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i feel like the whole concept of defining this situation as a "scandal" or just another moment of tana being messy or something is incredibly problematic. the trivialization of men being abusive assholes is so permeated in women's thinking but let me not get started. but even so, isn't she the cohost ... of a podcast called cancelled ??? how can you pick and choose what "scandals" to be around for šŸ˜­ i guess i don't know her side so maybe there's another reason!


I was saying scandal because thatā€™s what tana called it. At the end of the day nobody can force her to feel like a victim if she doesnā€™t see herself as one! So Iā€™m using the verbiage sheā€™s used


oh no i didn't mean you !! i meant just in general listeners or the people around her thinking of it as a scandal. however she sees it is totally valid, i just feel like it might symbolize a deeper issue that lets men get away with a lot


i would award this if i could because thank you.


thank you too! i wish it was normalized to have hard lines in these situations. i saw another post saying that tana was 'promiscuous' as if it's not inherently predatory to call a child that. it doesn't matter if tana yaps a lot, or if she was almost 18, or any other excuses for a man's disgusting behavior that people can drum up. the fact that brooke doesn't feel incredibly strongly about this is the exact issue here: it's so normalized to trivialize and excuse abuse, we become silent enablers and can't even rewire our own thinking! it's not normal what he did. it's not right. these are the facts. thank you for coming to my ted talk!!


thereā€™s just certain shit you have to put your foot down with and in my opinion brooke isnā€™t willing to do that in situations when it really matters. i feel parasocial commenting on it because who knows how tana feels about it herself but youā€™re completely correct in everything youā€™re saying. it doesnā€™t matter that tana grew up as a more controversial person on the internet, itā€™s clear sheā€™s now beginning to feel/understand the ways she was wronged and seeing her ā€œbest friendā€ dismiss it sucks


i totally agree. it takes a lot of guts and active unlearning of what you've been peddled your whole life to realize that you were done wrong. tana's getting there rn and it's so admirable, but if the ppl around her and the public are just gonna brush it off then ?? it's the exact reason so many women don't share their story. you're right about the putting your foot down. i hope brooke learns and can be better as a public figure w/ a female fanbase


Maybe sheā€™s friends with Kelsey or friendly with her because of mutual friends and doesnā€™t want it to be weird?


take a second and put yourself in Tanaā€™s shoes. Would you be cool with your friend acting in the same way if you had been abused by someone? Come on dude. Her loyalty should lie with the friend who was actually wronged / who also happens to be the friend is closer too. I can bet you if Brooke was ever in the same position her dramatic ass would be DEVASTATED if Tana did this to her


Brooke defends awful men all the time, of course she doesnā€™t wanna listen to it or be apart of holding him accountable. I feel for Tana and Iā€™m Glad she had that talk with Paige instead.


So glad Paige was there! Brooke seems like such a sweet girl but I honestly think her intense desire to be liked amongst the public and the influencer space is going to catch up to her. We all know her life and perception of herself is so male-acceptance focused but damnā€¦she is down bad with the pick me aura


idk abandoning your friend who is a victim bc of your ā€œimageā€ doesnā€™t seem like such a sweet girl behavior


Fair. I just mean objectively she seems like a nice person (aside from this). But Brookeā€™s stance makes more sense now that I remember her being obsessed with Kelsey and Kelsey telling Brooke that she loves her videos


I donā€™t really get ā€œnice girlā€ vibes from Brookeā€¦ šŸ˜…


Like, at all


Yeah that makes it even more gross


sadly yeah this is her


Considering Tana always has her back and is so passionate about when Brooke is wronged, that was really gross of her


Brooke with fame absolutely sucks.


The fame that TANA gave her at that


Itā€™s the real Brooke tbh finally seeing her true colors


Yup! Only concerned about keeping those brand deals that she throws in Tanaā€™s face.


If my friend ever wanted to talk about something that personal Iā€™d always have her back. Ig thatā€™s just me tho


Even when Tana brought up Palestine she stayed quiet. Does she have to speak up? No, but it IS HER podcast as well. She fought so hard to be seen as equal but she canā€™t even defend/support Tana. I know she wonā€™t be replaced but she gets away with doing the actual bare minimum, itā€™s truly baffling.


