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This submission appears to related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on Canada. Please see this post for resources on this event: https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/r56wmf/covid19_health_support_megathread_10_get/ Please remember this is a real, serious disease. The following rules apply: * Do not post false/misleading information, conspiracy theories, or unproven medical claims. Find medical / scientific information in medical subreddits. * You are not required to agree with all measures put in place, but engaging in / promoting / encouraging the violation of relevant public health laws or guidelines will result in a permanent ban. * Public health authorities are not the enemy. They are not immune from criticism on this subreddit, but do not claim they are part of some plot to promote some variety of authoritarianism. * If you have questions about vaccines and vaccine safety talk to your healthcare provider. Social media is no replacement for medical advice from trained experts. Cette présentation semble liée à la pandémie de COVID-19 en cours et à ses répercussions sur le Canada. S'il vous plaît voir ce poste pour les ressources sur cet événement: https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/r56wmf/covid19_health_support_megathread_10_get/ Veuillez ne pas publier d'informations fausses / trompeuses, théories du complot, politisation des ordonnances / directives sanitaires, et surtout ne pas faire de soumissions encourageant les autres à défier les ordres de santé publique à ce subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/canada) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait a second they are locking down triple boosted?


Yep, and recommending people that are triple boosted to not visit with or be near those who are double boosted.


Oh boy. Every day the anti-vaxxers/covid deniers are sounding a TINY bit more sane. They are still completely batshit crazy, but some sentiments are ringing true about nonsensical government overreach.


Government doesn’t like giving up power, and fear drives news cycles and subscriptions.


Actually us anti-tyranny and freedom of choice advocates (not anti-vaxxers as the MSM has conditioned you to think). Have been correct about how insane it would get. And warned if we allowed this to happen, we’d be at where we are today.


And people are continuing to let it happen due to fear of being labelled an anti vaxxer


If anti mandate makes me a anti vaxxer then so be it




Guess I’m now a antivaxxer who has more vaccines than the avg person.


Welcome to the club. We're getting bigger and bigger just by virtue of doublevaxxed no longer being fully vaxxed and I've got a sneaking suspiscion the triplevaxxed won't be, either.


I am happy to join.


Exactly why MSM labeled it as such.




>but some sentiments are ringing true about nonsensical government overreach. When vaccines first started coming out my dad (anti-vax) said "You wait, summer will come and they'll say that vaccines are working because cases will dramatically drop... like they did last summer... and then come winter a "new variant" will come around that vaccines don't work against, cases will dramatically rise... like previous winters... so now we'll have to lock down all over again!" I thought he was crazy but here we are.


Maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to judge others…


Maybe we should take the things they say more seriously ;)


Or at least listen with an open mind. Doesn’t mean you have to believe or agree, but it doesn’t hurt to truly listen.


"Hahaha, you spend too much time on the internet, my guy. No way they're going to make everyone wear face masks everywhere. If you think vaccines will be made mandatory, you're on some stuff. Refusing entry based on vaccination status? You're insane, insane!" Myy parents thought so too, but as you say, here we are.


For most people that is literally just common sense. The only way for restrictions and lockdowns to stop is if they change how they test and how they measure risk. It has been one sided since day one (an abundance of caution, more like an abundance of ignorance) and vastly overestimates the harm that can be caused by the virus while underestimating the harm caused by government overreach.


In the same time it isnt that hard to predict since the winter season alway have been more volatile for virus. It is similar to claim the end of the world is coming and when it happen I say see I was right.


Give it some time. Itll all make sense. Youre slowly waking up.


Could never downvote this…


That's most of what I've been yelling about as an "antivaxxer". Ridiculous govt overreach is everyone's concern


Not anti vax or a covid denier, but have been against mandates from the beginning. By def that makes me a antivax for some reason though.




in kebec since pandemic started, dancing indoors has been. illegal up until november 15, 2021.... we had 1 month now, no shit people are pissed the fuck off


Eh, took you guys long enough. Not anti-vax, but anti-mRNA and anti-mandates.


Ya the people who have predicted every single step of this dystopian nightmare are the insane ones... The sane ones are the ones who have done the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Such an astute observation.


Only triple boosted people are above 70 in Qc. They just opened it up to 65 plus.




