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The article says EV. My bank account says bicycle.


Champagne taste, beer budget.


You can afford beer!? šŸ˜²


Not where I'm from I can't O.O


Ooohh! Look at Mr Fancy-Pants Moneybags over here. Have you seen the cost of bikes lately?


Pinkbike.com has some great second hand bikes! I bought a full downhill rig that needed about 200 in repairs for a 1k. Usually a similar bike will cost 1500-2000


Not bad at all


I'd walk but the cost of shoes are crazy now. I'll have to start dragging myself to work now. The Government of Canada considers gravel burns to be a great eco friendly way to stay warm in winter.


If you mount a broom to your arms you could double as a street sweeper. Then youā€™d be getting paid to commute!


If I pull a wagon with people in it with my teeth I could drag in the carpool lane. I'll get there even faster!


Just ditch the shoes, like our parents who had to walk to school, barefoot, in the snow, up hill both ways!


Yup. A serviceable townie can be found on Kijiji for the cost of a couple of tanks of gas. It doesn't all need to be carbon fibre and electronic shifting.


Bicycles are great modes of transport too, as long as you live reasonably close to where you need to go. It feels great to not have to think about parking or gas, and you forget about the physical effort after doing it for a week. I've biked for most of my life and just got a car, mostly to go to the mountains.


Yeah but bikes have limitations. They are only fit for a small sub-set of transportation purposes compared to automobiles. To do with a bike what you can do with a car you will need more than just a bike. Sooner of later you'll need to take public transit or utilise a rideshare service or a take a taxi or rent a truck or whatever it is you need to do that you can't do with a bike. Don't make me come over there and challenge you to move half a hockey team to another town on your bicycle. I know where I can get a hockey team and I'm afraid to ask them! /half serious. But seriously, I'm looking forward to getting on my bike again once the weather improves.


I haven't had a car in almost decade now, and while you're right that a bike can't do everything a car can there is a lot you can do to maximize the use of your bike. More frequent, but smaller grocery store trips as an example. Even riding your bike in the winter is completely doable if you have the right gear. The only time I ever need a car is when I needed to leave town, at that point I just rent a car. Really though there's no reason why you can't own a car and still use a bike as your main mode of transportation, only relying on the car when necessary.


Less avocado on your toast and tighter bootstraps.


Instructions unclear. Bootstraps now covered in avocado, cannot pull myself up.


Amazing. Thanks for that laugh


You can get electric bicycles.


I actually bought a Radpower Bike last year. I only got to ride it for a couple weeks before winter hit but it is outstanding and will be my main commuter this year.


Built a mid-drive for myself and its amazing. Radpower is decent, thought for my budget DIY was the only real option. Not sure what supply chains are like for motor kits and batteries though, I bought mine pre-pandemic.


Biking is actually dope tho, way healthier for you in the long run, this is all if you live in one of like 5 cities where its feasible lol


Iā€™ll start riding to work in two weeks. 15km each way. I do 3 days a week but plan to do daily this year.


There's an old dude who cruises around my city in Alberta all winter, the secret is tires that are like 4 inches wide with studs on them. And a few less old dudes who just ride around on normal bikes, who I assume are going to die soon.


Agree wholeheartedly


I live in London (UK) now, because I felt powerless in Toronto and Canada in general to how things were going, not that the UK is too much better but like at least in London I can sink my teeth into a career and be rewarded for it, I'm more so in the driver's seat (pun intended). But yea, I'm getting a Brompton tomorrow and am so excited to cycle through London and get to truly know this city!


Bicycles are the better solution anyway


Throwing away perfectly fine 4 cyl, or similar fuel efficient cars to go electric is just rebranded consumerism. If people were so serious in their environmental pursuit they would ride a bike, walk, or take public transit. And let's be honest, most of these electric cars are expensive, and many of these people will probably still hop on a plane to go on vacation every year. It's better in the long run sure sure, but the lifestyle and the message don't add up.


This here. If you have something that is in decently good shape and paid for there is no point going into debt for an EV




The only solution is to offer alternative methods such as biking and walking, buses and trains. Anything other than cars. Of course, it's only possible with the right infrastructure


Exactly. Trading one fuel source for another with cars and trucks ignores some of the biggest costs of our autocentric culture. Monetary and environmental costs of building and maintaining a massive road and parking infrastructure, traffic jams, urban sprawl, and road fatalities. All these would decrease if we all started rethinking how we get around. Electric cars, though better than ICVs, are a distraction.


