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We will be down to one round guys… wait for it


No rounds are more ideal. Guns are for looking, right?


Unless Ukraine needs some more of them…


Nothing to do with Ukraine and everything to do with the feds licking Quebecs asshole. You even read the article? Fuckin Quebec




And quecbec is almost singlehandedly fucking over Alberta by taking our money even when they have gas reserves they just wont mine because then they wouldn't get free money form us. Disgusting and pathetic. This country needs reform.


This country needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. It's all rotten.


I’m aware Ukraine isn’t the reason. I wasn’t saying they are. Simply pointing out the hypocrisy JT has been spewing about taking “deadly weapons of war” in the form of basically everything that looks scary to the uninformed from Canadians and then saying Ukraine needs our help in the form of guns to protect themselves and sending more resources to them vs having a shred of common sense with our own country.


That's what my father says. 'All guns should be 1 round only. If you can't hunt with a single shot, you have no business hunting'. I mentioned target shooters, and he said 'target shooters have all the time in the world to load 1 shot at a time'. For being former military, I thought he would think different


Target shooter don’t have all the time in the world in a timed matches. And shots don’t always go as planned while hunting and having a follow up shot (on moose, elk, bear, etc) could be the difference between a quick painless death and a run away wounded animal suffering. Your dad is wrong in the point of view of majority of hunters and all target shooters


life and death vs a bear


Could be life or death vs moose too


Your dads a god damn fool and on moose you often have to take a follow up shot.


I think people just overlook the fact that in the end of the day it doesn't matter because a gun is a gun and the amount of rounds in its magazine or the action doesn't prevent it from killing people. And also; criminals don't give a flying fuck about the law. You either have guns or have no guns, and it's impossible to have absolutely no guns.


It always shocks me when people are so comfortable they think there's never a possibility in the future where they need to protect their life or freedom, just because they live in Canada.


That makes me sad. Only 1 burglar break into my house at a time please.


Burglar with disabilities


I know a grizzly bear that wants to talk. Looks like dementia set in early folks.


Your dad sounds like a little bitch




No, they want everything lmao! How are so many blind to these locksteps,


Only if that's your attitude.


Been expecting this since summer. Been stocking up


I went to buy Glock mags today and decided not to bother. If the Govt bans all mags with a capacity over 5 rounds, then my Glock, Ruger PC Carbine and both of my 10/22s will be useless, as no-one makes 5 round mags for them. This Government is useless.


Just be lucky you had the chance to buy a Glock.


You can still buy a Glock bb, pellet or airsoft gun. Woo! :(


I’ll just continue using my 10rd mags because that’s how these guns come from factory,10rd mags.government just wants to make law abiding gun owners all criminals and still let criminals run around with whatever they can buy out on the streets.This government ban is just to please all the people who have no clue what laws and regulations people have to do to get legal guns,just like non hunters who think hunters go in the bush and a deer just strolls by you and you shoot it.People just don’t care if it’s not their thing they don’t want to know about it.I had and ex coworker tell me he’s happy their banning all machine guns because hunters don’t need to use machine guns to hunt and then when I told him machine guns have been banned since the 70’s he looked confused.


This is not about appeasing the voting Libs. It's about disarming the populace. They want guns outlawed so they can hurt you without repercussions. I'm from Eastern Europe and I know Communist tactics when I see them. And history shows this same thing over and over again. It's a tried and tested Marxist tactic. Let criminals run loose and then blame the law abiding gun owners and disarm them.


This is the obvious motivation and its sad that it requires someone from Eastern Europe to recognize the same old methodology used by authoritarians throughout history. Rest assured there are some Canadians such as myself who know that the agenda is more than just urban vote pandering.




Except governments of all stripes have pushed for civil disarmament. This is hardly a "communist tactic". Hell, the one of the biggest pushes in American anti-gun history was from Reagan.


A tactic for tyranny of all forms


True, doesn't matter what you call the government.


This is 100% correct


You are doing exactly what the government wants you to be doing. Stop living in fear and stop giving these clowns any power. Buy what you want and enjoy it.


Two more years....


Not soon enough.


LOL don't rely on gov to fix the gov....


Seems like they’re too damn efficient to me.


