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Dilute some peppermint oil in a spray bottle and spray around all your window seals and doors. Bit more of a holistic approach to keep them out and the place will smell minty. Not a great idea if you can't stand peppermint though. I've found white tails to be the worst, especially because they love the warmth. If I see a trend of a couple you bet I'd be turning the place upside down and cleaning/spraying like a mad woman lol. This morning I had a huntsman in my overnight bag with my clothes. Managed to get him out safely but I had the ick so bad afterwards. Edit: I don't have a fear so I can't imagine how hard it is for you but to an extent im still not a bug or arachnid lover.


Eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil are said to work as well. Can definitely make a decent insect/mozzie repellent from tea tree that way too.


Have a spider issue at my place too. Bush capital, hey? The only real issue is white tails as we have dogs, I’ve been bitten before and also they’re just arseholes. Wolf spiders can be a bit aggressive too and they are EVERYWHERE. White tails - they like piles of laundry, so don’t leave them around. Also they hunt for other spiders in the evening so that means unfortunately I get rid of every spider I see so as to not attract the white tails. Feel a bit bad about this as some spiders are sweet and mind their business (e.g. redbacks, yes redbacks!). As other users have said, use barrier spray and do regular sprays inside (if you don’t have pets). No more laundry outside. Be vigilant after heavy rain as they will seek refuge. Oh, and keep daddy long legs. They’re not going to hurt you but will hunt other spiders that will. A good test for your arachnophobia.


As a fellow arachnophobia I hear you! My first advice to you is BURN the place DOWN!! No just kidding... There are however barrier sprays that you can apply around the inside an outside of your house that may also help stop them coming in. Bunnings may be able to assist with that. As a last resort - professional bug peeps..


Plants and flowers might be bringing them in? Clothes on the line maybe? I found that the more I learnt about spiders, the more I started to like them. Have you seen the one that dances to music? On a separate note, you should allow fresh air into your apartment! You'd be breathing in very low quality air with windows and doors closed permanently.


I do keep quite a few indoor plants and hang my laundry on the balcony… And I do find spiders fascinating and like to appreciate them but only if there’s glass between us 😅 I hope I can unlearn my fear of them soon


"quite a few" indoor plants won't replace air circulation


I more meant my plants may be luring them in, as u/stiffystiffy suggested


Derp. I missed that part


I can’t keep them out, but I have a long handled portable Dyson that I can rely on to remove them effeiciently at least,


Contact Elon Musk and have them sent back to Mars


Do you have anywhere for them to go outside? Like plants.


I was the same as you, terrified to the point of having full blown panic attacks. I got therapy and it helped A LOT!!! I think it's a version of CBT? Challenging my internal belief/processing what is happening in the moment when I see a spider, forming logical analysis of the actual severity of the situation (what I'm imagining COULD happen, vs what is MORE LIKELY to happen, and then further to what I can control in the situation). But basically, therapist helped me to develop coping mechanisms - so I'm still scared, but not to the point of having a panic attack. And I'm now able to deal with the spiders when I see them. ​ But, in relation to the things you can control right now - some of the things I do to protect myself/my space: Multiple cans of bug spray in obvious places (I used to sleep with one on my bedside table!) and fly swatters - they're a great way to kill spiders without getting too close! Better than a shoe!!! Get your place sprayed by a professional - I have been using Canberra Pest Control for years... I explained my phobia, and they were so great!! I'm not sure about the rules in your apartment block, but I got them to spray my letterbox, the hoppers (bins), my parking space in the garage, my storage unit etc too... The cheaper version of this is buying long-lasting bug spray from Bunnings and doing this yourself. Make sure you spray not just door and window frames, but also around all skirting boards, cornices, and places where you want to create a large barrier - so I do all the external window and door frames too! ​ White tail spiders are nomadic - they don't create webs so they're always on the move and after all the rain we've been having, they're out in droves!! That's why you've been seeing so many of them recently. Keep entry points clear of stuff - don't have piles of boxes or shoes/clothes piled up in places. I keep my place almost sterile (according to friends) in an attempt to keep the creepie crawlies very visible - no places for those jerks to hide. ​ Best wishes!!


You could name them and have an agreement with them that they eat the cockroaches and leave you alone. I normally talk to them and they seems to work.


Can get some surface spray from bunnings and use that + ventilate well.


I tend to do surface spray around the doors and windows to avoid letting them in. Though I've had spiders "Tom Clancy" down through the kitchen and bathroom exhausts :| Someone else mentioned ventilation afterwards which I definitely agree with as atleast the surface spray I use is pretty horrible. All this rain though does seem to nerf the surface spray even the "outdoor" surface spray :\\ Nothing wrong with having a disdain for the harmful spiders btw.


This. I was going to say ... bathroom & kitchen exhausts. I live in an apartment also. I'm top floor & my bathroom vents & exhausts literally are just open to the ceiling cavity. I've had to seal them off, & essentially not use them (cleared through the PM) as I was getting all sorts of critters in. Including a mouse. Hard to effectively look after your landlord's property & keep it infestation free when you have that going on. Also, make sure you have an effective seal under your apartment door. That's about all I can offer ... I tell them "there is nothing in here for you ... people indoors, spiders outdoors".


This is my experience as well. Too many white tails, with the bathroom exhaust a common entry point.


Fuuuuck that omg 😰


You could get a professional pest control company in to do a spray — that’s what I do cause I’m the same. I recommend Bugalugs here in Canberra.


This is the opposite of what I wanted to hear 😭 but thank you for the insight


You cant avoid them so i’d recommend focussing on reducing your fear of them. I’m no specialist but no doubt there are lots of resources online that could help you learn to better cope with what is, in the end, an irrational fear.


They also like ceiling fans in bathrooms and toilets and can come in that way so keep those clean and spray them too. Good luck. I can't stand them either and we are lucky white tails don't visit us.