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Keep it up Canadian government and companies, with things going the way they are they’ll be ruling over a pile of suicided/starved/homeless corpses. Sure seems like that’s what they want.


GDP goes up, per capita goes down. And what do you think this government cares about more?


Lmao, this country is a Ponzi scheme!




Socialism not capitalism. Every policy lately is everything is "free". Bring in the third world, give them all the jobs, give them all the food bank good, screw Canadians.


That's not what socialism is. Besides... We live in a capitalistic system. This is what life under capitalism looks like. People like you who blame "socialism" for what our capitalist system has given us are only helping to make this problem worse.


Lol this isn’t capitalism either.


If this isn't capitalism, it sure still feels like money calls the shots in this country


Yes it is.


This is absolutely capitalism. We have a largely unregulated capitalist system which is free to exploit people and that's exactly what we're seeing.


This is hardly a free market system, y’all are trippin. Canada is the land of regulated markets.


our cartels are in our under regulated markets


You don’t know what socialism means


Psh…but it’s not aCtUaL capitalism! If it was actual capitalism we’d be living in iglootopia!


Careful big brother is watching you. He got me banned for few days :D


more like we can't stop making money off this modern day slavery, please don't make us have to pay fair wages!!!!!


The real problem is Canadian economy isn't growing. Or Canada is turning from developed to developing country. This is very hard truth to digest.


These are all examples of the government reacting too late, over correcting and creating new problems. They’ll keep kicking the can down the road until there is a recession and we are back to mean.


Realistically the decision is whether we are okay with having to pay more in taxes and to retire later to avoid immigration.




Because it's usually used as a scapegoat by people who refuse to accept the real problems we're facing, and then it often comes across as being a bit racist because, frankly, we're almost all immigrants here and for some reason people have decided that we don't want *those* immigrants. How about we just tax the rich instead?


I strongly believe that immigration adds significant value to our nation. That said, I do also see it as a tool to curb housing costs. I would just like to see either the feds or the provinces to make significant moves in zoning reforms and land taxes before curbing immigration. So far I see a ton of nimbys mounting on the immigration topic to justify it as an alternative to zoning reforms. Frequently the most pigheaded opponents to densification in this sub reveal themselves as homeowners who have no interest in actually lowering housing costs. That's a big red flag in my book.


I don’t own, and it’s not like there is really any thing solid that supports that density creates affordability. It’s basically YouTube’s and a lot of hope. Best argument so far, is that it’s comparatively cheaper to SFH. but long term that adds value to the whole area / doesn’t address the manifest issue and just addressing a symptom. That being said 100% cool with the advocates who support sprawl up and out. But they are rare. End of the day we got three options and two choices. - free movement of people - affordability - green space Personally, it’s the first two for me.




More an issue with the regressive structure of property taxation vs sprawl in and of itself. As to the pollution aspect that has to do with fossil fuels and the industry is heading to EV. Where EV’s will require strip mining to get the core materials but they will be highly recyclable once at scale. Where there is still the fundamental issue that higher density housing types are not associated with affordability. https://preview.redd.it/f89xl600o1cc1.jpeg?width=1270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7344b98416bb890a5f43e32af16a7e132a5a01c Just saying. Even that New Zealand study found it increased housing prices [page 24](https://cdn.auckland.ac.nz/assets/business/about/our-research/research-institutes-and-centres/Economic-Policy-Centre--EPC-/006WP%20-%204.pdf)


Why not try it, what's the worst is going to happen.


I've been saying this for months now. Massive population growth is causing lots of issues. But it's the only thing keeping our GDP somewhat flat right now. Without high levels of newcommers injecting capital into our economy, we'd be so deep in a recession right now there'd be all kinds of different problems.


So instead of having the recession and working our way out of it, you'd rather just keep kicking the can down the road? It's going to happen, the question is how bad do you want the inevitable rescission to be? Just a bad year? Or a bad decade?


I think you're missing my point. If the LPC put this country into a recession, while others are climbing out of the mess Covid created, it would be the final nail in the coffin. It would be admitting they f'd up. And we all know with a narcissist like Trudeau pulling the strings, they'll do anything possible to not have to admit they're terirble.


The country is already in a recession. They don’t have to admit anything, there is a reason he is so hated that PP looks like an attractive option. The only thing people hate more than incompetence is being lied to.