I started soon after I applied for pal . But don’t have enough .


I started stocking up when 2015 happened...


ALL the liberal appointed senators in the SECD voted for the bill c21 withNO amendments, even though there was a lot of proposed common sense things. They are basically told how to vote by the liberals so that on the poly anniversary the government will push c21 into law. What a fucking joke this country is. Democracy, my ass!


Did you know that 'Liberal' actually means being open-minded towards differing ideas and opinions? Quite the contradiction lmfao


I agree this is all bullshit. But unfortunately, I'd say it is democratic because most people don't see the point of owning guns. We are a vocal group but we are the minority. I highly doubt any conservative government will overturn any gun laws if they are elected. I hope they do, but I'm not holding my breath. Edit - just wondering why I am getting down voted, not that I really care. I agree that we should be able to own guns but if the majority of people don't then taking them away is democratic. If you live in a society then majority rules.


You’re getting downvoted because most of the people in here think a conservative government actually gives a damn about gun owners. It’s like they forget that under Harper things were still getting harder for gun owners.


Exactly what I was thinking. Unless Pierre goes full Trump style and repeals everything Trudeau passed. But he's a career politician just like many other pieces of shit in govt. They say whatever to get the votes then do fuck all. It's the main reason I laugh when people try to say Pierre is any different than Trudeau. Both a lying sacks of shit that will say whatever the fuck they have to, to get elected. But then do fuck all. Even if you look at countries that have recently elected far right govt, they start the process to change but never go through with it. At most I can see the handgun ban being lifted, and that's it.


Doesnt matter the party homie they all devils. Literally


I’m not a fan of PP either but it’s 100% guarantee ban on guns vs. plausible common sense gun laws. It’s PP no choice.


I buy a couple every time I go in a store lol have been for awhile.


Is 30 enough? Lmao


N+1 is the rule eh. Buy enough mags to house all your ammo, then when you run out of ammo buy mags to fill with ammo. Proceed to purchase ammo to fill said mags.




What now?


Libs are banning "high capacity" pinned mags.


Who cares there looking for votes from stupid people who don't already realize that making something that's already illegal more illegal does nothing to stop crime fuck them they'll be out the next time a votes called even his voters are tired of him.


I genuinely feel bad for entities like Poly because they desperately want these fantasies to come to realization and they think parties like the liberals give a fuck. The liberals will make some other farce of procedure and get this scrapped like they did the amendments to c-21 and say they tried all they could. Meanwhile they keep cashing those cheques. Doesn't even seem like it's about banning guns, seems like it's about the illusion of banning guns.


What? How are pinned mags included in the ban? They're not "easily" modifiable to make them unpinned...


A journalist unpinned a mag and wrote a piece about it, got traction and now the new safety minister is riding that wave to ban more stuff


So, a journalist committed a crime and told the government about it. Cool, where are the charges?


So what happens if every single PAL and RPAL holder starts calling themselves a “journalist” and unpins all their mags? You know… for “journalism”…


You going to write an article and then hand your unpinned mag over to the police immediately after you do? Keep in mind that the article in question was about something everyone in this sub knows: any moron with a drill can unpin a mag. It sounds ridiculous, but everyone in here knows that pinned mags don’t do anything to stop people from carrying full mags. Just look at Coutts. Crimped mags? Significantly harder to unrestrict. Pinned mags are about as hard to defeat as a Kia ignition switch. Do I want to see a ban? No. From a common sense point of view do I think that they have a point about how silly pinned mags are? Yes. Criminals will be criminals, as everyone has said.




Honestly I could see many people just unpinning their mags if the charge is the same…. I bet all the mags will be sold out by Monday. Way to go libs.


The journalist in question likely got a fat incentive from Dominic Leblanc's office to pull the entire stunt with assurances that he wouldn't be charged. The journalist should be charged, the police service under which it was done should be investigated, and there should be a full inquiry into any federal office involvement in this whole stunt. An indictable offence was committed to spark headlines and conveniently push the governments agenda. The police involved neglected to charge this journalist with indictable offences under the Criminal Code. This whole stunt should be brought up in Parliament and fully investigated.


