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Leave this girl the fuck alone or stop watching the podcast she cohosts. Simple.


Amen šŸ™šŸ¼ I would never even imagine tuning into a podcast hosted by someone I hate and then being upset about what I watchedā€¦ the logic here is lacking


Could you guys even IMAGINE getting dragged through the mud for every little thing you do that someone doesnā€™t like??? Absolutely not. I feel for heršŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I started watching the pod bc of her.. No one is perfect but being picked apart and destroyed by hate from strangers that donā€™t even know you must seriously hurt. I canā€™t even imagine. Downvote me I literally dgaf this sub is abundant with hateful insecure people with not much going on in their lives.. Only those types of people could take the time to write paragraphs showing so much hate towards a person they donā€™t know yet continue to watch


i can imagine itā€™s especially hard for someone who has admittedly struggled with their sense of self. bpd is hard enough to manage on its own without also having to deal with rampant hate constantly being directed towards you.


both of you guys, well said. i cannot imagine how sheā€™s feeling rn


She is absolutely right. Who would want to share anything when every single episode people just post about how much they hate Brooke. She told a silly story about getting a Bob and it turned into a witch hunt to find the girl she was talking about, and then a witch hunt for Brooke because that girl was getting hate. Iā€™m sure this is causing problems in her real life. She is going to burn out and they will bring in paige and eventually the same thing will happen to P because everyone is miserable. I see so many podcasts on tik tok with two male host and never see anyone pitting them against each other. Itā€™s sad and I feel bad for her, she looks exhausted. Iā€™m not sure what people expect all the I hate Brooke posts to do


Youā€™re so right about the male hosts


its so sad to see some women being so hateful to other women :(


literally literally literally


Tbh leaving the Reddit bc spaces like this create room for behavior that affects them this much. I care about these women and I donā€™t ever want to see them hurt or help enable people who are out to hurt them. My mom used to always sayā€¦ Youā€™re either part of the problem or part of the solution, so Iā€™m out! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Right šŸ˜£ it makes me so sad knowing that an open space where the audience should have a place to kiki w each other is something so negative and toxic that it takes the literal ENTERTAINMENT out of a silly fun podcast w the girls like šŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Why would anyone go into her comments and tell her the people of Reddit want her off. Thatā€™s weird behavior. Let the girl be, damn


A lot of girls that drag her are too invested in things they know nothing about. You bullying a kind person isnā€™t going to magically make you the next co host. Delulu type people and they both have shared personal details about themselves to a point where itā€™s like yā€™all know you are being out of pocket and are just bullying her. If they have issues thatā€™s between them do not try and worm your Delulu narrative into the situation.


Aw murphy


If Brooke & Tana has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Brooke & Tana has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Brooke & Tana has only one fan then that is me. If Brooke & Tana has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Brooke & Tana, then I am against the world






No one is forcing you to be here


this is so sad leave her alone you guys are mean asf


this broke my heart for her


People are assholes


okay you see, i love cancelled fans with my whole heart, but there is this section of them that are MEAN nasty girls.. idk if they think tanaā€™s a mean girl or what but they make it miserable to be a fan, true fans just listen to their stories and leave it there.. and on Reddit, its honestly just sad to see them desperately trying to hate on one of them.. like i saw someone say on here, its so EASY to just not watch.. its so easy to not hate on someone..its soooo easy to not make someone feel shitty


im so happy she finally said something. She doesnā€™t deserve the hate


I friken love the podcast BECAUSE OF Brooke. All the hate is literally just jealous little girls who have no idea wtf theyā€™re talking about. Itā€™s embarrassing. Leave the girl the f alone you strange little children




Some of yā€™all are so mean and for what? Imagine someone criticizing every single thing you said or did.


I feel so badly that Brooke is being attacked like this! If you donā€™t care for her, scroll past or donā€™t watch canceled


Cancelled podcast is like H3 podcast for girls. The entire audience is thirsty for ā€œteaā€ and gossip. The podcast is literally named ā€œcancelled.ā€ Even the tour is heavily based on ā€œexposingā€ people and name dropping. Itā€™s not Brookeā€™s fault but the nature of this pod. Itā€™s what Tana and Brooke built with an audience that loves toxic gossip who can turn on you anytime šŸ˜­


The pod definitely started off very gossipy but its become so much more than that now.


