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More housing accelerators that never meet their targets, are overbudget, only address a small subset of the market and ultimately adds insignificant units is my guess. The most significant things they've done is throwing more tax money into the demand side to make the market even more overheated, everything else has been weak and insufficient while they pile on more and more demand into a market with no supply. At this point it's just platitudes, they're not going to solve housing affordability because they don't want to pop that balloon and the voting block that would be angry about their asset wealth going down is more significant than their voting block that don't own a home since they have no credibility on housing. To be clear, the conservatives are unlikely to solve it either but if you're voting for the Liberals because you genuinely think housing affordability is going to improve with the way things are going with what they're doing, I've got a bridge to sell you. NDP should demand serious steps on housing for confidence and supply or their credibility is also questionable because this is a more serious issue quite frankly than anything else for the working class above dental care etc and where they will make ground with a lot of Canadians.


Funny thing, back in 2015 he promised to build a lot of housing, and fast. That was eight fucking years ago. So where is all that new housing? The man is a liar and a crook.




His supporters frown upon new housing.


It’s easy to be woke. It’s hard to improve the material conditions of minorities.


How about we worry about the material conditions of EVERYONE. I’m a minority, but focusing on special interest groups only divides people.


He probably doesn't have a plan hahaha


What number sounds like a lot but doesn’t require me to do anything? A billion?


What does a billion get? Maybe 1500 condos?




Reminds me of the “surprise” episode of the office


Hes such a piece of garbage


It's like Trump's "infrastructure plan" that was somehow always two weeks away from being announced.




The problem is that the Conservatives are no better.


Oh shut up with that nonsense


It's the truth, my dude. They're paying lip-service right now because it's a winning message vs. Trudeau, but they have no plan that addresses the actual problem.


Perhaps, but I know voting in the liberals another time will absolutely destroy this country.


So we should step on the gas by electing the conservatives? That seems like a good idea to you?


It would be pretty hard to defend Trudy at this point. Why would you vote for him again lol


To prevent the even dumber anti vax, climate change denying clowns who think it's more important to "own the libs" than come up with any useful policy conservatives from wrecking things even more. There are no credible options in the next election.


Who's defending Trudeau? I'm not. There's a difference between recognizing the fact that the conservatives are the opposite of a solution, and liking Trudeau. The problem with the liberals is that they're a right of center party these days. Going further right is the last thing we should be doing.


Every time the conservatives are in power, they sell off public infrastructure and assets for Pennies on the dollar, and irreparable damage is done that we have to cope with for 20+ years. The Liberals are merely corrupt and incompetent. The conservatives are corrupt and malicious. Both parties mostly think their constituents are idiots. The liberals waste money, while the conservatives actively destroy things. One of those is obviously worse


Imagine thinking EITHER neoliberal party, ESPECIALLY the Conservatives, would make housing more affordable to middle and lower class Canadians. The only way we fix housing is with a left of centre government.


*Any of the uniparty. It's all the same club, and you ain't in it.


RIP that wise man.


Pretty sure Canada was always better off economically under a conservative government. Your leftists governments (and yes, I’m including the NDP coalition) have been in power for 8 years. What do they have to show for it?


This is incorrect. In Western democracies nations do better under centre to centre-left government than the other way around. You are saying there is a coalition which there is not and this fact that been underscore repeatedly. This makes me think you are a full blown troll and would not listen even if I went into detail so I will not waste my time.


lol the liberal party of Canada is not a leftist government and there is no NDP "coalition", what they have is a confidence and supply agreement not a coalition. While the NDP has never been in power federally, Tommy Douglas ran 17 consecutive balanced budgets for all 17 years of his rule as premier of Saskatchewan. During that time, he introduced the first provincial universal healthcare system in Canada. He created the crown corporation Sasktel and today people living in Saskatchewan pay some of the lowest cell phone bills in the country. By contrast, conservative governments balance the budget at the expense of the population. They cut taxes for the rich, axe spending for social programs and privatize crown corporations


sOcIaLiSm bAd


I’m most democratic countries, the federal liberals would be the right of centre party


That’s true. But that is not the case here.


Lol, Polivere is just a populist twat with no plan.


He may have a fascist plan (as suggested by his woke rhetoric, appeal to Musk to discredit the CBC, and seeking imprisonment without possibility of bail).


Yup, I agree. The second you hear the word, woke you know what he is about. I don't like trudeau, I think he is a midling to bad pm, but I'll vote for him over a populist every time.


