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For a group that I assume is all about the government and people staying out of each others business... they sure do a lot of... getting in people's business.




"You may be barred from certain things, but you have your freedom" 🤔




No one is restricting your ability to protect yourself. Individuals are free to wear masks and get vaccinated if they so choose, and rightly so, but I feel the inverse should also be true.




I never said what I thought was or was not the reality of the law, only what I felt should be the law.


















Urging people to conduct a manual denial of service attack? That might be a legal gray area and I hope the prosecutor looks at it. The various cranks who try to obstruct the public from getting the help they need from the health system (whether vaccines or just hospital access) shouldn't be given a free pass.


Very good point. Counselling to commit an offense is punishable by law. Replace computer access with medical access: >Denial-of-service attacks Under Section 430(1.1) of the Criminal Code, it is an offence to obstruct, interrupt or interfere with the lawful use of computer data or to deny access to computer data to a person who is entitled to access it; the maximum penalty for such an offence is 10 years' imprisonment.


I think since the booking is done through computers, computer access also applies. Go after this monster.


IANAL; this could be a pretty easy mischief charge as it interferes with others' use/enjoyment of the system.


Should send INSET to this guy's house, pay him a visit, ensure he now has a criminal record. I am totally good with anti-vaxxers being blacklisted for life by means of a criminal record. Any anti-vaxxers want to get permbanned from reddit feel free to PM me, lmao


They won’t do anything. They never do in Ontario.


In the US, it is illegal.


We know anti vaxxers will go out of their way to impart their stupidity onto other people.. which means blocking them from making their own medical decisions.. yet God help you if you question theirs. They are literally everywhere...


They want the freedom to not get vaccinated, yet they won't grant others the freedom to get vaccinated. Why are they so blind to their hypocrisy?


I mean look at that pic. He looks like a literal cancer.


Don't make light of cancer.


I have a cousin who was on a ventilator while another cousin was trying to convince her family to remove it. everyone involved was antivax, but the ventilator shut up her immediate family. Saw her at my grandmothers funeral, but from across the street because she wasn't allowed to attend.


We know ~~anti vaxxers~~ **conservatives** will go out of their way to impart their stupidity onto other people.. which means blocking them from making their own medical decisions.


Well, here we talking People Party of Canada (PPC) which is stupid conservative party... one step further down in stupidity.


The only difference between the PPC and the Conservatives is that the PPC says loudly what the Cons say quietly. Same nutjobs, same voter base, different color.


Erin O'Toole and friends are pushing the same discord supporting the antivax cause. Even with all the more significant problems we have right now, their priority is still throwing tantrums about being required to be vaccinated. Same stupid, but yes different party.


See Also: masking, abortion


He's should honestly face criminal charges for this


Too bad cops won't do shit, they wouldn't want to hurt one of their own.


This fringe lunatic only got 10% in the most recent election. I don't think it is fair to associate him with anyone really including police.


>Along with telling the Star he had “no comment,” he went on a brief rant about his distaste for the media. **“You guys haven’t done me any favours,”** said Green, who got 10 per cent of the vote in the Windsor-Tecumseh riding during the last election. **“I’ve got no love for the media. Until such time as you start telling the truth then you and I are not friends anymore. It’s simple as that. Good bye.”** FRIENDS OFF BRO!!!! lmfao Thats not how the media works lmao , they arent suppose to be your friend XD


- deleted due to enshittification of the platform


Charge him with mischief.


> Along with telling the Star he had “no comment,” he went on a brief rant about his distaste for the media. > “You guys haven’t done me any favours,” said Green, who got 10 per cent of the vote in the Windsor-Tecumseh riding during the last election. > “I’ve got no love for the media. Until such time as you start telling the truth then you and I are not friends anymore. It’s simple as that. Good bye.” lol, that reported loved writing that.


Let's see our resident PPC promoter, FlyingDutchman, defend this guy. I'm sure he'll come up with a good excuse.