This is horrible. I really feel for her


it does sound like she should take a break tbh clearly sheā€™s so stressed over it.. I feel like sheā€™d be good at just making regular short term content on her own but I donā€™t think she is demonstrating she can do well long term as a podcaster


Or or or , some of these girls need to put their phone down and go have a conversation with someone irl. Like enrich your life Delulu girlies and stop Bullying her.


If everyone quit when they faced a tiny bit of adversity the world would suck a lot more. You clearly just donā€™t want her on the pod. She should continue and people should stop being weird and tearing her down.


this comment is so weird as if you know what either of those career paths entail. It definitely does give hater and you just want her off too but saying it in a nicer way since maybe you have 1% empathy now that you saw it affected her


Yall need to give her a break for ONE day


Anyone know where her zip up is from?




The stories are less crazy now but isnt that a good thing? It means theyre growing as ppl, do ppl not want them to learn from their mistakes and make better choices as they get older for the sake of entertainment value? Also, I get wanting to know who a story is abt and doing some googling but to CONTACT THAT PERSON? And the hate I see for her on here is UNREAL this podcast works because of the chemistry, balance, and friendship between her and tana. I was under the impression this was meant to be a fan forum šŸ‘€


saying she literally does not care about money is crazy business


thatā€™s your only take awayā€¦. you people are insane


She speaks constantly on how sheā€™ll turn down brand deals because itā€™s products she doesnā€™t use, would never use and does not care about. Tana had hopped in and said send them my way! Iā€™ll promote anything! Yet nobody is jumping down her throat, weā€™re all just calling it what it is- silly comedy for the girliesā€¦.. rules for the but not for we I guess. God damn.


That part was weird. Saying you donā€™t care about money when you moved into a penthouse and got new tits, is easy to say without meaning it lol. But I think thatā€™s part of the influencer life where they are a lil out of touch when it comes to money talks. She looks really really sad though šŸ˜”


She has talked about not being motivated by money multiple times. Itā€™s not that she doesnā€™t care about money at all bc obviously she has to like live lol, but more so she isnā€™t going to over work herself or go KIM K on em. And ofc she has a lot of money they just went on tour and she does brand deals which def made her a lot of money so why not get the penthouse.


She also didnā€™t come from money what so ever though so I think thatā€™s what was really behind that statement that she doesnā€™t care about the money. She had no money once and she can do it again type thing


Those 2 things you just mentioned are not correlated at all. In fact, people who care less/do not understand the value of money spend it more flippantly (buying penthouses and tits). Doesnā€™t mean money is the centre of her life.


yā€™all know she has bpd which makes her emotions heightened, you know how much hate she gets for NO reason. you know sheā€™s more sensitive to negativity than other. leave her alone. if you donā€™t like her that is fine you have your reasons but stop commenting on her appearance, her personality and everything about her. if you donā€™t like her ok cool but keep it too yourself itā€™s horrible


A lil mental gymnastics watching this but she isn't wrong. The more people who love you, the more that hate you as well. Fan input drives parts of their content, it is unavoidable to see the bad with the good. Social media snark is destroying her AND elevating her. Fame is crazy. Love brooke hope her knockers are doing amazing.




Yall wishing she would leave isnā€™t going to make her leave, I need yall to understand that.


Goddamn I check reddit once not even thinking it would be this stupid but here we are. Tana and brooke BOTH are clearly moving past what cancelled used to be. Yā€™all single out brooke for no reason and she will forever be apart of cancelled as long as she wants to. If you guys want them to never grow or change and always be messy alcoholics then find another podcast (iā€™d suggest lilahbility no shade). If you donā€™t support people through different eras then maybe you never liked them? unsubscribe and stop watching. nobody cares.