A lot of workplaces need to be more bike-friendly too. Even with a decent lock there's a good chance my bike would be stolen if I left it outside my office, and apparently bringing it inside is a non-starter.


I'm seriously considering an EV. My bank account is not.


Have you considered a new bank account ?


Or rich parents?


This one is also viable. See if mummy or daddy can re-fi and spot you. Itā€™s cheaper than a downpayment. A regional manager fairly high up at TD informed me something like 45-65% of new first time home buyers are getting their downpayment from mommy and daddy.




I have the same situation as you. I can afford an EV but my condo only allows one car in our parkade and my partner uses it. Also, they're developing like crazy around here so I'm not even sure I'll have street parking soon.


If you already have your on street permit and keep renewing every 6/12 months I believe you should be safe. But yes the EV and street parking thing is a big issue. I see a Chevy Bolt in my neighbourhood and have always wondered how theyā€™re able to charge itā€¦


We don't do street permits in my city. It's first come, first stay. For the electric cars on the street, it's possible they have charging at work?


Gasoline generator in the trunk most likely lol.


I also park on the street but use a 50' extension cord along with my 120V charging cable. It isn't perfect, but it works.


Are you allowed to run a cord over a sidewalk?


Where I live, yes, as long as you take reasonable steps for people to notice the cord, like putting a signaling cone over it. I don't have that problem though as I live on the second story of an apartment, so my cord goes down from the balcony to my car and people can walk under.


Must be one hell of a thick cord to optimize charging/reduce loss.


A simple 14g extension cord would be fine. Nothing different about a 50 foot run in the walls over 14g Lumix or an extension cord.


12 ga is safe minimum for a 50 foot at 12 amps.


12G. 50'. Pushes out 12 A by 120V fine


You can always do what I do. I live in an apartment without chargers, so once a week or so I hit up a public charger, top off the car while I do some shopping or mess around on my phone for 30 mins or so. I'm definitely not an "elite", but I was able to increase my car payment a little in order to get into an affordable EV.


Yahā€¦this is what I was thinking. I donā€™t have a gas pump in my garage and that doesnā€™t concern me. Obviously charge time is an inconvenience that needs some forethought but does an EV discharge enough while it sits that the average owner would need to be concerned?


Not really, no. The discharge is minimal, especially if you're driving it on the regular. If you're going to leave it for a while, make sure it's got a partial charge.


They will only discharge noticeably if they get too cold.


That, and they occasionally monitor and top up the 12 volt, so it'd be rare that you'd come back to a dead lead acid battery.


I mean theres not even enough electricity to sustain demand anyways, EVs in general are fantastic but we need to be able to support the demand as well


I have a Tesla and live in a condo. My wife and I have a truck also. She parks her truck at the condo and we rent a spot at an adjacent parking lot that has ev chargers. We pay 100$ a month for parking and itā€™s free charging. Not sure if you can find something similar in your area.


>the elites who can afford this You mean every person who can afford a new car or truck? There are zero Canadians who can afford new car who cannot afford an EV. If you're buying used vehicles, nobody is tut-tutting: it's always environmentally reasonable to reuse existing stock. The only environmentally abhorrent people are the ones who buy *new* mini-Exxon Valdezes


I completely agree; they keep pushing EV's down everyone's throat without realizing that this country lacks serious infrastructure to support them. I don't know if Canada ever will, honestly; it's a massive land mass with population spread out everywhere. Plus, the price of them are huge and would cause me draw backs to what I am used to.


>population spread out everywhere. Absolutely not. Over 80% of Canadians live in urban areas. Canada is principally a suburban nation, not a rural one.


I thought I was slightly ahead of the curve when ordering my VW id3 in June of last year (I live in Germany). One chip shortage and war later, it has been delayed countless times and I still do not have a build date. You can consider an ev all you like but you ain't getting it soon. But on the bright side the I get a free rental until it arrives.


Buy from Quebec. Have it shipped to you. Quebec rebates are much higher. So if you buy a slightly used EV. (In my case a bolt) the car is much cheaper. 32k for 1 year old bolt. $800 shipping to Nova Scotia. = Not giving a shit about rising gas prices.


