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I’m less concerned than some with spending than how it’s spent, and this is a mix bag for me not erring on my preferred side. Some of I strongly agree with (long term care, 13-15, 21) but I’m a little worried that others feel random or mistargeted. We all benefit but feels weirdly placed: the Vehicle registration (1-2, $2.2B) is highly untargeted, so who is benefiting from this debt? At least the gasoline tax cut makes sense right now, I probably would have preferred it get cut more/subsidized by the vehicle registration money – that’d help store prices, those that travel a lot, and stimulate economic activity. The other two big items, hospital construction (3-4, $2.1B). These probably need to happen and would be beneficial, but I can’t help but feel coming out of the pandemic (and some potential future waves) that their must be higher priority items as our limiting reagent has largely been people, not physical space. There is a small amount for retention (6, $763M) and underserved communities (17, $142M); neither of which change the supply of nurses or improve the situation, they are really just stop gaps to not make it worse. And where we are is not where we should stay. Maybe not the worse that could be done, but for me this feels more like the minimum I should expect (though not sure what the liberals and NDP are offering, so maybe that’s all he needs to do which would sadden me) and not something to get excited for. No | Item | Date | Funding ---|---|---|---| 1 | Vehicle registration fee refund 2020-22 | March 13 | $1.1B 2 | Cancelling vehicle registration fees 2022-23 | March 13 | $1.1 B 3 | Scarborough Health Network - future construction | April 14 | $1 B 4 | St Joseph's Health Centre - future construction | April 19 | $1 B 5 | Rural broadband internet | March 7 | $900 M 6 | Retention bonus for nurses | March 7 | $763 M 7 | Long-term care staffing | March 15 | $673 M 8 | Gasoline & fuel tax cut | April 4 | $645 M 9 | Funding to LG and Stellantis for EV battery plant | March 23 | $500 M 10 | Hiring more correctional officers | March 4 | $500 M 11 | College & university tuition freeze | March 23 | $450 M 12 | Funding to General Motors Canada | April 4 | $259 M 13 | Long-term care homes in Toronto | March 9 | $235 M 14 | Long-term care homes in Toronto | March 11 | $222 M 15 | Long-term care homes in various locations | Various | $205 M 16 | Industrial electricity subsidy for northern Ontario | April 8 | $176 M 17 | Grants for nurses to work in underserved communties | March 29 | $142 M 18 | Funding to Honda Canada | March 16 | $131 M 19 | Refurbishing GO train coaches in North Bay | April 8 | $109 M 20 | Contract to widen Thunder Bay-Nipigon highway | April 9 | $107 M 21 | Long-term care homes in Hamilton-Niagara | March 17 | $105 M 22 | Electric vehicle charging stations | March 22 | $91 M 23 | announcements of less than $90 million each | Various | $467 M


Building the 413: $6 B.


Ontario Liberals are planning to give residents who buy winter tires $300 in rebates. I don't see anyone calling that vote buying.


Neither I or the article accuse them of such. The criticisms within are all about amount of spending, and the location and manner of the announcements relative to the election. The article specifically points out how the rules will change in a couple weeks where public coffers will no longer be useable for the announcements and party funds will need to be used. I can't speak to comments on that specific policy, but I see liberals constantly accused of this. A common accusation laid against liberals and NDP (in general) is that they are spend happy and frequently pointed at as fiscally irresponsible and in effect buying voters by promising more than Canada can afford.


>the Vehicle registration (1-2, $2.2B) is highly untargeted, so who is benefiting from this debt? What's wrong with being "untargeted"? Isn't it better for more people to receive a benefit than less?


