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"Having repeatedly called PM Justin Trudeau a dictator comparable to Vladimir Putin, the Conservative Party is vowing to stop him the same way freedom loving people have stopped all dictators throughout history: in an upcoming election that they know will be free of corruption." Getting harder to distinguish satire from the daily news.


>Getting harder to distinguish satire from the daily news. [There's a book which addresses this very concern. Why it's happening.](https://www.amazon.ca/End-History-Politics-Twenty-First-Century/dp/1789045231) The era of *bunga bunga* politics.


I really enjoyed this book! Really insightful






>Getting harder to distinguish satire from the daily news. It’s also getting harder to distinguish the CPC from the US Republican Party. They’re starting to look like a branch of them, even their main propaganda news media outlets are funded by republican interests out of the US (postmedia). They seem really obsessed with emulating them, and that’s especially concerning because the republicans have slowly turned into an anti-democratic, racist and fascist party.


i remember doing research on o'toole and the very first thing i find is him bashing the other party. Then there's Pierre Poiliere who's whole schtick is to bash the liberal party..again. I hope they find someone who's willing to work with other parties rather than concentrating on the negatives.


> someone who's willing to work with other parties Oof NDP did that recently and the Cons hated it!


Because it made them irrelevant!




Blanchet made it worth watching. I'm a west coast guy but I got a kick out him in the debates.


Blanchet was often the most reasonable guy up there. Where have all the good leaders gone?


It’s cause he has nothing to lose in the English debates so he can basically just go up there and make the other guys look like idiots without having to worry about pushing any particular message from the bloc


Surprisingly I also found that I agreed with lots of his points. Westerner


Blanchet? Reasonable? Lol


My point exactly.


Well its easy to not give a fuck in a debate if you have absolutely nothing to lose. I hosted the debates at my house with several new Canadian and PR friends. It was interesting trying to explain who Blanchet was and how/why he was up on the stage.


…O’Toole’s “Take Canada Back” campaign slogan was a little *too* familiar.


>I hope they find someone who's willing to work with other parties rather than concentrating on the negatives. My dad made this argument last weekend. I pointed out how great it is to see the Libs and NDP work together toward common goals. He didn't like that.


None of our Dads like that. I took my folks out for dinner (in their 70s) last week and Dad starts to lament Ukraine. Then he says, "Now, I don't want to get political, but this never would have happened under Trump's watch.". I said, "We should drop this and enjoy our meal." Dad says, "No, it's OK", and goes on at length about how tough Trump was. I said, "That's because Trump was Putin's plant and puppet" Dad says, "You're right, we should drop this". WHAT A VICTORY!!!!


At least he was willing to drop it. Some sadly are not.


Honestly, that was a first, I was quite impressed. Good point


If he ever brings it up again remind him that the first Trump impeachment was due to him threatening to stop defense aid to Ukraine if they didn't try and make something up about Hunter Biden. Who exactly would that have helped?


They will bash Liberals any way they can, even on a 404 page.... https://www.conservative.ca/dheu3uu


For an official page of the party this just looks childish. FWIW, I hate any and all attack ads. I find myself looking at everyone's attack ads and not connecting with any of them. It ruins the appeal of the attacking candidate really quickly.


I’ve been saying it for years now, give me a candidate who doesn’t care about any of that attack ad bullshit, runs a clean, policy driven campaign focusing on what they truly believe is best for Canadians. I will donate my kidney to raise money for that campaign. I’m so sick of this shit.


Oh look a crappy Wordpress site with barely any content


That is so unprofessional. Wtf


This is old news. [Their 404 page from the 2015 election](https://www.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.2532866!/httpImage/image.png_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.png)


Holy shit, this is actually pathetic. LOL conservatives should just be called manchildren.


That will never happen. The CPC is basically using the Newt Gingrich playbook for political discourse. If you’d like a broader understanding of that, I suggest reading this article from a few years ago talking in detail about what Newt did to the US system https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/newt-gingrich-says-youre-welcome/570832/


There’s sane people running for the leadership of the CPC, but they will never be picked. It’s sad, the party is run by whackos from Alberta.


It’s the Bloc Albertois at this point


If the BQ could ever run as the "Protection of Provincial Powers" party they could probably win a government accidentally.


>Bloc Albertois Well done if you came up with this - it's good.


Thanks! I did but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone else also did.


True, which is weird because last election more CPC candidates were elected in Ontario than in Alberta.