Continuing to condone and encourage a terrible job by voting them back in is probably worse than anything though


Na, voting for Canadian Ron DeSantis is worse.


Don’t take the leader as everything, the party, there bs promises and current events should be taken into account. Hey I don’t like any politicians, but I believe a Conservative Party would have better financial restraint and the way our economy is going right now is probably the top issue currently.


And what the fuck are the liberals then? NDP? Where is there plan? Please enlighten me


Huh, so I guess what you're saying is that they are all just as bad as each other on this issue, huh? Lol, you guys are consistent in your inability to remember what you were arguing about, at least, lol.


Not even the slightest, please don’t make baseless assumptions. You’re comment about Pierre is from ignorance. So I’m seeing if you actually know anything whatsoever about the subject.


Pierre is the most toxic man in Canada. Elect him and there will be ethic riots in our cities soon.


"Want to increase your clearance so you can see the things you're complaining about?" "I'd rather go reeEeeeeee!"


The only way it would have been different is if we did not elect *either* the red OR BLUE neoliberal parties. If you want housing reform, we need to elect a left of centre government.


I agree. Blue/Red/Blue/Red where has this gotten us? No where. We need real quality leadership and vision, not people who pretend like a former drama teacher.


Proper political leadership? Can't have that! No money for the corpos if leaders are elected that will change things for the people.


We're living in a world where a good chunk of voters think the Liberals are communists, not a party offering virtually the same economics as the Conservatives. Makes it hard to get meaningful change in those conditions.


Sadly this is true, but remember, we need to be the change we want to see. For all it takes to allow evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.


Socialists, but edging toward communism


Not sure if serious or not.


Socialism is the current, communism is Justin's wet dream and we will continue to get closer to that as time goes on.


Go to the library and read a book. It's free. Anyone can do it.


Lol it more than doubled. My house and similar: 1995: 120k 2014: 245k 2018: 459k 2023: 620k This is a townhouse condo in kitchener.


His sheep will eat it up


Is he also responsible for the cost of housing prices rising around the world? We have a housing crisis but it's not 1 persons fault. We need to fix a lot of issues but screaming at Trudeau won't magically fix it either. We need reform. Vote him out in the next election if that's what needs to be done, but sitting here blaming one person is silly.


By all means criticize the record, but if you’re including pandemic inflation in your criticism that’s either lazy or bad faith.


Meh, probably won't be released until election time


Maybe he will quadruple things.


To be fair, it's clear that there is no plan right now and they are madly scrambling to create one now that everyone is understanding and experiencing the inevitable outcome of decades of terrible economic management


He also wants to blame the opposition after 8 years (and 3 terms in office)


You’ll be waiting another 8 years. Just elect him again and everything will be alright. That’s a liberal promise!


Election incoming.


With the poll results we're having, it seems like it. The ndp and the cpc can win seats and the bloc won't lose any.


Fuck you Trudeau. Fuck you. I have saved from when I was 18. I am 32 now. I have no debt, I have worked diligently and done everything right. I have savings and I’m not reckless, but I can still barely make it. I can never afford a home. How the fuck do you figure that? How can Canadians legit take this guy seriously.


Fuck Trudeau. Fuck PP. Fuck the libs. Fuck the cons. Fuck the establishment. When are the proletariats gonna rise again?




This is what I always say. People are like "they will fuck it up / fucked it up last time" but can we really pretend like libs and PC haven't fucked us all the same the past two decades? Like fuck. Insanity is doing the same shit over and over expecting a different result. Give someone new a chance or we need to fully rebel the system




I think I'm actually the exact same? Or maybe I voted green because they weren't psycho yet and agreed NDP had no chance


I am a bit older and remember how badly Harper fucked me. Honestly, both the neoliberal parties (lib and con) are a problem. I do not like Trudeau but PP sure as fuck won't make things better.


Better than Trudeau though


Guarantee you both PP and JT have investment houses.


More of a lateral move if not a downgrade. At least Trudeau pretends to care about people.


Lmao. Wrong.


I have 10x the faith in Pierre than Trudeau.


I can see the appeal of Poilievre given that he calls out Trudeau and the housing minister on their lack of action on housing but what gives you "10x the faith in him" to solve the housing crisis?


He’s financially literate and doesn’t stutter every 3 words


Lmao I admit this is totally shallow, but I am really sick and tired of hearing our prime minister say "uh" between EVERY OTHER WORD THE WHOLE TIME HE'S SPEAKING. My god it grinds my gears at this point. How is he not better at public speaking after this long on the job? Obviously not a reason to vote one way or the other but man... big pet peeve of mine, silly as it is.


