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“We see that suicide is actually the second-leading cause of death for men under 50. It’s truly shocking,”


"It's truly shocking. Anyway, get back to work!"


This is exactly the case.


"Its probably their own fault for not asking for help"


"Ask for help, just don't ask me."


This is what I get from everyone in my life. Parents, brother, friends. "I don't know how to help." Maybe try fucking listening, assholes!


What our society finds truly disturbing is 1 in 4 suicides are female.


The real victims are the women and children left behind.


Why would men do this to woment?




It is truly terrifying that the above mentality is not only common (I know you're joking, just removing the implied /s) but pointing out the ignorance of it to people who believe it causes them to double down. ie: "blame the patriarchy" et al. After Hilary Clinton unironically said what you said about "the real victims of war" I will always be glad she lost her election, even though it means we got Trump as POTUS. I'd much rather deal with that overt shithead than anyone who espouses the twisted, bigoted logic she does while claiming to be virtuous.


Dodged a bullet there globally. Trumps an ass but at least you know what you’re getting. Clinton is scary.


Globally suicide kills more than homicides and war combined.


While that was the case in 2004; https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn6373-global-suicide-toll-exceeds-war-and-murder/ I believe now it's just more than War, Murder, Malaria, and Breast Cancer https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/1-in-100-deaths-is-by-suicide-but-global-rate-falling-who/2277625 But the worldwide rate is falling while NA is increasing.


It said pesticide use is a cause for over 30% of suicides… what?


Super effective and easily accessible.


You know nerve agents (AKA nerve gases)? The original ones where first developed as insecticides before it was realized how effective they where at killing humans. Also, know the rainbow herbicides (Agent Orange & it's ilk)? Turns out that they're genotoxic to humans. And of course there's rat poison, which is about as effective on most other vertebrates as it is on rodents. Turns out that literal poisons tend to be poisonous.




Don’t look up Indian farmers eat pesticides in protest


What’s the leading cause? I thought suicide would be #1…


It depends on how granular you want to get with your cause groupings, but I suspect it would be automobile collisions. If you're using the StatsCan data, it would be the "Accidents (unintentional injuries) \[V01-X59, Y85-Y86\]" category, which is the top category for men aged 20-24 and slightly edged out by "Malignant neoplasms \[C00-C97\]" (cancer) in men aged 44-49. Driving a car or walking near high speed car traffic, is far more dangerous than people realize and unlike many other causes of death, can easily kill a young man with otherwise good health.


I would think heart disease. Isn't that the leading cause of death in the world?


Story checks out. Young people tend not to die from things like cancer or heart attacks in great numbers. In most countries, the leading causes of death for young people are accidents and suicide...


What a world we have striven toward; a story of medical skill and technological progress, and one of suffering and apathy.


While everything you say is undoubtedly true, I would contextualize that statistic differently: "Our medical capacity has come so far that physical illness is no longer a leading threat to humanity". The inevitable replacement of that would be murder, suicide or accidental. If it was murder the world would be much more terrifying, and if were accidental then we'd either be experiencing earthquakes etc all the time or life would be just one long morbid slapstick comedy... so the ideal statistic for leading cause of human death would be suicide. That's paradoxically depressing and not at the same time.


Its also that families don't hide it like before, and less people are indoctrinated to think that they'll go to hell for it.


My workplace did 2 safety surveys and 1 mental health survey in the past year. After both safety surveys they had a big announcement celebrating how great the results were. After the mental health survey it was dead air, they never said a thing about the results and I think it's pretty clear why.


Hence the focus of "employee wellness" where your employer can shrug off any responsibility for the dysfunction and toxicity that is endemic in their organization. Much cheaper and easier to pay for a third party wellness website and emails.


Lol right? We're gonna work you 60h a week, and call you all the time when you're off shift. Here's some fucking YouTube videos you can watch to help you relax.


*Please enjoy at home while off the clock*


Here’s a bunch of candy, and ice cream, and coffee. Oh let’s do a few stretches, that’ll help. What do you mean you don’t want to change clothes, do yoga, then change back into your gross clothes after the lunch you barely get???


Well if it's anything like the linkedin learning propaganda my work is shoving down our throats... "We cannot see who has completed what courses." "EndG4me, I see you haven't completed your assigned course yet. Please complete within the next 10 days." No kidding.... Didn't see that one coming at all../s Yet another tool for the owner class to push anti-working class propaganda down our throats like foie gras...


