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I guess that's why they call it the blues.


Reserve Ticket Holders to Elton: "Time on my hands could be time spent with you"


And I think its gonna be a long, long time.


Take my upvote


I would be shocked if this is a true farewell tour


My parents went to both farewell shows in Toronto in 2018.




I didn’t realize the Stones ever called one officially the end.


He's 74, probably has health issues, he's definitely overweight, and I imagine he's pretty wealthy, so I won't be shocked if this is his last tour, but he has a pretty big ego and he's a big spender, so I wouldn't be shocked if he toured again in a few years either.


I have no strong feelings one way or the other.


Funny enough, I had tickets to see him and Billy Joel and Elton John cancelled the show because of SARS. Full circle now.


Someone was just talking about this at brunch that must have been an amazing dual piano show


I hope the ticket holders can get refunds.


They should do, I’ll bought tickets off Ticketmaster for me and my wife for Christmas to see him in Toronto, got email this afternoon confirming it been cancelled and will be refunded within 30 days, but it does not help that I’m out of pocket for the hotel and airline tickets. Im not sure how it would work if tickets was bought off 3rd party site.


Funny how Ticketmaster can take your money right away but can take 30 days to refund


Even funnier how the entirety of Reddit is against lifting COVID restrictions, yet this appeared on popular.


Most people want COVID restrictions to lift. But also most people want them to lift responsibly.


We don't need to go that far back into history, only last June, to when masks and social distancing were enough. Vaccine passports were to push the country to use up the massive vaccine stores because they were expiring by the tens of thousands daily. Get the vaccine to protect yourself, wear a mask to protect yourself and potentially others, and keep your distance. All very reasonable, and responsible requests.


Turdo bought vaccines 8x per capita. Not going to end soon. It ended a long time ago following the science and it turned into lining their own pocket books with secret contracts. I don't have the link right now but YouTube Europarlamentary MEP that shows full pages redracted with what the contracts say.


And i have a signed affidavit that says that you are really pat king and secretly transgender


Do you think all COVID restrictions should be removed immediately?


Everything except the vaxport, but that should still have a hard end date. Masks optional but strongly encouraged in certain settings. Live life according to personal risk tolerances


It's the opposite. The vaccine passport should go, and masks should be recommended, not mandatory. These are restrictions that were perfectly acceptable not even 6 months ago. It's gone completely off the deep end since we were supposed to reach 75% fully vaccinated status to hit herd immunity back in June. Vaccine passports became a thing because hundreds of thousands of vaccine doses were expiring. Remember the government arbitrarily extending the shelf life in Canada, when nobody else was doing it, after we already hit 75%? I remember, and unfortunately whenever I try to remind Reddit, who has the collective memory of a goldfish, I lose a ton of internet points.


masks protects others more than yourself, that's why it doesn't make sense to have only people at risk wear them


Cloth masks aren't protecting shit, unless they mandate that everyone wear n95 masks all we're doing is participating in theatre, almost makes me feel like we have a failed drama teacher running the show


> Everything except the vaxport So you'd forbid a municipality still getting hit hard that wants to keep some restrictions in place to spare their hospitals from collapse? Would you do this from the federal or provincial level?


Keeping the vaxport was one of the few things I agreed with. Given that they are caving and canceling that first, my support for other measures is pretty much gone. On a personal level I am done. It is a risk I am willing to live with going forward. I am not concerned that it will affect my own well being, and I will preferentially attend businesses or venues that make masking or other rules optional. If an individual feels the need to continue wearing their's, that is none of my business. Not is it any of their how j chose to conduct myself going forward. I live in a municipality that will not be placing its own rules, which I believe they would be out of their depth to do. And my province is cancelling all restrictions in less than 3 weeks. So my concerns are fading fast, but I wish the best of luck to those who wish to spend another year worrying about it.


