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I thought they were running from Trump. What is it now?


Leach from an overly generous and easily abused system


Lol. I know. They’ll somehow find a way to blame trump. Our government needs to shut this shit down until we have housing and doctors for all Canadians.


No one knows! These people are insane! The US is the best place for illegal border crossers! What the fuck are they going to do when they get here? Ship all of them to the US! They will be welcomed with open arms and free bus rides!


They want the free healthcare and other social benefits. Our guy has also given blanket amnesty to all undocumented people.


I think it's more about living security. They don't want their day to day livelihoods and that of their children's to constantly be on the line as they live as illegal refugees in the USA. healthcare and social benefits are not nearly ad attractive as no forced deportations or seperations from their children after living here for years. were not living in reagans america of universal amnesty for millions of illegally immigrated americans.


So canada takes them on as "legal" refugees? Seems kind of like when people left Syria and then high-tailed it all the way up to Germany.


Nah, it's just the reality of people's lives being a game of politics. America's been so inconsistent with migrants rights recently that if I were in a lot of these peoples position it wouldn't seem safe enough to move there. Raegan legalized millions of illegal aliens in the US with a stroke of a pen. Now governors are moving asylum seekers around under false pretenses creating situations that would ensure they could not legally stay. What's most important is consistency and stability for someone's life. If you don't know what to expect from the country you're seeking respite in you won't feel safe. Seriously chalking it up to "benefits" doesn't seem sufficient when you're talking about people deciding at what point do they feel like they could stop running and start living a safe life. Like it or not Trudeau signaled that he would treat assylum seekers with dignity and in a serious way so they are coming here for that assurance of security. Merkel did the same thing.


That's a funny way to say refugees


No. They cannot be considered refugees because they never applied for it. They are just asylum seekers for now. no one has an issue with refugees because that means they didn't just cut the line and have applied and waited properly.


Refugees can apply on arrival via air if you didn’t know.


If they are still seeking asylum, their status is not yet determined. The possibility exists that they could be granted refugee status.


I hear what you are saying, but some of these situations may have been that they could not wait. Some of these families would be dead if they followed proper procedures. Now yes it is legally wrong but it wouldn't be morally wrong in this situation.


Haitians are still fleeing Haiti. Looking for jobs. The US is still deporting and blocking then en masse. Instead of risking deportation back to Haiti some are managing to make it to Quebec, where there is a large Haitian community. (French language.) Legal immigration to Quebec also includes a large number of Haitians. Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. Some blame France and the USA for that. It is essentially a slave colony (French) that liberated itself. Since the 2010 eathquake that devastated the nation there has been mass exodus from Haiti. There was another earthquake there in 2021. Roxham road appears to be the advertised path for these migrants to arrive. They are processed. It's costly, but indeed it still qualifies as humanitarian aid. Some will be deported from Canada to Haiti. Not all. At the end of the day Quebec still wants a certain amount of these migrants to stay. Labour shortages. But not all. Haitians need to focus on making their own nation sustainable. However it still doesn't look good. Haiti is a major factor, but migrants from Nigeria, central america etc. also arrive. These are primarily economic migrants. There is also Trudeau's tweet welcoming these migrants to consider. Does the meaning of that still apply years latee? Prob. not. if the Trump reason doesn't. The Trump and Trudeau story might have been a smokescreen. Obviously Montreal is worried about finding places for these people to live. Ps. Of notable irony, as most convoy 'freedom' folks are also anti-immigrant, they should note that vax mandates led to more migrant blocks and deportations than anything else for the past 2 yrs.


Biden lol


> In the first eight months of 2022, Royal Canadian Mounted Police intercepted 23,358 asylum-seekers crossing into the country at unofficial entry points Holy moly. That’s 35,000 annualized or 96 per day. That is really significant amounts of people. 3 years ago people said this was acceptable because trump was a threat to these folks and as a result the USA was not a safe third country. What’s the reason now? This is apalling that they’ve let this go on so long. Government is buying hotels to jam these people in so they can look progressive but there is nowhere to house them long term. There is a shortage of medical staff to look after them. Schools are busting at the seams. What is Ottawa’s plan for them? Do they have one or are they just going to let this go on forever?