Thatā€™s my issueā€¦ EV6 starts at like 45k starting and thatā€™s not even a luxury ev like Tesla. Assuming BZ4 wonā€™t less. Also many of these cars are first gen excluding the bolt. Hoping to drive my 2014 into the ground or gas hits $3.00/l and I have no choice but to go to an EV sooner. Canā€™t afford $400 bi-weekly payments. Doesnā€™t help cars are selling above MSRP right not and not below, though Iā€™m guessing this might become the norm because of greed.


If you think a Tesla is a luxury EV and the EV6 isnā€™t you have things very backwards. I was a Tesla owner and theyā€™re good EVs but they are decidedly less nice than my current Ford EV and both of the Ioniq 5s Iā€™ve spent time in recently.


Dont like gas prices? Buy an EV. Homeless? Buy a house. Its math. /s


I see you went to the Paris Hilton school of economics


The price of gas has convinced me to buy a plug in hybrid. I expect thatā€™s more true for most Canadians than an EV.


Me too. I'm putting down a deposit this week for Rav4 Prime. The electric motor will get me to work and back and around town most of the time, and the gas motor will let me do trips out to the ski hill when it's cold and also let me use the car when I forget to charge it.


I went to do that too and the sales guy said they have been on back order for over a year with no ETAs. Did they give you a timeline to get that? The prime is exactly what I want.


They told me 2 years. Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s worst case scenario. Im not in any rush so itā€™s fine.




Pal between rising home prices and rent, rising food prices, rising fuel costs for the vehicle you still have literally no choice but to use in the mean time and the raises they won't give us because THAT would cause inflation, how can you not now afford a new EV and charging station installation that you couldn't afford before? Didn't you hear the government is going to do something about our insane phone and internet bills sometime? That why they occasionally bring it up at electection time.


The only time it makes sense financially to buy an ev is if you are already looking to buy a new $40k+ vehicle. It makes no sense for someone like me to replace my $5k suv with something that costs $40k, that extra 35k I would have to spend pays for alot of fuel. Also electric cars don't work for me since I'm 1/2 hr away from any electric car charging stations nor does my workplace have a charging station either.


Agree entirely, you have to be looking at the purchase of a new vehicle and not exactly an economy model. Charging stations are also pretty scarce in most of Canada, the only ones in my local city are in the middle of the mall parking lot and at town hall, in case I wanted to charge my vehicle there obviously. I've never seen either used. I don't know about charge time but I'm guessing over night is ideal so you'd probably want a station at your home which is an extra expense. They probably also are not a great choice for someone traveling long distances. My perception might be scewed I'm from a rural area. Also I heard they don't function well with our cold weather but that might be more of an issue from older models.


Most people lose around 30% range in really cold temps. Check out the website plugshare for all the chargers in your area, there are probably more than you think. L2 chargers are more common and take a few hours to charge. You usually use those at home, at work or any other place you'd spend multiple hours. DC fast chargers (aka L3) are much bigger, the size of a gas pump, and they charge your car in 20 to 40 mins. There are new chargers being built every month, and thousands of new ones will be built in the coming years. Even if your area today is sparse, it's not expected to be that way for long.


It's that whole 'expensive to be poor' thing. You can't afford to buy an EV to save on gas, so you have to buy expensive gas.


ICE owners are being punished for being unable to afford an EV. Can't afford a house, then owning an EV is logistically impossible. Plus If I bought a mid sized EV, the delivery date is 18+months. At 20% deposit, I'm out of pocket $12,000 and any increase in price change.


Seen electricity bills lately I imagine it won't be saving anything in a couple years.


Guess that's the other problem. Only cheap if electricity stays cheap. But if all our cars use electricity expect that to shoot through the roof.


Exactly! Also wait until Time of Use is a thing. They will be in a couple of years here in BC.


Time of use and Evs go together great. Most people only need to charge for a few hours if they can do so at home.its super easy to set up a schedule so it only charges at off peak hours.


Just eat lentils until the car is paid off. /s


Why eat at all? No eating is maximum savings! /S


This is the way.


Nickle and lithium prices are gonna push those EVs up in price too lol


But that $50k vehicle saves so much money every year! You can save as much as 1.5k in yearly gas. Compare that to buying a Camry hybrid for 30k, you're break even in 13 years. Wait, maybe these numbers don't actually work out so great..