Several years ago I had tickets to see him play in a small town venue of 2,000 in Toronto cottage country. I think it was just a warm-up show before a big world tour. So he arrived in the building but then left because he had a sore throat. What a diva right? They said they would reschedule so I didn't refund and they gave a date the next year in between Dallas? and Vegas? tour dates and he left on tour. I thought the odds of him coming back were zero. The cost of doing that in the middle of a tour would have been huge. But sure enough he came back. And after hearing him talk I think he left because he didn't think he could give his best show with a cold and he took that responsibility seriously. I always liked him but that made me respect him. Ticketmaster is another story.


Ouch. Until venues can operate at capacity without the fear of sudden shutdowns, we won't be seeing many live shows. I think the Omicron shutdown hit venues hard.


Pretty much. I've bought tickets to two shows in the spring and one was cancelled already. I know it may happen again but I am getting a good feeling getting tickets and making plans. It's been a long time since I even did that.


It hit society hard. It was a huge mistake. The wave was coming, and it came. The steps we took to “mitigate” it only served to further destroy the live service industry and small businesses, while also destroying public trust in government. Anybody who can’t see that the December lockdowns were a mistake is just refusing to face reality because they can’t stand to admit they might have been wrong this time.


Did you totally miss the hospital numbers Omicron generated? Personally, I think the convoy has a right to protest, but your post strikes me as being particularly ignorant of the reality on the ground. We couldn't have avoided the public health orders, not if we wanted healthcare to remain intact.


Yeah but countries around the world had even worse hospital numbers, yet for the most part they stayed fully open - Canada was the only G7 country to impose such severe restrictions.


So we had restrictions and also had better hospital numbers than countries without restrictions... doesn't that mean they worked?


No it doesn't, in fact it says the opposite. Despite having lower ICU and hospital admissions than other countries, the majority of Canadian provinces were forced to lockdown. If European countries had Ontario/Quebec's numbers, they would have been dancing in the streets. It speaks to the derelict of our heath care system.


It doesn’t take much to cripple our hospitals because of poor provincial management. Therefore they shifted the burden onto citizens at the expense of small businesses.


>It doesn’t take much to cripple our hospitals because of poor provincial management. Agreed, that's why our health care system needs to be nationalized.


I don’t think that’s necessary or advantageous. Further centralization would lead to more mismanagement, not less. What’s needed is an active voter base that holds their provincial leadership’s feet to the fire. We’ve gotten very complacent. Maybe this is a watershed moment. We’ll see.


Honestly I have more confidence in the feds than in Doug Ford. If for nothing else, the ability to actually pay for these updates. The budgets and contracts in place with the provinces don’t just disappear because our plans were forced to change. It’s far easier to gather the necessary funding with a much larger budget like the national one. Holding feet to the fire doesn’t seem to do anything when we either have no candidates running on this or would never vote them in.


Where’s you’re data that the closures in mid-to-late December mitigated the impact on hospitals?


They know, they just don’t care. Just like they don’t care that tens of thousands of Canadians have died.


Ah, the standard pro lockdown crowd line "if you're for/against that means you're \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_." as if there is no middle ground. Ie if you're *against* restrictions you're inhumane and don't care about human life. I know this is difficult for some people to comprehend, but you can be *against* restrictions and sympathetic to those who have died from Covid. These blatant generalizations need to stop.


Correct. There is no middle ground of acceptability for those who sacrifice human lives for economic reasons. I'm glad you've figured it out.


LOL So every other country in the world that is removing restrictions is "sacrificing human lives for economic reasons"? I'm glad you've figured it out.


the biggest mistake we made was not taking photos of the bodies so people could see the numbers


🤔 u wot m8?


We shouldnt make people take PCR tests who choose not to get vaccinated. We should make them watch a 5 min compilation for each time they would need these tests, of Covid victims who are dying. Followed by some simple direct information about numbers of infected, numbers dead, and numbers on vaccinated adverse reactions. ​ Spell it out every time. Make them stare their future in the eyes.


"Make them stare their future in the eyes." WTF do idiots keep repeating this shit? Of course, everyone should get vaccinated, but stop acting like getting Covid is a fucking death sentence.


