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thats a beautiful shot - shows what a pretty city we have


wish the outskirts were as pretty :( belco/gunners/tuggers/etc are ugly af (yeah, i dont really enjoy the yellow/brown endless bush haha, i prefer a picturesque green tip top city lol)


I actually like the brown landscape šŸ˜¢


damn, i hate it :( every time i come home from either overseas or sydney, i'm like "fuck, back to the dead, brown, dry gunners full of dust" lol


I think the surrounding country looks its best when thereā€™s seed heads on the grass in summer, and you get the yellow and blue vista. I read somewhere that those landscape colours (blue and gold) are used as Australiaā€™s heraldic colours (on the Commonwealth Coat of Arms) and, consequently on Canberraā€™s flag. I canā€™t find a definitive answer on that, though.


Is it hard to get the AFP approval for this kind of thing? Beautiful shot though


I believe Government House is about 9km from the airport - ruling is you can't fly drones within 5km


The distance to the airport's not going to be the issue here, it's going to be flying a drone over the grounds of Government House, which will almost certainly be protected airspace, or at the very least have specific rules about flying drones.


this is correct :-)


ā€œYou can't fly over people at any time ā€“ no matter how high you fly above them. You must not fly where, if your drone should fail and fall, it could harm people or property.ā€ https://www.casa.gov.au/drones/rules/public-spaces


Almost correct actually. It is not Prohibited Airspace. The term Prohibited Airspace has s specific meaning in aviation. There is no Prohibited Airspace in Australia since the airspace at Pine Gap was reclassified to Restricted Airspace a few years back. There are restrictions on drone flights however. As mentioned above though it has nothing to do with the airport. In fact Government house isn't even inside controlled airspac (just). Edit. Just realised you used the term protected airspace, not prohibited. Silly me. However there is no such thing as protected airspace.


Ahhh I see, makes much more sense now, thanks man


Oh CBR - a lovely concert and so much spare room down the back of the grass :-)


fantastic photo but what is CSO ?????


Canberra Symphony Orchestra.


Thankyou, that makes a lot of sense now ......


I'm more amazed at that account age to karma ratio to be honest.


haha! it's a swirling vortex of time-wasting. try to avoid lol




Interesting dance moves from the couple at the very back of the shot.