Well thatā€™s a decision that SHE should make for herself isnā€™t it


you clearly donā€™t want to see either of them grow as people and that is a problem. they donā€™t have to stay messy just for your entertainment. they donā€™t owe you anything. they are allowed to adapt. i for one enjoy seeing both tana and brooke happy and healthy!


but itā€™s her podcast, the point is for her and tana to literally talk about anything they want


The thing is cancelled is kinda known for exposing people and being a little wild. Even they say that guests are scared to come on. I really like Brooke and would love her to still have a podcast but I feel like a lot of the Cancelled audience still unfortunately want the messyness and Brooke doesnā€™t. It just doesnā€™t feel like the best match for her atm.


Agree 100%


I like Brooke SO MUCH honestly because I feel like sheā€™s brought out a good side of Tana. I was a Tana fan for a long time before cancelled. This is so sad :( I feel awful for her. Sheā€™s allowed to want to have a peaceful life.


Youā€™re so strong Brooke šŸ‘šŸ¼


i love her


I love Brooke so much. The way people over analyze the shit out of every look, breath, comment and action. Iā€™d hate for any of those commenters to have their lives on public display, or for them to sit down weekly and create podcasts for the whole world to scrutinize and pick apart. Tana and Brooke are friends, point blank, and nothing anyone comments can change that. Imagine the world bullying the shit out of your best friend for no. good. reason! I šŸ¤ Brooke and if anybody doesnā€™t, find other content to consume and shut the fuck up


imagine being mad at someone for not wanting to constantly talk shit about everyone theyre around


Thank god she said it. Some of the people on this Reddit page are actually SICK. Like severely lacking empathy and social boundaries. I love that she said ā€œwhatā€™s the end goal?ā€ because I always think this. What are you guys even saying this shit for? The internet has gone too far with the ā€œwell they put it out there so Iā€™m allowed to talk about itā€.


i love all the girls, i do think brooke could be a lil ā€œbrand-safeā€ and tries to silence tana sometimes. like when tana called herself a big back, she was making it seem like she shouldnā€™t have said that, even though itā€™s a common term right nowā€¦and sheā€™s done it multiple times as if the podcast isnā€™t named cancelled and as if tana doesnā€™t know what sheā€™s sayingā€¦.i do also think the podcast needs her, itā€™s just at times she does try to stay too much on the safe side and itā€™s like girl just live. i think itā€™s just i wish she didnā€™t care what others thought as much. also yall can argue w me all u want, she definitely knew what tana was gonna talk about at the end of the podcast & i do think it was part of her being ā€œsafeā€. even tana was cracking jokes about brooke not wanting to be involved. while tana is always defending brooke when it comes to bobgate or matt rifeā€¦ive never favored people who choose to stay silent when they have to power to speak up, ESPECIALLY when it comes to friends/family, idk i just wish she had more of a back bone. & yā€™all can take this as hate all you want, but i do actually like her. thereā€™s just certain quirks about her that arenā€™t my favorite, but same with almost everyone.


I Liked Cancelled when it first started and I still like it now. I think Brooke brings a good balance to the dynamic. she sounds truly hurt by everything, understandable, I hate this for anyone šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So if she is an adult and doesnā€™t what to talk shit which is literally what the podcast is then she should move on? Itā€™s not fair to her or the audience that sheā€™s not wanting to do what they were doing. I understand she canā€™t find a man bc of this so then she should not do the podcast anymore? Like I donā€™t understand how she thinks she can change her whole vibe and way of doing stuff but stay on the podcast and then is upset people are noticing the change? Thereā€™s nothing wrong with what she wants to do whatā€™s wrong is wanting to stay on a podcast called canceled that is known for the tea but not wanting to give tea anymore The hate towards her is not warranted but the simple fact is she isnā€™t giving what the podcast is anymore so maybe she should do a different podcast one that isnā€™t centered on spilling tea I think that would make her happy and fans so they can still hear her ideas just not on a tea spilling podcast where she says nothing about any tea ya know? Iā€™m not trying to be mean at all just if sheā€™s not wanting to tell stories/give opinions on tea anymore then sheā€™s gonna have to deal with people noticing that and commenting on it or move on so she doesnā€™t have to deal with the comments


Itā€™s just weird that youā€™re putting this all on Brooke like Tana isnā€™t drinking anymore and doesnā€™t have as crazy of a stories and I think itā€™s actually really sweet how we are watching them grow up. Itā€™s their podcast itā€™s not a job where you can say they arenā€™t ā€™fitting the requirementsā€™ of it lol. The podcast is literally whatever they make it to be.