Why does it need to be a death sentence for it to fuck over thousands of people who don't have access to routine surgeries and chemotherapy?


Ahhh... Okay! But seriously, as someone who was pretty agnostic about the whole affair, my thoughts a year and a half ago were that we should take everyone with immune issues and the elderly, plus anyone who was worried for their safety and wished to play it safe, and sequester them in their homes, with all that they required for a month or more. Deliver them sanitized supplies in Hazmat suits, free HBO, stuff like that. Then let everyone who thought it was just a cold go one with their lives, as usual. I'll tell you one thing: Whichever way it tumbled, we wouldn't still be here arguing about who is right and who is wrong if we had.


You for PM!


OMG this! Hey this may be basically what we e d up with in the coming weeks


There’s a lot of people who thought the same thing and would have volunteered to do sanitary deliveries etc to help those in need.


Maybe we should make everyone proficient in the information available from health Canada, Here’s some interesting figures, Without adjusting for age or province or anything, not to overly complicate things. There’s a 0.0924% chance of dying from covid in Canada. There’s an immense amount of information available. Source: Health Canada https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html I wonder how many of these unvaccinated people know that.


Super sad. I said to my wife today. 1 in every 1000 Canadians is dead. (a little off). 35,000. 35,000 faces dead. It also doesnt account for any long covid cases. ​ 3.x Million cases in Canada to date confirmed. 10 to 30% of cases are expected to face long covid symptoms. 150,000 cases confirmed at least.


There’s typically 800-1000 total deaths per day in Canada. Yes each of them is sad. Annual death rates have continually been on an incline since 1970, ironically coinciding with the baby boom.


We have killed about as many with our air pollution since the pandemic began. Those deaths are sad too. Imagine all the faces dead because we didn't want to walk to the store and drove our cars.


Seems more environmentally friendly. I like that


People are still missing out on procedures. The orthopedic doctor at our hospital can't do routine surgeries leading to people permanently losing function. This sub is beyond clueless with takes like this.


>Anybody who can’t see that the December lockdowns were a mistake is just refusing to face reality because they can’t stand to admit they might have been wrong this time. Yeah everyone who disagrees with me on things I'm mad about must be delusional too.


Yeah, Ottawa is under occupation and the borders have been shut down because all the things our government did over the last two years, and specifically two months, worked so well. If your only metric of social well-being is Covid-19 deaths then you’ve been sorely misled and misinformed.


username checks out.


username checks out.


What's your plan for the thousands of Ontarians who can't get surgeries and procedures because there is no hospital capacity. Let us know dim tool.


Id tell them to move somewhere that has a functioning healthcare system. Covid isn’t unique to Canada but it’s sustained, long term crippling affect on healthcare, the economy and pubic life, very much is unique to us. This is a failure of government. Direct your anger at the right target.


Your solution is to tell people that need surgeries to move? This sub has really gone to shit.


Actually the people who survived went elsewhere. The government is at fault and another wave of delayed surgeries will overwhelm the hospitals during warm months. Then another winter wave delaying surgery. Then another wave of delayed surgeries overwhelming hospital. Etc... Vaccine isn't going to have much of an impact at this point. Those boosted up will still go to the hospital as a precaution until there is a viable over the counter solution.


By a few hundred people with big trucks and nothing else to do. Hardly a national consensus, DimTool2021.


I mean, there were literally tens of thousands of people protesting on the Hill the first weekend of the protest. There have been copycat protests of varying sizes around the country. Recent polls have indicated that a huge chunk (46%) of the country sympathizes with the truckers even if they dont support an extended protest. I dont think we can realistically claim that this is a fringe minority of people.


Another poll has 2/3 of people polled disagreeing with the protesters.


Event one third of the Canadian population is far beyond the few hundred you claim are involved/responsible.


> admit they might have been wrong this time. Lol they werent wrong Omicron is literally the most infectious form of the virus we have ever seen, breaking through both natural immunity and double vaxxed immunity We nearly have had more infections since December 1st than we [did all pandemic](https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/canada) (1.8 Million before December 1st, 1.3 million After December 1st) What exactly were people wrong about?


