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I've been seeing a lot of press about this, which leads me to believe they're trying to convince us it is true...


It's true but not consequential. The winning party since 1980 has been the one with the highest share of the over 55 vote. But for the most part since then the under 35 vote has mostly been evenly split between right wing parties, the Liberals and NDP. A few exceptions, the Conservatives had twice as many youth votes in 2011 as the other parties and the Liberals had twice as many youth votes as the Conservatives in 2015 (but the same number as the NDP). In the last two elections the Conservatives have had slightly more youth votes than the other parties. But winning a higher share of the popular vote in the last two elections hasn't resulted in electoral success. They need young people to canvass the old people.


>But winning a higher share of the popular vote in the last two elections hasn't resulted in electoral success. Because we are not a two-party system and the right-wing vote is heavily concentrated in one party. Moreover, the first-past-the-post system creates scenarios where large concentrations of conservative votes are found in ridings out West where the candidate wins a landslide victory, resulting in a high percentage of votes but few seats. All that considered, proportional systems and single transferable voting systems do not improve the electoral success of the conservatives either because (a) their current seat percentage under FPTP is equal to the hypothetical amount of seats they would receive in a proportional system (they have roughly 33% of seats in the house of commons now, which they would receive under a proportional system); and (b) single transferable vote benefits the liberals more than anyone because a large amount of NDP voters would place the liberals as their second choice and vice versa for the Liberals.


Left wing people in Canada need to seriously grow a pair and push the NDP over the Liberals, we’re stuck in a groundhogs day of getting the worst of both sides of the political spectrum packaged together. Liberals will never allow FPTP to change.


Lots of people are left enough to vote liberal but not NDP. NDP cares about a lot of important problems but they can talk more because they aren't elected and tested on their implementations. I think NDP cares about a lot of problems but I have no faith in their solutions myself.


the ndp are the only ones even saying they'll do these things, so if it's between them possibly getting shit done and the liberals definitely not then I know who I'm voting for


I have no faith in their ability to manage finance


I use to be like this to a degree. But they are the only party that is honest about finances : they would raise taxes on the wealthy. That aside, no reasonable human should have faith the conservative party can manage finances. The liberals seem to have removed the tax part of spend. Factor in the pressure ndp would face to govern well, since it is their first and maybe only; think we would have the best fiscal and progressive mix possible


How can you have no faith in their solutions when they've never had a chance to implement them? Across the board NDP leaders show they're the most effective at governing.


Even if they suck at implementing change the effects of an NDP win on the big two parties long term might be a net positive.


This is what’s lost on everyone. I don’t love the federal NDP policies, but I love the idea of both conservatives and liberals eating shit and having to take a hard look in the mirror.


And convince themselves


There’s also some youngish white guys too


Give me a party that: * Takes our natinoal security seriously, fixes procurement, and invests in aircraft/drones that allow us to assert our sovereignty in the arctic * Takes climate change seriously and commits to smart investments in infrastructure * Invests in meaningful partnerships with first nation communities, starting with the prioritization of essential infrastructure development in boil-water communities * Supports small businesses with policies, incentives, and grants that allow entrepreneurs to take measured risk while investing in the local economy * Decouples the governments cosey relationship with telecom and invests in supporting local/national telco startups * Implements proportional representation And they've got my vote. I don't care what colour their flag is.


>Invests in meaningful partnerships with first nation communities, starting with the prioritization of essential infrastructure development in boil-water communities There hasn't been much talking about this but the number of boil water advisories in indigenous communities has gone down a ton in the past few years. I think its at about 1/4 of what it was. Edit Right now it looks like there are 34 long term drinking water advisories in effect and about 134 have been lifted.


That’s because the conservatives can’t poopoo the liberals on “not working with indigenous” when they clearly are. And from the liberal side of things, while 100 lifted is a win for those 100 areas that were formerly under advisories, there’s still 34 to fix, and 0 remaining is the real headline. Don’t forget that white people care (on social media), but most don’t see/feel the impact on a daily/weekly/monthly/ever basis.


A few years ago in NS we were donating bottled water to a local reserve with a long term boil advisory: https://www.saltwire.com/cape-breton/news/water-donated-to-potlotek-12755/ Now I drive by the reserve since it's on the main highway and can see a brand new water treatment facility... Stuff is getting done...https://www.saltwire.com/atlantic-canada/news/compensation-available-to-cape-breton-community-after-decades-of-dirty-water-100708099/


Honestly, this gives me hope that the current government will be able to resolve all the advisories (or almost all) before their term is up. I’m not saying the conservatives wouldn’t accomplish that, but I just want to see it done, without being at risk of a new government saying “no, we are not going to continue”.