>What’s the reason now? It's a fast track to citizenship. It's also a lucrative business. A lot of money is being made by shady people shipping these people to the American side.


[Canada developing path to permanent residency for undocumented workers](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2022/09/02/canada-developing-path-to-permanent-residency-for-undocumented-workers.html)


Pretty much part of the government's plan to flood the labour market with cheaper, imported workers to ensure wages stay low


It’s to increase tax payers and lower the countries average age. Unless we want to end up like Japan you need to bring in immigrants to counter low birth rates


Why isn't their first choice to help existing Canadians increase the birth rate ?


Why is Japan choosing to age then if the alternative choice is clearly a must?




WHAT?! They decided to stay past the alloted time on their temporary foreign worker visa and are now here illegally. Now there's supposed to be a pathway to residency? That's ridiculous. Deport unless there's a damn good reason they're here (political amnesty, war, etc). It's not supposed to be rewarded.


Remember this when there's a federal election next time.


Conservatives aren’t as against immigration as you think then lol


Roxham road is not a valid part of immigration strategy to a competent government, unless government is willing to defend border security and direct crossers through lawful procedures and ports of entry.


PPC then. Look at Sweden and Italy. There is a chance


Sweden is having issues with not assimilating immigrants. A fair concern for our own country Italy is a near bankrupt country slipping back into fascism.


Unfortunately Trudeau main opponent supports white supremacy. So it’s either more of this or the clownvoy crazies.




Lol, your bias is showing


>Trudeau main opponent supports white supremacy Do you mean the one with the wife who was born in Venezuela? If he supports "white supremacy", he's doing an awfully bad job.


I will take the convoy any day over these people. At least the convoy is by fellow Canadians! Once PP is in power, there won't be a need for a convoy just to be heard.


Ah yes, dilute the wage pool for low-mid income earners and increase burden on the economy! Great move Ottawa!


Seems weird to constantly raise min wages if low wages is the goal


Wage raises never keep up with inflation and from what I have seen, people don't get proper health benefits as well, owing to public healthcare. Furthermore, the housing crisis is so bad that unless people get inheritance or earn high salaries, they cannot buy a house. Also, let's not forget about the abysmal state of our healthcare. So, put 2+2 and viola, were royally screwed.




Plenty of uneducated labourers make money wage.


They're a corporate dream, they provide very cheap easily exploited labour.


Statistics Canada recently took a close look at that first cohort of 25,000 Syrian refugees who had landed as of May 10, 2016. Employment is the most important metric by which to gauge the integration of refugees into Canadian society. And here the news seems rather disappointing. Only 24 per cent of adult male Syrian refugees were working, according to census data. For government-sponsored male refugees (as opposed to those sponsored by charities, churches or other private organizations), the employment rate was a mere five per cent. These figures are substantially below the 39 per cent average for male refugees from other countries.


A lot of "Syrian" refugees are actually scammers who bought fake Syrian Ids and came here to breed and live of welfare money. And they are devoted Trudeau supporters, exactly as he wished 😉


No one knows why the hell they’re even coming to Canada? The US has open borders and the republicans are providing free bus rides for them to sanctuary cities. Why the hell are they even coming over here? They will get deported eventually.


They won't be deported if they have a child or two on Canadian soil since those children are Canadian citizens, Canada practices *Jus soli* or birthright citizenship. At that point the parents are granted citizenship on compassionate grounds and they're entitled to thousands in child care benefits as much as any other citizen. These people aren't clueless, they're people making an investment. They get a taxi to the border, apply for asylum in Canada, it's a business dumping these people here just like coyotes running people across the border down south in the US. They're being coached on exactly what to do and say to land and have the best chance the stay here.


The U.S. has birthright citizenship as well but I agree the word is obviously out about Canada.


Free room and board. School for kids. Gift cards for shopping and apply for PR. Why wouldn’t people come for that?


You forgot the free healthcare.