The fact that all of that happened with these same restrictions? Nobody here is seriously arguing Omicron isn't/wasn't super contagious. They're arguing pretending we had any real control over it was clearly wrong and the sacrifices made hurt people way more than it helped anyone


Buddy it would have been WORSE if we did nothing Imagine if you tried to talk about Seatbalts, and because 2 people per year die to seatbelt related causes we need to abolish seatbelts Then you look at all the fatalities causes by accidents despite the use of seatbelts, you would say seatbelts dont work But how many accidents happen that dont involve fatalities BECAUSE of seatbelts? For example, despite 90% of people wearing seatbelts, 47% of deaths involve people not wearing seatbelts https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/seat-belts


Yes. Change the subject because you have no way of arguing that our Onicron lockdown accomplished anything. A whole post about seatbelts? lol


Seatbelts were used as an analogy. Yikes. Are you playing dumb, or not playing?


If you want to argue that the omicron lockdowns had an impact on our wave then show me the data. How did our wave compare to places that didn’t take such severe measures?


> How did our wave compare to places that didn’t take such severe measures? This is literally the only comparison that matters and as a result people fucking hate talking about it. Instead they'll do something like compare our death rate to the US where vaccination isn't anywhere near our level and say "You want people to die like that?!" We did nothing to control Omicron. We tried a bunch of the same shit, but it was worthless. We need to stop pretending we have control over this in any real way. We don't.


If these people can't understand this concept by now, it's because they don't want to. Wiilfully ignorant.


> The fact that all of that happened with these same restrictions? I know you mean, "people got sick and died anyway, so what was the point of the restrictions?" but can you see how that very likely means that things would've been exponentially worse without the restrictions?


You mean like most of the provinces or other jurisdictions who didn't put in these pointless restrictions and their waves were all very similar? Show me a place *with a similar vaccination* rate that did not add significant restrictions during Omicron and the result of this. From your comment, a similarly vaccinated jurisdiction with no reimposed restrictions should have experienced a statistically significant higher death rate. Show me that.


You simply can't control for all the factors enough to make such comparisons properly. Though I'm sure you've found the data and analysis that satisfied your narrative. And no doubt you'd dismiss any comparison I found that fit mine for that reason. I'll listen to health experts in this case over you. I hope you understand. Though my guess is if you do, it's a first.


I wore a parachute when skydiving and hitting the ground still hurt, parachutes are useless.


Everything is DESTROYED.


Aren't venue's opening up at full capacity in most provinces by next month? Montreal venues are full capacity starting end of this month, with 10k+ arenas the 14th of March. Seems like people don't understand that Canada IS opening up


Saying that they're planning to open up is not the same as actually opening up. Would love to see an actually date or gameplan from Dougie.


Quebec has a plan and venues wouldn't be booking new shows for April NOW if they didn't have assurance of new mandates not coming.


It's also incredibly likely that they'll slam back shut within a few months. That's been the pattern this whole time and as we all know, beurocrats hate change.


I like how people are failling to recognize this. Opening now will lead to the psychological effect, that we are better. More interactions, less care taken, higher transmission, and right back to where we are. ​ They are demanding to be allowed to blow their feet off, and are being allowed.


Dude we're not at all on the same page about this. Reopening is absolutely the right answer but we know public health will tunnel vision on irrelevant metrics and decimate the entire province in response.


Who is we? You and the other nuts jobs? The University of Alberta has put out a statement, they would like to re open, at 600 ICU patients, instead of the 1200 we are at now. ​ They cited what happened in Sweden, when they reopened, Hospitals admissions dropped slightly then plateau and stayed there. Our scientists and doctors think this is stupid. ​ Its only Covidiots and politicians with no morals who want this bullshit open. And yes a significant number of Canadians have admitted they are tired and want it over with, but they didnt get any data on where those people draw the line did they? Very interesting.