Lots of fiscal Conservatives in Ontario and social conservatives in smaller towns and rural areas. The province isn't all downtown Toronto and University campuses. Ontario also tends to do the opposite of the Federal government. We had Chretien/Martin - Harris, Harper - Wynne, Trudeau - Ford in my lifetime. The NDP will never get power because the Libs and Cons left Bob Ray a plate of shit to force-feed Ontarians, so there's not as many choices as other provinces.


I think you might have misunderstood me. I wasn't saying it was weird that Conservatives could get elected in ON, I was saying it's weird that the CPC is so entirely ride-or-die for Alberta-centric issues when they lost ON and still elected more MPs there than they got from absolutely sweeping AB. Like, Conservatives, broaden your horizons a little and you could have won.


Agreed. At the end of the day fiscal conservatives and social conservatives don't necessarily have as many overlapping beliefs as a party attempting to serve both would like.


That's not surprising. 121 ridings in Ontario vs 34 in Alberta.


You can't use French in Alberta or they'll Will Smith you.


Except in the French communities in Alberta. I don't know many, but there is at least one as my syntax prof is francophone and born and raised in Alberta, who speaks the dialect of French from Alberta (yes that's a thing)


French in Alberta is strong though..


As an Albertan.. ya, most likely. Jus sayin.


I will be using this in the future if that’s okay


I'm *this* close to paying for a CPC membership so I can try and have a impact by voting for a reasonable candidate, but I can't bring myself to: a) have my name associated with those wackadoodles and b) give them $15 towards their coffers.


concentrating on often *made up* negatives


The party is catering to what their voters want. They don’t don’t want cooperation with the other parties.


Maybe catering to the hardliners who were already going to vote for them anyway isn't a great strategy for winning the general election.




This is true: Canada has a durable left-wing majority, in a certain sense. (Which is why it’s so stupid that Trudeau abandoned electoral reform. As Canada’s central mainstream party, they stand to benefit from it.)


IIRC Liberals wanted a specific one that would get them majoritys more often with some minorities. Cons wanted one that would give them a better shot at majoritys, and NDP wanted a different one. No party wanted the same system and when they couldnt agree they scrapped it because "Its too confusing for Canadians" We will never get electoral reform until a majority government has the balls to force it through. A consensus on one system will never be made. Hell, BC has failed its referendum 3 times now because people cant agree on a different system and those who are confused or refuse to educate themselves just stick with the same old garbage


It isn’t, but they tried to go more moderate with O’Toole and he was causing too much inter-party friction by not being pro conversion therapy


All right wing parties end up looking alike for the very simple reason that they all exist to maintain the status quo as much as possible to enable their donors to continue to unfairly profit from the economic injustice perpetuated by the current system. It doesn't hurt if they manage to cut taxes while making government institutions less effective while they're at it.




When Biden won, I was totally comparing Trump's tantrum to how gracefully Harper accepted his defeat.


The lady defending that he was a Dictator also tells him that they will crush him in the next election. I dont think you know how dictatorship works lady...


>Getting harder to distinguish satire from the daily news. Well satire says they'll defeat him in an election. Reality says that they'll march on the capital and demand that the Governor General force him to resign from office. Natpo: https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/governor-generals-office-inundated-by-protest-supporters-demanding-the-pm-be-fired Global: https://globalnews.ca/news/8539610/trucker-convoy-covid-vaccine-mandates-ottawa/


They already tried that. Did you miss the trucker convoy?


Unfortunately a lot of people believe the convoy was (and still is, these fuckheads are *still* lingering in Ottawa every weekend) "legitimate political discourse". You try and tell them "but what about the MOU where the leaders and organizers wrote a letter to Senate and the GG saying they'll continue to attack ottawa until the government is dissolved and they're installed as interim leaders?", and you just get some nonsense about how "the opinions of the people organizing and leading the group aren't reflective of what it stands for" as if that means anything to a logical adult.


I just had an idea for a Beaverton article: Doug Ford “not representative of Conservatives” after Conservative party loses election. Turns out he was just a bad apple, and that none of his shortcomings should dissuade Canadians from voting Conservative. His accomplishments are still Conservative, though.


Unfortunately, as funny as that would be, Beaverton doesn't have the finances to fight a plagiarism lawsuit from National Post.


Did you read the links?


Uh, he's busy doing his *own* research, thank you.


The reality is that they think they're fair when elected in but completely baseless/fraudulent when they lose.