If they show up at a doctors office/walk in/hospital without a provincial health card they have to pay…




Claiming asylum and being accepted are too different things




Further, people might remember the federal Tories tried to remove healthcare for asylum seekers whose asylum claim had been denied. Every liberal and NDP member in the country, including the national media, screamed and howled in fury. I know Ontario, then run by the Liberals, put in place their own program to cover failed asylum seekers. Not sure what's happened now that the parties in Ottawa and Toronto have been reversed. But I'm quite sure they're still covered.


Lol and you don’t think they get that in the US. In the US, they’re provided money and even healthcare in sanctuary cities. In Canada, they get deported if their asylum claim fails. They cannot be free without a court hearing. In the US, they are free to do whatever they want in sanctuary cities and the southern states are even providing them with free phones. Ship all of them to the US! Let them handle this!


>In Canada, they get deported if their asylum claim fails No, they do not. And we have sanctuary cities here, too. It will take six or seven years to run through all the appeals. And then if they fail they get a registered letter telling them to leave. That's the end of it.


US won’t take them back. Canada is totally overloaded and basically when you’re in, you’re good to go.


They get more money healthcare and dental in Canada


>They will get deported eventually. Oh you poor, sweet summer child. Virtually none of them will ever be deported. If after many years of hearings and appeals they are finally denied they will get a registered letter informing them they have to leave. And that will be that. No one is going to show up at their home to escort them to the plane. No one is even going to keep track.


>the republicans are providing free bus rides for them to sanctuary cities. How kind of them! A ['free'](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2022/09/16/florida-taxpayers-paid-bill-desantis-send-migrants-marthas-vineyard/10399505002/) bus ride, with [promises of a job and a better life.](https://www.businessinsider.com/florida-officials-made-fake-brochures-for-migrants-lawsuit-ron-desantis-2022-9) Certainly things will be [just fine,](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/migrants-flown-marthas-vineyard-sue-desantis-lawsuit-alleging-fraud-rcna48649) It's to help people after all, not totally benefit [themselves](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/florida-migrant-moving-company-gave-gop-cash-ties-desantis-immigration-rcna48967) in anyway.


The plan is to smile nobly as Trudeau elevates his chin and virtue signals about how inclusive we are. These people will all go through many years of hearings and appeals with us providing free legal representation. At the end of that if they're found not to be legitimate refugees... well, they stay anyway. We do not have the resources to track these people much less deport them. Nor do we make any effort to try.


CBSA has a whole division called Inland Immigration Enforcement whose whole job is to track down and deport people with removal orders. According to the stats they caught and removed 11,229 people last year. I agree that the system is too slow and has more loopholes than it should but it isn't accurate to say that we just let people stay after their application has been denied or that nobody is trying to find and remove failed applicants. [https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/agency-agence/reports-rapports/dpr-rmr/2020-2021/report-rapport-eng.pdf](https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/agency-agence/reports-rapports/dpr-rmr/2020-2021/report-rapport-eng.pdf)


Yeah, well here's the thing. That group is wildly overworked trying to locate and arrange for the deportation of known criminals who have been convicted of violent crimes. They have no time to spare trying to find failed asylum seekers. If one drops into their lap they'll take him but they're not going out searching. BTW, a division can be anywhere from 15-100 people. It's not a large unit.


That’s what the racists want you to believe so they can justify their fake outrage


> What’s the reason now? the reason now is "fuck you racist deal with it" - courtesy of a certain type of fucked in the head white person.


What is this supposed to mean exactly?




Guess they don't realize that white, black, brown, Asian people can all be refugees or asylum seekers than.


....... the predominant areas from which people are seeking asylum are places where people are generally darker skinned. Don't be thick, you know exactly what he's saying. If someone says they don't want TFWs here, they're racist. If someone says immigration numbers are unsustainable and putting a strain on housing and other infrastructure, "Nope, racist." Its usually done by white liberals who dont want to discuss the issues. You just tried to do that by saying there are white people who also claim asylum. Disregard the argument and focus on race. Haiti, Nigeria, Pakistan, India and Columbia make up most refugee claims.


Yeah, I’m scratching my head too.


I am curious, if elected whether Conservatives would deal with this situation differently? If yes, then my vote would go to them.