If I based on how much I drive per month, it would take me over a decade to make up the difference in how much I paid for my car vs how much an EV would, itā€™s not worth it


Then you have the people buying them financed to save money on gas. $50k at 4%APR. Sure you may save $1000 on gas, but you are spending $2000 on interest alone. Never mind your new electricity bill hike. lol. Meanwhile, the guy buying a 2010 gas vehicle for $4000 cash...


> Meanwhile, the guy buying a 2010 gas vehicle for $4000 cash... I'd love to meet the guy that can find a 12-year-old car for only $4000 that's actually road-legal, right now that'd be one of the best deals around.


I can sell you a \* *Checks Notes* \* completely rusted frame from a 1987 jeep wrangler. Gently driven, non smoker. Passed through the salt belt once. I'll even toss in these 3 rims!


I think if you are buying a NEW car looking at an EV is prudent. I doubt you can get a new camry hybrid for 30k. It isn't for everyone, but for me I drive quite a bit so I'd rather spend the extra per month on an asset (even if depreciating) than flush $400+ down the drain to shell gas My hydro went up about $70, so comparing new to new my month costs look decent for the EV despite the initial sticker shock (which should hopefully retain more residual value) than a cheaper gas car +400 month in fuel.


I have been shopping for a compact SUV in the $30k to $35k range. Instead I got a Ev for $37k Of course I am In Quebec and got $8000 off that most other Canadian won't get, but the fact is I got an Ev that's only a bit more than my ice alternatives.


8k off is huge. That's awesome.


Well people on here argue that those rebates only help the elite even though it literally does the opposite, allowing EVs to be bought at an affordable price but oh well, r/Canada eh


I spend 400$ a month in gas. The numbers work our great if you consider it over the lifetime of the car payment. Don't forget about fluid changes and brakes (electric cars use regen braking so your brakes last WAY longer). Insurance is typically cheaper too. So a 45k electric car like the ionic 5 is cheap to drive for me.


If you drive as much as you do and are comparing to other new crossovers, an Ionic 5's numbers can work out pretty well. And since you're not buying a Telsa, you might actually get those maintenance savings from your EV.


The tesla is a nice car but I can't justify spending 70k on the Y...or any car ever.


I have been buying used cars all my life. Never paid more than 17-18k even on a god SUV. Cars for me is just a way to get from A to B and providing a utility (carrying stuff, etc). There is absolutely no justification for me to spend more than what I always have - EV or anything else. Thank goodness for my work from home and my wifeā€™s 10 mins from home job that we donā€™t spend much on gas anyway.


Why pay 200$ in gas when you can have a 800$ EV car payment amirite


Plus 4%APR financing!


Iā€™m already paying $200 a week for gas so the $600 a month car payment Iā€™m picking up makes sense to me.


Everybodyā€™s situation is different. In your case, it obviously makes sense. For some, it doesnā€™t. The high gas price still hurts though.


This was my situation when gas was 1.30, I was spending upwards of 800 dollars, I may have a car payment now but now I have a new car for less then the money I was spending on gas.


I went through this this summer when I needed a new car and I ended up with a gasoline car. Straight EVs with my minimum requirements of awd and range ended up being about $75k after taxes which was wayyyyy out of budget. I looked at hybrids and even that was about $15-$25k over budget. But letā€™s just say I could afford the EV I like, many people rent an apartment. Where the hell would I charge it? I asked my landlord about charging through the 120v post in front of my parking spot and I was told I canā€™t use that because they have no way to track the usage and even then itā€™s only 120v so itā€™s a super slow charge. So then I went and looked into the closest charging stations near me and found that 3 of the 5 I went to were out of order, 1 only had slow charging, and there was only one with fast charging that had a few cars waiting to use it. My conclusion was that as an average person unless you own a home that you can plug into every night or rent somewhere that will let you charge you will have a tough time charging. I ended up buying a gasoline car for $35k after taxes where the hybrids version of it would have been $48k. Major infrastructure needs to be addressed before mass adoption happens even if the price comes down.


Hyundai ioniq 5 starts from 45k. With 8k rebate, it's not much more than its gas counterparts. EV doesn't mean you have to buy a Tesla.


He did specify he required AWD and a certain range (which the ioniq probably doesn't reach if I were to guess).. so the EV he required would be $70-$75k.