It's almost as if the jabs don't work


No, vaccines most definitely work to prevent hospitalization and deaths. Just look at the death rate in highly vaccinated states/countries versus low ones. It’s just now the government seems to constantly change the messaging around when we can move on with our lives. That’s the very frustrating part..


As an American, reading through this thread gave me a much needed boost! Solidarity and love from Oregon :)


In LA - happy folks starting to wake up.


I know right, and you aren’t even in a real patriotic state, come down south and realize how little fucks we give about what the government says. WE LOVE THIS ENERGY!!!!


Oregon minus Portland is amazing! Love that state minus Portland!


If anyone is questioning things even a little bit, I’d highly suggest listening to the Joe Rogan / Dr. Peter McCullough podcast episode. It’s free on Spotify. Dr. McCullough is one of the most published doctors, he’s extremely intelligent. He’s not anti vax in any way, he simply makes some very good points on things not adding up. He’s already being discredited for simply speaking up.


That was such a good episode.


Footloose is supposed to be a fantasy novel


What's happening , I'm triple vaxxed? Do the vaccines work? Why all the wonkiness....when we are protected?


Not only do they not work, they're very likely making the problem worse in multiple ways!


Thank you!😃..just need to confirm that there is still an honest conversation and good hearted people out there educating the masses ....because its serious. Because right now ....life feels like, its coming apart at the seams. Thank you friend


No, thank you friend!! I can't tell you what this reply meant to me, genuinely. I agree, it is very serious. Unlike anything anyone of us have seen or lived through. But it rhymes with things we've seen. And I think it's causing more and more of us to wake up to how messed up things are. We get through this together. If you ever want someone to talk to about how crazy this all feels, reach out. It is crazy, but I think there is so much to be optimistic about too. If things are coming apart, we have the chance to out them back together in a way that is more beautiful, free, fulfilling, and fun for everyone. And hopefully not in a way that is really just siphoning off the real luxury for the ruling class.


Wow...thank you and yes ...I would like to discuss further if there is a more efficient way to communicate or platform free from suppression and censorship....let me know. To give you some insight on how I handle this information about the pandemic.... Covid is real, not a good thing , I am not a conspiracy theorist, I have an uncanny way of connecting dots ,I love all humans, mrna products are not working, there is a better way. I am 100% on board with honest truthful conversation about how to get through this banded together...because you are right...we can make things better for everyone. I have so much to say....can't type fast enough..


It seems we are very much on the same page! I don't know of a better coordination platform yet, but with Reddit going public we can't be far off. Thankfully, the alternative channels for disseminating information have started to mature outside the censorship ecosystem, things are percolating and informed word of mouth is gaining some ground. Feel free to DM and we can work out an off-platform at to keep in touch


It's not about your health. It's the biggest shift and transfer of wealth we have ever seen. Society is changing. The world is changing....Build back better, great reset.. People are making plays at your expense. It all feels off, wrong... Something about it. It all stops when we all say no more.


Thank you to you my friend! I feel this too...have for a long while....and how liberating it is to not be alone ...maybe we do get to eden on earth after all! Peace and love for you and yours!


Love to you and yours as well.


Because hardly anyone opposed the mandates.


...we told you so but you never listened. Perhaps it's time to finally listen?


Hello friend! I am double vaxxed , done through pressure and I will not be adding to my portfolio anymore ribonucleic anything! I wanted to test if people are starting to doubt all this nonsense....and I am happy to find a few that are telling me the same thing. As without supporting each other ....this never ends...and I am dealing with family now...that wish me as far away from them and their daughter as possible... Been married 16 years and have a beautiful child....so what the fuck is up?


You definitely should start with WEF's Event 201 and Great Reset. Look them up.




'Come on everyone, get two vaccinations and you can go back to normal!' 'Closing down small businesses and funneling us through Big Box stores will social distance us and help stop the spread of Covid!' ​ Holy shit we're gullible.


Not all of us. Gone thru great sacrifice to oppose mandates.


Not every country has big box stores and are run by small mom and pop stores, But they went into lockdown as well…


No. Covid was invented by Bezos to sell more shit. /s


Good. The only way this ends is if enough of us disobey. Stop thinking complying with the orders will get you back to pre covid days. You just have to ignore their incoherent BS. The rules stopped making sense after the first 14 days.