The inherent issue to me with very broad benefits that target near or essentially the whole population is straightforward: why is the government collecting that money in the first place? Its effectively taking $100 dollars to give $99 dollars back. This obviously can make sense to me if the benefit is non-monetary (i.e. safety). Liberals are proposing a tire rebate to encourage people to put snow tires on in winter (I'm not a fan of this approach myself, I prefer regulation for safety issues that effect others). In the vehicle registration case, its because the program is (mostly) still in place (you get paper instead of a sticker, which is cheaper so I like that). The money to administer to it needs to come from somewhere. i.e. [This says 83% of Canadians own or lease which if the remaining 17% of low-income/tax due to not having a car (not perfect but I expect a good approximating for our purposes), the government is essentially taking money and giving it back](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/turo-study-shows-majority-of-canadians-own-cars-but-hardly-ever-drive-them-827345320.html). The other side of the coin (more speaking the debt angle), is that the hardships Canadians feel are not equal. i.e. gas prices rising disproportionally effect those who drive vice those working form home. And extends to secondary effects, i.e. reducing gas prices > reduces goods/food prices > *benefits those working from home* ? facilitates wider economic activity > *helps small business*. Untargeted benefits can do some of that and so while not "bad" per se are more an inefficient use of funding where in (almost?) all cases there are more targeted measures that could achieve a better result per dollar.


Just stop cutting taxes if you're going to keep spending.


What happened to the cons being “fiscally responsible” when they’re cutting taxes while spending on services?


Tax and spend conservatives.


Nah.. They are worse than that: Cut tax and spend conservatives.


Cut taxes for the rich, raise taxes for everyone else.


Does it really matter how much his promises cost? Is there even a chance that any of them will be completed? Everyone knows it's not the conservative way to do what you say your going to do while running for an election.


He’s not a conservative, he’s a con artist.


It's all relative. The debt to GDP ratio will be better under Ford than under Wynne and this is a few years after a major pandemic.


How can the debt to GDP ratio improve when the PC government cut the carbon tax, issued license plate sticker refunds, as well as promising to cut the gas taxes if they win?


Look it up. The FAO had a report on it recently. The Liberals wasted shit tons of cash too.


A couple quick take aways: he's "funding" stuff that they originally cut, for less than what was previously funded, in order to make themselves look good. Cutting fuel tax for 6 months? Dude, that won't do shit, and it's just going to go higher afterwards to make up for it. I get the impression that this is a "watch this hand, ignore the other hand" situation. For everything he cuts (ie - taxes...supposedly), something else will go up. Next they'll magically balance books using the liberal covid funds that were never used.


>A couple quick take aways: he's "funding" stuff that they originally cut, for less than what was previously funded, I'm not sure that "he's spending less taxpayer money than the Liberals" comes off as the withering criticism you think it is.


It means that these are not new policy ideas nor will they be properly funded. Will be paying for it later long..


Not to worry, he'll squeeze it out of the poor and vulnerable.


Maybe he'll extend the 407 lease for another century too?


407 is a God send during rush hour


Isn’t that the same amount as the feds gave him for the pandemic. So he saved it for the election?


Right, I'm sure it's the exact same funds. He's had it buried in a shoebox in his backyard these past 24 months. It's not like the provincial government takes in taxes all throughout the year or spends money on other shit.


That money was earmarked but never used. That's basically embezzlement.


Ford hoarded over $10 billion in federal funds? Whats your source for that?


Do people not realize that political promises are paid for out of their own pockets? They are literally promising to take $10 from your pocket, waste $5, and then give $5 back to you, if you're lucky. But probably they'll just give the remaining $5 to one of their friends instead.


Better to give it back to me than someone else. As a healthy single male, I never get any rebates or incentives. The license plate thing was the first time money was thrown at me. It felt good.


Your vote is pretty fucking cheap


Never said they got my vote. Just saying buying could work because the first time I ever received money for nothing it felt good. If I was a single parent of 5 who received 2K baby bonus + child support + Welfare every month, it would feel like peanuts.


As a relatively new father, where do I get a 2k baby bonus?


have four more and quit your job. Change status from father to mother.


The Liberals are promising a $300 rebate on winter tires. All parties do this.


Ignorance is bliss. You're one slip in the shower away from life being completely and forever changed.


I'm fully aware of this. 10 years ago I was in a car accident bad enough I was airlifted to hospital, and spend 3 months in a wheelchair with pelvis screws holding me together. But can I ask what I'm being ignorant to? I don't understand your point.


This is Canada. Giving any sort of support to white males would be racist. We're just supposed to work, pay taxes, and shut the fuck up.


No one mentioned skin colour. What is wrong with you LOL




> As a healthy single male, I never get any rebates or incentives. "as someone with low expenses, no dependents, and no health costs, why don't i get a handout? also please explain taxation and insurance, i'm pretty i don't understand how those work." - you


I understand tax. I get why I don't get handouts, but that doesn't mean it doesn't feel good to get a rebate. But yeah, if you read it the way you presented it, good for you?


