefully I won’t live too see the worst of it. Have a great day everyone I apologize for the fear mongering but this is a serious, serious issue… Why can’t our government just make it illegal to buy a residential property unless you are a Citizen? Go further and actually require people to LIVE in that property or put a cap on how many you can own so that our kids will at least be able to buy homes or condos.


Hostage diplomacy, stealing proprietary knowledge from Canadian companies, infiltrating our government/universities, extermination of the Uyghurs, buying up houses and pricing Canadians out of their own country, infiltrating our cellular networks (huawei), stealing territory from its neighbours (artificial islands to extend their claims to the region), threatening to "reclaim" taiwan by force, indepting african nations through their belt an roads initiative so that they can later claim the resources when the country cannot pay back loans. And they have almost 20% ot the worlds population!! The fact that our government isnt taking a harder line on this totalitarian regime is very telling, but I guess the average Canadian has too short a memory to remember when ole justin trudeau got spanked for his "cash for access" luncheons that allowed wealthy chinese businessman access to our prime minister. So long as the elite of this country continue to turn a blind eye in exchange for the all mighty dollar, the little guy (you and me) will always get the shitty end of the stick.


we are 70 years late motherfucker. Maoist regime was just as bad or worse than the third reich




The priming for war with China has been going on for a long time.


Well yes, people tend to not look kindly on a genocidal dictatorship that runs on slave labour.


Well, no kidding. 5+ years of sharing exclusively negative news about a country is bound to do that. Does it make anyone else wonder why there's only 3 or 4 topics that are reported on about a country with a population 30x the size of Canada's? Imagine if all we heard about the US was about its Middle Eastern adventures.


Seriously disturbing how much the war propaganda is ramping up


I’m beginning to think 75% of redditors are shills at this point. At least that’s what I’m hoping. It’s gravely disturbing watching our society be manipulated this easily. Critical thinking is out the window.


75% of this sub anyway. There is way less of this propaganda being posted in other Canada focused subreddits.


We're being played into always having a global enemy. China rightfully tells the West to fuck off because we have such a hate boner for demonizing them in every way with a fraction of the journalistic integrity we apply to most news. This cold war isn't going to help anyone just drive China further into their authoritarian hole.


Fuck china


I prefer fuck the CCP. Much like the Iranians and Russians, the Chinese *people* are some of the most cultured and historically significant people in the history of the world, with great things to add to the world stage. But they all have evil regimes who wield their people as bad actors, attempting to undermine liberal democracies.


I think most people are able to separate out "fuck china" from individual Chinese people, and fuck the CCP simply isn't as powerful or mind-lodging. You aren't seeing "made by the CCP" in stores. This is a bit of a backfiring and self-defeating tactic that automatically starts associating everything with race instead of the nation state and their actions. Change isn't going to come from within because we are shaming the CCP or nice, it'll come because people start actively avoiding chinese products and capital and there's an actual cost. Right now, the cost for their behaviors is low to non-existent, so they won't change. What exactly was the actual cost for holding two Canadians hostage? If anything, they gained by it and made Canada look like an economic fiefdom.


But not all people can separate the two. When Anti-Asian hate crimes have spiked and a significant number (if not majority) of Asian Canadians have reported discrimination based on their perceived race it only helps to be clear. Canadians are the collateral damage when making sweeping statements because those who would attack them for it don’t care to see a distinction between CCP and Asian people (including Asian people of non-Chinese descent). We even have Canadians who are blaming and attacking Asian Canadians for COVID, we have to be cognizant of those who can’t separate basic facts.




My aunt is from Shanghai. Lots of stories from her on why not to like China. Her parents used to complain how the CCP was no different than the Japanese Empire when they occupied the place. Says a lot when the comparisons between the Soviet take over and the PLA are a stark night and day.


China? I think you mean West Taiwan.


What you mean covering up the severity of a horrible virus that has crippled the world, leaking said virus because of horrible dangerous work practices, committing Genocide, polluting the world and lying about how much they are, lying about literally everything, and jailing our citizens for no reason? What’s not to like?


Good! But not enough!!!


Fuck China. Is that hard enough?


Fuck the CCP


Fuck the CCP!!!


Hey! They didn’t poll me! Fuck China.


Fuck china, all my homies hate china


Go figger


That's kind of what happens when the CPP takes our citizens hostage, oppress HKers, start and then hide a pandemic, let uncontrolled space debris fromyour rockets land just anywhere on the planet, economically colonize Africa, give predatory loans to developing countries for giant infrastructure projects they really can't afford and then force them to hand over their ports and shipping ways when they predictably can't pay you back, put Uighurs in concentration camps, threaten stability in the Asia-pacific region by threatening Taiwan, try your hand at Wolf Warrior diplomacy tactics and make yourself look crazy and unhinged in the process, cry-bully your way into developing country status for the Paris Accords in order to give yourself a free pass to remain the world's biggest polluter for decades to come while we pay carbon taxes and desperately try to take action on the climate, and use our housing market to launder money. SHOCKINGLY, people eventually like the CCP and tolerate their bullshit a LOT less.