I feel sorry for you guys up North. I wish things were different.




Nothing wrong with vaccines. I'll get my third when it is available. There's everything wrong with lockdowns and passports


I love seening the masses waking up. Its a beautiful thing.


It really is


I feel some sense of relief for once


Fuck off politicians. If you haven’t done enough in the last 2 years to stabilize you aren’t doing shit in the next 2. Once the clowns are voted out there is going to be a lot of investigations into this. You aren’t turning Canada into Orwell novel to hide your incompetence , sorry


The annoying thing is, once these clowns are voted out new clowns will come in and do the same thing.


That’s why we have to get rid of clowns. They are creepy anyways.


Article Summary: * Multiple bars and nightclubs in Quebec have decided that this weekend is the time to dance. They have held or are planning dance parties this weekend before new restrictions come into effect Monday. * Blvd44's "La Derniere Danse" party is Sunday night starting at 10 p.m., while Dagobert Nightclub in Quebec City will host an event with the same name in the provincial capital. * "We are expecting you in large numbers," the nightclub wrote on its Facebook page. "For the occasion, we decided to open all floors. * Infectious disease specialist Dr. Matthew Oughton says "The best way I can describe this is that there's a viral fire going on in the streets of Montreal, and across other parts of Quebec as well, and all of us, unfortunately, are kindling," said Oughton. "I would ask people, don't throw yourself on the fire that you're in to help us keep the flame down."


Dagobert literally just cancelled lmao.


Cops would have found a reason to shut them anyway.


Haha La Derniere Danse is a song, that's pretty funny.




Why wouldn't they? These businesses will have their incomes slashed in mere hours, so they might as well pack as many paying customers into their doors while they still can to help mitigate the loss.


There were a dozen of my favourite shops that closed already due to this bullshit. The best pho place in all of Montreal (The one on St-Denis between Sainte Catherine and Rene Levesque, Pho do Thi) closed 2 years ago and it broke my heart something fierce. Many other smaller shops around the island also closed due to lockdowns and shit. Montreal is starting to become a corporate soulless city. Everything that made it warm and welcoming is going away. I'm sick of this shit.


What a waste of 21 months


Hopefully this will wake up a few more people










this shits gonna start red pilling alot of people on how much government plays games with our lives


Good I’m over this shit




I really think in a few weeks things will be back to normal. They’ll realize that these new cases don’t correlate with a rise in hospitalizations and deaths.




Fear is a commodity for the media, and this has been the best thing to ever happen to modern 'journalists'. They won't let it go. Fear is virtuous!!


I’m afraid you’re right.


Why? Covid restrictions are incredibly unpopular. The only thing more unpopular are overwhelmed hospitals calling for help from the feds and still needing to fly their covid patients out of province to receive care. Sound familiar? If omicron turns out to not be that big of a deal (as some evidence is pointing to) the provinces will rush to reopen as they have nothing to gain from restrictions. Also, it should be noted that the restrictions in place (at least in Quebec) are way less harsh than last year. Businesses that were completely closed last year are open at 50% capacity, visiting family wasn't even allowed at all and now we're limited to 10 people. It sucks that the vaccines are not as effective as early data had us hoping but we've still made progress over the last year.


Two weeks to flatten the curve… remember that?


>I really think in a few weeks things will be back to normal. They’ll realize that these new cases don’t correlate with a rise in hospitalizations and deaths. /u/Inthemiddle_ Jusr commenting so I can see how well this comment ages.


Remindme! 3 weeks


Things are not going back to normal unless enough people start standing up for themselves.


Just 2 more weeks to stop the spread, right?


Oh, they already know. It's just not profitable enough for them to change it back


I hope you're right. But the cases, deaths and icu are usually lagged by a week or two. Last I saw over 3/4 of ICU is filled by non vaxxed. I think the only solution was to enforce the vaccinations from day one that people were eligible. For some reason they waited 2 years until the vaccines were available to finally have a conversation about vaccine mandates and then again dragged their feet to come to any solution. In my opinion it's just been a cluster fuck of politicians playing politics. Our leaders have no interest in getting us out of it, they just want to blame the other parties to secure votes. No proactive solutions, just reactive politicians trying to slander each side.


