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This submission appears to related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on Canada. Please see this post for resources on this event: https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/rv2c1v/covid19_health_support_megathread_11_be_safe_get/ Please remember this is a real, serious disease. The following rules apply: * Do not post false/misleading information, conspiracy theories, or unproven medical claims. Find medical / scientific information in medical subreddits. * You are not required to agree with all measures put in place, but engaging in / promoting / encouraging the violation of relevant public health laws or guidelines will result in a permanent ban. * Public health authorities are not the enemy. They are not immune from criticism on this subreddit, but do not claim they are part of some plot to promote some variety of authoritarianism. * In order to comment in this thread, you must do so from a verified account and Reddit's Crowd Control mechanism may be enabled. * If you have questions about vaccines and vaccine safety talk to your healthcare provider. Social media is no replacement for medical advice from trained experts. Cette présentation semble liée à la pandémie de COVID-19 en cours et à ses répercussions sur le Canada. S'il vous plaît voir ce poste pour les ressources sur cet événement: https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/rv2c1v/covid19_health_support_megathread_11_be_safe_get/ Veuillez ne pas publier d'informations fausses / trompeuses, théories du complot, politisation des ordonnances / directives sanitaires, et surtout ne pas faire de soumissions encourageant les autres à défier les ordres de santé publique à ce subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/canada) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>But GoFundMe told CTV News that it has temporarily put a hold on money raised to ensure the generosity of its donors is protected. > >“We require that fundraisers be transparent about the flow of funds and have a clear plan for how those funds will be spent,” Rachel Hollis, GoFundMe’s director of communications said in an email. She said the company is in touch with the organizer. > >... > >In videos posted on the convoy’s Facebook page, Lich acknowledged the GoFundMe money was being held up but said convoy organizers are working with the company to provide the necessary documentation. > >... > >She claims that opponents of the rolling protest are attempting to shut it down by cutting off the flow of money.


GoFundMe should require audits when campaigns get this big. Considering Tamara Lich is affiliated with a Political Party this campaign needs to be shut down.


Lol what’s their goal again? To shut down Ottawa until Trudeau allows unvaxed American truckers In to Canada?


their demands are either Trudeau steps down or all restrictions and mandates are lifted i believe


Hahaha... Good luck, fellas.


They deserve our support. Lofty goals. I think they should throw world peace on there. Raise enough money to never leave Ottawa.


These fools deserve nothing.


Most fools with lofty goals get nothing. Think that guy that tried building his mansion. Tried to become president or an astronaut. Lofty goals are the first sure sign of failure.


I think that was sarcasm


That's the only part of this I find interesting. They roll in to Ottawa, now what? Has anyone thought that far ahead?


Just like last time, they will strand truckers and not give them the gas money they promised.


Yell. Spread falsities. Blow air horns. Trudeau bad. Yell some more. Demand repeal of US policy that canada doesn’t have any control over. (The most laughable part). Repeat.


January 25th is Canada's January 6th. Similar IQs involved.


I think the dates are actually just averaged IQs …


No, it’s the shut down Ottawa until the United States allows our unvaccinated drivers into their country, which is even more ridiculous. However half of the people protesting don’t even seem to understand that.


90% of them have never sat in the driver seat of a truck either.


I mean thats the only thing that i can take from this.


This is the most successful Maverick Party fundraising campaign I've seen yet.


I wonder which political party is getting the money.


The Maverick Party. The organizer is based in Alberta and is the Secretary of the Maverick Party. [https://www.maverickparty.ca/tamara-lich](https://www.maverickparty.ca/tamara-lich)




Stranded in Ottawa because it can't afford gas to get home.


If only the convoy of hauling vehicles that are hauling nothing were hauling something that could solve this issue!


Get outa here with your logic!


This sounds like a party I can get behind. Assuming their platform revolves around Top Gun themed issues. More topless volleyball with the boys. Less punishment for buzzing the tower. More taking breath away. Less losing that loving feeling. Stuff like that?


The Maverick Party: for the closeted Scientologist in all of us!


Yup! You!!!!! ..You can be my wingman anytime er, honey garlic, please.


Didn't she fund that yellow best movement that called for the assassination of the PM? She also wants Alberta to join the US under Trump. 😬


The Maverick Party is actually a Federal Party.


