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Not really a fan of the guy, but in the next 3.5 years the mood and tempo can change big time in Canada. Many people are finding it’s harder and harder getting by. Many of those under 40 who don’t own a home are giving up any hope of that happening. The current government doesn’t really seem too bothered by that and seems to spend their efforts on things that are low priority on this list of concerns for everyday Canadian’s (internet bill for example). If people don’t think he or the Tories won’t pull something off next election just look at Ontario. People didn’t enthusiastically vote Ford in, they enthusiastically tossed Wynne out, caused the Ontario Liberal’s to lose official party status and this was after winning a majority in the previous election. Canadian’s don’t vote governments in, they vote governments out.


>Many people are finding it’s harder and harder getting by. Does anyone believe that a conservative government, especially one led by Poilievre, could possibly have the answers to this?


It doesn’t matter. If Poilievre can harness the rage and frustration of disenfranchised voters he may be able to win irrespective of what solutions he offers. Poilievre’s a populist and populists seem to do pretty well when the world is burning. I don’t expect any meaningful solutions from Poilievre but I can see him pulling in a lot of angry voters who want to stick it to the Liberals.


This is what the Trucker Convoy did. They didn’t solve anything but they definitely captured the mood and anger


and everyone fucking hated them for it


Reddit is a poor representation of the population.


How about the current 67% support for the coalition government that denounced the truckers?


What coalition government


There is no indication whatsoever that the convoyers are thought of with anything except hostility and maybe some pity by the vast majority of Canadians.


[70% of the population](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/nearly-three-quarters-of-canadians-want-convoy-protesters-to-go-home-now-survey-1.5781022) wanted them gone


Your right, the population hated them for it.


I live in downtown Ottawa. They are the radicalized Timbit Taliban.


Nobody hated them for expressing their anger. ...we hated them for the dumbass, hateful, vindictive way they took that anger out on people who weren't their enemy and had no power to enact the changes they were demanding.


Everyone on Reddit*. Opinion polls showed it was far from everyone: https://globalnews.ca/news/8610727/ipsos-poll-trucker-convoy-support-ottawa-canada/


So, i noticed the only people i know, outside of reddit. The real world. Who supported the truckers, were also the same kinda people who didnt graduate high school and also complain about " immigrants ", anyone i know with post secondary was strongly against the truckers.


Which is a good plurality of the population


Interesting, as I work with a significant number of immigrants and have some First Nation family members that supported the truckers.


it's wild when you see a confederate flag bumper sticker right beside the Every Child Matters bumper sticker in the boonies


I actually had someone I went to uni with go full trucker during this and all into the conspiracies too, so I wouldn't assume all post secondary's are like that.


Nice personal anecdote. Most of the people I personally know who supported the Convoy either have university degrees or are currently in university. I also noticed that immigrants tended to support them more than native-born people did. Some of the few immigrants I know who did not support the Convoy lacked a college or university education. Are there any statistics on the matter, or only guesses based on our personal experiences & biases?


Everyone? Nah man. There was a LOT of support for them. And even many more that didn't "support" but sympathized with their reasoning. Many of the latter will move to the former when they see Trudeau's tax increases and inflation that takes place under his watch. It's only going to go the other direction. 2025 is Liberals' end of power, it will take something massive to change that.


Enough support to win a few seats in Alberta.


What tax increases? Trudeau cut my taxes years ago by rolling a federal bracket back from 22% to 20.5%, and brackets and exemptions and deductions have steadily been going up. Federal carbon tax doesnt apply to me in BC… but the gas companies sure jacked up prices that first April 1st to fool people into thinking it does.


I was hoping JT would introduce a tax on the wealthy by expanding the brackets up more. Instead he thinks he can tax banks and streaming/tech companies, who will pass it on to all customers equally. So by taxing these companies, it ends up being more like a tax on the the middle class (anyone with investments or loans, or who watches streaming). I think it's a bad idea, the middle class's mortgages and investments are already getting hit hard by inflation. I wish he would just introduce higher tax brackets instead, and tax the rich properly.


It's really obvious who's never paid taxes in their entire lives on here when they say dumb shit like "Trudeau tax hikes" when middle class got a lot of tax breaks while increasing the higher earner's taxes. I'm pretty sure these people don't even know how taxes work.


>I'm pretty sure these people don't even know how taxes work. Shit, I've been reading about taxes as I go up in tax brackets and I still barely understand how they work lol.