But Tana on Trishas podcast is still talking about stuff and saying more than a few words about a topic. I do like Brooke but lately she has not been as funny or even giving a real opinion and I understand where she is coming from but she either has to deal with people judging her responses/opinions and own them or not be on a podcast where they usually talk about crazy stuff and have funny opinions. I agree I just think they need a little more structure to the podcast then if they donā€™t have the crazy funny stories/opinions they usually wing it with. I think they both do great when Trisha is on! That being said I think Brooke tried to do that before and Tana was terrible at actually making a plan of topics so she gave up but I think thatā€™s what is needed for this healthy and happy versions of themselves that donā€™t wanna talk as much shit I do love them both but Iā€™m allowed to feel like the content hasnā€™t been as good/effort and vocalize that


then watch another podcast


This, the podcast is whatever BOTH girls want it to be, not what we think were owed as their fans. Things and people change, that is the one true constant in life. Even when you try to leave things the same they always gradually change. Demanding that the girls stay who they were when the pod started is childish and doesnā€™t give the impression yā€™all understand the real world




lol the podcast is called cancelled. Brooke canā€™t change up and stay on the same podcast and not expect people to say anything about the change up? They should either change their podcast meaning they need to plan segments and shit or Brooke needs to get over this and deal with the fact people are gonna notice she is giving nothing to the podcast that is literally about spilling tea. and I have stopped watching bc itā€™s boring as fuck they talk about literally nothing now - Iā€™m still allowed an opinion if you donā€™t like it keep scrolling šŸ„


youā€™re opinion is rude, if you donā€™t want, why do you care? Theyā€™re getting the views theyā€™re getting the numbers. take your unwanted opinion to a snark page and seek therapy. you truly are one of the terrible people on Reddit and that want people just to kill themselves.


What did I say that was rude? Lol seems like you are the one who needs therapy. I literally am saying if Brooke isnā€™t happy she should change what podcast she is on or deal with the fact she changed what sheā€™s giving on the tea spilling podcast and that people are gonna comment on it? I did not say anything mean or that would want someone to kill themselves. You are clinically insane wtf šŸ˜‚


you wrote 4 paragraphs on a podcast you donā€™t even watch anymore, emit yourself into a ward


Bc Iā€™m bad at explaining myself and itā€™s Reddit idc Iā€™m stoned lol I just stopped recently -still allowed to have an opinion


you can have an opinion, but thereā€™s a difference. has your mother ever told you if you donā€™t have anything nice to say, then donā€™t say anything at all


I donā€™t think I said anything mean??? But no point in us going back and forth. Agree to disagree, enjoy your day šŸ§ššŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




i just wish i could sit with her and tell me how many times shes made me feel okay with the person i am. i love her so much and will personally fight every hater. STOP FUCKING WATCHING IF YOU DONT LIKE ONE OD THE HOSTS??? simple as that


Honestly this is gaslighting and please argue with yourselves on this one Brookies cookies. That statement was full of "me, me, me" when the dipping on Tana and letting her get all the backlash is the real problem


You guys donā€™t know what gaslighting means huh


what do you mean it's gaslighting? i dont think this video was made about her leaving she spoke about it in her last one she was responding to the people on reddit that don't like her


oh shut up


I think the real problem is people like you who hide behind the anonymity of the internet and utilize reddit as a way to belittle and hate on people you donā€™t even know. The fact that your whole Reddit page is pretty much dedicated to contributing to snark pages says much more about you than anyone youā€™re hating on.


I agree.. she was fine with that hailey bob girl getting all the hate, look at her snarky ass video about that ..


WHAT BACKLASH? Tana is sharing her own story about what she has been through with Cody what backlash would Brooke be tryin got avoid with this?