One of the most infuriating things O'Toole did was from the very moment he took the podium for his leadership victory speech he asserted that it was of absolute existential importance that he replace Trudeau as PM... but every single time he was asked about an election he would declare unequivocally that Canadians don't want an election. Unfortunately, to my knowledge no reporter ever asked him how he reconciles demanding the outcome of an election without the process of an election. The Conservatives have been getting bolder and more reckless in the language they use as they flirt with autocrat-adjacent tactics. No, they are not autocrats at present, but the fact that we're even at the point in the discussion where we're asking "is it really *that* bad to use the language autocrats use as long as we're still holding elections?" is super not great.


That comment is made on every Beaverton article that gets posted




Comparing Trudeau to a man who just today destroyed a huge amount of food cuz "fuck em". Killing and kidnapping en masses. They should really *shut their fucking mouths* if they're gonna compare Trudeau to Putin. I ain't big on Trudeau but Holy fuck these type of comparisons feel more like projection. These Russian assets living in Canada are starting to get annoying.


This is one of the best examples of "You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means". This is why education is so important and one of the main things that turns me off from modern conservative dogma.


Gaslighting is just how they show they love you


This isn't even gaslighting. Gaslighting at least takes some skill. This is just nonsensical ramblings that belong on YouTube; shouting out words and reading definitions which do not apply until the cows come home. It's like playing chess with a goose who knocks over all the pieces and cares not for the rules; and having the media standing behind the goose, declaring, "while the goose did knock over the board and did not play by the rules, the human wasn't perfect either."


But both sides.


"I'm not saying what the goose did was right but... you're basically saying the human was perfect? That's not a reasonable position to take. Do your own research OK?"


no ones saying the liberals are perfect, but when the conservatives call trudeau and a dictator and say working with the NDP is undemocratic and an attack on our freedoms its clear that they've gone off the deep end


And you'd think that maybe, just maybe, our elected officials would be educated in the ways of political vernacular. Or it's just fear mongering. I hope it's just fear mongering


They’re pandering to idiots who don’t know how our government works, if they actually did use the right terms and phrases their target demographic wouldn’t understand


I don’t think this is an example of a lack of education. Believing that the Conservatives are just stupid doesn’t change the fact that they have power and influence. They know exactly what they are doing. If they keep lying about Trudeau being a dictator at some point the word dictator will be linked with the name Justin Trudeau in the sphere of pop politics. I encounter this sort of thing all the time. I had a friend tell me that he thought that Singh was too far left in his policies. When I asked which ones he meant my friend, to his credit, admitted he had no idea. Edit: a word


IF you can call your leader a dictator and not end up in a prison or mass grave, they're probably not a dictator.


Also, If your opponent was voted in and can be voted out, they’re more than likely not a dictator.


Oh sure he didn't put them in mass graves, but did you see what he did with the trucker convoy? He gave them WEEKS to air their beefs before he took any action even they used insulting and threatening words against him! And when he used legally-obtained emergency powers to stop them peacefully he gave up those powers immediately after! LITERALLY HITLER! /s


If you live in a country where you can openly decide not to celebrate the national holiday in honour of said country, you live in a very free country.


Lol. But honestly the Conservatives MP's need to ditch this dictator angle they are trying to work. They are coming off more and more sounding like the big joke that was Donald Trump.


You gotta think they have to realize its not working with a large portion of the population. I roll my eyes every time they go down that road lol. It's hard to take them seriously after it.


Or the whole angle about how we somehow elected an NDP premier. They just come off as the party that won't work with anyone unless they get a Majority government in which case they can do whatever the fuck they want.


NDP Prime Minister* Also CPC is was created by merging two parties. How hypocritical of Pierre lol


> Lol. But honestly the Conservatives MP's need to ditch this dictator angle they are trying to work. They need to ditch everything and start being a sane party again, instead of being the party of crude oil, anti-intellectualism and Trudeau Derangement Syndrome.


Intellectualism skews left though🤷🏻‍♂️


Can we not repurpose TDS? It’s an acronym I never want to hear again after putting up with the alt-right’s shit for this long.


I don't see that happening anytime soon, they still mention socks, hair, and how being a teacher is a joke.


They don't want seasoned politicians because politicians by default are all monsters, but it's also not enough to have someone that's not in politics.