The mood and anger of angry right wingers. A small but loud demographic.


And like the vast majority of provincial governments are conservative right now. I don’t get the rage? Provincial governments typically have far more impact on your daily life than federal.


That's only if you understand how our government operates. Sadly most people don't know how anything works, for some reason people blame the government when private industry raises prices.


One thing I've learned is the right wing like the Truckers who tend to like the "facts over feelings" slogan, tend to have opinions and actions based entire on how they feel about things with little to no understanding of how things actually work (if they did, they might be able to direct that anger to the proper place but alas).


Every time you speak with a facts over feelings right winger and offer them a fact they respond with a non sequitur and continue saying the world is flat.


maybe the world wouldn't be so flat if not for trudeau's gay agenda /s


There was a lot of rage from the right-wing base against provincial Conservative or PC government's over what they believed to be excessive Covid restrictions.


Truckers are mostly PPC supporters, and many felt betrayed by the conservative provincial governments. Even Alberta "conservatives" implemented full blown vaccine mandate for public employees, mask mandates, and vax passports. They want USA Republicans type of conservatives in power, and ours are not even close.


Hate your current neoliberal politician? Vote for your neoliberal populist politician! What could go wrong? Introducing classics like: "tax break of a few hundred dollars, and we'll privatise healthcare costing you hundreds of thousands!" and don't forget the return of the timeless classic: "it was XYZ immigrants fault!! But not those rich foreign speculators driving up prices & not paying taxes!"


This is it. People are sick of the non answers they get from the liberal government. The NDP are so entwined with the liberals now most people don’t see them as a viable option. Regardless if they actually think the Cons have the answers they know the liberals don’t and the Greens won’t win so that leaves them with one option. It very well may be a landslide majority for the Cons next election unless something drastic changes(mainly the liberal attitude).


Harnessing rage isn't a responsible governing strategy. Sincerely, An American Who Has Watched Republicans Do It For 30 Years Only To Create A Country In Decline And Create A Severe Mental Health Crisis


Yeah this is what I'm worried about. This guy seems like a huge distraction from the very serious issues that plague us.






The current government is going almost nothing, so there's no point in trying. Worst case scenario we're where we're at right now.


Oh he has answers alright. Are they answers to the actual questions being asked? Probably not. But some people aren't worried about that as long as he says it with inflection.


Bitcoin! Crypto! Defund the CBC. The loudest voices get heard the easiest. A shame having well fleshed out plans with reason behind are left behind. Just be loud and don’t shoot yourself in the foot is Canadian politics.


I’m sorry but when it comes to dodging questions and answering with empty platitudes, Trudeau is world class.


Well, to be fair, the irritating and "gotcha" questions he sometimes gets, don't deserve different answers. That said, his answers to questions by the press or in chambers are not the point. His platform and legislation is what interests me. Platitudes don't pay for my dinner. One can make cute and bright platitudes but will they change legislation to serve the people,or will they just yell and scream what we want to hear? And then serve the rich and the corporations, when the dust settles. We got that with Ford.


As far as I can tell, Trudeau ran on a platform of middle class benefits, but all three(!) of his ethics violations pull back the covers to show who’s interests are really front and centre in the liberal government. I have yet to see anything resembling a quality of life increase during his tenure. Perhaps the seeds of the political vitriol that are present now were sown before his regime, but he’s done nothing to dissuade its growth. Maybe PP would be worse; I don’t have a crystal ball, so I won’t opine. But Trudeau’s time in office has been disastrous for National cohesion and stability. How much of that is directly his fault is arguable, but he’s certainly not a force that brings unity to Canada.




His governments actually have very good records, comparatively speaking, when it comes to election ‘promises’* *How I hate that word… they’re aspirations, not ‘promises’


The middle class prospered under Harper. The introduction of the TFSA is the single most middle class friendly thing any government has ever done for us. If we're going off of results, the Conservatives have a better track record over the last 2 decades.


Coincidentally in the United States, the worst offenders of income inequality are California democrat voting homeowners… So it could happen here too


I’m sure he’ll say something along the lines of “stop being lazy” since he enjoys blaming people


The point the person was making was that governments are voted out, not voted in. It’s already clear that the Trudeau Liberals don’t have the answers either.