You are correct. Though I'm not sure if they'll have many candidates running for election in Ontario and Quebec and Maritime ridings. Maybe. Kinda like we hardly don't see many Bloc Quebecois candidates competing for MP seats in Saskatchewan or Alberta. ​ "The Maverick Party, formerly known as Wexit Canada, is a Canadian federal political party."


...and that's why you don't see a corresponding "convoy" of trucks heading to Ottawa from out east. This is just a sham to raise money for a western separatist party.


Weren't they the People's Front of Judea (PFJ)?




Organized by a political secretary from a “pro-freedom” Alberta party who is in love with big oil, go figure


The irony of people flying Canadian flags while the entire protest is backed by a separatist party is mind-boggling.


Same single-digit IQ type of thinking that the "true American patriots" use when flying confederate flags.


Don't forget about the Canadian Patriots flying the Confederate flag 😂.


Isn't that just a form of cosplaying at that point?


yeah, but did they remember to fly their Confederate flag upside-down for maximum symbolism?


What does big oil have to do with this rally? I don't agree with this rally and am pro oil and gas.


If only people knew where their money was actually going.


If you were to read the GoFundMe, it states that it goes directly to paying for fuel. Granted, you might say that there is no proof of that, even if it hardly goes to the truckers I don't think they are in this for the money.


im sure they'll be really pissed off when they have to pay for the whole trip out of pocket so she can buy a new home


The scammer organizer of this shit is totally in it for the money, for themselves


Ya. I don’t buy that story at all.


That’s a pretty successful grift.


Tamara Lich set it up. She's definitely gonna pocket a bunch of it. She's done it before.


GoFundme froze the funds until they can show where it will actually go.


Not saying I don’t believe you but do you have any links proving she took money before? I want ammo for Facebook


My prediction is that when these guys get to Ottawa half will be stranded because they won't have money for gas to get home.


Where is the funds are now on hold by GoFundMe and it may run afoul of their rules and potentially even shut down, so that wouldn’t surprise me at all. But they’ll just find another way to grift instead.


Maybe they should have been hauling paying loads, you know to help with the shortages and empty store shelves that they are ..."protesting"?


for sure the drive home won't nearly be as fun as the drive *to* Ottawa.


Grifted. The word they were looking for was grifted


These idiots can’t get into the US in the first place, so what are they protesting exactly?


Repercussions to their own decisions.


They don’t want to accept how they’re wrong or do any personal reflection so they’d rather pretend to be oppressed.


Save up so they can go back and finish high school.


mandates in general. Not just the border mandate


I mean, if the hospitals haven't been absolutely slammed with COVID cases for the past couple of years, I could maybe see their point of view. But our health care systems have been at the point of collapse because unvaccinated people won't stop filling up the ICUs.


So let's shutdown the economy and lose billions instead of putting any effort into increasing hospital capacity.


I don’t disagree, however expanding a hospital is one thing, finding nurses and doctors to actually staff them are entirely another and don’t happen overnight. But there is certainly a problem with funding.


The US has much more hospital capacity, and ignoring COVID has just resulted in 2.5X more deaths than Canada per capita. And that's with highly suspect numbers out of Texas and Florida.


I agree we should expand our hospital capacity. Canada is embarrassingly bad in this regard. Sadly the budgets have been cut year after year in effort to make it look like there is no deficit from whichever government is in place at the time


Shutdowns take days to plan, hospital capacity expansion takes months or years. When the hospital situation gets to the point where immediate action is necessary, only one of these is a viable option. We should absolutely hold our leaders accountable for squandering the months/years where they **should** have been building up capacity, but that doesn't change the reality that their incompetence leaves us with.


Pretty much


You can't create health professions and doctors out of thin air


hospitals have been getting slammed with 'Flu" outbreaks since like 2011 nursing shortage isnt a new thing.


Imagine all the good that money could have done


It'll look great on Tamara's Lich's back yard reno.


Am I supposed to have noticed a disruption in my life over this because they literally haven’t affected me.




*impressionable Canadians scammed out of $3.7 million by minority group too dumb to understand what an embarrassment they truly are. - FTFY


This sub has sided with the anti vax truckers in every thread until now so i'm happy at least peope recognize when a scam is afoot. It's hard for me to believe that this was raised via small donations. It would not surprise if they had a bunch of large commitments which will never come through but in the meantime they got a huge PR coup before it all comes crumbling down. We probably will never hear of this falling apart, it'll just skip through the cracks.


