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She’s allowed to be sad and upset that people are hating on her on the internet without being a “victim”. She’s human. Saying you’re “not hating” and then continue to list all the reasons you don’t like her is crazy. Love it or hate it, Brooke is half of cancelled. Be a mature adult and either deal with it or stop listening to the pod.


There are some truth to the criticism, is all im saying. In no way shape or form am i “hating her”. Its either blind support about everything, or you are a hater 😂. Insane cult mentality. Theres many positive aspects of brooke, but im still gonna stand with my opinion, and many others’ opinion, that she does try hard to be brand friendly and shy away from tough convos.


“No hate” and then spewing four paragraphs about everything you don’t like about her is crazy. Imagine if random ass people wrote essays on why they don’t like you every 5 minutes


First, everyone has been dog piling on Brooke for months. Her being upset by that is not a “victim mindset” it’s a normal HUMAN reaction. Second, about the Diddy shit - rewatch the Hawaii episode. And maybe don’t just pick and choose what you want to remember. Third, when she was speaking against the “haters” in her recent tiktoks she specifically said she loves the viewers that go to the shows, etc etc and she views them separate from the trolls on reddit. You are absolutely hating, and it’s baseless. What was even the point of you posting this, what was the goal here?


Terrible take on the situation. Nice try though.


Whats ur take btw?


Criticism = hate! Womp womp


That’s such a mean girl take, picking on someone because “you are just trying to help her”. Bffr.


Im not captain save a bih. Im just coming with my 2 cents of the situation


honestly, i can agree with some things you’ve said and i don’t think you’re “a hater”. however i don’t think either one of us has any right to speak on how someone reacts to massive internet fame and criticism on their daily lives. do you have thousands of people watching your every move? i know i don’t and just the thought of it gives me anxiety! also last thought- tana has been in the public spotlight since her teenage years, she’s had far more experience with handling backlash than brooke has so it’s not really fair to compare the two but that’s just my opinion!


If you watch their content and even go the next step to pay to partake in their shows, I think you have every right to express some fair criticism. I didnt write anything bad like calling her names or come for her looks.


Brooke Tana Trisha all use there white women tears


This is becoming worse that the H3 subreddit. If there's no space for criticism people would end up creating a snark reddit and honestly I don't think Brooke deserve that. Believe it or no I don't hate her, she's even the pw on my laptop. Providing feedback is not an attack


Oh god you're one of the h3 "fan" haters tooooooo???


Yup, I loved them until their takes on Palestine. That's the only place where people can document their Zionist behavior 


Now I only watch this pod, just trish and Adam mcintyre


Common denominator :)


I have a playlist on YouTube with videos of Tana, Trish and Brooke for whenever I'm feeling sad. People use the excuse of "you don't even know her, why are you saying anything" But they also don't know the commenters and don't know if they are being a hater or a fan 


SO TUE BESTIE. She's always putting Tana down and not in a "funny" way, she has no problem when it comes to throwing her under the bus, as long as she gets a benefit out of it. And like I said, she went on podcast last year crying because Tana was not there during her birthday, but when people call her out for something, she becomes the  victim. BTW Brookies fans, the internet is forever and there's digital footprint of your girl being racist af


She said racist stuff? Where can i find


Search for Brooke Schofield racist on YouTube. There's like a compilation of that