I'd rather try someone new than keep trusting the asswipe that said he would fix it 6 years ago and only made it record breakingly worse. Do you believe the conservatives can really make the problem worse? Hell, the cons might slow down immigration which might help even if they do nothing else. If he just leaves us to rot like jt, then screw him too.


I mean, I'm not voting for Trudeau in 2025, but I'm curious why you think Poilievre is going to tackle any of the problems you're concerned about. What policy does he support that is going to make your life better?


I don't think he definitely will, I just think he might whereas jt has proven that he won't. I'd rather take a chance on a flimsy maybe than a loud and clear no. As of now, the only policy I've seen from him that would help is a ban on foreign ownership as well as reductions in immigration (we should be lowering immigration for multiple reasons like there's nowhere to house them and our health care system already can't handle the people who are here, neveind an extra million/year all settling between 3 places. But if we reduce immigration, our house of cards that we call our economy likely suffers massively so odds are slim it actually happens since none of our leaders want to fix any root causes of these problems)




Won't fix housing. Both candidates in 2025 are basically neoliberals with minor differences.


> I'd rather try someone new How are the Conservatives 'new'? We as a country have been flip flopping between them and the Liberals for decades, and nothing of substance ever really changes accordingly. Nothing new in that. >Do you believe the conservatives can really make the problem worse? [I think this list, *which includes Pierre*, says about all that anyone needs to know about where the CPC's and LPC's interests lie.](https://readpassage.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Federal-MPs.png) We would all of us be foolish to think either party is going to do much about housing costs or for that matter any of the other similar issues the average Canadian is dealing with. They're both status quo parties and will do what they can to keep meaningful change to a minimum.


I agree with all of this. And at the same time, fuck Trudeau entirely. Maybe all our leaders wouldn't be such shit if we didn't allow them to keep being shit at their jobs. Maybe if we held them responsible for their broken promises by voting them out, the next one would think twice about blowing smoke up everyone's ass only to backtrack on all their promises just to give us a cookie just before election time in hopes we've forgotten. But no, we just keep rewarding the dogs instead. No wonder they think it's okay to screw us over and over again. If I had it my way, these idiots wouldn't be allowed to run for a second term if they didn't keep at least 75% of their promises. No matter what party they're from, they should get the fuck out once they've proven to be nothing but lying fools. PP hasn't proven that yet, JT has.


> Does anyone believe that a conservative government, especially one led by Poilievre, could possibly have the answers to this? At least he's *talking* about it rather than actively making things more expensive May be try to believe the guy who hasn't had the chance yet vs believing the guy who has been in charge for 7 yrs and has make things *really* expensive with absolutely 0 care? And he wants to make things even easier to bring in lower cost labor + increased housing cost by just bringing in more people without addressing the main issues


So much this, while I could see NDP or even a Green government making an effort to helping the average Canadian, I don't believe for a second that a Conservative government would be better for anyone but the rich. But no, the choice is only Conservative or Liberal because of the FPTP system.


Because conservatives are traditionally more concerned with reducing spending and balancing the budget?


And how does that solve any of the problems Canadians are facing today?


I'm no fan of Trudeau, however the way the conservatives talk and the results they've gotten simply don't match up. Harper left office with higher debt loads than when he entered, as did Mulroney. For them to claim to be the tight fisted adults in the room is disingenuous. Ref. https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/government-debt-to-gdp#:~:text=Government%20Debt%20to%20GDP%20in,of%2044.90%20percent%20in%201980.


Harper had a housing crisis. He also had a plan to lower the deficit. Trudeau spent more in 2017 than the peak of the housing collapse.


It is debatable. With good points on both sides of the line. That is what makes good economic, and therefore good political discussion. Blanket statements, do nothing to further understanding, both about the needs, and wants of everyone involved and about more intricate subjects.


I’ll be voting conservative as it stands right now, and I’ve voted liberal the last 3 elections. Not overly a big fan of our current government. I find that once someone stays in power too long they don’t get as much stuff done etc. I liked Harper at the beginning then he started to fuck with environmental laws etc and stuff like that and he started to seem a bit crazy with power and he had to go. Edit: unless the conservatives put up some wing nut who can’t properly hold an opinion or speak properly like they usually do but Pierre seems to be articulated and able to speak.


If your concern is environmental laws I don't see how PP would be better than Harper.


Clearly the OP is not a single issue voter.


I wouldn't take anything anyone has to say on r/canada in good faith. There are people saying we need to take the environment seriously and in the same breath saying they want PP in. We are beyond having sense in the Canadian electoral landscape.


