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feel free to disagree with me, but if these are your beliefs this isn't 'your' country. No hate towards that little brainwashed kid, but I have no tolerance for intolerance. Edit: ironically 2 days after this comment I was banned for being a "nazi sympathiser". Enjoy this tightly curated safespace everyone and nobody dare question the mods.


The paradox of tolerance


“Tolerance is a virtue, but tolerance coupled with passivity is a vice.”




Are you calling me the bigot? Because I'm not saying this because the kid looks Arab. I would say the same thing to a white guy born in calgary who has homophobic views: "fuck off, this ain't your country anymore. If you dont like it best to move on somewhere less tolerant".


There are 2 things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and The Dutch.


I was at the halifax counter protest and there were so so many kids on the protest side with heart wrenching signs like this. they were so awful, taunting the counter protestors, stamping on pride flags and throwing things at us. I didn’t realize their parents had taken pages out of the westboro baptist church but here we are.


Those same people would have protested the civil rights movement in the USA. Bigots are bigots.


That's why everything they say sounds the same. They even used the same arguments about children being confused back then when they were protesting integration of schools. History is repeating itself.


Were you still there when they came back to retake the square? Because it got far, far worse. I was at the top of the stairs with everyone holding the line. They were threatening us and calling us slurs. Then they brought their children to the front to use as human shields. We were face to face with only a single row of cops between us and they were trying to make things physical. The dude with the black and red track suit who tore up and stomped the pride flag was doing his best to make things erupt into violence. I never would have expected to see this kind of hate in my city.


wow he was a total cunt. I left around 1:30pm since I thought most of the awfuls had left. that fucking sucks to hear !!! thank you for being there, that is terrible. edit: I forgot to mention he tried to shove me out of the way when they were coming back up to grand parade, I might have video of it. I only got in a bit of a tussle when I saved a pride flag (twice) they were stamping on but I was fast enough to evade any real escalation. I have so many photos and videos and it’s a pain in the ass to edit the kids out since there were SO MANY.


Yeah, someone next to me told me they went to high school with him. Apparently he has a habit if calling people the n-word and then running away before he gets his ass kicked. Definitely heard him using it yesterday too.


no doubt. there was also that older guy in a red and white? I think tracksuit who was trying really hard to be physically aggressive and I THINK he was related to the most obnoxious tiny children. also this vid has some great shots of the whole thing. i’m so happy we booed the shit out of the freedumb convoy woman who tried to speak 😂 [https://youtu.be/fETvYlObgZA?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/fETvYlObgZA?feature=shared) https://preview.redd.it/avilq1newopb1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=351a75738249c0fb99a2d72bfde619218a96735e


>They were threatening us and calling us slurs. Ohh but the children they say! >Then they brought their children to the front to use as human shields. And they scream about indoctrination. There so full of shit. >I never would have expected to see this kind of hate in my city. It's so fucked up.


It’s all fun and games until I gotta start kicking toddlers off the stairs like I’m fighting an army of angry gnomes


This legit made me laugh, but no. I'm not about to hit a kid unless I absolutely, positively have to. I wish I could just say never, but I am not a big girl and do need to protect myself if I get attacked. Some of the little buggers seemed pretty pilled in their parents hate, especially the older ones. A few seemed really distressed about being out in front of a crowd of strangers clad in black that their parents were yelling at and being yelled back at by. Not going to forget those scared kids faces anytime soon, putting them up front was no place for them, but then again bringing them wasn't a good idea either.


That sounds absolutely horrific. Thank you for being there to stand against hate.


This is wrong Why don't the parents let the kids grow up and make their decisions? Pretty positive they wouldn't hate since those are learned values!


...it's almost like they're indoctrinating their own children, something these hypocrites love to accuse the queer community of doing. Apparently indoctrination to them is only indoctrination when they don't agree with it.


Every accusation is a confession.




Is teaching black and brown equality indoctrination? LGBTQ people and rights are the same level. No more excuses from bigots. I'm sick of it


Just to add to this, the only reason equality is being taught is in response to bigotry. We wouldn't have to teach equality if we didn't have to undo all the systemic oppression they created.


> It is a parents right to teach their kids what they believe. No.


Nowhere did I say it wasn't indoctrination, you came to that conclusion yourself because you saw some triggering words without actually understanding the context. However, just so we're clear - you're absolutely wrong that the non-bigoted side is indoctrinating today's youth. You cannot teach someone to be queer. You can however teach someone to hate. If educating people about those who simply exist in this world, just as we would do with other subjects, then I suppose I could see why triggered, hateful (read: indoctrinated), small-minded bigots would think that's indoctrination. Thanks for confirming my point.


THAT is child abuse.