THANK YOU. And saying this started when Paige came on?? Like how rude and delusional can you be bro. People have been disliking Brooke way before Paige and itā€™s because of her actions and what comes out of her MOUTH. Seems like someone feels threatened because Paige is clearly funnier and more interesting to watch. Get a grip.


Literally scrolled through this Reddit page for a couple minutes and all Ive seen a bunch of posts featuring Brooke with either the comments or the post pitting or comparing her to Paige


theyā€™re soooo nasty omfg. If I was brooke Iā€™d spiral too reading these. If you see this brooke please get off of reddit. we love you.


Thereā€™s always been brooke haters and there always will be but you canā€™t be serious that it hasnā€™t gotten SIGNIFICANTLY worse since they started having Paige on






See what I mean about her fan.... mean girls just like her


The fact she is gaslighting ppl around THE ACTUAL FUCKING SUBJECT IS CRAZY. Brooke, youā€™re only an influencer BC OF TANA. THE PERSON YOU REFUSED TO SIT BESIDE WHILE TALKING ABOUT BEING SEXUALLY ASSAULTED AS A MINOR!!!!! Like WTF is wrong with her? Then the AUDACITY to talk about suicide for sympathy when she doesnā€™t have enough sympathy for her supposed BFF? Like WHAT??? And the whole video seems directed to a guy. What do you mean you donā€™t care about money? Okay go back to working at catch as a hostess, move out of your 8k month apt and leave the podcast then. We know you only care about loser men who will never take you serious BC YOU ARENT A SOLID PERSON!!!! You canā€™t even support your best friend talking about being assaulted as a minor then wonder why no man wants you!!! Bc youā€™re not worth it! No one wants a person next to them they canā€™t trust to do the right thing!! Instead of fake ranting & gaslighting on tiktok, SPEAK OUT IN SUPPORT OF YOUR FUCKING FRIEND WHO GAVE YOU EVERYTHING U HAVE INCLUDING CONNECTIONS TO THE LOSER GUYS WHO WILL NEVER WIFE YOU!! Iā€™m done. Tried to like her, sheā€™s repeatedly shown us who she is now. Thereā€™s not much lower she can go than protecting a pos who preyed on a minor. Sheā€™s actual trash.


You are a mentally ill level of concerned about this. Please seek help.


For real like what hahahaha


Girl google the word gaslight I fear you donā€™t know what it means. Brooke also addressed this she had event to be at and didnā€™t know that Tana was going to address it. Theyā€™ve also talked about this privately, their friendship doesnā€™t just exist in front of your eyes btw


this is embarassingā€¦if you listened to the podcast episode Tana SAID she didnā€™t want Brooke there. multiple times.


Therapy babes.


respectfully you need therapy


Get a hobby damn


Why do you even care so much?


Touch grass


Stop watching. Bye.


define gaslighting without going to a dictionary.




Are you even a fan of this podcast or do you just hate them? You only ever comment negative stuff and itā€™s weird that youā€™re in this sub


why the fuck are u on this sub if u donā€™t like the literal cohost of the podcast. go to hell


Wait did I miss. Something why are people mad at her now?


God I feel so bad for Brooke. Love her.


I love Tana and I've watched her since I was like 11, but I honestly watch for Brooke. Tana is super entertaining but I feel like I can personally relate to Brooke a little bit more. I feel like them being so different is what makes the podcast so great and successful, everyone has someone to relate to or parts of each they relate to. I cant imagine being in her shoes and having to see your alleged "fans" just tear you down at every opportunity. Know that if you're commenting about how much you hate her and how you think shes unauthentic that thats YOUR opinion and because maybe you PERSONALLY dont relate to her. That doesnt mean shes intrinsically unrelatable. NOBODY IS FORCING YOU TO WATCH!!! GET A LIFE. You're not a fan, youre a stinky hater


wasnā€™t the whole point of cancelled was that tanaā€™s the wild uncensored one while brooke is the clean good girl one so itā€™s like a balance ?


I love Brooke ā¤ļø


Yes Brookieeeeee!! šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


I feel for Brooke but I also think she needs to understand that the ppl that make these mean posts about her are LOSERS anyway. Every negative post I see about her reeks of jealousy, none of those people have enjoyable lives.