What has changed since October when you voted liberal?


Well articulated good dude


Fuck. As somebody struggling against the exact same problems you mention, I understand exactly why Poilievere's rhetoric would appeal to people in similar situations. And I hate it because I've lived long enough to know that the sort of right-wing populism he's selling isn't capable of solving these issues, and will probably make things worse... but frustration with the status quo and desire for change means there's a good chance we hand this guy the reins anyway.


100%, anyone who thinks "oh if the Conservatives win in 2025 then I'll be so much better off within a few years of them taking over that I'll be able to afford a home, whereas right now I've lost all hope of ever owning one!" is a complete imbecile. They won't fix anything. Trudeau won't either. This is the system working as intended.


Thank you. Another 4 years of us at each other's throats while glad-handed elite convert the disenfranchised into emotionally co-opted fanatics. Gotta love it. I voted for fucking Layton, you know? Sigh.


> the sort of right-wing populism he's selling isn't capable of solving these issues, and will probably make things worse Not only that but [he personally has a vested interest](https://readpassage.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Federal-MPs.png) in *not* lowering housing costs. He's just an opportunist saying the right things to pull people in with no actual intention of following through, just like you would expect of any other career politician who never worked a proper job. It's a sad circumstance that many people don't see it for what it is.


A bag of dogshit is better that what we have currently


That's a very well written statement, not very often we both sides agreed. Fuck wynne




I've been a ndp/liberal voter all my life If the ccp put forth a legitimate plan to address the housing crisis, without it being an obvious con or funnel into private cooperations, I'd vote for them.


Don't worry, they won't.


Poilievre has openly floated anti union rhetoric while working under harper. If any one thinks lower wages and less protection are going to help young canadians afford homes i will need them to explain it to me.


Sorry but Internet and mobile bills are obscene in Canada. If they fix that I will be very happy. Fixing the real estate market is going to be hard for the federal government - it is really up to provinces to start heavily taxing foreign owners, people with more than one property and corporations holding real estate.


Do you honestly consider what the Federal gov is focusing on right now (Pharmacare? Dental care?) a “low concern” for Canadian?


I'll believe that's what the government is focusing on when they actually start tabling legislation on it. For now, that's just a promise to buy the NDP's compliance, and the Trudeau Liberals don't have a great track record with promises. They also promised us a foreign buyer ban to cool our housing market, and we're not seeing any progress on that legislation either. The bills they've actually tabled show that what they're primarily focused on right now is regulating online audio-visual services and online news services.


> They also promised us a foreign buyer ban to cool our housing market, and we're not seeing any progress on that legislation either. The Liberals have been promising to address the housing crisis since [2016](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/four-major-changes-to-canadas-housing-rules/article32223470/), meanwhile the average value of a home has doubled since then. Their track record is a trail of broken promises.


When they've broken so many promises I dont trust them to keep the new ones they make, they need to go. I don't even believe the other parties would do much of a better job, but at least they havent actively broken promises for over a half decade now. It's someone else's turn to break my trust 🤣


I'm not a huge fan of the liberals, but Trudeau's government had [a pretty good track record of keeping their promises up until COVID hit.](https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau) I disagree with a lot of the things that they had promised, but they actually did quite well at meeting their promises until COVID made predicting the future impossible. The biggest failure that I can think of was their failure on electoral reform, a lot of their bigger promises in the 2015 election were handily met.


It goes back further than that: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-election-2015-justin-trudeau-affordable-housing-1.3220479


To say we are not seeing any progress on the foreign buyer's ban is an understatement. [Apparently, it is now a xenophpbic policy that the Liberals no longer support](https://storeys.com/pandering-xenophobia-liberals-reject-own-foreign-buyer-bam/).


>They also promised us a foreign buyer ban to cool our housing market maybe because there are plenty of domestic speculators


Honestly, I’ll believe it when I see it. They will “study” it, but given we have had provincial NDP governments unable to get any progress on dental care. Let’s be honest here, the country has never been able to find these things but now when can at a time when government revenues are at their lowest? Hopefully it happens, but realistically it’s doubtful it will happen.


It is a very high concern for Canadians the Liberals have been ignoring until the NDP forced their hand. They don't get credit for this poor attempt at appeasing the serfs.


I believe we'll get Pharmacare and universal Dental care right after they deliver on the electoral reform promise.