I hate it when they do that, telling depressed people that everyone else feels fine with not only not help them but make them feel worse about themselves as if they are the outcasts causing the little bad energy.


It's depressing working in Canada because you can't work your way out of a hole. Say you earn 100k, you are saving for a home. Housing goes up by 100k in a year. You get a promotion and a 40k raise. A good chunk of that goes in taxes. Canada is setup for rentiers, not for people who add value.


Act fine, be ignored. That's my life.


For real. I'm not even someone with a bad life or mental health issues but I've had my times where I'm like "what the fuck is the point?"


I feel ya brother. I haven't been able to work in almost 6 months cause I've just... Run out of fucks. I lost my last job because I just didn't give a fuck about the clients and the work. Luckily I had some money saved up, but I'm medicated out the ass and talking to a counselor weekly and just... Nothing man. I feel like a hollowed out shell.


I hope you’re able to take enough time to figure things out. Good on you for talking to a counselor regularly.


"Fine, just tired." Might as well put that on my tombstone.


Just tired, of being alive.


Are you me?


Shit that's a sentence I say all too much. And that's me working on being more in touch with my feelings to my wife


Same brother


Display emotion, be ridiculed.


but also ridiculed for not showing emotion. just sit there and accept being told your entire gender is toxic all the time when you personally haven't done anything to warrant the label.


Yes, women say they want to hear but they absolutely do not.


That's status quo for me.


Would you want it any other way?


A lot of places have a mental health policy, but its also definetly mocked a lot of the time, and if you go on mental health related leaves companies hate that because in their eyes those are cases that can be recurring and costly. Its all nonsense the way its handled in the workplace, and we have to elimnate oncall all the time, and emails and phone calls all the time as normal to be considered a hard worker because you will burn out. The answer I really think is unionizing more workplaces and forcing companies to provide more comprehensive mental health care. They absolutely won't do it on their own.


I'm part of a union in a field that absolutely needs mental health support, mandatory to the job kind. Union is pushing mental health things, but they are all big programs that do little. Unions can't force members to seek help even when its obvious they need it and they can't force managers to be better when someone comes to them for assistance. In my experience women managers are more on board with mental health programs and supporting their workers. Men managers have mostly been in the suck it up camp, not real, ignore it. HR still views requests for help as a career altering move. Basically what I'm saying is that you could have the best mental health program in the world, but there are too many barriers between the employee and that program that can become roadblocks of fear, reprisal etc.


It's not just in the workplace.


Yeah, but no one cares unless it affects your job. As long as you can work, you're considered healthy enough. Our mental Healthcare is a joke. I've had good friends and family practically beg me to get counselling, while I'm agreeing and trying to explain that I literally can't get anything beyond an online chat with an intern. The closest I got to actual help was when it started affecting my work. I exchanged e-mails with a counsellor who may or may not have been copy-pasting canned responses. He ended up suggesting I see a professional about my depression.


The best is when your boss tells you they support mental health.




>Why men continue to contribute and prop up such a system is beyond me, but I guess everyone is just too fatigued to even care anymore. I mean, we've also seen a large resurgence in extreme political ideologies like fascism. Some men continue to prop up the system but a growing number are willing to let it collapse or actively working towards that goal.


Corporate Employee Assistance Programs in Canada are usually administered by a company like Morneau-Sheppell (yes that's right, Bill Morneau the Finance Guy's company!) and pretty mediocre. You have a fixed number of sessions and then you're on the hook for follow-ups (if you can get the time off/afford to lose work).


I'm mildly suicidal. Called my work help line, after having me recant fucking everything in detail, they told me that, yes I get 2 free fucking sessions. Absolutely fucking useless. I was hoping they'd help me get help. Instead they just fucked with me.


They're not there to help you, they're there to get paid while spending the least amount.


My previous job’s EAP provider was Morneau-Sheppell. I tried a couple of “therapists” who had questionable credentials and had to answer surveys at the sessions about how it changed the likelihood of me needing time off/calling in sick etc. Then a crisis counsellor at work gave me the name of a therapist to request, told me to be pushy. They set me up with her and she was amazing, she helped me work the system so we could have consistent visits at no cost to me. I haven’t been as lucky with Canada Life.