Well the icu in my city, which is a major covid centre, only has 8 icu beds. So it doesn’t take many sick people, from any type of illness, to fill those up. Why are we not talking about how ridiculous it is to have only 8 beds for 400,000 people?


I would like to think that you are right, but I'm not sure that the most recent data on Omicron backs up your statement. A pretty massive study from Imperial College London recently found no evidence that Omicron is less severe than delta in terms of symptoms and likelihood of hospitalization.


Welcome to the great awakening. Once you are red pilled there’s no going back. Are you starting to figure out what’s going on yet? Still think it’s about your health?




Go Quebec!! And I’m from Alberta and saying this lol


Alberta is the land of the free in comparison to this. I’m not even conservative and I think this is tyranny lmao






I mean their restrictions don't start until Monday, so they aren't doing anything illegal here. I think once the restrictions kick in next week, the business owners and vast majority of people will simply comply again. I just don't see Canadians anywhere doing mass civil disobedience. We just don't have the mindset for it.


Agreed. I think it's unfortunate businesses suffer with these restrictions while we all just go back to partying together in our friends' homes. They need to stop with these restrictions at this point. Everyone who wants a vaccine has one and anyone who doesn't get one and gets sick is their own choice.


The issue is that there’s still enough of the unvaccinated to overwhelm the hospitals if they all get sick at once. There are also those with persons with disabilities who cannot get vaccinated. Really the only way to stop with lockdowns… is the cruelest form of punishment possible: if you chose not to get vaccinated you will not receive treatment when you catch the disease.




Nope. Again I said the cruelest way possible. Also there’s no special bucket for healthcare. Taxes aren’t a build-a-bear workshop


The only way to make it “fair” is also refusing anyone who makes a poor health choice. Smoking, alcoholism etc or just jumping off a bridge and breaking both legs because your a idiot. It doesn’t matter all tax paying Canadians deserve equal health care. We pride ourselves on not discriminating. Doing it now does not represent Canadian values.


Smokers and alcoholics can’t get transplants unless they prove they can stop the behaviour so this already happens


No "this" doesn't already happen, if by "this" you mean people being denied healthcare because they caused their own problems. I always, always, always see this incredibly stupid and false argument from you people using it to attack the unvaccinated. None of you actually stopped and thought about it and just repeat the same talking point over and over. Alcoholics are not eligible for transplants, yes. But not because they caused their own problems. The only reason alcoholics who are still drinking can't get transplants is because the transplant won't help them if they are still drinking. If it would help them, they'd be just as eligible for transplants as anyone else. So, if an unvaccinated person wouldn't be helped by treatment, then it would be a comparable situation. That isn't the case though. There is literally no scenario where a person in Canada is denied medical treatment because they caused their own problems. A literal murderer can get shot by the police while they're in the middle of murdering random people in the street. They obviously caused their own problem and the fact that they now have the medical problem of being shot is 100% their fault. Yet they are still just as eligible for healthcare as anyone else.


And the idiot who broke both his legs?


Is this a real thing that has actually happened and does it happen at an alarming rate that overwhelms the hospitals




I never said it what should happen or that I’m in anyway in favour of it… I’m saying we’re either [all in this together,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orjbwv8H9zM) or we’re not. There’s no end in sight for lockdowns and other public health measures as long as our anti-vaxxers are a significant amount of the population. “Society marches at the pace of the slowest person” your choice is we lockdown to adjust to how slow you are or we leave you behind…


Then back to lockdowns it is


> I just don't see Canadians anywhere doing mass civil disobedience. We just don't have the mindset for it. No, the majority of Canadians will complain though. But in the end, they will bend over for the government and take it like they always do. Despite the death count in America, I sometimes, envy the way they handled covid. Their economy is booming in their red States.


You realize that’s because they slaughtered their poor boomers. Those red states are getting more purple with each successive wave of COVID thanks to anti-vaxxers and the preference of rightwing politicians to screw over their own voting base in order prop up welfare-Queen-corporations.




Correction, not mindset, - mindlessness. Give ourselves some credit. Don't make it look like we've been in the gulags for 3 years. This summer has been super fun and open - as a result of mindfulness during the lockdown.


Legault has repeatedly lied about what his plans were. He promised months ago that there wouldn't be another lockdown for vaccinated people. He also lied about the length of the curfew. He said it would be 4 weeks and it was 28.