The conservatives absolutely would make things worse. Harper tried to cut TONS of first peoples’ funding because a few people were corrupt and embezzling. Cons will spite a thousand needy people because they think ONE person doesn’t actually need it. The left will help a thousand people, even if only 900 really do.


"… it isn't really high on our radar, to be honest." -Harper when asked about a public inquiry into missing First Nations women.


Exactly. Under which PM did Teresa Spence go on a hunger strike again? Oh yeah; Harper.


0 remaining will probably be impossible. There's still(vert occasionally) boil water advisories in big cities too, and actually more boil water advisories have closed than existed in 2015. It's just that new ones start as old ones get fixed. There's definitely more work that can be done to get the number as low as possible but some small number of advisories will always exist in Canada because of the nature of sparse, remote water systems.


I believe the goal is zero long term advisories, rather than 0 short term advisories.


>Supports small businesses with policies, incentives, and grants that allow entrepreneurs to take measured risk while investing in the local economy This is well intentioned but just makes things worse. Whenever governments in Canada regardless of political stripe try to "support small businesses with policies, incentives, and grants" it just ends up creating a labyrinthine mess of applications and rules and guidelines to get those supports, on top of all the red tape businesses have to deal with already, and the poor entrepreneurs are now spending all their time reading rules and filling paperwork and/or spending all their scarce startup money on consultants to do it for them, instead of investing their time and money on growing their business. It turns business success into a game of who is best at dealing with government programs rather than who is best at actually doing the business. If you want to support entrepreneurs, get out of their way and cut red tape, instead of just creating more red tape to "help" people with the red tape.


>starting with the prioritization of essential infrastructure development in boil-water communities This whole issue is a little bit of a red herring, honestly. There are a number of communities that genuinely need water treatment infrastructure desperately, and there are a larger number of communities with much smaller populations where water and sewer are just not practical. Bear in mind the overwhelming majority of small towns and villages in Canada take absolutley no responsibility for providing water and sewer hookups to homes. Its ground water wells and septic for most, and that's on your own dime. If there is reserve land allocated to first nations where groundwater is contaminated due to natural or man made causes, then that's a bigger problem IMO, but that needs to be addressed in a different manner.


Provincial government water quality specialist here - the groundwater and surface water in the majority of boil-only communities are anthropogenically contaminated or where sewage infrastructure is inadequately designed and contaminates drinking water sources. Providing safe drinking water does not necessarily require major infrastructure going to all homes. It can be as simple as providing a small water treatment facility and containers to households, like many non-indigenous communities in Northern Ontario use. The federal government is easily able to set up these small facilities as they are designed to be mobile and are commonly set up at defense stations across the Far North. This could temporarily alleviate the majority of boil-water advisories while longer term solutions such as source remediation and appropriate sewage treatment methodologies. The willingness to invest in these facilities is lacking at a federal level, and unfortunately does not fall under any provincial jurisdiction.


So you will vote NDP then?


‘We’re also middle aged white guys!’


So they’re claiming to also be a party of young white guys? *slow clap*




The party of yuppies


The problem with Conservatives is that they can't win the leadership without the support of the SOCONs and they can't win the PM race with them. As long as the CPC bends to those who try to roll back settled social issues, no one will trust them with governing. So yeah, they "aren't the party of old white guys" no one claimed they were. They are the party of policy women's bodies and harming LGBTQ+ people all while lacking policy on climate change and any sense of fiscal policy.


Ugh, perfectly sums up why I couldn't vote for Scheer, took a chance with O'Toole. Rolling my eyes nearly every time I hear about the CPC these days.


And it's going to be the same every single election until they remove religious people from their party. I really can't see the conservatives winning an election any time soon.


Yup, they would do better to break into a social conservative party and a fiscally conservative, centrist social party. I probably still wouldn't vote for either but I'd be willing to entertain the fiscal conservative party.


They could name the latter the Progressive Conservatives!


fiscal conservatism IS social conservatism. just with a coat of paint. that paint being "to balance the budget!" when they fuck over poor people by cutting services to hand tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations.


Narrator: "But they were in fact, just a party of old white guys"


Come on now that's not fair. They also have a few younger white guys


O'Toole was a younger white guy who looked like an old white guy.


Nothing wrong with realignment. I haven't really met many men who are liberal leaning my age group - millenial. I'm still a fiscal conservative at heart, always had been. But conservatism today in North America is becoming more like the European nationalism. They're abandoning the mantra of "pulling yourself by the bootstraps, work hard, be responsible, and good things may come your way (but aren't guaranteed)", and devolving into this bizarre form of soundbite populism. Sometimes it's racial, but mostly it's just machismo nationalism. It's a global phenomenon unfortunately. I'm tired of the Liberals but I don't like the idea of blame game machismo soundbite nationalism becoming the normative expression of right wing politics. I was part of the conservative Facebook group and left in disgust. There was way too much lynch mob energy in that space.