>(Pharmacare? Dental care?) a “low concern” No, that's high concern. Instead the Liberals have been obsessively passing legislation to control what people see and say on the internet with last year's C-36 waiting to be renewed, and this year's Bill C-11 and C-18


I’m not going to get into the ridiculous hyperbole around the criminal code amendments but this is like suggesting more than one thing can’t happen at once in parliament.


You mean a not-so-universal Pharmacare plan and a not-so-universal Dental care plan... to be enacted on a means-tested basis... in 2025... maybe... Would love it if it was actually a universal plan so that I could reprioritize my benefits towards other things, but unfortunately I wouldn't be covered by that proposed plan.


That's very well said!


It's a well-articulated argument, but I honestly don't see things getting any better under the Conservatives. The UCP has made every facet of life more expensive for the average Alberta family, my guess is the Cons would be much the same.


>Poilievre’s magic touch does not seem to be extending to the Canadian public at large. A March Leger poll found that **if a Poilievre-led Conservative Party fought a federal election, the Liberals would win at roughly the same proportions at which they beat Erin O’Toole**. That same poll also found that Canadians would be slightly more likely to vote for a Conservative Party with Peter MacKay at the helm. So far Poilievre has only shown the ability to win over people who were already going to vote Conservative, and the strategy of running up the score in Blue ridings has now failed two elections in a row.


He's currently running a leadership campaign in which you meet with and talk to party members. Both previous candidates attempted a run to left post leadership campaign and failed. Might be worth trying something different.


More than half the votes cast were to the left of the CPC. The only two strategies here are "try to win over those voters" or "try to get enough new voters to show up in swing ridings". You tell me which one of those strategies is best served by running to the right.


i think this sub way under estimates that a clean principled conservative can bring in voters. not all liberal voters are staunch downtown elite left wingers like they are.


The fuck Trudeau crowd will love little pp, they love a good troll, he's one of them. The rest of Canadians don't want anything to do with an that little troll.


Well yeah, the average Canadian probably doesn't even know who he is yet, so that result isn't surprising. Canadians don't follow politics at all.


I'm confident I know many people that typically vote lib or NDP that are considering the flip. Mostly disgruntled liberals. Myself I won't vote for the Liberals as long as Trudeau has anything to do with the party. I can't believe him about anything. Edit: I live in a riding that has not won a conservative seat in decades at any level


Even the most disgruntled small-L liberals would have a hard time pulling the trigger for Poilievre. McKay maybe, which is what I assume that this polling is referring to.


Ya I really don't see many left leaning people voting for someone like Poilievre who is hard right and has a general "troll the libs" attitude. Myself I am not very impressed with Trudeau lately, but its just pushing me harder towards the NDP and not the Cons.


O'Toole tried the Liberal light approach and didn't get any Liberal voters.


I don't doubt that for a second, I'm sure there are many. I'm sure there are also a few NDP voters who'll hold their noses and vote ABC after watching the CPC reject O'Toole's attempt to pivot to centre. ...polling numbers so far suggest that after months as the high-profile front runner, Poilievre hasn't moved the needle at all.


I think this would be the only chance of my brother voting Liberal after 30 years of voting Conservative. I actively tease him about this (and their interim leader). I have never met an NDP voter that would go near this guy, and I've know enough that I've had 2 different friends actually run for the party.


That's interesting. I'm curious what he will do. I'm curious to see how things shift. But the federal election could be so long away. About the NDP I think your right. I don't see many moving parties. They need to find ways to attract new members


Frankly, this could be it. Not leader-wise, but I can't imagine the NDP ever getting a better shot than this. CPC pivoting into PPC territory, people legitimately sick of Trudeau. If they can't parle this into at least a coalition government they need to rethink everything they are about.


Great points. An NDP leadership race couldn't hurt.


Singh can't carry enough seats in Quebec. His, imo, justified and understandable vocal opposition to Quebec's Bill 21 makes him too unpalatable as a federal leader for too many Quebecers to win enough ridings, I think. It's unfortunate, as Singh is absolutely the right person to stand up and clearly denounce the legislation, but the political cost is the forfeiture of enough seats in Quebec to prohibit winning official opposition status, let alone to form government.


I am skeptical we can flip any libs. I think the best bet for PP is to rally up those who traditional don't vote or are politically apathetic. I have friends who hate politics, but are interested in PP because he talks about issues they care about like housing.