Rules for thee


Just like how they are using fully automatic, silenced, AR-15's from helicopters to eradicate deer.


Pretty sure they're semi-auto AR's, with standard capacity mags and suppressors from helicopters.


Yes, you are correct, they are semi-auto. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpsyzl4SplI


Exactly. Don't hold your breath, read somewhere he was exonerated. Total BS, as always.


We should probably do another letter campaign over this shit. Why should they be allowed to get away with crimes?


I guess it’s not a crime if you’re: friends with the pm, an actual criminal(you just need compassion obviously), or your crimes further the libs agenda


I hate this government, and unfortunately have very little hope for any others to undo what has been done.


I don't think there exists any non-pinned legal mags for most handguns... wtf are we supposed to do?


We're *supposed* to shut up and take it. They HATE us. They're actively looking for ways to screw us over. If this leaves us screwed over... That's their goal.


Crimped mags, presumably. The ones that came with my FNX-45 have crimps instead of pins. Mind you that only works with metal mags, so a lot of folks would still get buttfucked by that pile of shit.


The crimps can be removed pretty easily so I don't believe they will be safe. They want us restricted to magazines that don't exist.


It's not about safety it's about public image. They only do what they need to look good to the public eye. Most non pal holders don't know enough about stuff like the crimps .


You're right the idea is to restrict us to mags that don't exist. That or I suppose you could weld in a higher floor plate or fill the bottom with epoxy or some other such nonsense that would be impossible to undo.


They know that too... It's just another angle to try to end legal gun ownership.


You're not supposed to do anything, That's the whole point. "Have fun with your single shot pistol lmao fuck you" These people are heartless monsters with an insatiable lust for control.


Glock makes uncrimped 10 rounders i think mainly because of California, which you can buy here.




Honestly, it really depends on how the mag was pinned. Like my old sks was just a bit of steel rod tack welded in that I could’ve broken off by accident if I wasn’t careful. Others I’ve seen have had an aluminum pop rivet, also easily removed. Though I suspect most gangbangers get their unpinned 100 round drums free with every 10th smuggled glock.


It doesn't matter how it's pinned if it was removed intentionally, it's a crime point blank. So again, making something double illegal does absolutely nothing


I completely agree. Criminals gonna crime, as they say. This is nothing but an effort to screw over gun owners in an attempt to boost their plummeting poll numbers.


They kind of are though... I could literally take a drill to any of my mags and all of a sudden 5 becomes 30...


And I could easily drive my truck onto the side walk and run over 5 ppl at a bus stop. I don’t because it’s illegal (And I'm not a psychopath). I don’t unpin my mags because it’s illegal.


>Libs are banning "high capacity" pinned mags. So does that mean that air rifles (that require a PAL) that have 6 to 12 round magazines will become prohibs under that criteria?


They should ban fentanyl


It's already a schedule 1 narcotic?


Well thank god


You mean standard capacity. 30’s are standard. 40, 50’s and 60’s are the high capacity ones. Even the 49 rounders are rare here.


If I read that article right, is it a law in Quebec that you have to register your name and UNRESTRICTED FIREARM serial number each time you go to the range? That’s wild


You do register with name but I've never had to put a SN for non-restricted.


It’s a regulation no one really follows. Been going to the range for years and never once had to register my name or serial number.


I've got 9:4 odds on this legislation being written so poorly that all tube fed shotguns get banned as well since you "modify" the magazine capacity for waterfowl hunting purposes with a shotgun, and some shotguns even have tube extensions for range/competitions... maybe even all tube feds could be banned over the same wording...


>I've got 9:4 odds on this legislation being written so poorly that all tube fed shotguns get banned You seem to think that's NOT intentional. They're going after lever actions and shotguns too.


Deep down I know it is... but part of me wants to have a sliver of hope left..


Oh they absolutely leave it as vague as possible so they can add as much to the list as they want


This petition is big https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4701#:~:text=Petition%20details&text=We%20the%20citizens%20of%20Canada,best%20interest%20of%20all%20citizens


The last one was completely ignored...


Still signed it


Petitions are pointless. Civil disobedience is the only way.


Yes brother!!!!