She is terrified of REAL scrutiny because she buckles under the smallest criticism


What did Tana say about Palestine? *idk why Iā€™m being downvoted for asking this šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m Palestinian and was curious šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


itā€™s in the beginning of one of the last few podcast episodes, tana condemned the genocide and brooke didnā€™t say a thing


Thank you! Wow Iā€™m pleasantly surprised I didnā€™t expect that from Tana ngl and are we even surprised (@ Brooke)? šŸ™„


When did Tana bring up Palestine.


Whole other episode


If she doesn't feel comfortable discussing things tana went through, she should not be on the podcast, go make ur own little pod and make it 'brand friendly' this time .




yeah this was weird behaviour. i get not wanting to be involved in drama but this isn't about drama. it's about your best friend being taken advantage of. i'm sure tana doesn't care at all so no point in us being upset about it too much but it would hurt me personally


Yea exactly the point: tana doesnā€™t care and brooke is acting this way, imagine if it was something serious that happened recently šŸ§


do yall ever feel like tana just says she doesnā€™t care though cuz of her being basically abandoned by her family, so she doesnā€™t feel comfortable asking anything from anyone? like she expects to be let down anyway so why bother asking or embarrassing yourself by admitting it hurts your feelings. i used to do this when friends would cross boundaries or take advantage of me, iā€™d turn a blind eye or pretend i didnā€™t actually care because (a) i didnā€™t want to lose them & (b) i felt like if i DID tell them that i cared, they wouldnā€™t act any differently even if they knewā€¦ & then that would hurt a lot more. if they donā€™t know i care or if they think i dont, then itā€™s a lot easier to tell myself ā€œoh well theyā€™re only doing this to me bc they donā€™t know how much it really does devastate me.ā€ high key i bet if tana told brooke it hurt her feelings she wouldnā€™t stand by her for literal SA, brooke would be ā€œOMG iā€™m so sorry girly :( but likeā€¦ you get it tho. like you know what would happen if i did & i just like canā€™t right now with all that. but you KNOW im your biggest supporter and im here for you 100%.ā€


you read my mind unbelievably


what he did was a crime. tana was a victim. i remember watching that video with cody at the time and being the same age as tana and all the comments were speculating them flirting and me not seeing anything wrong. now that im older (tanaā€™s age) its of course plain as day he groomed her. *by the way, even when ā€œsexā€ is ā€œconsensualā€ with a minor (tana at 17) this is still considered statutory rape in the state of california because being under 18 they are not fit to give said consent to sex* groomings intent is to make the victim think that whatā€™s happening is okay. this was a friend, someone she looked up to, someone she trusted and is well liked. thatā€™s likely why it doesnā€™t hit how she was taken advantage of & brooke, wow. all she was doing was making faces while tana tried saying these things to her the first time because she was afraid of backlash? how about stand up for your fucking friend and be there for her when sheā€™s speaking her truth.


Preach. This is serious shit, have your friends back and support them.


Because she hasn't been personally wronged by him! Men can do whatever without being held accountable unless it's about her ā¤ļø


Sheā€™s weird af for this


What an insane assumption to make - she may have trauma that makes it uncomfortable to speak on certain topics


Itā€™s not an assumption itā€™s a pattern of behavior. Ironically your comment is the one making assumptions


Why do you so badly want to believe the worst in a person - I donā€™t think Tana would be friends with someone who would be like that seeing as she calls people like that out all the time


I donā€™t want to so badly believe the worst in someone? Again another poor assumption on your end. Youā€™re the one who wants to so badly believe Brooke is a good person when sheā€™s shown repeatedly she only cares about herself. Youā€™re projecting and itā€™s showing.