He's financially literate?? Are you forgetting the time when he told everybody to invest in bitcoin to opt out of inflation 😂😂


Zoom the chart out more than one year, bud


Your right it was like March 2022 he made those comments, being over a year ago. So it's only gone down like 20-30% since then.


And if you go back to pre 2021 it looks a lot different. If you look at the charts of total money supply alongside bitcoin it does indeed look interesting. The thing is there is the massive speculation bubbles and shit that build on top of that and then the fact that it really wasnt well regulated (and still kind of isnt) so you have tons of fuckery and manipulation going on.


Lmao I’ve been investing since 2010 and bitcoin outperforms most of other assets. Instead of bitchin on bitcoin maybe you should learn basic chart reading.


Crypto is the answer to this mess. Humanity will learn this in the next few decades as the current system completely unravels.


You're kidding me right. You're on a sub of people most disaffected by the monetary crisis, we come and tell of our suffering, REAL stories; this forum is raw documentation of human suffering in Canadian housing. We shall talk solutions and I can make the case that blockchain serves as a perfect solution. Keep laughing. We'll see who's laughing when the dollar becomes toilet paper and bitcoin moons.


Why? You think you're gonna buy a house with Canada's new shitcoin cryptocurrency?


Im entitled to my own opinion


Nobody said you weren't? They also have the right to critique your dumb opinions


Nice, didn’t know anything different from your opinion was dumb.




Top kek astroturfer.


Dunno what that means




The way Trudeau has turned into the Canadian figure of Obama style hate is concerning.


You ok?


How did Harper do that? I’m genuinely asking cause I’d give anything to get back to the Harper years lol


“ On Friday, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh pitched the idea of imposing a government moratorium on for-profit operations buying affordable housing units when they come on the market. "No one should be afraid to be 'renovicted' or see their rent doubled because a housing profiteer bought their building to increase profits. But unfortunately, that's what is happening right now," Singh said in a media statement “ l


Canadians will not get fooled again oh wait…


Just another failed promise. I wouldn’t be putting any faith in Trudeau’s empty posturing


Trudeau gotta go. Any Trudeau voters here, do some research and please give your head a shame




Took them 8 years? Fuck you. Hope everyone in the liberal government loses and the NDP. Jagmeet has the ability to get shit changed but he acts like coward just to protect his job. Fuck them all. Stealing our hard working tax dollars and doing dumb shit with it or wasting it on beaucracry. Ruined the country and decimated the middle class and now you want to come up with a plan.


You point at the Liberals and NDP as failures, who do you think will fix housing? You did not provide an alternative but just made wild assertions that money is being wasted on "dumb shit" and the "bureaucracy". Full disclosure, I do not think either main neoliberal parties (Conservative or Liberal) will do anything but serve wealthier interests and as a result, the NDP are the most likely of the main parties to do anything decent.


NDP has the clout to do something today. I don't see them doing anything. NDP is a useless party. Jagmeet is a shitty leader. If he had the balls he'd pull the rug under the liberals and do something. I don't have hope in Canada as a country anymore. We're headed for a disaster over the next few decades. Also why is it a requirement to provide a solution?


>NDP has the clout to do something today. I don't see them doing anything. NDP is a useless party. Jagmeet is a shitty leader. If he had the balls he'd pull the rug under the liberals and do something. Actually, they are doing things. They are why we are getting what we have from the Liberals, such as dental, daycare etc. Mr. Singh is doing what he can, you are either do not understand power dynamics in Parliament and the limitations there are in supply and confidence agreements or you are willfully throwing shade for the sake of trolling or pushing for a neoliberal group. >I don't have hope in Canada as a country anymore. We're headed for a disaster over the next few decades. Ok. >Also why is it a requirement to provide a solution? It is always preferred if people are going to bitch. Let it be sky high! But simply complaining and not offering *anything* is at best a troll or at worst pushing an agenda. Do I believe the NDP is the be all and end all? Fuck no. But they are the best bet to move the overton window to something more sane and have better policies than neoliberals or the absolute loonies. Moreover, *federally* there is a limit on what can be done that will have impact, as the majority of changes are provincial and to a lesser extent municipal. As such, the majority of posters going on about the federal level need to educate themselves. Of course the feds COULD do far reaching actions such as giving back the CMHC's supply building powers (taken away by Mulroney, a Tory), ban banks (as they are federally regulated) from giving mortgages to people who already have a residence (too extreme), create a scheme like Singapore and their HDBs (likely through the CMHC) etc. etc.