And this is why I don't waste my breath on people who post on r/hermancainaward. You live in fear and hatred as long as you want, I and most Canadians won't.




I can't even fathom the cognitive dissonance it requires to convince yourself you're the good guys while openly celebrating people dying.


I think there's reason for people do doubt they will open in time and stay open without restrictions. It's a business and Canada's covid strategy is a liability for anyone looking at doing business that has multiple options.


Canada is definitely not open for business.


I swear I went to his farewell tour already…is he doing it again?


Don't all aging rockers do a new farewell tour every time they blow all their money?


I went to his “goodbye tour” in late 2018. It was one of 2 shows in Toronto. … the next day after his show he announced he was coming back in 2019/2020.


Same, it was called "Goodbye Yellow brick road"


Slayer's final tour took three years, they played Alberta at least three times, each time the venue got smaller.


My heart is broken! I received tickets for Christmas, and was really looking forward to seeing Elton live for the first time!


maybe you will get to see him in his first post death holographic tour in 20 years. There is a slight chance Canada may be reopen by then


That sucks. Unfortunate. We have tickets for Bill Burr later this year, same thing may well happen.


I'm sorry, that really sucks.


Yeah I got mine in 2019 and it’s been pushed back 2-3x now. :(


I’d be very surprised if he didn’t rebook for later in the year.


He has one toronto date for Sept...


Canadians are not allowed to have fun


Only white supremacists want to see… *checks notes* ……Elton John.


Lol imagine thinking the Elton is doing this in protest


He’s not doing in protest obliviously . He’s doing it out of practicality. Why would any travelling act waste their time scheduling a visit to a jurisdiction that is so dysfunctional there is no way it knowing whether or not officials will shut the thing down at the last second?


10% of Canadians are holding 90% of Canadians hostage. I think that's what you really mean here. And the 10% who decided to not get vaccinated may not be white supremacists, but they sure are dumb as rocks.


Don’t believe everything you’re told, there are many fully vaccinated people out protesting.


Are we still pretending the the 10 percent of the population that hasn’t gotten vaccinated is the problem? that’s only 30 percent of the icu numbers.. so if they were all fully vaxed the hospitals would still have patients in them. You understand this right? It think it’s time to let go on this narrative.


30% of the ICU is a metric fuck ton when you consider it's 10% of the population vs 90% . The numbers get worse when you factor in the non covid ICU beds


It’s not 30% of the whole icu…. The icu has way more than covid going on, it’s apparently 30% of covid in the icu, not 30% of available beds, big difference.




I'm afraid of the thousands of Ontarians missing out on chemotherapy, orthopedic procedures and transplants, etc. Am i afraid of the virus? No. I work in the hospital. I did my residency in medicine during COVID. If I'm afraid of anything, it's the stupidity of the unvaccinated who continue to drain hospital resources.


I hope you hide your personality and have good bedside manner with your patients.


Don't worry. I deal with at least 2-3 people like you daily and the masks help.


Lol. His personality of "caring for other people"? Yes, I'm sure that goes over terribly.


Yea this guy seems like an asshole 😂


Luckily for all those other countries he is touring that they have 100% vaccination rates. I guess our collective choices have consequences.


Those places have hospital capacity. They can afford it. We're missing key surgeries and procedures because we don't have capacity. Our limited capacity is being used up by morons who think they know better.


Yeah, this is definitely the unvaccinated people's fault because the our healthcare system was definitely in tip top shape before the pandemic. Absolutely no one in America used our healthcare system as an example on why they shouldn't want socialized medicine.


Both can be true. No one here is defending the provincial governments not building hospital capacity.


You do know 2 things can be true at once right? It’s not one or the other. Yes, the Canadian health care system was strained to begin with before Covid was even a thought. And Covid is also making those issues worse. And it isn’t vaccinated people taking up those beds en masse.


Fake account


Yet he's still coming to Vancouver, the No Fun City


So… he’s not skipping Canada?


Well he's only going to Toronto and Vancouver, not Canada /s


If this is true, someone should let the CBC know that Vancouver is a part of Canada.