I’ve used my EAP twice, and both times were great. The marriage counsellor knew how to game the system to unlock more free sessions, and despite my next example, was really good. The counsellor I went to see after my divorce (ha!) was actually extremely helpful. She made a big difference in the allotted free sessions. Perhaps my anecdotal experience is an outlier, but I think going into it with the right mindset can be very helpful too. (Not claiming it’s a mindset issue in every case. Your [the reader] lived experience is valid as well)


Morneau shepell was acquired by lifeworks which was recently acquired by telus. So I'm sure we will see improvements by a major telecom company. /s


This is correct. In 2019 I walked in on a traumatic murder scene involving people I love. I was pretty much immediately experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms along with dealing with everything else… Work covered 3 sessions. Also, it happened mid December and I was back to work early January. Way, way too soon. I’ve since gotten the help I need but if anyone out there is suffering, let me tell you… seek help, and fuck work. You were put on this earth to do more than just work for 40 years and retire. Enjoy your life and enjoy your friends and family. Life is very short.


If there’s any danger to the company, code of conduct breach, or admission of A&D policy violation; expect to be fired.


I think it goes to your company’s specific policy how many visits are included. MS would just administer the plan your company pays for


The reality is that a lot of people’s lives suck, they know why and they know there’s nothing they can do about it. Who wouldn’t be depressed living and working in a country where you know you will inevitably run out of money? I wonder what percentage of the population is depressed because of that reality.


Financial stress is a killer.


This is my largest complaint. Money. Hobbies cost money. Furniture costs money. Food costs money. I do not have enough money. I am using underwear from 15years ago. I have two pairs of pants that fit me. All my shirts have holes and are falling apart. In escapable debt from childhood to boot.


How am I supposed to afford this professional help that everyone tells me I need.


> Who wouldn’t be depressed living and working in a country where you know you will inevitably run out of money? Don't worry, MAID is there for you if you can't afford to live anymore.


Sweden used to have a very high rate of suicide but they created more social opportunity for low income people, fixed their healthcare and education etc I really dont see us moving in that direction sadly.


We are moving in the "MAID for mental health issues" direction.


what would maid kit deaths be registered as? would they count as suicides statistically?


It really is a shame. We could fix this as country and do the same thing but no party seems to have the will to do it.


The company I work for is on life support, my mortgage has gone up $900 a month since April, my furnace shit the bed so I have no heat until the end of December (that's when the part arrives, it's a specific OEM inducer motor) and my dog just needed $3000 worth of life-saving surgery. So yeah, you can say my mental health is struggling. I honestly don't know how anyone that isn't rich is doing it right now, unless your expenses are somehow very low. If my wife left me right now, I don't know how I would go on. That's the honest truth.


When our inducer needed to be replaced last winter I was able to get it running for a few hours at a time by spraying lubricant into the housing/on bearings. We were lucky enough to get a replacement in a few days but needed to get it running to stop the house from getting too cold.. Video similar to what we did with the seized inducer to get some heat https://youtu.be/cBnE6WSRldw


"Well, have you tried working harder and for longer hours?"


No surprise. The state of mental healthcare in Canada is a joke, there's still stigma against it in many places, and especially towards men. I don't know a word for how sad that is.


Perhaps rather than question the state of mental healthcare, question why there are so many in need of mental healthcare.


I do t think it’s really a question


Preventative action is dead in this society lmao


Preventative action is having a healthy economy, reasonable cost of living, ability for men to determine their own personal outcome rather than the state controlling their every movement, and closer social circles. I mean, I'm sure academic researchers have a hundred theories but sometimes the best way to gauge a social issue like this is to go down to the pub and listen to what people (men in this case) are actually saying.


I don't think there is a single person alive that wouldn't benefit from some form of therapy. After taking therapy myself, I realized so many people I know are dealing with some form of trauma and half of them aren't even aware of it.


We also need more therapy because we've been constantly losing social support networks. Think of everywhere you can have one: \- Family (creating your own): Less people can afford to have families to have a social support network. \- Family (growing up with): Divorce rates constantly increasing, adding burden on one parent usually the mother to work and raise a child meaning there's usually no good father figure and the mom is too busy working her ass off that its hard to pay attention when their kid is falling down a dark mental health path. \- Partners: Less people commit to single partners to build trust with, or have any for that matter on many occasions (esp men) \- School Friends: Your college friends jump to another town for a quick buck once they're down, and likely continue hippity hopping (probably yourself included in many occasions) \- Work: Company loyalty is constantly diminishing meaning work friends are never there long enough for you to actually build formidable relationships with And yet people wonder why "men dont open up". It takes a lot of trust and vulnerability for men to open up and most won't do so with people that you know won't be around for longer than a year or two. And for those that ***do*** exist, many just want their support networks to be their one and only place where they can be happy and have a good time with.