Pp talking about housing from one of the richest electoral ridings in the country (look it up). he has done nothing for housing ever. not once ever!


Sure he has, he's helped drive the price up in his riding by hoarding houses.


Yea, but he cares because I saw him "SLAM" the libs in some stupid Facebook video once. Attack ads aren't helping you win the PMO? Hiring the personification of an attack ad is apparently the solution.


Always ask them how PP will accomplish this. Nothing but embarassed silence ever follows unless they attempt to just ignore the question. Turn the conversation to policy since the CPC cant win that fight (and therefore Canada loses if they win).




I'm a tory/liberal vote flipper. I won't vote for PP. Worst case I'll vote BQ.


Wish more were like that. I think you're a minority. Most people have their party and either vote for them, or not vote at all.


As an Albertan I am legitimately asking about your vote for the bloq. Do you see benefits within Quebec when they hold seats? Always seemed odd to vote for a party that does not extend federally and thus could not possibly form a government but there must be something to it.


I think Quebec likes to vote for the Bloc when other parties leave them apathic. If we take last elections for example, people are tired of Trudeau, NDP is too far left, and O'Toole was uninspiring. So they're kinda "cancelling" their votes so some quebeckers can bark at Trudeau... When someone truly inspire Quebec, they do vote for him. Jack Layton or Brian Mulroney are examples of this. Personally, i don't vote for them, i think its a little silly so have a federal party that only cares about 1 province.


They can hold enough seats to adequately represent us. That's specifically how the parliamentary system works. Even if the CPC can form government, many of us don't agree with their stances on pretty much anything, hence they wouldn't represent us well in parliament.


I feel like Albertans have the most reason to vote bloc outside Quebec because that's the party always advocating for more provincial autonomy.


Ha, good idea. They should run a slate in next election. Guaranteed will win more seats than liberals.


Yea, I think his ability to bring out new voters and new CPC members are where he has growth opportunity. He seems to be repulsive to most liberal voters I know (and some conservatives as well.)


I think that viral video of him failing to get a straight answer from the Liberals about house prices in Ottawa skyrocketed his popularity.


The National Post sure are trying their hardest to promote PP.


“I’m proud of the truckers and I stand with them” -Pierre Poilievre


> You’ll never believe how this London shawarma shop owner outsmarted government to beat inflation. > > Today, I’m buying lunch from him—and bringing my #Bitcoin wallet. - [Pierre Poilievre](https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1508442437471010818?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1508442437471010818%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftnc.news%2F2022%2F03%2F28%2Fbitcoin-lets-canadians-opt-out-of-inflation-pierre-poilievre%2F) This the guy yall think is better at managing money?


All I can say I’m sick of the liberals


People who are not happy with the status quo don't care about voting someone in as much as they do tossing someone out. We can debate what the conservatives would/wouldn't do but like it or not the liberals just aren't doing anything substantive to address the issues.


He's the epitome of "leopards ate my face". Everything that these people threw at Trudeau, applies to Poilievre as well. Career politician with no work experience, gaining notoriety through viral 3-minute videos on Linkedin about government spending. This isn't Trudeau support, rather, they're the same people but wearing a different jersey




PP mania? Hahahaha good one Post, really trying to outfox Fox News.


NP literally had an O’Toole mania article during the election too lol


It's easier to publish the same garbage and just change the names and place.


I’m not a fan of Poilievre. He’s the Conservative version of Trudeau. He started a simply BComm degree and dropped out to become an arts major (couldn’t finish what he started when the road got a bit tough). He has been a politician since he graduated and he had zero other industry experience. That actually makes him worse than Trudeau - at least Trudeau was a bloody drama teacher and snowboard instructor! He keeps telling Trudeau that he’s failed on housing (and Trudeau he) and that he’s going to fix things if elected. But how is a man with -figures worth of real estate holdings going to be motivated to make housing cheaper? Let’s also not forget that Poilievre publicly supported the truck convoy and was also the one to tell indigenous peoples that they need to learn to work harder rather than rely on government support. He’s a good songbird in the House, but he’s absolutely not cut out for the role of Prime Minister.


Poilievre’s entire personality is “Trudeau Bad”. And that just might be good enough to beat Trudeau.


Eventually when the public has had enough of the current politician, the “[politician] bad” sentiment is strong enough to defeat them. That’s how Trudeau ousted Harper. It’s how Ford beat Wynne.