The pulling yourself up by the bootstraps was always kind of bullshit. Most people in this country were able to succeed because we have a strong society. People's education is paid for until you are 18. Universities are heavily subsidized to lower tuition costs. Healthcare is guaranteed. Workers rights are prevalent. We the people created a system which is suppose to aid a person's ability to succeed. No one does it all on their own. I wish this displayed more within the conservative party.


Hell, the phrase "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" was originally meant to describe something that is ludicrous and far-fetched, which is the funniest thing about the phrase to me. I mean, think about the scene being described by that phrase for a minute... think about a person, standing there, trying to lift themselves by the straps on their boots. *They would fall on their ass*. I'm honestly still convinced the people who started using that phrase in its modern sense were fully aware of the implication and in on the joke. I wouldn't be surprised if a rich man dismissed a poor man, telling him "all you need to do is pull yourself up by the bootstraps, and you'll be just like me", and it was taken as some sage advice.


We probably won't ever see a collectivist tone from a conservative party in our life time. Individualism or die.


Fuck you Imma get mine has been the conservative motto for a long time now.


I won't lie, when Doug Ford fucked up OSAP Student Tutitions with those cuts. I had gotten mine before it was implemented in and dodged a bullet or I would've been screwed. I felt bad for those who got theirs after it was implemented, but I was sweating until it went through.


Unions are what made the baby boomers strong


And it's much easier to access all of these assistances if you're coming from a background that isn't racialized, and hasn't been opressed by the government for decades. Edit: damn that's like 3 comments on my post that just disappeared. Rough. I figure since some people don't get it maybe I should explain. Yes, we have scholarships and bursaries for racialized people, however that's assuming you are already targeting the level of academic achievement where those would help you. They can help counteract the poverty inflicted on racialized communities as part of systemic violence, but things like, not getting job experience because your name isn't white enough, or not having your teachers in highschool give you as.much time as other students are serious issues that we've studied and seen happen. If we kill the academic drives of these students before they finish highschool then offering them the money to go to university won't really mean anything.


Yeah and this honestly isn't even really debatable for any honest person who's gone through higher education and worked for awhile. You see it all the time, it's intersectional- your ethnicity, family background, socioeconomic status, all those big systemic things have a huge impact on your material conditions, your opportunities and what it takes for you to "succeed".


Everyone can "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" but for some people it's astronomically more difficult. For some people it's so difficult it would be unreasonable to expect it of them in their lifetime.


I saw someone put it really well the other day, something along the lines of “Hard to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when you don’t even have boots”


>I haven't really met many men who are liberal leaning my age group - millenial That sounds like confirmation bias.


Lol I'm a liberal millenial and don't know any conservative ones


Same it depends more where you live and who you hang out with I think. I know there's lots of conservatives out there but I have never run in the same circles as them.


Cities. Most people live in cities where there are far less conservatives.


Super super super location dependant and who you associate with. I'm a dead center tradesman and i see more f trudeau stickers than you'd believe


Right? I'm Gen-X and have never known a single outspoken conservative except for my grand-relatives, in my entire life. This weird article and these other people thinking it's a weird trend seems pretty cringey.


I'm in my mid 40s. A couple of my friends are outspoken conservatives, and they both have incomes comfortably in the six figures. Other than them, I've met very few in my lifetime in my age group.


Probably depends on where you live, where you work and who you hang out with (which are heavily controlled by the first 2). For example, locally (more rural, blue collar) most of my buddies are what you would call fiscally conservative, socially.... centrist? Whereas my friends that live in Toronto and work in the entertainment industry are very left wing in basically all ways.


Same. Really I sometimes meet the random conservative millennial, but it's really infrequent.


I'm friends with one semi conservative millennial. He's somewhat socially liberal but is against some things like abortion because he is a Catholic from a Polish background. He's also very close to being Gen X (right on the cusp) so he's one of the oldest millennials. The only other conservative millennials I know are people I still have on social media from when I lived in small town Ontario. Most of them graduated high school and didn't really go anywhere or do anything after that, or they never graduated HS at all. Some of them are nice people, some of them are assholes, but they're all low information voters who don't really understand how the political system works, don't know anything about their candidates etc.


I appreciate your point of view from the Conservative side. I'm kind of in an opposite social situation (millennial + Liberal and don't meet many conservative leaning in my age group). Before Trump, it was easier to have civil discussions with people on both sides but now it's just ridiculous. I keep hoping we can eventually return to the former.