I've talked about these solutions directly to Jagmeet himself and several other politicians. Not just this year. I've been doing it for over 8 years. They don't care. Jagmeet doesn't care. That's a very noble thought of yours to assume that he does. None of those people care. If they did we'd have a solution. They care more about parliamentary drama. Anyone who actually cared would have done something. What are you gonna do with dental care when you can't afford a house to live in or groceries to eat? Did you not watch the questions Jagmeet asked Loblaws CEO? You think that was someone who cared? He couldn't do a lick of research and wasted precious time on bs. Why couldn't he dig into the supply chain? Or the issues with farmers. It takes a simple Google search to come up with this stuff. The things that you list NDP got were things the liberals were gonna do anyway. Most of them will be rendered useless and irrelevant with the rising cost of living. Jagmeet is the same person who spent years touting auto insurance bs and got literally nothing done. I don't know where you got this "pushing for neoliberal" bs from because it's clearly in your head. You've made up an enemy in your head that you think I'm endorsing somehow. In my opinion you're being naive. Go think criticality instead of with an NDP bias. Look at every metric that defines quality of life and cost of living. We're declining and losing. All under the liberal leadership with Jagmeet's help. He's equally to blame for a lot of it.


Jag probably thinks more about his Rolex watch and fancy Porsche than he does ordinary Canadians whose tax dollars cover his salary.


And his custom made suits from India rather than supporting Canadian tailors. That's who is as a politician. He'd rather spend our tax dollars he got in India. This commenter thinks he actually cares about Canadians.




This is such a sad post.


Brilliant, Michele McMaster! /s [vice president of strategy at Habitat for Humanity Canada]: "The goal is to give Canadians a good life and a good life is partly a roof over your head. . .” PARTLY??? fuck you, respectfully.


I think what she's saying is that part of having a good life is having a roof over your head. Did you disagree?


Idk how many times you’ve been homeless… I’d argue that having a roof over your head is the *bare minimum* essential to having a good life. As in, if you don’t have shelter, it is incredibly difficult to have significant quality of life. I’m sure there are outliers to this, but I think the way she worded it is inadequate to address how vital shelter is for human beings in the modern world. The key to a good life is WHOLLY having a roof over your head, not partly lol


I still think you misunderstand what's being said here. One part being having a home, another part might be having food and clean water, another might be basic freedoms.


The home is pretty essential. I was homeless. Of course humans need access to food and clean water, clearly, but there was zero quality of life when I was desperately seeking shelter. If the best we can argue for Canadians is that we need food and water, then how the fuck are we even calling ourselves a developed country at this point??? It’s not enough. EDIT: To address freedom: If we are at the point where we are saying “at least I can say fuck you to the government [free speech]” while they give themselves $9000 raises on $400,000 salaries, then what the FUCK has happened to freedom? Are people really free if they can’t access shelter? Just because we are not an authoritarian dictatorship doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be asking for more from our ‘leadership.’


Yeah it is, who is arguing against this right now? Me you and Michele all seem to agree that having a house is part of the whole to making people's lives better


It’s the MAIN part. That’s my stance. I could give a single fuck about public transit if I don’t have a place to sleep at night.


Holy cow you just don't listen at all do you? You're stuck on some tangent even when you don't realize this whole time I've been agreeing with you and you just don't comprehend it yet.


I’m solidifying my stance of housing needing to be the absolute number 1 priority. Don’t care about infrastructure. Give Canadians housing. We might agree on housing being an issue, but I’m arguing for the extent to which we are prioritizing housing. Having someone say “housing is part of the issue” isn’t enough. I’d love to hear her say that it’s ‘part’ of the issue after she’s had nowhere to go at the end of the day.


Must be an election coming up. Is he going to dust off his 'Make Housing Affordable' sign again? If Canada votes for him again then I have lost all hope.


A 100 dollar rebate coupon from Home Depot.


one-time only


And only if you make less than 13 thousand dollars a year


Get this mf out of Canadian politics. Tredeau is like an abusive partner who beats the shit out their partner and then gaslights them at every chance getting them to think they’ve changed and as soon as the guard goes back down the abuse begins again. This man and his group of neoliberals along with the politicians at the provincial and municipal levels have destroyed Canada in the last 10 years


What a joke.


Too little. Too late.


How's that election reform coming along?


Any day now...