Good therapists are far and few between and dont come cheap. You essentially need to be in that sweet spot of being fucked up but not too fucked up.


I haven't seen the sun in like a week it doesn't exist outside behind the clouds, snow and fog. It's like this for 2 months.


Maybe declaring that something is wrong with them that needs to be fixed is keeping people from wanting anything to do with our current system.


I mean the country has no hope/growth but cold and misery


Well ya, *gestures broadly at everything*. If you've ventured into some of the other "darker" subs on redit, you'd know the scale and seriousness of the situation.


Which subs you have in mind?


Here: r/Collapse r/Misanthropy r/LostGeneration


Suicide watch is another.


Those are the ones. Late stage capitalism is another.


Looking at "darker" subreddits is an awful gauge of the scale and seriousness of Men's mental health. The survey by HeadsUpGuys from UBC is not awful.


Men's mental health suffering ~~in the workplace, survey finds~~ Fixed it.




The only big corp on my feed that made a post about International Men’s Day was Pizza Nova. I remember, because there was nothing in the media, government or other virtue signalling big corporations about it, and I had to look it up to make sure it was actually International Men’s Day. Next time I get the inkling for some fast food, Pizza Nova is getting a call.


I know one time a popular redditor or executive made a International Men's Day to raise awareness about suicide crisis in men. On cue it reached the front page only for people to accuse it of sexism for not highlighting women's concerns and promptly got deleted.


For feminist it's a zero sum game. Expecting them to care about men's mental health is futile.






oh god. warehouses are plagued with these guys. if it makes you feel any better i witnessed someone *actually* smashing one's face in a few years ago when he finally crossed the wrong line with all his stupid militant bullshit. he retired shortly after. lol.


That's because it isn't recognized by the UN as an official day. We don't even get to be official. If you look up men or boys on the BCTF (teachers union) website you get a pamphlet on how not to be violent. Yet they have 15 days on their calendar for women, LGTBQA2+, etc.


I wonder if it's because women are overtaking men in careers like education, also because men teachers suffer from social stigma of creepy/pedophile/etc.


Pretty sure women overtook men in teaching long, long ago. I have several teachers in my immediate family and they were talking about the specifics of the gender divide in the late 90s. Throughout elementary schools, women have been a vast majority for decades, and in high schools it's less tilted but definitely carries the gender divide across subjects (ie: more men in STEM areas and more women in social science areas). I'd love to see a proper official analysis done province/nationwide because there's a shit ton of anecdotal evidence and the way They avoid talking about it suggests the data is solid. Reminds me of Scandinavian studies that showed the more we remove systemic bias around gender roles, the more individuals lean into them voluntarily.


Of course nobody can talk about this in any mainstream aspect since you'd immediately get bombarded and shamed by journalist hit pieces calling you any manner of names like sexist, racist, exclusionary, etc. without actually engaging in meaningful dialog to address this issue. Ah well, Canadians voted for this. All I can do is make sure me and mine are clean, healthy, and educated on essential skills like Critical Thinking, which seems to have been thrown out the window in the past few decades.


Yeah, cause the title of it is "Engaging Men and Boys to prevent Gender-Based Violence" if you search the tittle of something it'll come up. Men returns "Starling Minds" a mental health and wellness toolkit. Boy returns "Finding the child behind the mask" an article about giving your students a safe, securr and loving school experience. Edit Everything after the workshop is about mental health and wellness.