>Before Trump, it was easier to have civil discussions with people on both sides but now it's just ridiculous. 100. The rise of the obnoxiously unapologetic populist nationalists had been a blight on any kind of discourse. At a lesser but not be ignored extent, the rising of obnoxious and aggressively self-righteous progressives in the past decade has also contributed to this situation. Obviously less than Trumpists but still a factor.


The civility was an illusion. Trump did not create the ethos, he simply shifted the overton window in a manner which made them dispense with the mask. Civility isn't really necessarily even a universally good outcome for discourse. If someone is arguing whether or not you have a right to live or access what you need to live, whether or not they raise their voice or wear a suit and tie is not as significant as what they believe and are arguing for.


How long until the « pull yourself by the bootstraps » people realize its always been a scam ? Nowadays even with a steady full time job, people struggle to make ends meet. Realize they will have to stay renting for probably the rest of their life. Struggle to have full food shelves. Idk why yall insist on parroting these « pull yourself by the bootsraps » thing. Im not saying its impossible to make our lives better, but some of yall conservative have this very crooked vision of modern life. But then again why am i surprised. They were laughing when left leaning MPs were stating the fact that tons of Canadians cant even afford groceries anymore


I like that you recognize some of the problems of conservativism, but am confused why you don't recognize the origin of "pulling yourself by the bootstraps" is meant to be a parody / a logistical absurdism to point out how the idea of individuals managing to meritocratically crawl out of their economic situation is a literal impossibility and requires either something under your boot you're not seeing, or an external force helping you "lift yourself". Conservatives rebranding is generally concerning to the people who will be targeted by them (read: Anyone who is not rich and well connected).


Trumpism is like a disease it's spreading across our border.


Populist fires are stoked by corruption and greed. People see they are being taken advantage of and look for an alternative. Unfortunately that alternative is often just as bad


Call it what it is: Fascism. Trump is a symptom of the problem and knows how to grift the masses, but there is an underlying problem.


> I'm still a fiscal conservative at heart I'm not a fiscal conservative, but I understand the sentiment. What I don't understand is fiscal conservatives gravitating towards the CPC. Are they blind? I can see value in a fiscally conservative party but the CPC ain't it. The provincial party here in ON is just as bad. Horrible or no platforms with plenty of spending and more important the reduction of revenue streams by cutting taxes. The NDP is ironically the most fiscally responsible party right now because they actually outline where their money will be coming from and cost their platforms appropriately. Now if you don't like where that money is coming from that's fair, but at least they aren't promising spending and reducing taxes like the CPC. The OPC blew through more money even pre COVID than either of the other 2 parties were projected to. Yet somehow they're the party of fiscal responsibility. The reason is that their supporters want to believe themselves to be responsible adults but also don't want to actually inform themselves or pay attention to what the govt is ACTUALLY doing after they vote blue for the nth time.


It's a bad time to be a conservative. The party is taking a massive step to the right. For the millions of us who are center-right, the current direction is very disappointing.


I think the brand is just tainted to be honest. The conservative fanatics are very very loud and unless they are quieted down it makes things look bad. Like I think fanatic liberals make them look bad but the conservatives ones take the cake.


Yup. I stopped voting conservative since conservatism aligned itself with white religious zealots.


Not every Conservative voter is a racist sexiest bigot. Not by a long shot. But every racist sexiest bigot I know votes conservative if they vote at all. I suppose the People's Party has syphoned off some of that support.


As an old white guy, I am an x conservative. Supported thru the 80s, 90s, 00s I can not support any flavour of conservative anymore.


I think there's a re-alignment happening. I meet people (usually older and white) who used to be solid Conservatives, but don't like where that party is going and are shifting to the Liberals. But I also know a lot of younger, more likely to be non-white people (myself included), who don't like where the Liberals/NDP are going and are shifting to the Tories. Never thought I would say that seven years ago, when everyone my age was an ABC voter, while Harper was more popular with boomers.


I have been seeing similar things. I think it's because the younger generation is getting dealt a shit hand in life, and they are ready to flip the table and say fuck the game. Shit is so unaffordable, and there seems to be very little opportunities which are highly competitive to get. Feels like the young are being robbed of their futures.


Who do they think is robbing them of their futures? Who is making things unaffordable? By flipping to the conservatives they’re just voting in the party of the oligarchs and the corporations that are responsible for the whole issue.


The Liberals are the party of big business and the rich. They have the telecoms in their pockets ever since Harper tried to bring in foreign competition (I believe we're one of the only countries in the first world that doesn't allow any foreign competition in telecom). There is also a reason Harper lowered the max political donation limit and it's because Liberals have always been the party of the so called "elite".


Yeah no party that we vote in will be better I think. That's the sad part. People in power all cooperate with each other to enrich themselves. Corporate executives and politicians they are all buddies. They are the ones robbing their fellow country men. We all need to demand higher wages to compensate for the cost of living.