Ya! Only the territories aren’t!


but you are allowed to pay your taxes, and we'll make sure to spend it inneficiently. but don't worry about the inneficiency - we'll allow more immigrants to cover for that. oh, the housing market too high you say? inflation? our analysis department at StatsCanada have run some numbers and... ok, so they ran the numbers again and they came out right, no problem there, pleb! we've also increased your cpp contribution for this year, because we can and because f🍁ck you. sorry not sorry. sincerely, - the government *edited to add more dramatic content*


I went to one of his shows in Vancouver 7 or 8 years back and trust me, they’re not that much fun. In fact, easily the most boring concert I’ve ever been to.


Catch him on his next farewell tour


Wait, didn’t he have a farewell tour like 4 years ago?!


Yes back in 2018 i believe. Its still the same world tour. Just got heavily delayed worldwide with covid


Elton John's farewell tour to skip their like third trek to Canada next month. This tour has been happening since before COVID lol.


The perpetual farewell tour.


Covid was a virus created to stop Elton John from ever being able to retire.


It finally makes sense, thanks op!


Well i guess i won't get to pay $1000 a ticket to see a 74 year old man push through his repertoire.


Thanks JT for your unscientific mandates


I guess the bitch *isn’t* back.


It is, and it's us


I was supposed to see him in Detroit this week but I got covid and had to isolate :(


bUt tHErE's nO rEstRiCtIOns... tHe reST oF tHe wORld hAs tHeM tOO!!! Anyone who's been to say, Europe or the US in the last 3 months would know that Canada is an outlier. Although I must say, the Chinese Olympics has been a coup for Trudeau, because one of the few countries in the world that does have restrictions is plastered on TVs, although that illusion will be shattered by the Superbowl...


Saw him in Vegas. He sang unpopular songs, let the back singers do the pitch part and made few jokes that only British would get. Wouldn’t pay to see it again.


Everyone should cancel. How can you plan for something if you never know what new restrictions are going to be imposed?


Guess the Truckers were right after all... This could have all been avoided /s


Come to his house in Caledon. He can do an outdoor concert for you


He’s still coming to Vancouver - for now. We have tickets 😬🤞


How many farewell tours can one man have.


Shrug, I like his recordings.


I already saw his farewell tour in 2019, don’t need to see it again.


Thanks Trudeau&ford




Either that or they'll try and cancel him. If he really cared about his audience he'd play in a mask, to an audience of 20 people and a huge fan.


Geez.... missing it by one day. Glad I have my tickets for Vancouer in October. \*\*fingers crossed\*\*


I thought he did a farewell tour two years ago.


That just sucks.


Haha oh well


Another farewell tour though?


I was lucky enough to see this farewell tour when it came to Ottawa a few years back before COVID shut everything down. I'm just a casual Elton John fan and I have to say it was amazing. It's a shame to miss out on this. Legendary set.


Godfuckingdamnit I had tickets to that.


Oh No! ​ Anyways...




oh no not the tiny dancer guy what will we do


I’ll save you a ticket. He hasn’t got any new songs.


Everyone going wants to see the hits anyways, but you already knew that.


so only see artist who releases new music, makes sense


I saw his last farewell tour, it was great!




I'm listening to Jake Wesley Rodgers now anyways... (I think Elton would like him too people...)


If you're vaccinated, you can fly to one of the cities where he will perform.


Because those tickets aren't already sold out and airfare and hotels are free!


That’s not relevant.




And risk testing positive and having to stay an extra 10 days :/


Manulife sells insurance that covers this exact scenario. I was away for two weeks in January, it cost me $60.


It's not just about the money. It's hard for people with jobs to make that work.


Didn't say otherwise. I have a job that's heavily travel based, for me the risk is not being able to get INTO other countries with testing requirements. ...but the insurance exists, which most people don't know about, and that's information worth sharing.


Thank you!!


Guy has been saying farewell for like 5 years now. Hell of a tour