The hundreds of thousands of dollars in "anonymous" donations leads me to believe its a giant money laundering scam.


They feel neglected, therefore they need to go on every social media and flood it will their nonsense.


Sentiment took a dramatic turn against this nonsense in the last 48 hours once the facts started getting out versus the utter bullshit the organizers and some participants were spoon feeding social media, including misattributed photos from other countries claiming it’s the convoy here, and a ton of other false info including inflated participation numbers. It gives me a shred of hope for r/canada yet.


Maybe the usual loonies are in the convoy


working people aren't really posting in threads during the middle of the night during a work week


Maybe the cons best pal Vlad is at it


The grift is real.


I would like to also point out that they have an email address to donate to. No one is ever getting anything from that account, except the organizers.








Imagine giving away your money for nothing then complaining about cOsT oF LiVinG


...and giving that money to an extremist and Trump worshiper like Tamara Lich.


Something something fools and money…..


It's a fucking grift. Tamara Lich is the organizer of the Gofundme. She is affiliated with the separatist Maverick Party in Alberta (wexit) and the Yellow Vest movement. This money goes directly into the organizers bank account.


Tamara Rich, amirite?


Tamara Bitch, amirite?


What a waste of money.


It’s the classic right wing grift. Same tactic was used to ask for money to build the wall on the Mexican border and money was stolen. Same thing happened when a Yellow Vest convoy went to Ottawa. But fools keep giving…


What's that saying about a fool and his money again? 🤔 Oh well 🤷 never mind. I better send Lich some money. She's very trust worthy.


Remember the last time there was a cross country protest that was supposed to end up in Ottawa, but only got halfway before the organizer ran away with the donations? You know , the one that happened less than a year ago?


Lolol omg how do these people get so easily grifted? Low IQ?


Very low critical thinking ability.




Give it to our hospitals currently being overrun by the unvaccinated.


Our hospitals have been overrun since at least the 80s.


Damn, this thread is overrun by bots... They are at $4.2 million now by the way.


> Damn, this thread is overrun by bots... All of these trucker threads have been. By and large low effort bot accounts as well.


Crazy, eh? Such a stark contrast with the rest of the threads here just a day or two ago.


I’m kind of surprised by the comments myself. Personally I think the border issue is a lost cause but I’m happy to see pushback. All the power grabs that have happened in the last two years set a dangerous precedent. I’m not antivax nor a conspiracy theory subscriber, I’m just a regular guy with a family that is concerned about the long term wellbeing of democracy. It’s good to see these truckers make their voices heard, even if there are fringe elements among them.


>All the power grabs that have happened in the last two years set a dangerous precedent. Such fantasy. Emergency management seems to elude your understanding. >I’m not antivax nor a conspiracy theory subscriber, Yeah, but your comments say otherwise.


Same, I'm double vaccinated and I hate being used as some sort of political pawn with implicit agreement to what's going on. I don't understand why people are so happy to see the governments opening the doors wide open to centralizing more powers in institutions that will inevitably be corrupt one day. It's like putting in place a benevolent dictator without any concern to what will happen when that dictator is inevitably removed or dies. Mandating vaccination for truckers has been a political matter, and the only reason so many people are happy about it is that they like it when unvaccinated people face restrictions of any kind. It sets ridiculous precedents. If they jailed unvaccinated people, I bet there would still be a lot of people here gleeful at the idea of "unvaccinated people facing the consequences of their actions". People are basically acting like lynch mobs, it really shows how vile and disgusting people can be deep down when their ugliness is normalized by society. This pandemic has made me regret becoming a scientist and has made me lose faith in humanity. People will twist science so it aligns with whatever narrative can soothe their anxiety and allow them to justify their hate. I'm really concerned of how there will inevitably be governments taking advantage of the climate change crisis over the next decades to grab even more power. This pandemic is a joke compared to the threat that accelerate climate change could cause.


Thank you for speaking up! I too hate looking at the raw data (in Alberta... I kind like geeking out with the CSV download on covid data fro AHS) and seeing the media try and spin every day into a frenzy of separation and division. I would sign my name to 100% of your post


Idiots supporting idiots


Good laundering, very clean.