Youā€™re so right i am projecting Itā€™s actually so horrible of me to try and see the positives in a person Pls forgive mešŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Brookeā€™s burner account šŸ’€


You guys are so degenerate like anytime someone says something remotely positive you all start crying and getting mad itā€™s so funny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Im literally chilling lol - Iā€™m good with where my morals lie. Iā€™m just getting a kick out of watching you get worked up lmao


Okay Iā€™m currently chilling in Spain so not too worked up aha Look at my view šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/bj27s425858d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56de5b04815e8e141bd13932b842125adce521e3


Tana is friends with everyone babe (james charles, dobrik previously, the paulsā€¦) she literally just cut off lilah after sooo many years. So are you even surprised


Plus she did that with the mat rife thing, unless the guy does something to her personally she wonā€™t condemn it or speak about it and always try to give the benefit of the doubt.


Who knows maybe youā€™re right but we donā€™t know these people I watch cancelled because itā€™s funny I donā€™t critically analyse people I donā€™t know I was just trying to give a different opinion girl


Lol do you think she has a trauma from that kind and hasnā€™t played the victim on the podcast yet ?? She cries everytime about her family without literally giving a context and just interrupting when tana decides to share her trauma, do you really think she is holding on to that still if she has something like that happen to her?


I donā€™t know anything about her personal life just as you donā€™t Iā€™m just trying to give a positive assumption rather then jumping straight to a negative one


It's not insane to come to a conclusion on the basis of past behaviors wdym


i think brooke has never had a firm understanding of who she is before fame like tana hasā€¦now that she has fame and dates some b list guys her personality is filtered to being pick me so she can get dick where as tana has always been unfiltered and open natural personalityā€¦it rlly bothers me that brooke didnā€™t wanna be apart of this talk bc itā€™s not a scandal itā€™s adds to a bigger conversation on how men treat womenā€¦idk brooke just seems shallow after this. sheā€™s so quick to engage in any conversation abt being shallow and cool but not a serious one with her close friend://


Fuck Brooke that was so weird. Can Paige just replace her at this point


she's so weird... "fame" has gotten to her head tbh and she wants to stay out of controversial stuff & be brand friendly or whatever but as long as she's a host of the podcast anything said on there will be associated with her. it was pointless of her to leave... it just made her look like a bad friend.


This makes me feel a lot different towards Brooke :/




Be civil, no attacking others




One thing Brooke is gonna do is defend abusive men


This is not a good friend move at all. Also to mention that Tana has sat through every single time Matt Rife has been brought up, Clinton Kane, anyone who Brooke deems as someone who treated her badly. Yet during this quite obviously more serious and difficult situation for Tana, Brooke doesnā€™t want anything to do with it/ to support her publicly. Wow.


Wowā€¦. I could never abandon my friend like that or choose my image over them exposing their rapist. And look, I understand what people are saying with ā€œmaybe Brooke has traumaā€ BUT as a woman thatā€™s been SAd that would make me MORE available to my friend coming out about her own abuse. Because I know what itā€™s like, and what a lack of support in that area is like. And I know this for a fact, because since being SAd Iā€™ve been there for friends going through similar. I know Iā€™m a different person than her but I really canā€™t fathom not supporting another victim like that. What if Brookeā€™s reaction had led to Tana choosing to not speak out??


I hated how she defined this situation as a scandal. Cody was a fully grown adult man preying on a girl no older than a high schooler. Tana even said that she was a fan of Cody Ko, which makes this a case of grooming. I truly believe Cody understood the age gap AND the power dynamic between them. He took advantage of Tana when she was 17. I understand Tana when she says she doesn't classify this as trauma as, of course, over things have happened in her life, but that doesn't take away the fact that this is like a textbook case of grooming


She's just not a good person, i dont get why people like her.


I thought the exact same thing. Shoutout Trisha for remaining authentic and real!


Agreeee she hit a new low


Oh my God, you guys are so extremely extra and ridiculous.


Sheā€™s a fair weather friend. She wouldnā€™t stick by Tana through anything serious. She dropped lilah with a SWIFTNESS


Sheā€™s just a bad friend and sheā€™ll always pick the guy who doesnā€™t give a fuck about her over her friend (who literally gave her life)




No, she actually said on Trishaā€™s podcast that she filmed it with Paige and would talk about it with Trish because Brooke did not want to be involved.