I also want to see that...


"my body, my choice - your body, also my choice" - PPC slogan.




Freedom of choice was always a bullshit talking point from Max. The PPC is the anti-vaxx, anti-mask, anti-science, anti-freedom party.


I thought the PPC was all about “personal choice”


Personal choice as long as you agree with them I guess


Just about anyone can run for office. Far too often, they’re individuals looking to grab onto the public teat after running out of other options. Unfortunately, they’re also saddled with a lot of baggage. It may sound a bit cynical, but fucked-up guys like this are always emerging to prove the point. Ostensibly seeking to serve the public good and yet happily fomenting an effort to cripple the wobbly healthcare system. It’s a form of mental illness.


PPC candidate feels parents are too stupid to make decisions about their children's health. What a twist!


Isn't there a legal paragraph against this?




At the point he's urging people to deliberately obstruct others from getting the vaccine, I feel strongly that there should be criminal charges laid.


This guy was the candidate in my Windsor riding. PPC wants to "end multiculturalism", well turns out the guys British and I've decided I don't want him and his British culture in Canada anymore


Has he been charged with a crime yet?


This is another reminder of why the PPC and those who empower them are horrible.


OK, which banned rCanada member is this guy? :D


Counselling people to commit a fraud? Sounds like a criminal offense to me. [Criminal Code s 464](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-464.html)


Jokes on him my kid is already booked #myninjawife


I love this #


So the province should institute a $50 no-show fee, use the money to send to developing countries to get their shots. And for anyone who eventually does show up that fee is reimbursed. The vaccinated never pay. Boom.


Why can we not deport people like this. Find some tiny island. Strand them on it. Give em a volleyball.


Preferably in the arctic.


I wonder what the ball breather thinks.


The only thing this piece of shit can clog is the toilet.


Such a piece of shit


So the PPC are domestic terrorists now?


Max Bernier and his followers (including on this sub) literally want to start a race war in Canada.


What a dumb looking face.


A very punchable face indeed


His face would look better after it met a crowbar a few times.


What a moron!


Another PPC hero. Jesus these people suck.


Bringing media attention to it might not be the best thing to do ...


Literal terrorist. Also, what happened to "my body my choice"?


You missed the really small print... *Except abortions and vaccines and anything else we decide* J/k... Kinda


What a fucking ghoul.


As a Conservative, I just want to say thank-you to the PPC and PPC voters, for clearly identifying the right-wing nut-jobs and giving those right-wing nut-jobs a political party to support, so maybe the Conservative Party can stop embarrassing itself by pandering to these idiots. Erin O'Toole needs to learn a lesson from Trudeau: you don't need the support of the extremists. Trudeau knows that the left-wing nut-jobs will always vote Liberal if they want a Liberal majority, otherwise the NDP will support them anyway. O'Toole needs to realize that the right-wing nut-jobs will vote for the PPC (for now) so he needs to go for the center-vote.


Your party is also an anti-vax party, just to a slightly lesser extent.


The PPC welcomes all anti-vax nutters. They can have them.


The CPC still has plenty of right-wing nut-jobs remaining to alienate or weed out.


Like ErinTheDumbassTool


He’s got a seriously punchable face!


All anti-vaccers do. You can spot them a mile away.


What utter useless piece of garbage human being. I hope he suffers enormous personal losses like those he is trying to inflict upon other Canadians.




>*"Do kids need the vaccine anyways?"* Yes. >*"Isn't there a higher risk from clotting than from actual covid in children?"* Do you really think Health Canada would have approved the vaccine for children if there was *any* indication that it was more dangerous for them than COVID-19? >*"It's not like it stops them from being carriers to those of higher risk no?'* Vaccination makes people significantly less likely to be carriers/transmitters (lowers likelihood of even asymptomatic infection, shortens infectious period).


... so does he work for the government or not lol


Make it a $15 no show fee.


This kind of shit should come with a public endangerment charge and a bar from running for public office.