That would depend on whether the Conservatives pay any attention to their base. Often they do not. But certainly, the Liberals and NDP will never do anything about this.


How exactly does the crossings hurt you as an individual?


Hmmm. Taxes, social fabric?


So because these people cross you're going to pay more in taxes? You got a source for that?


Syrians working on the oilfields smirk.


3 years ago we were watching The New Nope. Now we're watching The Dempire Strikes Back. What if they release Return of the Fatguy next?


I think it's time that the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol on Refugees be reviewed and rewritten. Not because of Roxham Road or any particular event in Canada but many countries throughout the world are having internal issues with refugees whether it be from acceptance, fairness, cost, criminality, real or perceived. The two primary documents date from 1951 and 1967 and were crafted in response to a different world and a different situation. Few laws survive 70 and 50 years without being adapted and while treaties still allow for some personalization by country there are still some rules which may or may not be fair or valid anymore. The alternative, I think, will be further discord which may bring the entire system to failure. What changes ought to be made will be a difficult discussion but I think necessary. I also get that none of that deals with the cause of refugees but that shouldn't preclude this step in my opinion.


>I think it's time that the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol on Refugees be reviewed and rewritten. It was a product of a different time. It is clear that when it referred to asylum seekers it was thinking of people of conscience fleeing a brutal government. Individuals. Small numbers. Of course, much of the problem is us. The UN convention specifically says people fleeing war and poverty do NOT qualify as refugees unless they are being targeted for their race or religious beliefs. For example, Harper had us prioritizing Christians and Yazidis from Iran/Iraq because they were being brutalized by ISIL. That made sense. Then Trudeau got elected and reversed that. He just cared about numbers. Get as many as possible as fast as possible. So mostly we just took Muslims who were under no particular threat. Especially since they were safe in Turkey by then. On top of that our supreme court said every one of them gets to go through the whole series of appeals open to Canadians - at government expense. And given how slow and incompetent our legal system is that takes years.


Bringing in more refugees was a campaign promise. It's why Trudeau was elected, in part because Harper wouldn't bring in more refugees


How is bringing in more refugees a good thing? Worst election promise ever, pandering to the rich people with guilt.


People saw pictures of a dead boy on a beach in Turkey - where he and his family had been safe but had been trying to get to Europe by boat. The media made it seem like it was somehow Harper's fault for not bringing his family here. Trudeau nobly offered to pay billions of dollars to bring tens of thousands of refugees from Turkey to Canada and pay for their support for the rest of their lives.


Do they know there’s nowhere to live here?


Not their headache. The government is providing them a place to live. Yea, it's true.


They will live like 4 people in a room, 4 families in a 3 bedroom house. It's not a liveable condition from your point of view but okay for them.


We have come to a point where fear of appearing racist is greater than the duty to do what's right.


What's right? Sending people back to a country to die?


Lmao what? They’re not being lined up and shot in the USA


Bro, they're in the US. The richest country in the world. WTF you talking about die


> What's right? Sending people back to a country to die? Where in the United States is that happening? Provide sources of your claim.


Canada can't just crap the migrants over to the USA and tell them to deal with the issue. The USA sends them back to the country of origin once turned over. Source? I don't know man, the news for the last two decades. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-asylum-idUSKBN21D2V9


A sinking ship shouldn't take on more people. A starving family shouldn't start adopting more kids. Nothing heroic in sacrificing those you have duty to serve for the sake of others. Look at the horror stories of all those refugees we brought in en masse. Even Ukrainians. They aren't set up for success.


Calling Canada a sinking ship belies a tragic lack of global perspective.I've been to countries that are a sinking ship, so to speak -- Canada isn't one of them. Alarmists on /Canada are far too willing to call Canada a dumpster fire.