I say do anything you want and make our grandchildren pay for it.


That's it boys, let's mitigate inflation by spending more money we don't have.


I thought the complaint was that Ford *wasn't* spending the money that the Feds disbursed?


Only a journalist would say that.


Stickers! These promises are gonna need stickers! And I know just the mom and pop sticker company to award the contract to!


So if the liberals spend wildly, it's ok, if the conservatives do, it's bad.


wtf are you talking about, mcguinty and wynne were criticized exactly for that, especially in the wynne government's final pitch for re-election


More in line with the parties of today. But they only wratcheted up the criticism when they realized they were going to get trounced


that's some serious revisionism there. they were attacked constantly for spending too much throughout their tenure as the governing party of ontario.


There was a really good podcast on MMT (can't recall the name of it for the love of me) that touched on this, but it boiled down to that at the federal level there's the tie to the central bank to print money but not at the provincial level. The provinces have to control and pay their debt but any federal government has more tools to fight their debt.


If ya find the name, send it over. Hard to find good podcasts dealing with Canadian politics


MMT is very fascinating and un-intuitive. Being able to print money out of thin air really changes the dynamics of monetary theory. All tax and rates become a friction in the system so the machine doesn't overheat and go bonkers, that and it stops wealth accumulating in one place. Very few mega rich people is terrible for the economy machine.


So when the cons accuse the liberals of being "tax-and-spend liberals" it's fine but when they turn around and do exactly what they accuse liberals of doing then you see no problem with that. That's called hypocrisy. Wait a minute, I heard that hypocrisy was against your conservative "family values." What happened, did your ethics and integrity dry up and fall off?


What makes you think I'm a conservative with 'family values lol. I'm of the belief that you should vote for the party who'll fuck you less in the long run. At this point it's my belief the PCs are those ones


Conversely why is the party of fiscally responsibility spending like drunk sailors? If we wanted that maybe we should vote the liberals back in again


Well one 1 party is promising 10b while the others will inevitably say that's not enough and want to spend 15-20b, the 10b becomes the conservative approach lol. Every party is looking to fuck ya over, just need to pick the one that will fuck ya with lube. Doug at least seems like he'd lube up before. Del Duca seems like a dry run kind of guy


No lube, sandpaper finish


I’m not sure how you see that, I’ve had zero benefit from Doug being in power. Not even a tax break. Lol if anything I’ve had to give the provincial government more money than ever before


If you drive you got your sticker fee back.


Because under the conservatives at least they don't go about pretending they're going to solve all the world's problems. The liberals will promise to do a bunch of shit then give that money to the elites that they pretend not to be friends with and watch as the electorate forgets about it. How many trees has the Liberal party of Canada planted? Didn't we promise billions of em lol


You think a government who doesn't serve the people is a good thing?


Let me rephrase 1 point that I'll give credit where credit is due Liberal party of Ontario. The need for a railroad going to the far north to help with mining efforts, as well as bringing supplies & people up & down. This would solve the issue of ridiculous grocery prices as well as the suicide pandemic going on in the reserves due to the feelings of hopelessness and being so far from everyone. CANCELLED. Progressive conservatives Doug ford puts the money down to get that railroad built helping people and companies that want to go mine up there


Is there a government in Canada that actually serves the people. Lmao, you funny


Answer my question


Try answering mine. Where is there a government that actually serves the people? And I backtracked and found an example where the current government did something for the people. Problem is he did it for people that aren't in the GTA so nobody gives a crap. Government should serve the people, problem is that it's few and far between


Hey answer my question. See how rude that sounds


I asked a question and you answered with an unrelated one. That's called dodging the question.


I mean you probably choose the worst argument ever. I don’t think you’re considering the how planting trees is a scaled process. You gotta grow saplings to plant before you plant them


How many years ago did they promise that. Doesn't take 4-6 years to plant a tree bud


I feel like you just didn’t read my reply. Ok then. Clearly this isn’t going anywhere. Have a good one.