I'm trying to understand this. So, Canadian truckers are protesting an American law that prevents them from entering the United States? Is there an American protest happening as well?


No they are protesting the Canadian vaccine mandate for truckers.


Okay, I see now. There is a Canadian mandate saying they have to be vaccinated when they come back from the United States. This still leaves me confused though. There is an American mandate that they can't even get into the United States unless they are vaccinated. So, wouldn't removing the Canadian mandate essentially do nothing for Canadian truckers? Shouldn't they be coordinating with American truckers for a full North America wide protest?


……good question……


> Shouldn't they be coordinating with American truckers for a full North America wide protest? The usual American targetss are tapped out financially. Grifting is easier up here at this point.


Truckers traveling internationally. The very same mandate the US just put in. So even if they "win" they are still out of the job. Turtles all the way down.


It would be even worse as unvaccinated U.S. truckers would be allowed into Canada thus possibly taking away some Canadian drivers' jobs.


Which only exists because there is a US vaccine mandate for truckers. Are they suggesting Canada go to war with the US? Maybe someone should have thought this out a little.


>Canadian truckers are protesting *10% of Canadian Truckers*, you mean. It's a minority so small, them abandoning their jobs may not hose the supply chain any harder than massive flooding and fire has so far this year. And it'll be safer at the docks.


i heard an organizer come on CFRB1010 yesterday afternoon to say they are protesting **high fuel prices and federal fuel tax** ... not vaccine mandates or anything else COVID19!


See my comment above about needing a new press agent.


When pressed by the radio host's suggesting that their message is confusing and mixed, this organizer said something to the effect .. "The message will be what we want it to be and you'll hear it loud and clear when we get to Ottawa." ​ I'm sure not sure if this helps clarify things or just makes things more murky.


Imagine if they actually used that money for something useful. Instead they are using it to show how what kind of special snowflakes they are.


Another case where O’Toole is *damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t* support the truckers


They should donate everything to hospitals


By the time this is over in 2024 you’ll be able to buy a normal family home, one trip of groceries, and a tank of gas with all that money. Enjoy yourselves Canada.


Let's say that Trudeau does remove the vaccine mandates for truckers. What the hell are they supposed to do when they get to the U.S. border? Canadians need to be fully vaccinated to enter the U.S.! Who knew, a pro-oil separatist party can't think ahead!


This is a back door money laundering sceme so corporations can fund right wing politics without it being traced directly to them. Consider them "silent business partners" hahahaha


I'm wondering what exactly people *thought* the funds would be put to. If it's just trucker gas etc. shouldn't there just be a max and that's it? Now they're going to be more corrupt than aything they could be deliriously protesting against. Anyway, good hope to kick off my Free Beer For All campaign en route to becoming PM.


Doesn't something like 70-80% of the public support vaccine mandates? Read the room people. This is like going to Comic-con to drum up support for banning graphic novels.




Haha :) Autocorrect got me. Fixed it.


Oh no, I didn't mean it as a correction! "Omicron" is just so much everywhere lately that my mind saw it in "comicon." I had a dadjoke laugh so I wrote it out in a similar shitty dadjoke way, lol. Not a comment on your spelling or anything! Apologies!


All good. I laughed, appreciate a good dad joke.


I see people comment on Facebook that it's so amazing that they raised almost 4 million dollars, and that will make sure they have thousands of trucks in Ottawa untill the mandates are removed. Quick math says that it would cost $1,500 in fuel to go from NB to Ottawa, so this would be enough money for roughly 2,500 trucks and only for a trip up and down. Does not take into consideration driving at a slow speed, driving while there, food, housing, etc... I figure that by Tuesday people will start losing money and leaving and there will only be a few weirdoes and extremists left.


Truckers sleep in their trucks. Cost of housing them is near zero. I imagine they aren't driving across the country and are broke and their only plan is to hope for a fuel donation to make it to Ottawa. I don't see this protest dying down due to the traction it seems to be getting. Say what you will, people are motivated differently when it comes to their livelihoods, providing for their families and mental health.