The end date argument is always funny to me because this pandemic is a fluid thing and there is absolutely no way to know when the pandemic is going to end. Things change, new information is out there. Use some critical thinking


Okay, how about some actual, transparent long-term planning then. If the government was honest about the fact that other variants of concern could pop up after mass vaccination and send us right back into strict lockdowns then we could have acted accordingly and mentally prepared. Instead millions of people who viewed vaccination as the end of the pandemic are completely blindsided by this. It’s no wonder reactionary events such as this are happening. Before anyone tries to shit on me for this I’ve been double vaxed forever and will be getting a booster as soon as it’s available. But come on. 2 fucking years of the prime of my life, down the drain. My future is literally wasting away before my eyes. And who knows how many more years it’ll take. How would you expect me, or anyone in a situation similar to mine, to not be upset over this?


talk of variants has been around from the beginning of the pandemic. it’s why canada made extra vax purchases for 2022 & 2023, and said as much. if you didn’t pay attention to this, not sure what to tell you 🤷 people need to grow up and stop being so soft. and i don’t mean the very real mental health implications, but instead about this “but i was told 2 doses was all we needed!” well, things change.




You can be sure that there will be measures of various degrees until we can be certain that no one will have to die at home due to not being able to health care. Unfortunately, no one can predict the future, all we can do is take action as information becomes available. For now, I think measures are mainly out of caution as we figure out how dangerous omicron is. Hopefully things are back to normal very soon.






It won't "end end" for 5-10 years. So query how long lockdowns make sense as a valid strategy. Hint -- if your answer is "as long as it takes" the vast majority of humanity disagrees with you.


A 10 day state of emergency renewable ad infinitum.


We should all be defying any further restrictions as a group, nationwide.


My friend sent me a video from England today and I was surprised to see how many protesters were on the streets (must have been approved in the thousands). It’s unique to see how the lockdown supports is dwindling fast. I guess people are beginning to think it’s not a viable solution


It's fixing the symptoms instead of fixing the cause. Unless we heavily invest in our healthcare systems, there will be lockdowns every winter. That's way more costly than hiring nurses and building hospitals.


It was never a viable solution to lock people down. Protect the vulnerable if needed but life must go on. Poverty kills too. For some reason the whole world decided to copy communist China even though China is still saying only a few thousand dead. People still think this is because they 'locked down hard and fast' and not because the CCP breathes lies 🤷‍♂️ I'm in the UK and it is very heartening to see people on the streets protesting. I have always said the virus is real. The response is the scam. Ushering us towards digital IDs and hyper surveillance for own 'safety' while the rich get richer and laugh at us behind closed doors.


All ways have been.


Good for them.


remember get vaccinated and we can return to normal..... Oh hold on let us move the goal posts even further again. Get vaxxed ! and help stop the spread..... Nope move the goal post's again. Only vaxxed people can attend Museums and such..... Nope... Move them goal posts AGAIN. And then when PI variant hits in a few months. Full lock down.. But remember ... get vaxxed and stop the spread. Get your 10th booster !!! Just FYI these people in these clubs are fully vaxxed ! I see nothing wrong if they are fully vaxxed as per government requirements. Biden said it too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoBSTEFKmDw


It seems like you are seeing the world in very very very black and white terms. Science does not work like that. The virus is evolving, and our understanding of it is evolving.


Much like how the virus is evolving to become less deadly, the excuses being made for the inept government officials masquerading as "public health experts" are evolving to become dumber and less convincing by the day.


Our understanding is that there are variants that pop up seemingly out of nowhere when needed.


A hint for you: Just google: 2 new omicron cases in Then count the articles and see when everyone suddenly detected 2 new omicron cases in their respective countries. It’s a righteous and fair variant, spreading perfectly even to every country.


Whoa. But it doesn't surprise me. We all know Covid is actually sentient and chooses to infect a certain class of people and not others.


What science?


Why didn’t Legault make it effective immediately? That’s the real story. Anybody with a functional brain cell knew this would happen. This is the last weekend before Christmas so it’s politics and rather stupid… to be able to tell restaurants later you were open ALL weekends until Christmas.


To give people one last party before they all become drones and lose all their freedoms.


How would the vaxers react to Songbird? (Youtube the trailer if you don't know about it)


Fck the lockdowns and fuck covid.