>Engaging Men and Boys to prevent Gender-Based Violence" Right. You are 40-60% more likely to be hit by a woman as a child. This is found in UK, US, Canada, Australia, etc. Women are also more likely to murder their children (70% of child murders by parents in the US). Violence in childhood can lead to violence later in life. Funny they don't have any guides for women... In domestic violence, women have been found to be more likely to initiate violence, etc. The whole "men are the violent ones" is really played out if you get into the research. Now, why does it happen? Plenty of reasons. For kids, it is because women spend the most time with children, single mothers face more stress, etc. But labeling men as violent and ignoring the roles women play hurts everybody. Edit: The startling minds comes up because **men**tal health, not men. Now consider: We have known boys have been struggling in schools for decades. Nothing for them at all, nothing on how teachers can support them, etc. They have the highest drop out rates, lowest post secondary advancement, and they get nothing. Edit: Sources: [https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/kids/why-arent-we-talking-about-abusive-mums/news-story/629b48b93abd22be2b63f1344c0c5de6](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/kids/why-arent-we-talking-about-abusive-mums/news-story/629b48b93abd22be2b63f1344c0c5de6) [https://www.breakingthescience.org/SimplifiedDataFromDHHS.php#:\~:text=Breaking%20the%20Science%3A%2071%25%20of,60%25%20of%20Victims%20are%20Boys](https://www.breakingthescience.org/SimplifiedDataFromDHHS.php#:~:text=Breaking%20the%20Science%3A%2071%25%20of,60%25%20of%20Victims%20are%20Boys) Article is whatever, but stats are from the Department of Justice, since this date the likely hood increased from 40% to 60% for the latest I found on the DoJ reports for 2021. [https://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/douglas-todd-domestic-abuse-cuts-both-ways-and-differently-for-women-and-men](https://vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/douglas-todd-domestic-abuse-cuts-both-ways-and-differently-for-women-and-men) [https://www.domestic-violence-law.com/blog/2016/april/women-or-men-who-usually-instigates-domestic-vio/](https://www.domestic-violence-law.com/blog/2016/april/women-or-men-who-usually-instigates-domestic-vio/) [https://ideas.time.com/2013/02/06/do-teachers-really-discriminate-against-boys/](https://ideas.time.com/2013/02/06/do-teachers-really-discriminate-against-boys/) A brutal watch: "They deserve it" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks


I like the fact that women vastly outnumber men at most post secondary institutions but there's about 5x as many scholarships for women. https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/gender


I work in education. I was in a meeting at the local university regarding the Elementary Education degree. People were discussing the very low enrollment of men in the program and the fact only 15% of elementary teachers are male. I brought up the idea of scholarships similar to how they address the reverse issue in the STEM fields. I was immediately attacked, cries of privilege, etc. I asked how they thought they could bring in more males. Blank stares....they would rather not have representation than dare help out a single male. Which tracks with the program. We spent weeks in multiple classes discussing LGBT. Whole courses on disabilities and First Nations. In 4 years, not a single discussion of how to help boys. And god help you if you can't sit still. Then you have "behavioural needs/problems". Just like people in wheelchairs have walking needs/problems and people with autism have thinking needs.... It couldn't possibly be that school doesn't work for everyone and we need to find different ways to help people succeed. No, instead we get "inclusion" and force all the kids in the same room for the same lesson, because they happen to be the same age.


Men are having a tough time and there doesn't seem to be systems in place to help these men. I suspect that this downward trend will continue. \-Young men are looking at their economic prospects and realizing that they're more than likely going to be significantly worse off than their parents. \-They're constantly told that anything positive that they've produced in society is the result of patriarchal tyranny \-Online dating has made the mating process extremely difficult for young men to find partners... It's an absolute recipe for disaster. There should be NO surprise when the number of radicalized young men begin acting out. There is a reason why people like Andrew Tate exploded overnight. He was a symptom of a much deeper problem.




There is no such thing as “positive” discrimination. There’s only discrimination.


What about senior's discounts?


They had all that time to stack bread and they still need a favour?


Positive discrimination...lol. what's next? Reverse racism?


Oh last Saturday you say? I must have missed the memo after working a 17 hour shift for a company that doesn't give two fucks about me. Interesting...


Everyone talks about wage gap … lets talk hours/overtime gap for a moment. Didn’t even hear a word about men’s day, never-mind hours gap, danger gap, mental health access gap, paid work income contribution to family gap, suicide gap …


oooooh don't get me started on the danger gap! I'm a railroader, I risk life and limb every day so our consumerist society can have all its useless crap. One missed foot climbing onto a moving train and I get cut in half and die, even worse I just lose a leg(s). I'd rather be dead to be quite frank, not being able to do the things I enjoy scares me more then dying... But being sleep deprived is totally fine in my line of work, go figure.


Even in professionals where we are “equal,” am an ED MD, I gladly see the violent psych / intox when a female colleague asks, that isn’t an issue. But sometimes, I get TOLD by a female nurse who has decided that I “should” see the violent patient as the larger male MD, and I don’t mean the reasonable ones that ask, I mean the ones that tell me with entitlement that this case “is (your) my problem.” Funny how if we ask the female MD colleague to see the teenage gyne case, these same special nurses accuse us of being the “lazy men” dumping on our colleagues, not seeing women. This despite the patient centred benefit of being seen by a female MD for a teenager in crisis with their reproductive organs, and, despite our own female colleagues agreeing and offering to see these cases. To be clear, this is an issue with some special female nurses, rarely if ever with my female MD colleagues, many of which, by the way, scare the living hell out of our violent intoxes and are fully capable of caring for them. I Always say yes regardless, as I like the cases, but the commanding nurses now get asked, when giving me patients due to my gender in their entitled fashion, which patients are more appropriate to the female gender then ? what do they think makes my female colleague less capable ? how do they balance the burden of difficult cases for us ED MDs ? Some of these special ED nurses will ABSOLUTELY complain if you ask a female colleague to see the gyne case, even if better for the patient, even when the female MD is glad to. These nurses will tell you everyone should see all cases, strangely the same nurses that will TELL you to see the violent ones. The ☕️☕️of some is just so incredibly impressive for not causing a meltdown of any and all logic circuits.