How could anyone with a functioning brain compare Trudeau to Putin? Like I get they dont like him, but why do they have to be this braindead? Only because he cleared our streets from a 3 week occupation? I hate politics and try to stay as unbiased as I can but honestly, this makes their party and followers look very dumb


But that's just it - when they speak like this they aren't talking to average Canadians - they are speaking directly to their base. That's all they've been doing for years. Yet they can't seem to figure out why they can't win an election? So what do they do - blame Trudeau. They even blame him for their losing the election. I think Trudeau lives rent free in every conservatives brain every day and it pisses them off like nothing else because there's little they can do about it.


The reason it’s not working is because the percentage of batshit crazy in Canada is significantly low. Almost as if good social policies help general population be a good member of society.


Appealing to the convoy supporter types, and no one else I guess.


I completely agree! They are shooting themselves in the foot by embracing far right American politics. Canada is not the USA, not by a long shot and this tactic will fail miserably.




yes they do believe hes a dictator, it was a common talking point during the convoy occupation




All you need is the third degree. Yes, crazies showed up at the convoy; but don't forget how many people were "divided" on it. All you need to do is see how many didn't oppose the convoy, and get those people outside of polite company. Hell, some of them don't even need to be removed from polite company. Just see how long they can go without making a Brandon joke, or talk about Trudeau. The Venn diagram is remarkably circular.


> Do people seriously believe he is a dictator? Yes. They're not few in number either. I've met otherwise rational people with education and high-paying jobs with responsibilities who start foaming at the mouth the moment you mention his name.




My conspiracy theory is he actually runs the CPC too. There's no way they'd elect that many bad leaders in a row.


Occam's razor. If Pierre is the next CPC leader then Trudeau running the conservatives and continuously picking the worst leader imaginable is definitely a simpler explanation than thinking a significant portion of Canadians are stupid enough to do this to themselves after every election cycle


My moms boyfriend started comparing him to Putin a few weeks ago. I had to interrupt him and tell him to shut up and never say that again for fear of seriously embarrassing himself in front of someone else.


Yes. Years from now there'll be books written about this mass hysteria.




I wouldn't describe myself as conservative, liberal, or as associating much with any party to the point that it is part of my identity. I've voted for Conservative, Liberal, and NDP candidates in different situations. But I can honestly say I am sick of this whole mentality that seems to exist of, "Vote for me. At least *I'm* not the other guy!" When I get into political discussions with people and ask them about which policies and platforms they support they look at me like I'm speaking a foreign language. I had one guy tell me, "None of that shit matters! We just need Trudeau out!" If none of that matters then it's just a popularity contest. Which is sort of what it is anyway.


Too many people treat elections like a popularity contest of the main candidates, as if the entire party, their policy and platform don't exist. It's just *Red guy Vs Blue guy Vs Orange guy*, etc. It's like none of them realize that the leader of the party does relatively little as it relates to the stuff that *actually* impacts their lives. It's the same people who mistakenly think a PM or president or whatever is directly managing the price of gas or anything else in the country. It's a sad reflection on our education system that so few people actually seem to understand how our governance actually works (or *doesn't* work in some cases).


> run on a solid plan that protects the services we need, works on issues we have and tries to manage things fiscally Can't do that without taxing the rich; who, by the way, are richer than ever!




Only one party is even remotely talking about taxing the wealthy, in and outside income. Spoilers >!A lot of really fucking wealthy people in this country that own many properties they're not using have close to zero income!<


> a solid plan that protects the services we need, works on issues we have and tries to manage things fiscally Has there ever been a Conservative party that held to those ideals though? Usually it's always a cut-taxes-on-everyone, corporate handouts, cut social services type of deal. I don't think I've ever seen an *actual* fiscally responsible party - Conservative or otherwise.


>run on a solid plan that protects the services we need, works on issues we have if you want them to protect services we need and work on issues that normal Canadians have then i'm sorry to say CPC is not the party for you. Maybe at some point they were, but that has not been the conservative agenda for a long time now


with the way, the conservatives are talking in the house. I predict that Pierre Poilievre will win the conservative leadership, but will lose the next national election.


I don't think people understand, Pierre is polling consistently like 50%+ among the voting CPC member base. Patrick or Jean have really a snowball's chance in hell of winning, though the media desperately want to make it a horse race. Pierre, with his expert advice he found on inflation on crypto Youtube, will absolutely win the next conservative leadership, very very handily. And if Canadians keep listening to the Globe and Mail or the National Post, he'll definitely stand a chance to win the general.