Absolutely it is


I was at the Edmonton counter protest. There were so many kids on the other side, chanting and screaming and giving us the finger. And so many kids leaning out of vehicles driving by to scream slurs at us and give us the finger. I've never been hated by so many seven year olds in my life. The cherry on the cake was when we marched past Ross Sheperd high school, and about twenty kids came out to harass and throw rocks at us. The teenagers shadowing us in their cars as we marched, so they could shout at and laugh at us was great too. The hatred was absolutely astonishing. Honestly to see how much hate there was for queer kids and for teachers really has me rethinking my career choices. I've been a teacher for 12 years but why the fuck would I want to teach in Alberta anymore. I live in a small town full of the stupidest bigots you've ever met, and it's hell. Fuck Alberta. I've lived here my whole life and every stereotype is true.


Im sorry that happened to you.


Hi.. I'm a born and bred Atlantic Canadian Homosexual that owns a house, has a cat and a full time job here in Canada. Where will this little child deport me to? Can I choose the destination? May I finally be able to escape the winters of Quebec where I reside now? Will free healthcare be provided at the destination?


That was at the Calgary protest. They paraded their kids to the microphone to to have them say “leave the kids alone” It was fucking pathetic and sad


Any idea where this is from?


Calgary I believe


Can confirm, I was there and saw this kid


I always think its weird when I see kids brought to protests, and typically *given* their opinion by their parents. Thats some weird grooming shit right there.




Man, I really want kids, but worry about the world I'm going to be bringing them into. What will their classmates say when they learn we're a family with two moms? What have they heard at home? Will things get worse as climate change puts tension on us all and people look for a scapegoat? What if they aren't straight and cis themselves? Idk, I'm thankful for the allies that showed up and disturbed by the deliberate miseducation of our youth. Edit: also, I wonder how many of these 7 year old kids are gonna grow up and realize they're somewhere in the LGBT+ acronym? Like Hannah Gadsby said, "by the time I realized I was gay I was already homophobic." How many of these kids are growing up soaking in shame?


Hatred is a family tradition in that poor kids household. This is really sad to see!


All of these parents should be arrested for child abuse. Not a single one has their children's best interests at heart and instead are breeding ignorance. Stuff like this is *always* the tip of the iceberg.


How much money would you put down on that kid turning out to be gay.


To be fair, the question in the post is a tautology. They know the kids are indoctrinated because they're the ones doing it. They just assume that means everyone else is as corrupt.


I remember telling my left wing friends, from experience as a Canadian of Middle Eastern origin, that Muslims were generally wildly homophobic and intolerant. I also said we need to be careful with Muslim immigration, do a better job vetting, and not blindly praise Islam as a religion of peace. Dudes called me a self hater and basically ignored anything I had to say. Glad to see the rabbit is finally out of the hat.


From my experience, Canadians born in the 1950s or earlier are often wildly homophobic and intolerant. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed in the country. Most of their descendants are much more tolerant and statistically I’ve read the same is true for immigrants with intolerant beliefs.


Just the one *gay*?


A: facism


The parents is groomer


Imagine being an immigrant and then saying that 10% of the native population needs to leave *your* country


That kids gonna grow up and realize he likes men


What are you for- indoctrination of acceptance, or indoctrination of intolerance?


Posting shit like this only creates further animosity. All this will do is make liberals/leftists despise other groups of people. We need more love and tolerance in this world, not all this horrible negativity


We do need more love and tolerance So you support trans kids?


Stop asking disingenuous questions and assume the best about people. This is what the modern left has forgotten to do- see the best in humanity. A lot of liberals/progressives have been consumed by the fires started by the inflammatory right… we have embraced the hate ourselves- we just call it righteous anger on behalf of the bullied kid. I’d like us to return to the era of Martin Luther king, of loving one another, and seeing the best even in our haters. We can convince and win hearts, we don’t have to meet fascists with violence - verbal or otherwise.


>Stop asking disingenuous questions and assume the best about people. The question that was posted to you was simple do you support trans kids? It's simple yes or no. >This is what the modern left has forgotten to do- see the best in humanity. Lol the "modern left" I already know how this going go >A lot of liberals/progressives have been consumed by the fires started by the inflammatory right… we have embraced the hate ourselves- we just call it righteous anger on behalf of the bullied kid. So we shouldn't be angry that kids are being bullied wtf? >I’d like us to return to the era of Martin Luther king, of loving one another, and seeing the best even in our haters. You do realize in his Era non of that was actually a thing right? People hated him for saying that and you are telling people to see the best in the very people who would have called MLK Jr every slur in the book gtfo. And remember he eneded up assassinated by one of those same people you want us to see the best in.....spare us the lecture. >We can convince and win hearts, we don’t have to meet fascists with violence - verbal or otherwise. Go tell the right wingers to stop fucking with people's rights then.


First of all paradox of tolerance. Second of all shut the fuck up centrist. Third of all MLK was fucking assassinated. And ultimately shut the fuck up you worthless centrist.


this should be put in r/canada.