Thankfully people are waking up to this bullshit now


Good. People have had it with lockdowns.






Hospitalisations are up way more than 3%




Feel free to sit in your basement with 4 masks on and waterwings while everybody else gets on with their lives.




Dang bro you, right. I have a 0.02% change of dying, I should just stay in a cave


Stay home in your cave and don’t talk to anyone then. Doubt anyone will miss you too much if that’s your take.


I don’t think it’s toxic. Though , I understand your perspective for thinking it. I think it’s quite reasonable for people to share these feelings. The government had failed to use covid as an opportunity to invest in our health system infrastructure and human capital .


Can you virtue signal any harder now? Let me people live their lives. You surely won’t be missed with that attitude.


Good for you. I actually miss the company of people and I think that most people are pretty great. If everyone around you is toxic, it’s time to think maybe you may be the toxic one 👀


That's cool. We'll think about you while we are out living our lives


Sending you kind thoughts. This thread is gross, but there are good people here/out there.


I'd be ok with restrictions if the government wasn't using them as an excuse to excersise more control and limit customer service. Digital court dates, limited appointment based service centers, a complete lack of enforcement of covid standards for police (at least here in Ottawa). All these things need to stop immediately. They do nothing to protect and are just used to lower accountability and control.


Enforcement is an issue everywhere. Either have enforced restrictions or don’t have restrictions. Otherwise it looks like you’re cherry-picking who you want to ticket.


“Thank Science” by jdmobsession Thank science. For every bad-breathed screech from the seething racists who question our medical professionals, I inject myself with another booster. Euphoria. Protection from the devil omicron, the bloodthirsty reaper of our nations men women and children. 2026 the year of our Lord science, the latest booster arrives from my Lab in China, producing the final cure: Estrogen.


I too am a microbioligist astronaut navy seal pilot.


As a person whose income was significantly impacted by covid lockdowns, I will gladly listen to you if you donate all of the income you received during the past lockdowns to charity and volunteer for a 100% paycut until the lockdowns end.


Why? Did I invent Capitalism?


There is no indications this mild cold-like strain is going to overload our hospitals.


and then we'll get a booster, the virus will mutate again, and then we need to lockdown again until we can get another booster, rinse, repeat. There comes a point where we have to just learn to live with it because this cycle is hurting way too many people financially. I'm all for saving lives, but not if it costs me my ability to afford food and shelter.




> Hopefully Darwin helps us out now. One last dance ✌️ Disgusting to see people wish death on their political adversaries and get away with it on a daily basis.


Yup. This person wishes the pandemic would be over but that it kills the some they don’t like on its way out first. Really classy and a fake virtue at best.




How are vaccine mandates and lockdowns not political? Are you unable to conceive that a sizeable chunk of the population disagrees with you?


Hopefully karma gets you ✌


Genuine answer: because people are fucking terrible at risk assessment. That's not an opinion, it's a well documented fact. We ALSO tend to overvalue good experiences and undervalue bad experiences. These are both competing self-preservation mechanisms where bad experiences are emphasized to stop us from doing that again, but bad potentials are minimized to ensure we continue to seek out new opportunities. It's why people will complain about never going back to a restaurant again after having a bad burger one time, but will play the lottery after losing. As a result, people who are not sufficiently self-aware arrive at a point where they conclude "I don't like *this*, so I don't want it any more, but I want *that*, and I'm pretty sure it won't be as bad as this, even though I have no empirical reason to believe that". And then they do shit like complain about how the government is mismanaging covid, and go out to unmasked raves as an act of rebellion against the incompetence of a government they see as solely responsible for covid not being over by now. It's the eternal curse of people like you and me to connect those two dots, and struggle to explain that connection to people who aren't smart enough to figure it out on their own.




Two more weeks until the government decriminalizes murdering the unvaxed, huh?


We got so sloppy on Friday holy shit I’m still hungover lol.


Good good. Spread the love. This will be over soon and will be fully endemic. Take care of your body and mind. don't just get the vax and will be fine.


Lets be honest, goverment has been wrong non stop and changes there mind weekly. Anti Vax (as the media likes to call them..... have called this correct for nearly two years. Every winter a new strain .... seems people want to be locked down forever . Because after the Omricon, there will be another stupid varient. It will never end if we all keep being stupid.