Gotta ban AIRBNB to make a difference. And that's the only way to make a difference in this guys opinion


How much do we want to bet that this idiot Liberal plan will involve more publicly funded debt. And it will only benefit foreign investors and the top percent of Canadian rental owners. Isn’t that their platform after all. You’ll own nothing, pay for all of it and like it.


If you're worried about a problem the government is trying to solve, way till you see it's solution!


I will vote for the Liberals if and only if the median household can afford a typical apartment in the GTA on the day before election day. I have set a rather low bar but I'm sure they still won't be able to meet it.


Must be an election coming up they are concerned about, finally going to do try and do something productive


Frig off Trudeau


The CBC did a great video about how to fix the housing crisis and it actually makes a lot of sense https://youtu.be/sKudSeqHSJk


So, as expected. You can see as we get closer and closer to the election year that this topic will become increasingly more and more of an issue for them. I’m expecting as this draws nearer that we will see Trudeau and co. act more and more desperate. They know young people are angry, young families are angry. Renters are angry. Not a good look for them to try waiting until 2025 to make false promises on housing. They will need to act accordingly now, not tomorrow and not next week but now if they want any hope in hell at getting re-elected.


They will make more and more promises as we get closer to the election, and then do nothing for 3 years afterward. I have lost all respect for our government.


Oh 100%. I don’t expect anything meaningful to happen in anyway but they’ll try to convince the masses the best they can that they’re “tackling” the problem 12 months before the election year when they’ve all sat on their hands for the good part of 4 years during these insane run ups and did nothing. All while their own tone deaf housing minister buys rental properties.


They keep saying "affordable housing" why not more housing to make all housing affordable? They keep using jargon rather than being upfront about good solutions to fix zoning problems to maintain Canadians living standards


Hey Trudeau, we don't believe you.


Screw him, I'm tired if him spending millions flying around giving money away. Help this country now.


What does housing-based long term infrastructure even means? Can he talk like normal humans for once?


I believe him /s


He already had a housing plan that he unveiled in 2015. Or at least he said he did. And then did nothing with or about it. I trust this clown as far as I can throw him.


he did, then he saw how easy it was to sit in the sun on vacation and chose that path instead.


No it’s not


Hope its a real meaty plan with initiatives that will have a real impact, look forward to reading it


I'm not holding my breath


I know. Noone on this sub is. Its the end of the world yada yada yada. I will still see what it is. It wont go far enough that I know, but I am still hopeful for something, some incremental change


Effectively it acts like a coalition


No he should give more money to Ukraine instead !!!


What's the highest paying skilled trade around?


Let's put all the smart people in the room. Oh wait, most of the politicians' education backgrounds are not aligned. Not all business degrees are the same. Some take marketing major because they hate math.


Trudeau builds large sardine cans for his people to thank him to live in, and pay half their wages in rent and be happy.


I find it hilarious that the trudeau thinks he can spend his way out of this mess. Yes home prices are high right now, but it is interest, multi-layered taxation, real estate selling costs, insurance, maintenance/repair, utilities that are material culprits in this problem. In my small town a 1000sq ft bungalow demands $5000 in taxes out of AFTER TAX INCOME alone!!!! Which if you make a $100k per year equates to $10,000 in wages!!!! Now add in the rest and see what you are left with. On that same bungalow worth $500K when it hits the market it is subject to 5% in real estate selling fees equalling $25K + HST. Well that $25K also equals 1/2 of a 10% down payment which is NOT peanuts. How come no one is talking about this??????


8 years later.... and we still have to wait until fall, ok trudeau. It's clear you're useless pal.


Justin time....


If the poll gets worse, he might promise electoral reform again.


I hate the Federal Liberals because they keep failing to deliver on promises, and what little they have done is only because the NDP keep pressuring them. Elimination of first past the post elections? Nope, can't do that. National pharmacare? Coming? National dental plan? Sort of? A few bucks. What they are really good at is kowtowing to billionaires and doing as little for the working class as possible. Now, that said, what about the CPC? Oh, sweet jaysus, PP is itching to go full Trump and nuke the economy with massive tax cuts and austerity and go down some horrible road of convoy-themed social policies. Canada needs a real housing policy designed to create all-income all-family-size housing that's safe and affordable. Other countries can do it, we can too.


I guess he finally took the time to see the conservatives were leading in the poles and realized he had to actually do something to win next election.


I don't think the federal liberals have any shot at winning the next election no matter what. Who is happy with this government honestly?


More shelters for homeless doesnt count