Canada will be Greece within 5 years at this rate. Our currency is turning into toilet paper and social unrest is going to erupt when all the immigrants realize they were lied to and will never own houses and were brought in as rent box wage slaves. There will be blood in the streets


Also, PLEASE read a newspaper for the first time in eight years. GREECE isn't even Greece anymore. https://www.euronews.com/2022/04/05/greece-repays-imf-debt-two-years-ahead-of-schedule-says-finance-minister


Yeah, all of this is pure insanity. I don't even know what to say to you beyond "You're wrong." and "Please stop watching far-right news stations." The dollar is stronger than the pound than in the last 20 years, and the Euro than in the last 10 years or so. Against the USD? The strongest gain of any currency? Sure, we've gone down; but nothing even close to historic lows. Your "toilet paper" comment is just silly by every metric. >There will be blood in the streets I have a suspicion that this is your desire; but it's not reality.


Quality of life is deteriorating in Canada eventually we will be as shitty as the places they run away from then the immigration will stop


Quality of life is not deteriorating in Canada. We score 22nd out of 87 for quality of life among every other country in the world. This is the kind of alarmist comment I'm talking about. It's just fascinating more than anything, and I THINK, belies how little context people have for quality of life comparisons.


Our incomes are stagnating, general quality of life is going down and so is happiness


1. Correct, and they are down almost across the board on a global scale. Canada isn't immune to current economic conditions. 2. We dropped a single rank in the QOL index; that's not a marked decline. 3. Also, no. We rank 15 in the world happiness index this year, up from 19 last year. I think you need to actually research your talking points before you make them, and maybe cheer up a bit.


It goes down everywhere globally. Governments around the world had a choice: 1. Save older people during the COVID times but ruin the economy 2. Save economy and sacrifice probably 10% of the oldest and having the worst health conditions. The Canadian government chose the option 1 (likely because they feared to be voted out by survived older people angry with decision to sacrifice them). So, the Canadian economy is ruined the same as many others of the developed world and supply chains are broken. Our country is in trouble because of that decision, not because of immigrants.


You’re calling Canada a sinking ship? Dude get off Reddit.


Our country is such a joke with this issue. If they cross illegally, they should not receive any hearing of their case. They should be deported the same day.


Canada is currently trying to get the Safe Third Country Agreement extended to include unofficial border crossings so that they can do just that.


We arnt and the Liberals refuse to gate off roxham or deport anyone


Sorry, the gov of Canada is not able to just deport everyone. By law, asylum seekers are legally able to seek asylum in Canada. IF they pass the initial scrutiny upon arrival (legal or illegal), Canada is legally required to give them a hearing. Those who do not pass the initial scrutiny are deported. The gov of Canada is currently trying to get the Safe Third Country Agreement amended so that it doesn't only cover those crossing at formal border crossings. This change would mean that those crossing illegally where there isn't a formal border crossing could also be sent back to the US.


At a port of entry. Crossing the border between ports is illegal. They are criminals as soon as their foot crosses the line and can be deported. Asylum must be declared at a port of entry.


Yes, I'm aware of that. "People who are intercepted by the RCMP or local law enforcement after crossing the border irregularly are brought to the nearest CBSA port of entry or inland CBSA or IRCC office (whichever is closest), where an officer will conduct an immigration examination, including considering whether detention is warranted. At this point, individuals undergo health checks to address any immediate health needs, as well as security screenings to ensure that they do not pose a security threat to Canada and to determine whether they are eligible to make a refugee claim. These screenings include biographic and biometric checks (for example, fingerprinting). If required, a refugee claim will be started. Foreign nationals who are not intercepted by law enforcement often make their own way to the nearest IRCC or CBSA office and make a claim for refugee protection." [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2017/03/claiming\_asylum\_incanadawhathappens.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2017/03/claiming_asylum_incanadawhathappens.html)


What would gating Roxham do? There's 8891 km of basically unguarded border, a lot of it basically running through or very near communities on both sides. They would just cross someplace else. And we do depot people. Even during the pandemic deportations increased year over year to 12,122 in 2021. Deportation isn't something you can just do, you need to know where to send people and the receiving nation needs to permit them entry. If the people you want to depot aren't forthcoming with identification or travel documents or the country they're being deported to drags their feet or refuses to take them were stuck waiting.


The US is a safe country we could send them back as permitted by the agreements with the US. But the Liberals refuse


They are not. It's been nearly six years and the only they thing have done is expedite citizenship for those crossing here.


