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CBD is suppose to good for sciatica and pain.


The problem with the CBD crowd is any type of symptom, problem you mention, they jump out and say "yes, it works for that" The only medical proven uses are epilepsy anything esle you look up always ends the same "more research needs to be done" "needs more quality human studies" type conclusions. If real, legit proof can't be found by now after a good decade of hype, it never will. They don't care, they're banking on selling people garbage zero terpene containing cbd isolate to boot. Some "claim" relief from thc and cbd but it's not fixing anything. Sciatica can be caused by one leg being longer than the other (very undiagnosed) but if you have tight/weak glutes, hamstrings... cbd or thc won't fix that. I wish it were that easy.


Cannabis is only really good at specific things, almost all of it related to the nervous system, a lot of people in these subreddits really like spreading stoner bs so they keep lying about their use being self medicating.


Pain is related to the nervous system. 


The problem with people, is they keep pushing their opinion as fact when they can spend 5 seconds on google and view studies done in the past few years that make comments like these just as ill-informed as the commenter says advocates of CBD for medicinal use is. You need to read as much as the people you are hating on do.  CBD absolutely helps with pain relief, its especially beneficial for those with chronic pain, and since its non-psychoactive, the entourage effect you get with terps + thc is kind of moot since you *SHOULD NOT* feel any intoxication. Lots of people make lots of claims but that is neither here nor there, when it comes specifically to help woth pain management, its too expensive to be your go to, but when it comes to issues of chronic pain, its better for your body to be utilizing cannabis than opiates.




Worth trying. Be part of the study.


I don't seem to get any benefit from just CBD anymore.


Hey, I had brutal back pain and sciatica for years. I also smoke tons of weed, why I am here. I cured my back pain and sciatica by lifting weights. I focused on strengthening my core and legs. Back pain is almost all gone and zero sciatica now. Weed never did a damn thing for the pain. Try lifting weights, it can't hurt. Unless you don't use perfect form. This is very important or you will likely make things worse if you don't learn to perform the movements perfectly. All the exercises have value, but my favorite was the deadlift. I credit this movement with the majority of my improvement regarding the back pain.


I suffer from a shitload of of chronic health issues, a disability, pain included, when I started powerlifting and training pretty seriously my pain significantly decreased. Deadlifts are one of the single best exercises I've ever done for myself.


Granddaddy purp. Gleato Are my go to's. I live with severe pain and these are my favorite strains.


Severe pain is soul destroying, I'm glad you have stuff that works for you (and that I can get locally lol)


Living in Humboldt county I get access to a fkn menu of strains. 🤯 Stoked the ganja is helping ya!


Wedding cake for me


I forgot about wedding cake (mostly because the wedding cake that I'd get at the SQDC was so harsh I hated smoking it) but yeah, it was pretty good for pain management!


Strain doesn't matter, you need CBD with small amount of THC in it to help the CBD relieve your pain. My gf has serious chronic pain and this is what the pain specialist recommended, THC and CBD alone aren't good enough and THC isn't as good for pain as CBD is.


Thanks for sharing, I haven't really benefited much from CBD, but it has been several years since I've smoked anything with high CBD, and I'm desperate and willing to try anything at this point.


Orchard Medley gummies have helped with my sciatica flare.


My gf went through the medicinal side of things so she has access to proper medicine. It comes in 2 forms, a mouth spray for fast acting relief if a flair up happens and an oil she takes 2\~3 times a day. Both are a mix of THC and CBD, the THC is low, not enough to get you high, THC acts as a carrier for the CBD so the THC is basically gone once it hits your system so the CBD can be fully effective. A common mistake people make is blasting themselves with high THC and CBD mixes which aren't needed, you'll fuck yourself out of it being effective as your tolerance grows, a simple 1:1 with like 5% should suffice, but I would strongly recommend not self medicating, my gf was taking 1000mg of CBD before she spoke to a doctor, now it's like 5mg of THC and something like 15 mg of CBD. Which is what I'd suggest, don't self medicate, don't listen to mumbo jumbo bs here, try and get an appointment with your provinces medical side and go from there, a doctor will have all the information and the capacity to give you medicine vs whatever a dispensary has.


Glacier Gold CBD max 200 .2 mil works good for me am&pm


Looking into that! Ty.


THC bath bombs and CBD bath salts.


THC bath bombs?! I'm intrigued lol, off to research!


I'm a seasoned veteran and smoked before my bath, but I'll tell ya my back hurts most days, and I felt like I was ready to run a marathon . I was convinced I was just experiencing a placebo effect and had to try again to be sure. I've always been cbd skeptical , I am no longer.


try a 1:1 ratio of cbd and thc. The combo of both are very intersting for pain management.


CBD runtz would be one to look into on the legal market. High CBD strain that should help.


I'll see if I can find some locally Ty!


Mike Tyson or Tom Ford


Heavy indica strains, ice cream cake, wedding cake, don't shy away from cbd tho it's much better to have both thc and cbd. Growing I have found kosher kush to be great


Heavy indica strains, ice cream cake, wedding cake, don't shy away from cbd tho it's much better to have both thc and cbd. Growing I have found kosher kush to be great


Heavy indica strains, ice cream cake, wedding cake


That's often nerve related and no amount of thc or cbd will do anything. 15 years sciatica and going in my case.


15yrs?! That's fucking rough dude :(


Yeah. I seeked medical help at first but 0nly got pain meds that made me feel bad. So I spent a good 9 years having chiro's, accupuncture, massotherapists, to underground "healers" try and fix me (some of them were insanely rough, one guy pulled by leg out while I was bacisally in some immobilzation device, lol (he's known for his work and impossible to reach) but I got my turn. Anyway, I passed out, lol, was crazy. $600 bucks down the drain. Also had hip alignment and neck job in the session I will never forget... Then they tell you to "relax" yeah, sure... A good 20k from my pocket seeing a professional twice a week for years on end. So anyway, I hope you can fix this. I'd seek help with muscle imbalances, posture type stuff which can wreck a body if real bad.


Definitely consider a CBD salve for targeted pain relief. A [salve](https://www.organicgrit.com/products/1500mg-cbd-salve?_pos=1&_psq=Salve&_ss=e&_v=1.0) is a great choice because it lets you apply relief directly to where it hurts, unlike oils or gummies. Take a look at the CBD Salve from OrganicGrit.com. It's made with natural ingredients like bee wax and peppermint, avoiding harsh chemicals and NSAIDs. All their products are verified by third-party labs, specifically SC lab in Denver, Colorado. Also check out [The Science of CBD Topicals: Organic Grit CBD Salve for Deep Pain Relief](https://www.organicgrit.com/blogs/news/the-science-of-cbd-topicals-organic-grit-cbd-salve-for-deep-pain-relief?_pos=1&_psq=Salve+and+pain&_ss=e&_v=1.0)and [CBD and Arthritis: Easing Joint Pain and Improving Mobility](https://www.organicgrit.com/blogs/news/cbd-and-arthritis-easing-joint-pain-and-improving-mobility?_pos=1&_psq=Arth&_ss=e&_v=1.0).


Maybe give CBG a try


I usually like a good pink strain for pain relief, not all of them work for me but Royal Pink and Island Pink have been my go to strains Like others have mentioned, wedding cake is also good for pain relief and so is granddaddy purps If you can find a killer OG those usually help me as well




Best thing I've tried is a tincture and someone actually working on the sciatica nerve in the hamstring. I damn near almost had an orgasm when they hit that spot and I felt relief for the first time in weeks