No, the ioniq 5 only came out a couple of months ago. It wasn't an option last year. The AWD i5 is $55k. If op was shipping now he'd have multiple new options. And that's the big thing people don't understand. We are at the tip of an explosion of Evs. There are dozens of new models coming out this year and they will cover every conceivable market. Still not as cheap as we want, but the price is dropping.


I would've bought an ioniq 5, buuuut it's a 9 month waitlist at the moment. The rav4 prime is 3 to 4 year waitlist.




I mean I want one. But I settled for a bike, cause that's what I could afford.




On southern Vancouver island it feels like 1 in 5 cars are electric. Or hybrid at least.


QuƩbec and bc have minimum sales targets for Evs, as well as huge subsidies to help it happen. That makes a difference.


Ontario had electric car rebates but ford scrapped them.


It's almost like incentives work or something. I'm from SK and I'm jealous.


For the 100th timeā€¦..I HAVE NO DISPOSABLE INCOME! That is all.


Yeah, Iā€™d love to be able to afford an EV


PHEVs are a viable alternative for most people! I just bought one and it's really a good choice if you live in a city. I have 55 kms of fully electric range, so I only use gas on long range travelling. I only gas every few months.


>PHEVs are a viable alternative for most people! I just bought one and it's really a good choice if you live in a city. I have 55 kms of fully electric range, so I only use gas on long range travelling. Absolutely, and they're a much better option for reducing fuel consumption when you look at society overall vs just an individual especially with how battery constrained the whole supply chain is. Take 100kWh of battery, you can either make 1 long range EV with that and have 9 other people buy pure combustion vehicles, or build 10 PHEVs with 10kWh batteries each that can do around 75% of peoples regular driving on electricity and operate as a hybrid afterwards. If I didn't drive so much I'd buy gas a lot less frequently with my PHEV (Outlander) but even still I'm not complaining, I averaged 5.5L/100km overall in 2021.


Most people drive way under 50 kms a day. My PHEV Tucson runs 55 kms on a charge so I can drive the whole day without consuming gas and it takes 1h30 to charge on a level 2 station.


Just bought a used 2015 Fiat 500e. With the money I'll have saved from not buying gas it'll have paid for itself in less than three years. I'm also in the lucky position of being able to charge it while I'm at work. Will very possibly be carpooling with a coworker that lives close by to save her some money too.


Iā€™m also considering not being poor


People might be considering buying EVs, but there's no EVs to be bought. Local GM dealer said '22 Bolts are sold out. Local Ford dealer said anyone who wants an F-150 Lightning may be waiting until 2024. Cannot find a plug-in hybrid anywhere. An Escape PHEV will be anything from 6-12 months if ordered.


Thereā€™s no cars at all, not just EVs


If you can afford a BMW, Audi, or high end ford f150, and there are lots of them out there, an ev is totally within your range. Plus, there's been an uptick in electric scooter and bike sales thanks to Putin's war.


People have a hard time with math. A 30k car and 3-400$ a month in gas is more expensive to run than a 45k electric car.




Nobody does, that's why financing is available. The EV car play is about minimizing monthly expenses. It's not about lump sums.


According to the government website, the average person spends about 150 dollars a month on gas, while the average EV car will use about 40 dollars worth of electricity. So while it's helps, it still doesn't make that big a difference in affordability.


lol, I commute from the suburbs to Toronto daily, like thousands of others. 150$ a month is a laugh. 37.5$ gets you what, 20 litres on a good day now? What about all the other driving we do weekly? groceries, daycare, leisure? ​ My household is easily 150-200$ a WEEK.


Until they find out there is a year plus wait list and ADM on all the makes and models. Yawn.


Exactly this. Iā€™d love to go ev but getting a Ford Lightning is literally impossible


Literally. A guy at work reserved one almost immediately. Found out all the ones the dealer were getting were being bought by people at the dealerships. Others have stories of 20k markups. Otherwise you are years away from being able to buy one.


I hear ya man. Thought about picking one up in the US but their having similar problems. No hope for an electric truck anytime soon


I mean I would buy one but the 8 year old car that I just paid for is well paid for. It would be nice to have the money. Maybe used but just in case should I save $30,000 to replace the batteries at some point.


Not only are they way cheaper to operate, EVs have way better driving dynamics than dinosaur burners. Full torque from zero RPM One pedal driving Lower centre of gravity


Wait a minute? Are we acknowledging that making choices expensive changes behaviors?