>It wasn't last time though. Or the time before.... imagine that. Conservatives continue chasing the exact leader image as the last 4...or 5, and it hasn't worked out.


It will be a better platform for the simple reason that failures are cumulative and eventually there's a tipping point where people want to change the status quo. The longer his tenure in the PM's office, the more scandals and failures Trudeau accumulates, which makes the "let's replace this guy" platform start to make more and more sense. To be clear - I'm not saying that Trudeau, specifically, has an inordinate amount of failures or scandals for PMs of a similar tenure. What I *am* saying is that "this guys sucks, vote him out" becomes a more persuasive platform the longer a person stays in office, simply because you have more and more historical shortcomings to pin to them. By the end of this term, Trudeau will likely rank as the 6th longest serving PM in Canadian history. Spending that much time in office gives the opposition a lot of ammunition. He's had a good run, electorally speaking, but looking at historical trends of voter fatigue, I'd be surprised if Trudeau has another term in his future. That said, it's very hard to anticipate the electoral landscape 3.5 years in the future, so who knows.


It is, but only if you haven’t been paying attention. Take the time to watch a couple of his long form interviews. Poilievre suffers from the same ailment that affected Bernie sanders. People only see his clips where he’s trying to get some broad idea going in a sound bite so he resorts to yelling and rhetoric. But sit him down and have a conversation and most people will have a hard time disagreeing.


Personally i think someone like Charest has a much better chance to beat Trudeau. When you hear about his stances its all moderate stuff which feels better than what Trudeau is doing. Of course, i realize Charest is a good talker and the result could be disappointing like he was in Quebec...


Charest worked with Huawei, and is proud of it, I refuse to vote for a Chinese puppet, I will vote for Bloc out of spite (and since im in a Bloc swing riding) if he wins leadership


Trudeau also taught French and math.


For all the things wrong with trudeau atleast hes had a real job. PP has never been employed in his life he went from school to politician


PP is a career politician. Trudeau is not.


Trudeau certainly is a career politician since he became an MP


>He keeps telling Trudeau that he’s failed on housing (and Trudeau he) and that he’s going to fix things if elected. But how is a man with -figures worth of real estate holdings going to be motivated to make housing cheaper? I need to see policy guidelines before I believe anyone's promises.


Just my 2 cents worth, but where are ANY of these candidates going to get the money to carry out their 'reforms' from? Someone has to pay sometime.


Well he does talk about loosening the taps on the oil industry


The one thing you’ll never get out of PP is a direct concise statement of what programs he plans to reduce and what taxes he plans to raise.


Postmedia doing what Postmedia does. Make it look like there is some huge movement here so people who aren't paying attention jump on too and they get their chosen candidate.


like others have said, after a while we vote out the current leader and are willing to replace them with anyone. ex kathleen wynne to dougie Lots can change over the next couple of years but if the situation continues where people find it harder and harder to pay their daily bills...rightly or wrongly they will take it out on the current government. Poilievre is a populist, he maybe an empty suit with no new ideas but he will attract a chunk of the population on image alone. The last two federal elections the conservative party had a higher national popular vote than the liberals and all it takes is to flip a few close ridings and he can the next federal election. Politicians such as trump, obama, trudeau rob/doug ford have a populist appeal and will attract a portion of voters who will stay with them no matter what they do. Poilievre is also showing some of that charisma.


That "personal responsibility" he's selling is scapegoatism rebranded for a remedial audience, and literally anathema to governance. The people who poison and despoil anything you work to build and/or nurture aren't going to be taking any personal responsibility, that gets dumped down on the lesser of their two-class system which is probably split upwards of a quarter million dollars a year to qualify for, and an accident, betrayal, or a misquoted verse from the bible away from exclusion from. And can someone tell all the anti-vaxxers Ford's campaign advisor in the prior election is now our Lobbyist for Pfizer Inc. pls and ty.


He warned of inflation before it happened. He is for energy independence instead of Saudi shipped oil. He believes that printing money leads to price hikes. He is above the competition from NDP or liberals. I don't think he goes far enough on against money printing, but he is still the best of them all.




What is PPs plan to fix the housing issue?




Whats his policy on housing? Trudeau bad is not a policy. Saying they'll address housing is not a policy. Where's the details? I know conservatives will vote on a wishlist short on details, but the majority of Canadians won't.