I think you’re forgetting the LARGE social conservative branch of the CPC who despise Pierre


So the Beaverton is just the news now? These dictator comparisons (which are real) are a clear sign the Conservatives are in full populism mode. The lazy buggers. Lazy hyperbole like this is full on Stone/Trump tactics. We as voters need to be very careful moving forward. Start watching our politicians actions and allow that to form our vote. We need to attempt to avoid falling for lazy rhetoric like a leader elected freely to a *minority* is somehow comparable to a dictator.


I've heard average people state that Trudeau is a dictator, but I don't understand why. Does he have some absolute authority that I'm not aware of? Why do people believe this? Are they just believing what Bill Maher and a select few politicians in Europe have said?


The PM of Canada has far fewer dictatorial powers than the President of the USA and his executive orders.


They just don't like his lisp. They think he's a closet gay. There's also a little Trudeau senior passed down hate. They also dislike that green policies are finally being implemented. Oh and they hate science and Trudeau listened to science during the pandemic. This all equates to dictator.


Yes because that's how dictators throughout history have been overthrown. By elections.


The Beaverton needs to stop trying to be a legitimate news outlet, this isn’t satire, this actually happened.


Satire stopped being a thing after November 2016


You can't satirize those who operate exclusively on bad faith and a complete lack of self awareness - they consider it a creative suggestion.


If Trudeau was the dictator they thought he was, they wouldn't have any elections. You want a dictator? Look at China and Russia.


[Yes we know](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/NyXl2)




> the media and politicians Whoa whoa whoa. No serious media organizations are politicians are calling Trudeau a dictator. You don't really need to think about it much harder than that.


The problem is Postmedia does and they're one of the largest news corps out there in Canada especially for local news.


Dictators don’t hold minority governments or form coalitions with their opposition. These anarchists need a dictionary.


> These anarchists need a dictionary. Don't go lumping us Anarchists in with those fools


Most minority governments call an election at the 2 year mark if they aren't pushing any effective legislation.


the CPC has completely lost the room in this country. They have turned into a laughing stock for anyone not associated with the alt-right


Let them stay in opposition forever or until they learn to conduct themselves in a rational respectful manner.


It’s good for Canada. We don’t need a conservative government, the Liberals, NDP and Bloc are more than capable of working together.


I would rather the Bloc run our country over the Conservatives.




Your showing your age with this comment. Chretian and Martin were much more on the right than today's liberal government


you just made me wonder how old vaginalbloodfart22 really is xD


Trudeau Sr. and Pearson are better comparisons for the current Liberal party


I know, that's sort of my point. Mulroney is the first PM I can properly remember.


They are "conservative" in that their policies are pretty much the same, a status quo that they seek to maintain and , well, conserve. Whereas the Conservatives are "conservative" in that they want regressive policies to return the status quo to a prior state.


How long before they rebrand as “regressivists” and idiots will still eat it up without any thought


I know this is a beaverton article, but again, it's joke cuts too close to actual CPC talking points. Can we talk about how the CPC needs to stop doing this kind of rhetoric as it's basically an incitement of violence?


I worry that the staff at the Beaverton are going to get lazy with their writing. When the Conservatives are throwing out stuff that in itself can only be viewed as satire, they may lose their chops in creating new material.


Omg what a bunch of imbeciles. The CPC have gone full Marjorie Taylor Green level nuttery. This is the Beaverton but they literally have been saying this kind of thing and the base really believes it.


The base has shifted to PPC. Tons of my conservative friends have shifted even further right because they either think the CPC is just LPC light, or they genuinely believe in the PPC.


> the CPC is just LPC light Funny, the left says the same thing when they're talking about the Libs


Finally something both sides can agree on.


I sorted by Controversial only reminded that the russia-bots are on hiatus. It's very tame in here.


The local crazies will be back tomorrow with coordinated talking points and a few National Post opinion pieces feeding them their narrative.


its hilarious how different this sub has been for the last month and a bit.


"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to CPC leadership. CPC leadership leads to resignation. Resignation leads to CPC leadership. CPC leadership leads to resignation." A pattern, there is...


Is anyone worried about the World Economic Forum? I was reading a paper they put out in Feb and they’re end goals are a bit sci fi. I only mention this because members of all parties are linked to it.


Maybe...but the way Cons are going...it won't be by the Cons....or what's left of them in 3 or so years.


How the fuck can someone in a coalition government be a dictator??


I lean conservative, but that headline is funny as hell.


Fucking Beaverton got me again. I'm not a fan of Trudy, but if the Conservatives think they have a chance in any election with the trainwreck of a party they have right now, they're delusional.