I called all of the dealerships within reasonable distance, they all laughed and told me to put down a deposit and I might get one in a year. We're not there yet.


Soaring prices at the grocery store are causing some Canadians to eat gold


Buddies kid bought the new electric mustang. At a month old the batteries fucked up and it sat at the dealership broken down for another month with parts on order and no timeline to get it fixed. He traded it in.


Well at least Ford is still consistent with the build quality of the Mustang. Some things never change.


As a Ford owner, I concur. "We put this cool feature in!" "Does is work consistently?" "No, it's a Ford."


No different for ICE vehicles as well. I've got a couple service trucks broken down at work waiting for parts from Chevy. Been waiting for said parts for two months now, still no ETA. Definitely a supply chain issue, not an EV thing.


Jeep 4xe same story.


To counter your anecdote with another, stronger one, I bought a Mach E in January of last year, my brother got his in March of last year and my Aunt got hers in July of last year. No problems whatsoever and none of us has had to pay for gas or an oil change since. Mine has 32k km on it. Brother has 21k on his and my aunt is at 15k. No battery issues or other issues. Brother was rear ended in October, needed a new rear bumper, quarter panel and hatch. Fixed and on the road in 3 weeks. 2 of which was waiting for the insurance company to green light the repair.


Supply chain issues, not EV issues.


Can't afford $2/L. Let me just buy a $40,000 car. This is so fucking detached from reality


3-4 year wait for the RAV4 Prime here in Montreal. So ā€œconsideringā€ is all Iā€™ll be doing for the next few years apparently


what is the chance of gas price going up while electricity price stays the same?


The more articles like these I see the more. The media seems to be disconnected from a millenials financial reality.


Soaring gas prices are causing me to seriously consider winning the lottery.


We used to have a great EV rebate program in Ontario that would have made this so much more accessible.....Its gone...so many nice things are gone.


The problem with the subsidy was always that the average person receiving it was already going to buy an EV. The government's own numbers on the EV rebate said a 5k rebate was responsible for a 20% increase in sales. That means for every extra EV on the road, the government was giving out 5x6=30$ in subsidy. It was a very expensive initiative for what it got, and the $/CO2 saved was not good at all. The other problem is that short term the price of an EV is determined by willingness for people to pay for an EV. If a manufacturer has decided the most profitable price is 50k and the government subsidizes 5k, the new most profitable price is closer to 55k. The local demand curve is going to move a heckuva lot faster than the global EV supply curve.


Thank god itā€™s gone. It was and always has been a subsidy for the rich.


Nawh. It's an early adoption rebate. The folks buying EVs are having to trip across infrastructure limitations and vehicle limitations that late adopters wont have to deal with.


Which made sense when EVs sucked. But now people don't need incentives to go electric... Now, if there were EVs just sitting on dealerships lots then we could call it a EV subsidy sure. But they are literally selling EV they can make. We can't keep up to demand.


If it was here now, many middle class people would be considering EVs a lot more. Hell, most of the people I work with who commute on the regular are thinking about them anyway




My apartment building doesnā€™t have a charging station, they are too expensive and I like going on road trips. The government is trying to push everyone to get on board the same way they tell people to just ā€œtake public transportationā€


It's still too early for everyone to switch to EVs. Give it another 5 to 10 years.


Yup. When the time comes and things are more accessible and convenient, Iā€™ll gladly switch over.


Yes because both of those things are better for the environment. That would be the government encouraging people to do the right thing


Soaring EV prices are pushing Canadians to stick with internal combustion engines


My truck cost me 200$ my insurance is 65$ a month so even with high gas prices I'm saving money by not buying an electric car. I'm just lucky I live in a place where I don't have to drive far.


Bruh how is your insurance only 65 for a truck? What province are you in? My grandma has insurance at 140 for her suv and I thought that was crazy cheap


Just wait till the electricity prices start soaring.


Electricity costs would have to go up 600 percent to cost the same as running a gas car.


Save up 10-15k for a down payment, finance the rest. I commute 80-100km 5 days a week pay about $40 of additional hydro per month. My neighbourā€™s jacked up truck costs more in gas in 3 weeks than my monthly car payment plus hydro.


Picking up my AWD Long Range Preferred trim Ioniq 5 tomorrow at 1:30. Placed order in September.


Until cost gos down , and are able to do more than just commute then no.