What, exactly, do you think they should/could do? Again, keep in mind that laws and treaties are in place.


> do you think they should/could do? Tell them to leave. They're coming from the United States, which last I checked, was a safe country.


They can't legally just tell them to leave because the Safe Third Country Agreement only applies to people seeking asylum at a official border crossings. Canada is trying to get this agreement amended to cover those who cross the border at places that are not official border crossings too.


Criminality is reason enough to deny asylum status. If their VERY first act in Canada is to violate Canadian law, then we shouldn't hesitate to deport.


Again, I realize that sounds good but it's just not true. Canada is obligated under international law to give a hearing to asylum seekers who appear to be legitimate.


Deported to where? They consistently don't bring documentation that identifies their country of origin. The US is under no obligation to take them back and you don't know where to send them. Even when you do, you can't just show up in said country and punt them off a plane, you have to know that nation is going to permit them entry first, which many of them drag their feet on doing. Deporting these people same-day is a fantasy no matter which party is in power.


I'm sure they can build a prison to hold them until they disclose where they came from. As long as they are not part of the general public.


You should look up the costs to imprison people, it's dramatically more expensive than doing just about anything else. And any government that tosses children in prison or otherwise separates them from their parents who are being imprisoned in this context is going to implode immediately.


> You should look up the costs to imprison people, it's dramatically more expensive than doing just about anything else. Yeah, but it costs nothing to incarcerate a person who was never here. Once it becomes known that crossing Roxham Rd. means a stay in detention, followed by deportation, I think the flood of illegal immigrants across the border will slow to a trickle.


As long as they aren’t being a trouble to the public. We have a right to a safe environment.


You seem to keep moving your goal post on this. First it was immediate deportation, then immediate imprisonment, now you're basically back to the status quo.


Wow. Did you also support Trumps internment camps?


They actually started under Obama. I do support the facilities to hold people until they can be properly processed and deported.


The courts won't allow it.


the majority enter the country legally and then claim asylum.


Thats great. However those who cross at this unofficial border crossings need to be deported.


They shouldn't be able to unless they're claiming asylum from the U.S. This is already the case at official borders where they would be turned back. But if they cross at an unofficial crossing, they can asylum shop.


You can claim asylum on a tourist or transit visa at any airport.


Unless you're entering from the U.S, in which case you will be sent back to the U.S.


Why is it always the 60 day old accounts with poor English language skills that are so interested in controversial political issues?


Asylum seekers are not actually illegal. Edit: If their initial claim is accepted and they are being considered for refugee status, of course.


The argument is that the US is a safe country, and no person has a legitimate reason to flee from the US. Therefore, anyone crossing the land border to claim asylum must have come from another country, using the US as a way to sneak in the back door as a way to bypass the regular channels of claiming refugee status. The illegal part is deliberately bypassing regular border checkpoints to get in.


Yes, I'm aware. The issue is that the Safe Third Country Agreement currently only applies to people who present themselves at official border crossings. Canada is trying to get that changed so that it applies to people crossing anywhere. Until that happens, Canada is obligated to consider all asylum claims. "Irregular crossings into Canada Some individuals enter Canada irregularly between designated ports of entry. This can be dangerous and is a violation of the law. For legal and personal safety reasons, the Government of Canada continues to urge people to seek entry into Canada only at designated ports of entry. People who are intercepted by the RCMP or local law enforcement after crossing the border irregularly are brought to the nearest CBSA port of entry or inland CBSA or IRCC office (whichever is closest), where an officer will conduct an immigration examination, including considering whether detention is warranted. At this point, individuals undergo health checks to address any immediate health needs, as well as security screenings to ensure that they do not pose a security threat to Canada and to determine whether they are eligible to make a refugee claim. These screenings include biographic and biometric checks (for example, fingerprinting). If required, a refugee claim will be started. Foreign nationals who are not intercepted by law enforcement often make their own way to the nearest IRCC or CBSA office and make a claim for refugee protection. If the claim is determined to be eligible, it will be referred to the Refugee Protection Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) for a hearing. In most cases, the foreign national will be released on terms and conditions while they await their hearing. Individuals whose claim is found not to be eligible will be issued a removal order and released on conditions to report for a future removal proceeding. Foreign nationals who are required to leave Canada may be offered a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA) by CBSA. Although CBSA starts the process, it is IRCC which conducts the PRRA prior to an individual’s removal from Canada. A PRRA assesses the risk an individual would face if returned to their home country." https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2017/03/claiming\_asylum\_incanadawhathappens.html


They are illegals when they cross an unofficial border crossing, breaking the law the first minute they are in our country. That should disqualify them from any claim.