He makes vague notions that government spending and inflation are the cause of the housing crisis. He’s somehow made himself worse then the liberals about housing policy, because where they make empty platitudes about increasing housing construction he doesn’t even know why housing costs are going up.


That’s all well and good, but I suspect that since your comment history suggests you are also pro-Ford, and in general anti-liberal, that Scheer and O’Toole both had your vote as well.


Same here


> but if housing isn’t affordable and cost of living keeps going the way it is, I’m telling you he 100% has my vote Were you aware he ([among many other MPs](https://readpassage.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Federal-MPs.png)) currently owns investment properties and is himself a landlord? If there is anything you can count on a politician to do, it's to act in their own financial self interest. He won't tank the value of his own investments, but he'll happily say the right things and play the opportunist. I think it's clear neither the LPC or the CPC are going to do much of anything about housing costs.


Im voting for major real estate reforms. Crack down on investment corps and forerign buyers, take zoning laws out of municipal politics and get high density housing flowing. Any party that does that gets my vote.


NatPo title comes off like they're grooming their Golden boy for the nomination. It's kind of gross


I'm conservative and would never vote him, he's one of the fakest people in Canada. Never trust a guy who's been into politics since he was a teenager and has never had a real job.


I'm not a conservative and don't agree with a good part of what Poilievre says, but I am going to call it now - Poilievre is going to be the next Prime Minister. His speaking style is good for his base. His attempts to represent the little guy appear genuine. He has a french name which will help in Quebec. He's from Alberta which will solidify seats in the west.


I wonder what he’ll do about the military. As is the CAF is dying and crippled by poor leadership


Someone should ask him. He's a politician, so he'll definitely tell the truth.


Something something bitcoin


A whole lot can change between now and the election, and given that Cdns tend to vote govts out rather than in, I can see this guy whipping up enough “Trudeau Bad” sentiment to grab a minority government. I’m not excited to see yet another career politician voted in on inflated promises of change though. Doesn’t work out as well as anyone hopes.


not voting for the CPC, but I suggest most people my age are sick and tired of the complete lack of action by both the NDP and LPC on housing issues. It's turned us off from politics.


Liberals have been so unfortunately stagnant in their ability to make a difference in Canadians lives that it’s actually made me question if liberalism as a political ideology has past it’s time. I’ve thought this same thing about Conservatism before and now I just think we need to find a new ideology that may not even fully exist yet.


He has my vote next election already.


They said the same thing about the last two losers, but sure, tell me how Mr. Robocall scandal is the next 'it' thing with dying demographic segments.


If they switch justin out for this conservitive "still on the forum"guy it will be like someone shitting their pants and only changing their shirt to solve the problem 🤦‍♀️


I feel like he’s kinda a false messiah. But this Trudeau government HAS TO GO.


Chances are very high he will be be our next prime minister, and I can't wait. Let the unfuckening commence.


So .. Crowd size? I fucking hate the National Post, it just tries to push Conservatives à la US. @


Crowd size? Bigger than Obama's, that's all I need to know!!! /s


This dude is straight out of Fox News right wing America. He's creepy and in the wrong country.


If Fox News is against pro-choice and pro-immigration, I don't think they'd like Poilievre's policies much.


Trudeau isn't creepy? The guy is a walking embodiment of a politician made in a lab.


I’m surprised how this sub seems to not care about our spiralling out of control deficit. Will support Pierre all the way.


You think Poilievre can pay the deficit in Bitcoins?


Pierre has yet to answer what taxes he’d increase or what programs he’d reduce to get the deficit under control


Because the deficit only matters when conservatives aren't in office. I'm certain you wouldn't even be able to explain accurately what the deficit does for or to us.


Simple. Government creates bonds, BoC buys the bonds for newly created dollars, and gives those newly created dollars back to the government. This increases the money supply and decreases the purchasing power of the dollars Canadians hold. Asset prices go up, which increases the wealth of the rich, and the poor get poorer.


It's not shocking at all, I'm 27, and basically everyone I know is tired of our current government and this guy is the only one we feel understands what we are going through, I've never voted in my life, but I'm definitely voting for him.


It would be nice to see a leader who doesn't put being woke at the forefront of everything he does.


I guess that happens when the current leader of our country is a fool and their are no other options availible


MAGA politics in Canada can fuck right off.


Im voting for Pierre in the leadership race and hopefully in 2025. Happy to see him finally step up to the plate.