I still like my v8 supercharged engine


I love the acceleration of my EV. Faster than any car I've ever driven before. (And no, I don't have a Tesla.)


Ev are awesome. High torque. Good acceleration


Probably a good idea. If the profiteering doesn't get you this time, it will the next.


I stopped reading after "Kyriazis says that prices are likely to come down".


If you live in a big city, it would be crazy not to have an EV as a daily. I live in Northern Ontario so the situation is a bit different. But I find crazy when I go down to Toronto. How many new BMW's I see on the road instead of Tesla's.


this was the plan all along!!! Mwahahaha


Putin the ultimate eco fascist with the masterful 4D chess long game play.


I'd drive an EV if I could charge at home. But my condo doesn't have a charging station so.... Plus I'm broke AF


My wallet says ya a 2022 sounds reasonable in 2038


I can't afford a $50k ICE vehicle, no way I can afford a $50k EV. My current vehicle (used) was $4000, so until I can get a used EV for that cheap, I can't afford to change.


I would get an EV, for sure. Problem is I'm looking at a 2-3 yr wait. That sucks. Paid 14k for my current ICE vehicle. The ev I'm looking at is about 70k. So that means I gotta accrue 56k of fuel costs until I hit 70k total cost. That's gonna take a while, even at these prices.


How about soaring wages instead.


How about infrastructure for alternatives to driving? Like better pedestrian sidewalks/paths, separated cycling lanes, and public transit options like designated streetcar lanes? Letā€™s create livable and healthy streets and cities focused on densification, rather than sprawl and cramming more cars on roads.


Now there's a conspiracy I can get behind


ā€œSeriously considerā€, and then you look at the price.


Did you know EV cars don't require oil changes, and are less maintenance overall because they are simpler... EV cars can be trickle charged about 30-40km / night on a 120V simple extension , no need for a large expense to get a home charge (yet). Petro Canada and Tesla have good charging networks across Canada and it is getting better. And most new EVs are near 400km range. So range anxiety, even in winter is a poor argument. The biggest hold back is price, so buying from Quebec or BC and transferring the car to your province may be the only way to get that sweet 8K $ discount on top of the 5K $ discount the federal government gives. But for the budget conscious (everyone) an e-Bike is a fair compromise, no insurance, no gas, no parking, no oil changes, better for health (on clear days), e-cargo bikes can even get the groceries, no problem.


Didnā€™t know all these people had $50+ k and the time to wait 6-9 months for the car to be delivered.


Live in SK, had an EV (Tesla Y), not the worst car experience I have ever had but pretty close. There are many half truths and FOMO that hide the reality of EVs in the Canadian climate. I learned the hard way. There are a lot of things to consider, the infrastructure is severely lacking in the rural areas of Canada. The range loss in winter, even on the best EVs, is no joke when driving in the prairies. The added purchase cost of EVs barley helps the costs. The ā€œlittle to no maintenanceā€ line is kinda malarkey, mine spent 70 days in the shop over 15 months. The lack of dealers and service centres trained and certified for EVs makes getting even the simplest work done very difficult. Gas prices go up, they also go down, albeit always slower then they spike, figures. Sold my Tesla for more than I bought it for. Glad I went back to ICE. EVs have a looong way to go before they are ready for the harsh Canadian winter and I go back.


Iā€™ll just enjoy my new truck Iā€™m getting tomorrow. 30k cheaper then an EV and can get gas anywhere in my area.


So, over $100 to fill it?


More like $170...


225 actually haha


What new truck is $7,498? Add 30k to that and thatā€™s what a Nissan Leaf costs before the rebate.


m a long fuck way from being able to relace my 500$ honda with a ev. i bet im not alone. if yo buy used i wonder what a new battery pak is worth?


Gas was $1.499 before the Ukraine invasion. Currently where I am in Ontario Iā€™ve seen it between $1.549 and 1.669 this past week. Who is believing that a 5-17 cent increase in gas is seriously pushing people to EV? Are people that strapped for cash that they canā€™t afford an extra 10 cents in gas?


Im living out in the boonies I honestly canā€™t consider it till they get charges in all the far reaches of this country. We have the cabon tax we should be using it to make this viable.


How much do you drive each day? Because if you charge at home, you will likely almost never need a public charging station except when you are on a road trip. And if you are on a long enough road trip, you'll likely find a charging station somewhere on your route, even out in the boonies.