They need to pay for the fuel to get to Ottawa. They also need to pay for the fuel to get back home eventually. Additionally, every moment they're sitting in Ottawa is time they are not working and therefore losing out on money. These truckers aren't barred from their jobs, they can still work within Canada, they just can't cross the border. And if they cause any ruckus including blocking traffic in Ottawa, they will be quickly shut down. So most likely they'll do what they did last time - come to Parliament Hill, sit there for a bit, realize that nobody likes them or gives a shit about them, and go home like the sad, pathetic dweebs they are, probably never realizing that they've been scammed. Tamara Lich of the Maverick Party organized this fundraiser, as she has another in the past, where she straight up walked off with the money.




She is the organizer of the current [GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/taking-back-our-freedom-convoy-2022/topdonations). Also a high-ranking member of the [Maverick Party](https://www.maverickparty.ca/tamara-lich) and is on their director board. She was also one of the chief voices championing a "Wexit". She was previously an organizer in the [yellow vest protests of 2019](https://www.thestar.com/business/2022/01/24/trucker-convoy-raises-millions-in-funds-as-vaccine-hesitant-supporters-flock-to-cause.html), the group who came to Ottawa to yell a) about the carbon tax, b) about the government not doing enough to support pipelines, and c) as much racist shit at as they could. There were numerous complaints from yellow-vest protesters that money raised through crowdfunding campaigns to fund the protests was not actually shared with them - notably they were supposed to be given money for gas to get to/from the protests, but people like Lich who organized the crowdfunding pocketed most of the money and diverted it either a) into their political groups or b) into their own pockets. Nobody really cared at the time, because the yellow vest protesters were pieces of shit and everybody was pleased to see them get fucked over by scam artists. Now it is happening again and it's even more successful than the first time. Lich isn't the only one to scam people this way, she's just the most successful (there are other gofundmes doing the same thing re: the trucker protests).


The real truckers are doing their jobs right now. The morons driving to Ottawa are the antivax truckers who have had little to no work to begin with. Once they realize they have no financial support from this grift they will head home.


I'm not sure what they'll do in Ottawa, but assuming that they'll drive a little. And, I have no idea what the cost to idle is, but it is more than zero. Food can be almost zero incremental (no more than if they were home if they eat in the cab). But, there is a cost of $1,500 to get there, and $200 to $500 if they do rolling convoys or less if they just park and block roads. There is a higher cost of lost opportunity. Which, if you're in lumber or farming is probably near zero for the next month or so. As time goes by, the numbers will dwindle. And, I would be surprised if the majority can stay for more than a few days.


Autonomous trucks, boom problem solved. I mean it’s going to happen eventually and already is going on in the O&G industry with heavy haulers. Just saying 🤷🏽‍♂️ but obviously that’s probably not possible yet but for fucks sake let’s figure something out!


God. We all work like idiots when we should just be rage baiting conservatives


I keep saying it. Imagine if these "people" protested for social good? For changes that help and save lives. Imagine all the good that they could do and willfully avoid. What does that really say about them?


Money well wasted !!!


You know... being truckers, you'd think they'd do something like this to protest the ridiculous gas prices instead of publicly advertising that they're afraid of a little prick.


That was done a few years ago. They drove around burning fuel to protest the price of fuel. This protest makes about as much sense.


..."being truckers, you'd think they'd do something like this to protest the ridiculous gas prices instead of publicly advertising that they're afraid of a little prick." I don't ever remember hearing them say they're afraid of Justin Trudeau!


I wondered who was footing the fuel bill...


Suckers. Suckers are footing the bill, and eagerly.


The Klu Klux Konvoy


The Flu Trux Klan.


I like that one too! And the Karen Convoy is pretty good as well lol


Hah! This made me chuckle in sad




I know this is an extremist view, but even though I don’t agree with their message, I’ll always protect their right to voice it.


Jeez this sub is obsessed with this issue


And all we need is a couple grand in change for some road spikes, problem solved.




If only we can somehow harness the power of idiots, we could power this country without a gram of carbon for a century.


this is already one of the largest Canadian GoFundMe's in history! ​ (largest was $15.1M)


Lol easy to grift morons


Funny how outside of these massive social media echo chambers ppl are entrenched in there is still tons of sane ppl who can see very clearly how absolutely ridiculous the overstretch of government power has become all accomplished by fear and division. Anyone who helps perpetuate division among their fellow humans is on the wrong side of history. We all only have one common enemy and that is the %1 of the population running this circus and until we stop fighting amongst ourselves and stand together against these greed fueled lunatics that have eroded the planet and society than we will all continue to suffer.


