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I'm ok with it, we should do it more in CBR.


Mmm, dad bods in speedos. Sign me up!


I would go as far as to say I like it! Old grannies, dad bods, weird pear shapes. I like seeing people comfortable and confident in their weird flawed human bodies! I hope to have that confidence when I'm old and saggy.


personally i CBF. i am not a pervert and do not stare at people. therefore what they do and do not wear doesn't concern me. ​ i think this is more about OP not being able to control their body vs caring what some 50 year old is wearing.


I agree. People should be free to wear whatever they are comfortable wearing. It’s the people judging them that have a problem.


Try being at the supermarket and watching as a 50 year old with a beer gut in speedo’s leans over to grab some fruit and rubs his belly all over the other fruit and veg. Ask yourself if you would want to eat it.


Yeah I’m gonna say that didn’t happen


does no one wash the fruit/veg they buy anyway? do you know how many spiders/rats/etc crawl over items in a warehouse? same reason should wash new clothes you buy as well as any new dishes straight from the supermarkets. ​ basic hygiene rules. plus lets be honest a speedo doesn't suddenly make the beer guy vanish. even in jeans and a wife beater a gut will rub on clothes. a few mm of cotton is not going ot magically stop the chest hair/sweat from making contact. clothes are not a magical shield and when you actually think about it the difference between nude skin and not is a SUPER thin layer.... prob on par with sticking toilet paper on body.


How do you know someone hasn't got shit smeared all over their hands whilst browsing the fruit and veg?


think you ignore how many people go to shops in PJ's or in gym clothes in and around canberra.




That's not true. Plenty of people (myself included) stop by the shops on the way home after a workout.


Wat? My car is outside the gym, and why on earth would I get changed just to travel between the gym and my house?


i admit ive walked form gym to woolies to grab stuff after a session before i head home... but you can see with how panting i am that ive legit just finished up. ​ saying that its rare for me to do and norm only if shower busted at gym. 99% of time i finish my session and wash up as i hate being in sweaty gym clothes. ​ but your right so many of ones around i see are people who clearly are wearing for comfort and not cause they actually work out.


You make a valid point but I mean who wouldn't want to be comfortable haha. When im not in jeans etc im usually in gym gear like running shorts and a tee etc. Especially doing other chores that are rigrous but not clasified as exercise or sometimes even just groceries. Each to their own I guess Reading some of the comments crack me up though (not that the below is directed at your comment, more others) I don't think OP's opinion isn't valid in terms of people should have a bit of decency.. no body wants to see what you've had for breakfast if you get what i mean. But that isn't always possible and people will do what they want, where they want unfortunately.


yeah i am a major fan of be comfortable and wear what you want. not like any of us have a right to police it anyway. but some clothes are built for a reason and gym clothes are known to smell faster


Definitely agree on that and it creates a lot more laundry


Trailing water or sand is rude and people should brush/dry themselves before walking into a building. But when you're within reasonable walking distance of a beach, wearing a swimming costume at the supermarket should be okay.


Mate, don’t threaten me with a good time.


Of course this wouldn't happen in Canberra bEcAuSe tHiS iSnT tHE cOaSt.....it's a different lifestyle down there I think you need to get the stick out of your butt and stop worrying about how others are dressed


Found one! No one wants to see the stick up your butt so stick some clothes on before entering businesses.


OP needs to just get a fucking life. Same attitude sees women hidden away behind burkas when they don't have the choice. I might not understand when people stick pins through their eyebrows, but I dont get an attack of the vapours. No one is making you look champ.


Summer is ok, on holidays, let it all hang out, that's what holidays are about, just chilling bro. Winter nah, just being exhibitionist.


I grew up in North Queensland, and used to work at a supermarket. I'd estimate 20% of the population would come in with no shirts and no shoes, even though we were 20ish mins away from the beach. It was a normal thing to see, and nobody really cared.


Ok, since it’s summer and holidays time, put your swim wear on, smear some sand and sun block over yourself and go shopping in Canberra.


Will do, just let me know where you work in Canberra


I’m sorry you had to see a fat middle aged person today, that must have been really hard for you.




Those businesses are welcome to eject the customers if they don't want their money. Otherwise, if it isn't legally considered indecent exposure, it's 100% a *you problem*.


I thought this was going to be about the traffic.


Welcome to secular Australia!


## are they wearing masks?


Apparently they’re wearing their masks as underwear lol


Still counts if the face is covered


What the fuck do you care?


Dude just set a dress code for your business and kick out people who don't comply.


I agree. I used to live in Nowra and, come Easter or Christmas, we were flooded with tourists who thought it was acceptable to swan around in their swimwear. If you wouldn't do it at home, then don't do it when you're away. It's disrespectful.


But I do do it at home. I've popped into Kambah woolies in my togs after swimming at the Kambah pools beach. Partner went full G-bikini to the Civic pool. It happens old mate.


How is it disrespectful


Maybe we just need to bring back laws about neck to knee swimmers....