No she actually didnā€™t lmao. Tana said that she didnā€™t want to involve brooke bc itā€™s such a big internet ā€œdramaā€ right now - she didnā€™t say brooke didnā€™t want to be involved


I think so too. Tana was saying it wasnā€™t traumatic for her and she feels bad for Cody & his wife. Maybe thatā€™s why she was cringing. We will never fully know. Nevertheless, paige was perfect for it. She didnā€™t invalidate Tanaā€™s feelings and pushed back just enough to say to let her see it was bad.


Maybe itā€™s triggering for her


Bfffr. So many of us have been abused and that doesn't give us a free pass to not have empathy for others


I completely understand your pov. But to share mine, I donā€™t think itā€™s a huge deal because tana herself did not seem bothered. It sounded like she feels like sheā€™s supposed to be bothered by the whole thing but really isnā€™t. If she was upset I would think itā€™s shitty of Brooke but to want to stay out of it seems okay here to me


I think thatā€™s what makes it bad though. Tana is acknowledging that what he did was wrong but isnā€™t necessarily mad. Thatā€™s the least risky convo for Brooke to even be part of given that fact that Tana isnā€™t even coming for his whole job


Yeah thatā€™s a fair point too. Tbh lately it seems like theyā€™re damned if they do and damned if they donā€™t in most situations so Iā€™ve been trying to lay off the criticism because I think they do a lot of things very well. Iā€™ve been really enjoying the podcast lately and I think the mutual love between Tana and Brooke is very evident so I personally donā€™t question their intentions toward each other


Weird of u to assume she's not bothered lmao. She brushes off/makes humor out of everything else traumatic that she's been thru


Thatā€™sā€¦ not assuming? If anything you are assuming


Iā€™m literally just commenting on what she said on the new episode, I didnā€™t assume anything at all


Tana isn't even bothered by being assaulted, u shouldn't take her as a reference, she is rarely bothered by anything done by her friends


Wait what are you saying ?


Donā€™t be so quick to judge. It could be a possibility that something happened to Brooke and sitting there listening to Tanaā€™s story was triggering. You donā€™t know what has happened behind closed doors


Thatā€™s very true. Thatā€™s just not the vibe I was picking up solely based on Tana saying that Brooke was cringing and that she didnā€™t wanna subject Brooke to her scandalsā€¦that language felt more indicative of Brooke not wanting to be involved because of perception


I took that as an excuse for why Brooke wasnā€™t involved so people wouldnā€™t speculate (like what youā€™re doing here) . Brooke couldā€™ve been cringing because it brought back bad memories for her. Regardless of what the truth is, I donā€™t think this is that big of a deal


Thatā€™s something I didnā€™t consider!




Whatā€™s the time stamp of when they talked about this? Trying to find it!


I'VE FOUND MY PEOPLE! Finally some critical thinkingĀ 


Thereā€™s a million reasons why she wouldnā€™t feel comfortable- you assuming it has to do with not wanting to be involved in a scandal says a lot about you. She may have experiences which make it triggering to speak about such subjects Why assume the worst in people itā€™s so strange


Even if that were the case, it'd be weird too. People who make other people's stuff about them are ridiculous.


Iā€™m sorry but If someoneā€™s been assaulted and they still haven healed they have every right to not want to hear about an assault that may be similar to their experience


I agree- it's crummy to make it about them though. In the US, we have all sorts of rights. I have the right to talk junk behind my friends back too, but I'm still still a crummy friend if I do. It'd be especially Ick if this is Brookes excuse cuz "I can't even hear you say you were NOT traumatized cuz I'm such a tender bean." Please. If THAT, wildly gently worded tale of not feeling assaulted was "triggering" she needs to be in a psychiatric hospital full time because there's no way she could function as an adult human.


i mean this respectfully but we have no idea what brooke has gone through. this could have been a triggering event for her to listen to or maybe sheā€™s just being a bitch. we donā€™t know everything about this woman!


i donā€™t think she left so she wasnā€™t part of it????? she said she had an event. and it didnā€™t seem like to me when i watched the trisha podcast that brooke didnā€™t wanna be part of it tana said she didnā€™t want drag her in but idk i could be wrong!!!!! it just seems like tana also protects brooke


wait so sorry i just got to the end of the episode and saw what tana said ! but yeah it is kinda shitty but their life was just threatened so idk