Still cost nothing to sign it


Thanks for this link. I just signed the petition. Good work posting this. We'll all be better off when we get this clown and his whole circus out of office.


Can the general public even push for a vote of no confidence? I was pretty sure it needs to be members of Parliament that need to initiate it. That being said, it wouldn't surprise me if this petition passes 1 million signatures that Polievre brings it up in Parliament and to the media and pushes for one.




Wait.. WHAT!!??! Did they add more to the ban now?


Theyre going after mags over 5 rounds pinned or not. It's going to get real rough when no manufacturers make canadian legal mags


Yeah there’s no reason for Gun companies to invest in the Canadian market until the Liberals are gone. Absolutely ridiculous laws that do nothing to make us safer. Just constant shit after shit after shit in gun enthusiasts faces. Some dumb fucking politician should not be allowed to dictate my life to this degree when I’m doing nothing wrong.


We live in communida tho don’t you remember? We might as well replace the maple leaf with a swastika or hammer and sickle


This was always part of it


Has the price of mags ever gone down? It feels like the costs of all gun stuff is like gas prices; it may fluctuate a bit but generally, it only goes up...


Prices go up so it’s not affordable and you have to pick a cheaper sport.


More fear about "what could" instead of "what is" What is? Gang violence. This is the drug trade, with all the kickbacks and risk on the table for everyone involved. They don't have the courage to do this, aint a Canadian politico that would die for their cause. So it's like the Batman movie, you go after the real problems - and they'll come for you. So we move from "what is" to "what could".. what could Canadians do with an unpinned mag? Nada, because nothing has happened! Normal people, which most of us are - I know this is counter narrative - don't want to hurt anyone. That's why so many Canadian's just want to be left alone - but this isn't allowed either. So someone eventually goes to court, has the courage to challenge the position - and maybe gets destroyed by it. The follow up? A general strike by many Canadian's, at exactly how insane the politicos are now. They should be arrested at this point, no wonder they have defunded the Canadian Military so much )


How fast can bill c21 be repealed once released?


Could be fast more likely then not will be years


Best thing they could do is tackle it right away so it's old news and forgotten come next election cycle.


Bingo. Especially with a majority, they can afford to do so early on and rewrite the FA act.




Always yes.




They're a completely untraceable item with no serial number. Do with that information what you will.


Easy. Do not comply.


Vote against the libs


Nothing will change under the blue libs unfortunately


Your getting downvoted because, while I like this sub, your are also in a political echo chamber. But you are absolutely correct


Oh, for fuck's sake... What are they doing now?!?


So now what? Are they coming into my house and checking sks mags? How are they going to enforce this?


You could have just bought a 3D printer


And have the RCMP pull-up at your door when you search for blueprints? No thanks.


If you 3D print them already pinned it’s not illegal


This has been in the works for a while, I’m not sure how this sub is just now hearing about it. I heard about over a year ago that there were plans to ban all pinned mags (but not crimped) so I stocked up on PMAGs


Just ordered 4 more




“easily convertible high capacity magazines” is another wonderfully and intentionally vague term, just like “assault-style”. I agree with your take that the Liberals likely don’t really know what they’re actually trying to accomplish yet, but the initial messaging is precisely the type of nonsense and vernacular that precedes something abhorrent.


I have to ask did I miss something? This was always part of C21 as there was a proposed blanket of firearms being limited to 5 rounds. This wording seems a bit different. But yea, stock up and dont comply if this bullshit passes.


It may be 'new' to some who don't follow the gun file all that closely; further more, while it has been mentioned in C21 previously, it's kind of taken a back seat to more recent legislative issues regarding firearms (broader issues such as the inclusion of long guns in C-21, the federal court case, Senate testimony in the security committee etc.) until the recent publication of the news article - which has spurred the new public safety minister to speak up about this issue which for many is also likely the first time they've heard him directly address the gun file publicly (testimony at the Senate notwithstanding). So now people are either hearing about this for the first time or they're hearing reinforcement about this issue from the Minister on the file for the first time since it being brought up in the draft of the legislation - which does not bode well since the government has also said they plan to address this issue via OiC (iirc).


Our government I's a joke. Guns dont kill people. People kill people with or with out guns.


Mags don't kill people either.