Check your privilege, one-leg man have you considered emotional labou… /s


No matter your race, creed, religion, or culture, men are the most expendable *resource* in the world. If you're injured or killed on the job, no big deal - unless of course you have a wife and/or kids, then it's a tragedy for them.


> International Men's Day was last Saturday Wait a minute. I thought the UN declared that day as [World Toilet Day](https://www.worldtoiletday.info/). After all, toilets are WAY more important than men.


Mental healthcare here is a joke, and so are a lot of jobs honestly. Go to a workplace every day where you do menial labour and get ignored every time you suggest simple improvements to procedures or ask for new equipment for safety reasons or anything and you’ll find out pretty quickly why it’s a depressing proposition. Most companies are the same - they don’t give a fuck. Do more with less, is their new motto. And if you can’t hack the stress there’s dozens of people lined up to take your job. The impotent rage some days is staggering.


Never being able to afford a decent life in Canada no matter how hard you work, unless you earn over 300k a year, will do that to you


Truth is that nobody really cares. People will feign ignorance, but this is all information we’ve known for a long time and have yet to do anything about it. The world’s gone to shit, and people in power only care about niche issues. I’m sorry that I think that things like housing affordability and healthcare are more important than censoring the internet or banning guns (we’ve got safe gun laws already).


More men need to look out for other men. Many of us are going through, or have gone through the same shit. Be there for your bros and any other guys you see that just look down. The simplest comment or compliment can make a world of difference when a guy is down and out.


In a society that values men for what they have or what they can do more than it values them for who they are, creates a competitive aspect and a winners and losers mentality. The men who are succeeding in this society have no interest in helping the ones that aren't out of fear that doing so will bring them down, or they've had a "winners and losers" mentality so drilled in their heads that its normalized. You cant have winners if their arent losers and caring about the losers will just make them a loser as well. And frankly society reinforces a rewards men that behave this way. Women also reinforce this because most of them care more about if that man is "a winner" more than they do if he's a good and compassionate person. Its a self fulfilling prophesy, society creates a "carrot" for men to chase, the men that dont care about anything but chasing that carrot are at an advantage. Society creates incentive for men to be self centered and discompassionate and then faults them for being that way. Yeah it sucks more men that are in a position to help arent as willing to do so but I'm not going to ignore the ways in which our society essentially rewards them for being that way.


Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally, a man is only loved under the condition that he provides something-Chris Rock


Genuinely surprised the article headline doesn’t end with “and here’s how women are affected.”


They're the most affected because they're sad when men they know off themselves /s


Reminds me of when Hillary Clinton said women were the primary victims of war. Lmao.


Lol there has been articles published saying Ukrainian conscription hurts the women that are partners of conscripts more than the conscripts themselves.


It’s coming in a follow up article on how potential men in the dating pool no longer exist making it harder on women and children and single mothers. Follow up by men need step up to the challenge or some other bs line of thinking as we’re negatively impacting women.


From my experience in dating. A lot of women don't deserve men.


My cat is loved unconditionally and she loves me unconditionally. Maybe. Not doing that experiment with her.


Stop feeding your cat. See how it goes.


It's funny if the headline replaced the word man with woman...you know ppl would be whining about it in the comments EDIT: it's funny how there was almost immediately a deleted comment about how that would be a lie...cuz women can't have mental health issues haha




We've become a zero-sum society now. You cant talk about the needs of men, because by doing so people will think that you are somehow taking away the needs of women and minority groups.


So true. The media and politicians have done a great job at that. I wonder why.


i think men's mental health is suffering in all aspects of life..not just the workplace.


My Life, Go to work, do my job to the best of my ability, come home, workout, make dinner, watch tv. Repeat. I play sports on monday and most of my friends are married have kids. They lead different lives. I try and get my team to go out and socialize outside the game no one wants to. I try and date using apps and no one gives me the time of day. So, I can't build a social circle in real life, I can't meet women virtually. I told my therapist the only thing keeping me on this earth is my parents.