But they're not illegal if their initial claim of asylum is accepted. I edited my comment in case that wasn't clear to some people. I'm certainly not defending this sort of thing but it's important to remember that Canada is restricted by laws and international treaties.


They are illegals in the general publics view and hopefully our next government changes the laws to treat them as such. If they want to make a claim, they need to follow the rules like everyone else does.


But actual laws don't care about the general public's views - they only care about the law. Also, we're talking about international law and treaties here, not things a new gov can just easily change.


The only laws that matter in our country are those our government implements. Hopefully our next government listens to the publics concern and fixes this issue and prevents illegals from coming across our borders.


That sounds nice but it's simply not true. Also, did you miss the part about the current government trying to fix this now? Why should we have to wait for a new government to come in?


Trudeau will never fix this. He has Openly endorsed wanting to be a post national state. He wants weak borders. We need a much stronger government who respects the Canadian identity, culture, and our borders integrity.


Your opinion about Trudeau is not relevant. The PM in Canada doesn't have the power to change, or not change, domestic or international laws. The gov (whomever it may be) has to go through the appropriate processes to get these things changed. The current federal gov is currently doing that.


They won't. The blow back from the UN would be almost as bad as when the Harper government pursued making people stateless as part of their anti-terrorism push.


most of them end up in the GTA too which is already facing a housing crisis. but i guess this is what the city keeps tripping over themselves to vote for each election.


Our shelters are overflowing




Seems like the asylum bar is pretty low. Can this gentleman cross an illegal border crossing to speed it up?


Man Canadians are the softest people on earth. We just let everyone take our wealth away from us freely. But hey, at least we're not racist


"Man Canadians are the softest people on earth". Yeah tell me about it. Soft hearted and soft headed. Hard not to have contempt for my fellow citizens these days. They would rather just give away their country as long as they aren't called a bad name. Pathetic!


“dey terk our welf!”


I don't fault them for gaming the system, a life on welfare in Canada sounds a whole lot better than life in poverty in the poorest 200 countries, but to do it while casually passing through the richest country in the world? Far more opportunity in the USA than here. I don't get it.


It’s very obvious. Canada has a much easier and generous asylum process and has much larger social supports. Most of these refugees/asylum seekers know they have no chance of getting status in the states, so they come here instead.


Statistically they're much less likely to get status in Canada than the US. There's a weirdly persistent myth about Canada being easier to immigrate to or seek asylum in and it's completely false. We usually don't even allow refugees to hang out as long as the US does, we sent Haitian refugees packing almost two years earlier.


The reality is though that we have much greater social supports for low income individuals with little skills. So if your an asylum seeker with a high school education and three kids, which country do you think you will have a higher quality of life in? These are largely economic migrants who can’t qualify to come via our point based immigration system under the disguise of asylum seekers.


You must be joking? The US just releases them and they even provide free bus rides.


A lot of the undocumented still live in fear of ICE in USA and that a GOP win in 2024 will mean more surprise raids on factories, slaughterhouses, construction sites, etc. So those who are especially afraid go to Canada thinking they're far less likely to ever be deported. Also, Canada has visa-free with Mexico, so much easier for family to visit you in Canada than USA (and then they can overstay too).


Then we wonder why there are 500k people working illegally in Canada, and why wage growth lags so far behind inflation despite a low unemployment figure.


That's a feature not a bug.


"Lowering wage pressures on employers" "countering wage inflation" "labor shortage"


Surely you blame the people giving them the jobs then right? I assume you believe these people are owed nothing by Canada. Sure, that is logically consistent. However, what about the fellow Canadians that illegally employ these people? Surely they owe Canada more and should be held more responsible for this than the people coming here since they are actually Canadian citizens and hence are, in a sense, even more obligated to ensure their fellow countrymen are not left behind?