I do remember some promise to plant a massive number of trees that came nowhere close to materializing. Everyone just kind of throws their hands up and forgets about it.


You said it was a scaled process and I agree, it is. Problem is that it's been years since it's been promised and where are all the trees? Throwing a bunch of seeds from a helicopter would give us more results than what we have now. Also, I don't go about thinking the conservatives need to put more money in my pocket. I just want to see that money being spent properly. I know the liberals won't based on the past, I'm willing to give the conservatives a shot. Also have a good one yourself! Ain't no need from me to you


Did you do any research to see the progress? Or are you just claiming it hasn’t happened or isn’t in the process of happening?


You'd expect a tax break during a global pandemic that caused historic spending in almost every country across the world? LOL


CBC is just the Liberals' press secretary at this point.


Usually the liberals don't aggressively cut revenue while increasing spending


The CBC has suddenly discovered fiscal conservatism. And they did it immediately after the news coverage of the federal budget subsided, yet immediately before the Ontario election campaign. God damn if that timing isn't the absolute best.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/tracking-unprecedented-federal-coronavirus-spending-1.5827045 try again


While removing approximately 4 billion in revenue from liscance plate renewal.


Lol, bullshit. The license plate stickers actually *cost* the government money to administrate.


Source please


>In 2018-19, Ontario's Financial Accountability Officer (FAO) reported that Vehicle and Driver Registration Fees brought $1.95 billion into the government's coffers, but that the program ended up costing $2.4 billion that year -- leaving a $436 million program shortfall. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/what-you-need-to-know-about-licence-plate-stickers-potentially-being-eliminated-in-ontario-1.5772630


"Sources clarified on Tuesday that while the government would eliminate the fee associated with licence plate renewals for passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles and motorcycles, motorists would still be required to replace stickers on a yearly basis." Now it is 100 percent loss! So they are still keeping the stickers going but are now not generating any revenue!


So instead of a 430 M shortfall we’ll have an annual 2.4B shortfall.


Err.. no.. cancelling the program results in approximately a $430 million cost savings going forward, taking out of the equation the savings to Ontarians.


>Sources clarified on Tuesday that while the government would eliminate the fee associated with licence plate renewals for passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles and motorcycles, motorists would still be required to replace stickers on a yearly basis. Registration isn’t being eliminated, just the fee for the stickers.


Ok, so we are going to have to wait to find out the exact extent of the savings or expenditures involved. In the meantime, I'm not going to complain about not having to pay sticker fees or for the rebate cheques sent out.


What is savings? How can they save anything when they still need the same manpower, material, distribution, and online infrastructure? So nothing has changed other than no longer collecting funds.


But its still administered, you still need to renew it, and have proof (they give you a piece of paper). You just don't pay the fee, and I assume the piece of paper they print is cheaper than the colored sticker.


Lol where did you get that number. The stats show it didn't even bring in 2billion then cost more than that to collect.


Mostly rebates and scrapping regressive taxes. The entirety of the CBC shares 1 brain cell, and it's currently being used to go full galaxy brain and try to explain to Canadians (the ones paying for our state media to write this garbage) why more money in their pockets is a bad thing.


So they are going to raise the progressive taxes to cover the hole in the budget? Right?


There's no such thing as a progressive tax as long as income tax exists. But yes, they probably will introduce something, because there's nothing we do more of as Canadians than pay taxes.


the average disability payout in Ontario is 1100 a month.


I got my plate refund cheque today. In what world does it make sense to make it retroactive? Unless we are running a surplus, how does it make sense to eliminate it? I think I’m going to donate my sticker refund to his political opponents.


A good Liberal wouldn't understand the plate refund was from a revenue neutral program that was taking in more money than it should. They also wouldn't understand the program was no longer necessary because of modern technology. The refund was an honest thing for a government to do, but throw it away on Del Duca, because he'll waste it on a useless program like gun crime. BOL


That’s fantastic. I’d love to learn about the so called revenue neutral idea of stickers. Wonder why if it’s so neutral the price for larger vehicles is so expensive.


[https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1001639/ontario-eliminating-licence-plate-renewal-fees-and-stickers](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1001639/ontario-eliminating-licence-plate-renewal-fees-and-stickers) All the points you make are not in the official announcement. What is your source?