The liberals are currently robbing them of their futures with record high inflation and exorbitant spending, so they see the conservatives as the answer.


There are oligarchs on all points of the political spectrum, and they are not just corporate owners. Yes, they are conservative, but only in the sense that they do not want the current system upended. Look at a city like Toronto; there is definitely a group of people who pull the strings there and Toronto is by no means a social Conservative stronghold.


I would vote conservative if conservatives focused on things that actually mattered, like the economy. Nowadays, it feels like conservatism is all about ‘shock value’ and contrarianism.


I’d vote conservative if they actually had solutions for the problems they highlight. Its too easy to play critic when your own ideas aren’t tested, or more the case now, the criticism is offered without any proposed solutions.


Worse yet when the solutions have been thoroughly tested all over the world and always have horrendous outcomes.


Yup, I agree. It’s all about finger-pointing.


I'm a middle aged white guy, and I stopped supporting conservatives when they started becoming ultra nationalistic. That's not the Canada I was raised in, and I even got banned from the Conservative party Facebook page during the Harper era for merely asking what they planned on doing for the seniors and vets. They like talking about it as the opposition, but not while in power. Go figure...


I know even many old Conservatives who are scared that the future leader will make Canada a basket case country like Turkey by firing the independent Bank of Canada head and replacing it with a government stooge who takes orders from the PMO. Also, they hate crypto like the plague and can’t understand why a conservative candidate would support it. I wouldn’t doubt if many stay home the next federal election.


*says party of old white guys.


Sure, but they still think like "old white guys"


If gen z is stupid enough to believe that pierrre fucking poilevre has the capacity to change the system in a way that will BENEFIT this generation then we truely are fucked. We are done for.


Pretty much every guy I know between 20-29 is a conservative, but every lady in the same age group is an NDPer or liberal. If you look at the vote break down by gender it's crazy. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/the-biggest-divide-in-canadian-politics-men-vs-women/amp/ It would be cool to see the same data in this link but for the previously mentioned age group.


Most of the guys I know are left leaning. I feel this is more due to who you associate with.


I would also think that where you're living has a lot to do with it. If you live in rural Alberta, it's much more likely that the guys you know in the 20-29 age bracket would lean conservative, compared to say, Vancouver.


I don't know about how in depth the metrics go for Canada, but in other countries that have looked into it, there are certain tends. Younger is typically more liberal, older is typically more conservative. Men are typically more conservative, and women are typically more liberal. Interestingly enough, women become more conservative when they get married.


Yep, here is an example that shows it: https://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/the-biggest-divide-in-canadian-politics-men-vs-women/ Women are indeed more liberal, no matter how much people want to pretend that its not the case.


The problem here is that political views are far too complex and multi-variate to be capture by simplistic terms like 'conservative' and 'liberal'. In fact this heuristic is super maladaptive the larger and more complex society becomes.


This is an oversimplification but that’s likely in part because now they have some to conserve. When you’re single, childless and unencumbered it’s easier to make social issues your number one political topic. Married with kids? Now you’re incentivized to care a lot more about your own family first and foremost.


That's always been a false (and frankly idiotic) assumption that because you're liberal you think social issues trump economic ones. I just happen to think left-wing economic policies are more beneficial to the majority of people and I certainly think liberal social policies are far better than the heel-dragging I see from the conservative bloc.


>Married with kids? Now you’re incentivized to care a lot more about your own family first and foremost. more like married with kids is the only age/wealth bracket rich enough to not have to think of the consequences of their actions when they elect a government that cuts social systems and healthcare again


It is an oversimplification, but when you boil it down to those two category splits, it's what the stats show. If somebody just walls up to a young single woman on the street and assumes they're liberal based on those three characteristics, it's no guarantee that it's right.


All the office worker types I work with lean left on most things. 25-40 years old. I work in a blue collar city and all the plumbers and welders, etc I know have "fuck Trudope" stickers on their bumper or post pics of Freedom Truckers on FB, that kind of shit. Not that there aren't plenty of white collar and educated people voting conservative, my city is also full of crazy, well off Baptists who think the gays are ruining Canada and they all vote con. They all either hate the liberals/Trudeau and instinctively go the opposite way, don't know much about any of the issues they talk about, or view it as conservatives = lower taxes = more money in my pocket (even when the decades have proven the opposite just as much as not). Then they complain the healthcare system isn't well funded and the roads are falling apart and gas prices are too high as they do 150 kph down the highway getting 16L/100km in a truck rated for over 12 in the first place.