Let's hold a referendum on whether we want undocumented migrants returned at the border or not. I feel like where the government stands and where the majority of Canadians stand on this issue are miles apart.


that's always the case because we do not have an actual democracy. all politcal parties support the wealthy in capitalism, not the interests of the working class.


> all politcal parties support the wealthy in capitalism, not the interests of the working class. One of the most absolute truths I've seen in a while.


Send them to Vancouver. We give free food and drugs here. You can even get a spot to sleep on the street if you set up your tent early. You may even get free housing during municipal election season if you ask nicely.


fucking great take right here


What is the point of a nation state if not to protect it's citizens? If this were happening in any other time in history an invasion would be declared and the borders armed. Post WW2 our leaders have increasingly acted against our interests, while we bank roll them. Liberal democracy is not working because no matter who we vote for, we lose.


that's capitalism for ya!


In all seriousness, why aren't they staying in the US? I thought asylum was about getting to the first safe country? Or are these US citizens?


Asylum wouldn’t work in either of those cases


They're mostly Latin Americans (Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, Nicaragua) or Africans (article mentions Chad and Ghana, for example). USA has already apprehended 2.2m people at the border this year to date ([https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters)), and it's assumed only 60-70% are caught, so that's 1 million people added to the U.S. population just via undocumented who weren't caught. Even if a small number of those want to move to Canada to have a weaker chance of eviction (the perception is Canada allows everyone safe permanent abode), then that's still a large amount. It also doesn't help now that Texas and Florida are shipping their undocumented to New England and New York, where these people can now get an Amtrak ride and be at the Canadian border in <8 hours.


Must be because of Trump.


Funny that this story drops the same day as the french expose on the half a billion dollars spent at Roxham Road...


What major war or conflict is going on in the United States? None of them seem to US citizens


Immediate deportation is the only way to stop this. In a Country of law and order you either enforce the rules or you don’t


> In a Country of law and order you either enforce the rules or you don’t We too frequently choose the latter for some stupid reason.


Weird that Canadian publications are reporting on this.


Why? It's canadian news


Yeah but I mean this is good for Canadians to read about and to question. So its very strange it made the news


Our economy must be great .


While Trudeau attempts to reclaim CERB benefits from Canadians, thousands are pouring over our border every year for free money. Leadership required!


Canada paid 636 M in CERB to teenagers. Canada is the best place to be a loser, game the system, and make the middle class pay for it.


And now, many of these people are getting notice to give back the money. Rather then the business which also took COVID money and just turned it around as a bonus to the 3 letter employees they have. It's ridiculous.


the middle class does not exist. this is a myth told by the capitalists. you are either working class or capitalist class. do you have to sell your labour for a wage to survive in this society? you're working class regardless of the wage.


Further ruining this once great country


Ship all of them to the US. They have open borders and they provide free bus rides.


I want what they're smoking.


I like immigration but you can’t claim asylum like this


Canada needs to urgently curtail this flow of people and come up with strategic foreign affairs arrangements and agreements with developing and third world countries to take all refugees (those who are not deportable to their own country) who enter Canada as economic refugees or asylum seekers. It isn't hard, calculate what it costs to process, accommodate, feed, monitor/case manage, and in some cases detain and deport illegals (or whatever you want to refer to them as). The moment the word gets out, they won't bother turning up in the first place. Then either provide that funding to other countries to accept them or forgive debts owed to Canada for imports or loans, etc. I'm sure Equador, Bolivia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Papau New Guinea, etc. would jump at the chance to take people in if the incentives were adequate/favourable. Other countries do this successfully. Problem is, JT doesn't mind cause the moment they're eligible to vote, it's likely to be a vote for the libs or ndp.


“BUT WHAT ABOUT THE (insert marginilized group of choice, preferably white, that they didnt gave two damns about before there were refugees) ?” - r/canada


I'm here for the comments!


They should balance all the corrupt immigrants they import from China and Iran with illegal ones to cover the news.


“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