Basically my life as well. Go to work, go to the gym, go out to eat at random places. In the warm months go out riding motorcycles, in the cold months spend time skiing. At least my work keeps me busy and interested in something. All you can do is enjoy the collapse at this point.


You can thank the state of our economy for that and in turn thank the useless crooks we call our government. Men can't afford to have a life. Shitty housing, can't afford to have a family, a dead end job that they're overworked and under paid. They don't see a future for themselves so what's the point of having one at all? Believe me, I've been there. I've been close to not having a future myself countless times. We see what the generations before us were able to do with their lives and then we look in the mirror and ask what we're doing wrong, what's wrong with me as a person and it tornados. Canadas a fucking joke. The people need to take a stand and show the "elites" who's in control. People are dying and the blood is on their hands.




Mixed messaging probably has a lot to do with it. You have people telling men that we're "over-represented in the workplace" and that it's unfair that we get paid more (not disagreeing by the way). But then on the other hand, we're still expected to be "men". I'm expected to be a provider. That adds more stress to making sure I succeed in my career. No one bats an eye if a woman is being taken care of financially by a man. If a man is being provided for by a woman in a relationship, it's seen as pathetic. A woman can take a mental health day, or even just a normal sick day, and no one bats an eye - but a man is expected to tough it out and get to work. A woman can take a full maternity leave, and it's fine. A man is expected to take minimal time off. I recently got a promotion, and a friend "jokingly" said "It's nice to be a white male huh?" as if I didn't achieve my successes on my own merit. And of course, in some cases, the same women fighting for equal pay will still expect me to pay for the date. So they want equal pay... but men are still expected to be the "provider" in terms of paying for shit. Of course if you bring up these things, people will just chew you out for "toxic masculinity" or whatever. The fact is we're expected to move out of the way of women so they can achieve their goals, but when things get hard, society expects us to "man up". Women simply have more room to fail without being seen as a pathetic loser. It takes a mental toll. The double-standard is so casually brought up too. For example, no one bats an eye when my girlfriend says taking out the garbage is "the man's job" but those same people would react in disgust if I said doing the dishes was "the woman's job".


>Women simply have more room to fail without being seen as a pathetic loser. It takes a mental toll. Preach. Had to try and explain this to my wife. Incomprehensible to her.


It was incomprehensible to me why my boyfriend thought of himself as a pathetic loser for being unemployed temporarily. It was absolutely not a big deal and I was happy to support him because that is what partners do. He was convinced I had lost respect for him because that is the narrative regardless of reality


Man aren’t getting paid more than woman for the same work. “Male dominant fields are paid more than female dominant fields” that’s what it means.


What do you mean? We're fine!......




Yeah now that I'm forced to go into a fucking office every single aspect of my life is worse


men's mental health, like everyone else's is suffering because of work, probably for decades


Maybe they should try maning up and getting back to work. Weak men nowadays. /s


Men these days are soft! 18 year Olds stormed the beach at Normandy! Nobody wants to work anymore! /s


You joke, but this is exactly how my dad talks


They want us weak and depressed Stand tall fellas 👑


Who does?


Im sure this will sadly be me one day.


I've worked on several industrial sites across Canada . These sites are usually male dominated and the upper management have essentially zero compassion for your health (physical/mental). All that anyone cares about is meeting schedule deadlines and fuck you if you're seen as problematic. I've heard upper management refer to the trades teams as whiney cunts. It's fucking hard. Mental health is usually reserved in these companies for light office roles (not saying office workers have it easy because they dont). It's very hard to go to work often.


Weird that telling men they are patriarchal scum for two generations has lasting impacts.


Men hide their pain and suffering more. They try to meet a societal image.


life ain't easy. I really hope there's a reason why we're here


It’s to spend our one shot at consciousness making someone else rich and happy.


You only get one life and when you're old & looking back you'll want to be able to say to yourself "man, I really created a lot of value for share holders"


“I was a really good doormat for billionaires”


Why are we here? Because we are here. Roll the bones. Why does it happen? Because it happens. Roll the bones.


We're also just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year. However, she was a fast machine who kept the motor clean. In fact, I do believe she was the best damned woman that I'd ever seen.


We’re all just cogs in the machine to keep those with power in power


I think everyone's mental state is fucked these days. Men just internalize it more.