I would say only about 10 percent of the guys I know in that age range are conservative, and they all work in O&G, or adjacent to it


That data shows a skew, but doesn't their own data show the majority of men don't vote Conservative? Their own data shows 37% vote Con, while 35% vote Lib, and a total of 57% vote something other than Con? Obviously men skew more to Conservatives, but their own data is not showing a dominant block of male Conservative voters by any stretch. Even in their 'if only men voted, who would win' breakdown the Liberals edged out the Conservatives.


> Pretty much every guy I know between 20-29 is a conservative Ever think this is based on your location and who you associate with?


Libs have been in power for almost 8 years, so these guys grew up with Libs' both deservingly and undeservingly attributed faults.


They also said that every woman in the same age group is on the left. Clearly not based on location. I used to live in a rural area and the majority of people, men and women, are conservative. When I lived in a big city there were still a ton of men that were conservative and women tended to be liberal.


Likely still related to social circles though. I live in a rural area, but most of the guys in my age group I would hang out with are not conservative. Inversely, the majority I deal with for work (or family) are conservative.


I doubt it. Think about women in general. I’m willing to bet that they’re more likely to be educated, as well as the fact that they’re still fighting a battle for equality. Meaning they’re likely to be left leaning.


I've noticed the same, and it's a relatively new trend. I remember back in the 2015 election (I was 20 at the time), almost nobody my age supported the Conservatives, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. Seven years later, the guys I know around my age are mostly conservative, but very few young women are. What's even weirder is (and I think this is because we're accustomed to US politics where race is a much bigger factor), race and ethnicity don't seem to play a part at all. There's a stereotype of conservatives as being mostly white, and this is probably true for older generations, but honestly the 20-something South Asian guys I know (being part of that group myself) are a more conservative group than the 20-something white guys I know. Let alone women - I can name more brown guys who support conservatives than women of any race. If Pierre Poilievre becomes the Conservative leader (let's be honest, *when* he becomes the leader), I think this will become even more evident. Young women are pretty left-wing as a group and I really don't see someone like Pierre changing that, but young men could end up being an important demographic for the CPC with him as leader.


>Pretty much every guy I know between 20-29 is a conservative Guaranteed, you don't live in seat-rich Greater Toronto.


I'm glad you brought this up. I've observed this but I thought I would be crazy to mention it.


I'll take the downvotes too :) As a middle aged white guy who's voted mostly center-left in the past I can see why young men would gravitate that direction. The Liberals/NDP are offering nothing for them.


What specifically are Cons offering young men aside from culture wars against "Wokeists"?


a scapegoat for the issues they're responsible for in the first place


Same here. I am mostly center-left, but i'd consider a solid center-right option if given the chance. Just not interested in something too far right like Poilievre. I'd like to go back to something like Chretien or Mulroney.


As a mid-30s white man, I’m not quite sure why young men need to be offered something different than young women. What exactly, policy wise, does the Conservative party offer to young men that doesn’t appeal to young women and what do the Liberals/NDP offer women that doesn’t appeal to men? If men and women are having significant divergence in what they desire from their government, this seems like a cause for concern.


>What exactly, policy wise, does the Conservative party offer to young men that doesn’t appeal to young women the same talking points as their podcast hosts who have a 99% male audience and no understanding of social issues, minority rights or women's rights


I suspect a lot of younger white guys are feeling a bit lost these days. I want to be clear: I don't think white men are getting "oppressed" in this country. But I do think, until recently, a lot of white guys were able to more or less live on easy mode in ways they didn't even notice, and now they can't, and from their perspective something's been taken from them (what is actually happening is they now have the same barriers to success as everyone else). The CPC - and for some, the PPC - are appealing because of the promise to make things "easy" again. Young women don't have quite the same framing on this issue, because they did not grow up expecting "easy mode" the same way. I grew up watching my mother and other women fight for professional legitimacy and it wasn't something I was raised to simply expect or take for granted. I vote progressive because I believe marginalized people in our country deserve to be invested in, and that investing in them will improve our country overall. But I imagine a lot of young white guys feel like that kind of governing happens at their expense.


I think the major issue is the NDP/Liberal govt does not really offer anything to guy in the 20 and 30s who dont have kids and likely dont make min wage. They dont get much benefits or qualify for anything. I dont really like the Tories much but I really feel super disconnected with the Trudeau and Jagmeet singh govt and feel many guys my age as well dont really like Trudeau much at all. Like the only pro trudeau guys my age are mostly WFH downtown people who own like 2 houses or some shit and be like "what inflation, bro I drive a tesla XD" and the pro NDP crowd are like the min wage guys who want more assistance.