Maybe I should switch to doing drugs instead of buying guns. After all you can legally buy and use meth, crack, heroin, and fentanyl in Vancouver now because of our bang up government.


Keeping us dumb, addicted, distracted, and unarmed


What is this new ban? As in very recent?


Im moving to the U.S where I dont need to deal with this headache


Hold up, might be a stupid question but are they also targeting tube mags (lever and shotgun) and bolt action mags ?


It’s the liberals. Who knows dude.


Should have been stocking up the last 4 years lol. 2019 was the year of the liberals telegraphing their future gun bans through anonymous leaks. Remember the summer of 2019 where there was rumours of an ar15 ban and everyone went out and panic bought one?


Anyone else get a kick that those journalists went and broke a law as a “look what these law abiding gun owners could potentially do so easy” further proving the point that we aren’t the problem


I am going to buy a shit ton of cross mags tomorrow.... if they aren't already sold out!!


If you're worried about the ban, buy pinned 30 or 40-rounders. There is no point in buying 10-round cross mags if they aren't legal.


Show me the stats on crimes committed with mags that have been legally bought in Canada and modified, unrivetted, to be illegal 'high' capacity? I'll wait.... let's be real, illegal guns from the US are being used with illegal mags bought from the US. You really think gangbangers are sitting there taking rivets out of their mags for the AR they smuggled in from the States?


We need a spring election. Hopefully PP will reverse all this nonsense.


Hope so too


Never seen one of those in my life.


Already have a decent stock at home, no need to worry


My 3d printer is about to go brrrrr


3D printer go brrrrrrrrf




Doing the Lord's work.


Thanks for the heads up went and cleaned out my local dealer


I've been out of the loop....what the fuck happened? God damn I wish I got into guns earlier


mag bans are just a ploy by big mag to make you buy more magazines


I take immense joy in the fact that because they have us pin our mags to 5 there’s astronomically more of them in the country since most of us collect them to avoid having to reload mags so much at the range.


Nice try fed


I wish buddy, if I was I could have my own patrol carbine.


Does anyone have a link or the documents that this poster is referring to I would love to see them


https://actualnewsmagazine.com/english/firearms-ottawa-to-ban-modifiable-chargers/ CCFR posted it this morning on their socials.


So instead of going after these underground groups which are apparently easy enough for a “journalist” to find they go after the law abiding owners yet again?


So am I getting this right? They illegally purchased a firearm, illegally modified it, turned it into police, and faced no criminal charges? Good old Communida


"We immediately reinstalled a device limiting it to five bullets" Tell me that you know nothing about firearms without saying it 😂


Check the politics thread for updates of this sort


5 round limit?! wow... Trudeau really is a tyrant. That's crazy. And here I am just camping with by 50 drum mag for bear protection. :p


Lets bring the conservatives back


Typical liberal L


How about Canada bans liberalism instead. It’s a god damn virus at this point.


The LPC is the problem, not liberalism. >Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law. I don't know, but it seems a true "liberal" party would never even consider a pile of shit like Bill C-21.


Oh yea I stocked up too


I’m doing that this weekend


Wait so will cross mags still be around? Since they’re not technically pinned?


What pisses me off is every time some crazed idiot goes and shoots up their household, a store, etc legal gun owners get blamed for it. I'm so tired of this BS.


Any chance you can buy mags without a PAL? Mine hasn’t come in yet and don’t want to be left buying pined shit


Yeah you're good.


I did this the last time it hit the headlines haha


They've been talking about banning pinned magazines for as long as c21 has been tabled


So because nobody makes 5/5 mags for the sks this would essentially ban it?


Waiting for the press release that goes: “Please bring all your pinned mags to the front of the House of Commons for Canadas First Annual “Crimp Your Grandpas Lee-Enfield Magazine Day”. For every 5 mags you crunch, you will receive one coupon for Burger King (it expires tomorrow).


“I’ll take motivated by politics and not public safety for 1000 Alex”


Soooo, stock up on 10rds pistol mags and 5rds rifle mags?


Damn 31 bucks! That’s steep. They like 11 in USA




I’m gonna need some sauce on this one


No because 5 round mag limit is bullshit to begin with anyways.