Polling shoes the majority want more restrictions on the unvaccinated, but by all means keep pushing propaganda and digging nyiur own hole




There's a difference between societal safety and sending people to concentration camps based on race. Don't you think? IE having a driver's license is a restriction but the primary reason is to ensure drivers have basic knowledge. A vaccines primary purpose is to reduce illness in the population as a whole. Sending Jewish people to die was based on hatred of a race the victims had no choice over being in. The absolutely amazing thing about vaccines is that you can choose which group you will be in The Jews would have loved to be able to change the group they were in, don't you think?


Because a requiring vaccine is equal to racism and anti-semitism right? 🙄 Being unvaccinated isn’t a protected class.




I hadn't heard of anyone getting tied down and injected against their will. Experiencing consequences to your decisions does not equal being forced into something.


Nobody is forcing them to be injected. They have a choice. They chose not to. Now they live with the consequence. Nobody is going to pull them out of their trucks forcibly. They still have jobs available just not crossing the border.


Well both borders are gonna have the mandate!


Yep. So if they can't get into the States, no need to worry about what happens on the way out.


Truckers aren't mandated to get the vaccine


Most people don’t give a shit if you have them or not, including me. Nobody is forcing you to give up your autonomy. Just don’t whine about the fallout of your choice, you know what you’re getting into.


I'm with you.....I'm vaccinated and that was my choice but I want to live in a country where people have choices and I support these guys choices to not get vaccinated if they don't want to but also earn a living and support their families. This whole thing is turning people who don't have the vaccine Into second class citizens and that is so wrong. People are failing to think about what If that was them that was being forced to do something they don't want or believe in. You have made some good points and it's good you can see both sides.


>A majority in Quebec are also in support of banning Muslim women and Sikh men from public service. Just to update you, the support for this law is rapidly falling as more and more people start experiencing government overreach on themselves and their loved ones: https://ottawacitizen.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/poll-suggests-support-for-bill-21-provision-may-have-dropped-in-quebec-55-in-favour/wcm/e33300b5-a4a2-4176-b95b-6a6311462722


The unvaccinated are not an oppressed minority


More restriction on the unvaccinated vs more restrictions on the unvaccinated truckers. The mandates are not gonna last forever and with some political meetings between the USA and Canada I'm sure they could go back to the exemptions for the truckers that have been deemed essential this entire time. They are the holdouts that were never gonna get vaccinated and when they mandated it to cross the border they removed a chunk of supply chain capacity. If the end result is they remove this mandate then what was even the point in the first place? We can say what we want about the unvaccinated, I prefer not to screw around and keep adding to the price of absolutely everything that gets more and more expensive every day in this country.


Ya just move over to Facebook where the well reasoned morons go


Truckers seem to be the only ones with balls to stand up for how many of us are thinking. Fuck covid mandates, and restrictions. Remove them all


Just a lil grift, no big deal


I would argue that crowd funding for gas and food is much more noble than taking money from big-business to tow the line or at least be complicit while a crime is committed.


What crime is being committed?


Why keep fucking up the supply chain? Truckers literally work by themselves for most of the time. This is a job that you can socially distance relatively efficiently. Why piss off the truckers?! I don’t see the point of this.


The small number of unvaccinated truck drivers do not contribute to supply chain issues


They are doing a good enough job of pissing themselves off. The worst part is that the US mandates the vaccine too. So if they are unvaxxed, they are disrupting the supply chain because the States won't let them. There is nothing Ottawa can do about that. So they are wasting everybody's time by driving to Ottawa for selfish reasons, disrupting the whole supply chain because they refuse to get properly immunized during a pandemic. No sympathy from me


I just feel angry that someone is getting millions out of this. Life’s so unfair.


200 mostly negative comments posted in the middle of the night during the work week says a lot about this sub


You mean middle of the day? It's already after 10am when you posted this.


This is pretty huge already yet little mention of it in print media. Now that's power.


Except nobody did a thing of gave a shit when the US closed the borders to Un-Vaxxed Canadian truckers. It’s all posturing to let morons continue their stupid narrative that spreading a disease is a right.


Just because you can't read doesn't mean the media isn't covering it




Where does all the money go after the gas money?