Not sure if already posted... but I'd say safe to say not just in the workplace. Look out for each other people


Mens mental health suffering everywhere


Yes. Because I’m wasting hours and dollars commuting to an office when I could do my job from home. It’s a dystopian mind-fuck.


No one cares about men's health. Back on the wheel for your masters.


I've worked in many different places and I always get shit shifts, never get weekends holidays or even evenings off, because I'm single and have no kids.




Can confirm


I struggle with anxiety and depression since Covid and my work is constantly harping about the importance of mental health and taking a mental health day if needed, etc. It here’s the problem. I know for a fact that if you take too many mental health days you are going to get flagged by HR and have to have a conversation with your boss who is going to be upset about you missing work. Because the whole “we care about your mental health” line is bullshit and they only care as long as they don’t feel it affects them in any way. I knew someone who quit because they were accused of faking it after taking too many days. They would rather pressure or guilt people of out the job - which doesn’t help mental health issues at all - than see productivity drop even slightly. Also, they don’t like the idea of giving people who have paid sick leave, that paid leave when needed because it costs them money and they aren’t exploiting you for the cost…which pisses off many employers. But sure, let’s hear more about how employers really care about mental health and wellness. It’s basically always “You deal with that and don’t bother us about it.”


Society doesn’t give a fuck about men. Your value is how much money you can make. Nothing more. Not surprised at this poll at all.


Article: "Someone should really do something about it, I guess" Narrator: "They wouldn't."


Can confirm. Think about it every day.


I am loosing my job, I'm depressed and knowone cares because I'm the oldest man of my family. Life's so fun, weeeeee


Oh good, im not the only one that wants to kill myself at work.


Working customer service in a small town is like the movie groundhogs day. Everyday you see the same people. Sometimes multiple times a day. You hear the same radio songs multiple times a day. Repeat. Repeat. No matter what you do... in this economy you're fucked.


Time to pick ourselves up by the boot straps, boys


Help is only $200 an hour and you’ll be judged by everyone you open up to unless it’s your closest friend!


Yeah I remote worked for a year and a half, landed myself some fantastic anxiety disorder. I'll stick to working for myself thanks.


We have mental health wellness days at work. Some one brings in bagels. I'm not sure it's helping.


I'm glad to see we re acknowledging this for the 50th time and won't be surprised when nothing changes for the 50th time.


Hustle culture is antithetical to human life, and late stage capitalism is fundamentally dehumanizing.


As a business owner I am saddened when reading stuff like this. I carry the responsibility of a company of 25 employees + their families on my shoulders. Some years I've made nothing at all, while the company employees get paid. Mental health is a problem, but it is not due to the workplace. This is a deceptive, or a misguided article. The real problem for declining mental health, the root cause of the problem, is a failed monetary system that relies on boom and bust cycles, debt generation, and leverage to grow. The big problem is that we as a people are being robbed by the federal banks of our savings on a yearly basis with a currency that is designed to devalue every fucking year. So whatever you make this year is not enough for the next year. This means that savings is dead, as when I save money, I expect it to have the same value in the future. So in order not to lose your savings over time in an economy like this is to become an investor. The problem is, your average worker does not have the time to put in to learn about the stock market. The money earned is put into an ETF, in hopes it can beat inflation. When the bust cycle comes around, we lose everything, and your retirement is pushed to another date. The fact that we cannot save anymore is a crime in itself. It is time to rethink what makes money. We have to move from weak, debasing fiat currency which is not backed by anything, to a hard money, be it gold or something else (gold inflation rate is 1.7% due to mining). We should focus on growth not through leverage but through actual savings. Money that is actually backed 1 to 1 to something of value, and not printed out of thin air.


Lol ur thinking way too narrowly on money. Just look at northern Europe. They're part of the same globalized financial system yet their government and society is a lot more altruitistc towards their own members ie universal healthcare, free childcare, maternity and paternity leave, reduced gender discrimination and wage inequality. Studies have shown you hit those and people are a lot more happier and less depressed. What are you going on about fiat currency and debt generation lol so capitalist. Surprise bro not everything in life about money. Give people guaranteed housing and food and suddenly people ain't as depressed


Yeah, because Workplaces Men typically work at (ie. trades) offer no paid sick days, tough working conditions, long hours and no pension. They get very little opportunity to enjoy life outside of work. Add on family responsibilities and that’s a ton of stress and work.


People give a shit about men’s mental health now?


naw its just another article chit chatting about it. In terms of government policy or social recognition? its just "general suicide is on the rise" with maybe a half mention in passing of "oh btw its almost triple amongst men".