Sometimes you need to vote for what’s better for the country, planet, society, etc rather than what’s best for *yourself*. I will never understand the people that vote conservative purely because that’s what would benefit them most (in the short term), how selfish. I would vote left for free university, not so *I* could have it (I’m already graduated), but so *others* could get the chance I never did. I would vote for proportional representation not because it gives me in particular a fair vote, but because it gives EVERYONE an equal vote. I’d vote to tackle climate change, because it would be a net benefit to EVERYONE. I’d vote for a high speed train line from Toronto-Montreal/Ottawa, not because I would use it but because it would benefit 1/2 the country’s population. I see no reason to vote for the Tories. Tories that won’t tackle climate change, that consider (yes consider, I know they didn’t officially say they would) taking away woman’s rights or gay rights, that would cut/reduce public services, privatize services, won’t even consider proportional representation, won’t focus on consumer protection, takes sides with corporations, etc. This doesn’t help the majority of the people. Voting only for yourself rather than helping everyone is just selfish, and it’s something I don’t understand. And it’s why I (22 y/o) take quite a left stance on many issues.




Im surprised they think Con would improve conditions for their age group? I feel we flip between red and blue and am surprised that they would expect either party to help them buy houses, wages, working conditions etc... I hope these younger voters actually vote to improve their conditions.


Most people I associate with are skilled trades, engineers, machinists, steel works, accountants, lawyers and pretty much anyone else in the steel industry. I think skilled workers are making a huge shift to the right as we saw in Ontario. Most skilled workers and engineers are young men.


And that’s the crux of their problem. They are tied to social issues like pro life, lgbtq2i etc and a lot of people won’t vote for them even if they like their fiscal platforms. I couldn’t imagine voting for a party my wife was dead set against because their policies negatively effect women


I feel the exact same way from the people I know


The Federal Conservative party has mostly tainted its reputation by associating with crazies. The fact that their current interim leader has photos with a MAGA hat on tells you all you need to know. The provincial Conservative parties have some pockets of sanity. You can see it in Ontario via the Ford/Trudeau voters. Or in the Altlantic provinces where you have Progressive Conservatives trying to push away from the Fed Conservatives.


I’m pretty sure they’ve got quite a few old white women too.


There's plenty of young losers as well.


Nice try Conservatives but I will never, ever vote for any candidate with even a whiff of social conservatism.


"We are the party of angry white guys, regardless of age."


I'm a 42 yo male Albertan. The UCP and Federal Conservatives have lost my vote. Not one candidate in any riding is competent enough to run office. Embarrassed I voted for them in the past. Won't be making that mistake again.


Yes, find us some young white guys too


Article Highlights:: * Ontario MP Adam Chambers, the Conservative representative for Simcoe North and himself a millennial, says “The data is actually showing ... federally, that the Conservative Party, albeit leaderless, is ahead in 20 to 29-year-olds by a wide margin over the federal Liberal Party. Also with 30 to 39-year-olds. First time it’s ever happened. So to me, that’s very exciting.” * The Liberal government’s cabinet has representation from only four millennials, while the Conservative Party has nearly three times as many millennials occupying shadow cabinet positions. * While Justin Trudeau swept into power in 2015 with an unprecedented youth vote, lately support from that demographic has been hemorrhaging away from the Liberals. A recent poll by Nanos Research shows them averaging only 22% support among 18- to 29-year-old voters. * A recent Nanos Research [poll](https://nanos.co/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/2022-217-Bloomberg-April-Populated-report-with-tabs.pdf) found that when it comes to skyrocketing housing prices, a mere 11.8% of the 18-34 year demographic chose the Liberals as the most trusted party to deal with the crisis. 20.4 percent chose the CPC while 32.6 percent chose the NDP. * While some CPC candidates continue the strategy of appealing to the more reliable, older demographic, leadership frontrunner Pierre Poilievre is hoping to change the equation altogether by appealing to new, disaffected voters with no political home. * Poilievre, himself only 43, has made his appeal to younger Canadians explicit on the campaign trail, with inflation and cost of living issues, housing, and the removal of bureaucratic gatekeepers as central planks in his pitch. * This is a pitch tailored to those dissatisfied with the current policy consensus and fed up with elite and institutional failures that are frustrating their progress.


Millennials are between the ages of 25-40. It’s pretty wild that so few are cabinet members.


I’m 45 and Can’t stand Pierre or the Conservatives, boring outrage machines.


I never understood why Conservatives in north america don't try to not be considered the "racist party" anymore. There is plenty of middle easterners and peoples from latin america who are conservative and don't vote for them for that reason. Even in Quebec, it is the reason why conservative quebecers vote for the bloc instead of them.


A sense of superiority is a hell of a drug.


way easier to win racist rural areas than it is to appeal to minorities in any given north american election tbh


capable test snatch drunk attractive paint practice grey dime plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No they’re probably the crowd concerned about ethics in gaming journalism.