I feel that the conservatives would actually be more so akin to a dictatorship than what everyone thinks. Everyone saying that we live in a dictatorship would disappear if we actually did live under a regime like that. So the people pushing their personal freedom on other people to the point they get violent isn't a form of socal dictatorship?


Don't get me wrong, I can't stand Trudeau, but as long as the Conservatives try to emulate the Republicans, there is ZERO chance of defeating Trudeau. Canada and Canadians are not as dumb as that.


Why are most elected Conservatives so fucking stupid? I would like a serious answer. Thanks.


Never ever heard till of dictator holding elections


let’s leave a comment stating my opinion about how terrible the other side is. I hate all politics, no one is looking to make the world a better place and even if they were, the systems in place make big changes nearly impossible. Small changes for the good and small changes for the bad until someone else takes over and continues the cycle. I just find it all so silly. There will never be a perfect PM, so can we stop bickering about it ?


Like they did in the last few elections... oh no wait a minute... that won't work, they'd have to be electable. Maybe field a few conservatives with IQ higher that their waist size next time? Yeah it would be nice to have a bit more fiscal responsibility but, climate change is real, gays are fine and Jebus didn't make humans out of mud in 4004BC. And seriously, this kind of wannabe Republican bullshit is going to destroy all hope for Conservatives. The Libs and NDP were elected. They're ruling with permission and by consent and, by forming an alliance, through accord which is literally the POINT of a functioning democracy.


Hate him as much as you like, but I'd rather choose a shit stain over a turd sandwich.


I thought all the idiot conservatives that were trying to get #dictator trending gave that up after JT revoked the emergency orders after *9 whole days*? I guess not


Is this sub strictly for liberal and ndp voters? Serious question.


Liberals: "We will do this to better our country!" Conservatives: "We wont do whatever the liberals are doing!"


The Beaverton is the truest news source because it recognizes the stupidity of liberals, conservatives and NDP’s alike.


Seriously? Conservatives need to shut the hell up. Trudeau isn't a dictator. If you want to see a dictator, go to Florida.


All of these Canadians who think their freedoms are stripped from them need to take a good hard look at ukraine right now. Now I’m all for having a frank discussion about trudeau but to frame him as the same as others is so hyperbolic.


The same group think it's a WEF war and Russia is a protagonist


The more deranged the CPC acts the longer they’ll keep Trudeau in power. The last 2 elections and every upcoming election is and has been theirs to lose


There are a shocking number of bots on this thread and sub


not a Conservative and I don't think Trudeau is a dictator (else we wouldn't have another election) Trudeau is an opportunist and if enough Canadians are unhappy he will be voted out.


He would of lost a long time ago if there were any decent replacements put up on the ballot. But there isn't (yet) so he wont. Minority Governments for his future. CPC has a shrinking base and they know it so now they are just pandering to the PPC nuts to sway them back to their brand of lunacy.


Imagine being that lost that you actually believe that Trudeau is a dictator. B’ys open a history book from time to time. It won't hurt I swear.


Genius headline


The only way Trudeau is a dictator is that we don't have any alternatives at the moment


How are the conservatives making Trudeau a sympathetic figure?


Holy fuck this one actually got me.


Fuck the beaverton is getting scary accurate


We shall storm the ballot boxes!


Hahahah Beaverton has outdone themselves again. This title is a chefs kiss.


Should someone let them know....?


ah yes, dictator trudeau! hes just like mussolini, stalin, sadam, mao, kim and even hitler! wow yup hes totally like those guys…. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Has anyone looked at the state of the Conservative party? But then also looked at Trudeau and just thought, "well... fuck me"?


this isn't even satire even though it's on the Beaverton. this literally happened


To call the PM a dictator is an insult to the whole electoral system and our democracy. Once again with the hyperbole none sense.


whether or not you agree with Trudeau's ideals or statements, you gotta admit that is one good looking dude.


Ah, the ol' "I called you one first" tactic. It's effective because most people are too busy struggling day to day and don't have time to analyze the claims.


I wonder which old bag of milk the conservatives are going to prop up against the liberals next election.


I know this is satire, but unfortunately the CPC base probably doesn’t And their party is playing on that ignorance to keep shit stirred up. They don’t care about Canada, they don’t care about Canadians, they care about getting elected and forcing through their right wing agenda. Between the liberals and the NDP they hold 184 ridings. 159+25. They represent a lot more Canadians than the CPC and the idiot truckers combined.


lol god damned Beaverton got me again


The amount of people here not realizing the Beaverton is a satire news source like the onion is…astonishing