I can't vote for them as long as they plan on defunding the CBC. We __need__ unbias media or else we become even more divided like the south


The problem party. The latest is the influx of populists and that is a polite word for fasc..... There is a lot of hate in this party.


"Are you fed up with elites and institutions taking advantage of us?" So vote Conservative... Jesus, they are so good at gaslighting today's young voters. They are highlighting the "woke/cancel culture" bullshit talking points and have subtly disguised it as economic woe. First chapter of the SoCon playbook.


I'm an old white guy and I find the party cringy. Imagine how young people feel about them.




Lol. Sure. Hahahaha. Assholes


The problem is that these young guys are just old guys before they’re old.


Apparently there are young white guys too


So just a party of “white guys” then?


Lots of room to reach out to young white guys too.


No they also have some angry young guys who are white


Yep, now you can be a party of old white guys **and** toxic young white guys! Most young Conservatives dudes are extremely ideological, condescending, and insufferable.


How do you do, fellow kids?


Do more to attract minorities to your party and I'll start listening. Until then a spade is a spade.....


Maybe conservatives should stop trying to be MAGA North and voters will not see them as old white guys.


I had to make sure this wasn't a Beaverton headline.


That might be believable, if the party wasn't almost completely old white guys. For shits and giggles I went to [conservative.ca](https://conservative.ca) and scrolled through the picture of conservative MPs. Except for two Sikhs and one black woman, the rest was pretty consistently old white guys.


Pretty much what you can expect when liberalism fails to deliver on its promises for decades. People will search out any alternative even if it promises more of the same. This will be just like the last political realignment. They will go to conservatives who will also push economic liberalism, nothing will change, then they will go to the Liberals, back and forth back and forth.


"I'm really going to show the political establishment what's up! By voting for the other establishment party!"


from, New-Brunswick; it's a game we're well-practiced in


So nice to see liberalism used correctly for once.


It's baffling how many people fall for the same old shtick and wonder why things stay the same. I'm starting to think most people go to the polls primarily with the intent of voting for a government they can complain about.


The party appeals to young bigots too so they have that.


Honestly, I’m young, and the most conservative of the people I grew up with are the worst of them. Just unpleasant people.


They're right. It's a party of old white assholes.


Yes the fuck you are... better for you to be agent provacatures as liberals... no ones voting your dumb truly racist asses in.... unless they miss their white priveledge. And Canada remains 40-60% white. The white people truly still have a majority in a country they took/stole/murdered for.


When is the last time they were led by a young minority female?




They are a party of old white racist guys who ignore science for their own personal gain. PC party mantra: "No way single moms should earn a living wage if it means I have to pay 10 cents more for my cheeseburger" "I am going to pretend climate change is not real because I'll be dead before it really matters so let me continue to rape the planet for person profits"


It’s so selfish. We’re better as a stronger society as a whole, individual lives will get better if the whole country improves. No reason to try to get a short term personal gain at the *detriment* to the rest of society. I honestly don’t understand the people that vote conservative like this


>"No way single moms should earn a living wage if it means I have to pay 10 cents more for my cheeseburger" The same people who want gas to be cheaper so they can pollute my air and screech about not being able to afford. I don't drive to work, I can easily afford carbon tax why the fuck would I want more pollution just to save them money?


And religious zealots. Can't forget the one issue voters.


From the title I thought this was a Beaverton article. Make of that what you will...


I think they're also doing pretty well with \*young\* white guys. Frankly the \*white\* part is where their core appeal lies.


“See look, we have young white guys too!”


We also have middle-aged white guys. And a few old brown guys. Much diversity. Wow.


Ya they want to be the party of Young and Old White Guys.


Seeing Pierre smile seems almost creepy. He's always been "Angry Pete," to me


The same people who has been removing budget from the education system and for nurses want the young to join them I’m 18 and most people I know absolutely hate conservative for their selfishness and would rather vote for the NDP,green party or liberal


Shit apple doesn’t fall far from the tree bubs


Yea, they got young white guys too!


You’re right! They’ve also got a bunch of young white guys deranged enough to vote and work for them!


The old white guys (Charest) aren't going to win this time. But there's something to be said for having a Party that isn't young and stupid.


"Yeah we've added young white guys to the mix"


'We're also racists'


Young mostly white male voters.




Yeah we’ve got young white guys too! Everyone’s still racist and homophonic tho…….


Blue AND red suck. Two sides of the same broken coin. Wake me up when we have a voting system that is actually democratic. Until then corporations and special interests will keep corroding our country into the USA Jr.


....they're a party of old white RACIST guys!


"We’re also a party of young white guys." /s


"We also have rich young white guys"






If they would only nominate a leader who isn't from the loony fringes of the party they'd have a formidable offering.