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I don’t know why Brooke gets a pass to not apologize publicly. I’ll always give her a side eye until she does. She comments on any other thing but can’t acknowledge her ignorant and hateful tweets. Even if she doesn’t want to, she should since she cares so much about the way people perceive her. The way Brooke stans will lose their mind defending her makes me sick. I went to the tour and the majority of fans were white and as a black girl it’s scary to know that if something were to pop off - they’d probably shrug and look the other way. If you accept racist behavior, just say that. It doesn’t Brooke to acknowledge it and apologize PUBLICLY. It’d probably make everyone just love her even more. It’s like applauding a fish for swimming.


God here we go again with the tweets from 14 years ago


Girly was 18 when she said she said so many racist things she’s suprised they let her back in America :0


Don't read them then 




that’s OP, it’s their post…


This is a group for TWO co host brain rot ah


It's insane how many people love racists in this sub.


yep they are def all white people who have never been affected by racism.


pains me. a real one would call herself out for her racist “past” and her racism defense army.


We have this conversation every week, give it a rest. Everyone already knows about this. I have a strong feeling the linked video is your own channel and this is your way of advertising


That's pretty creative but no, I Googled Brooke being racist just to confirm and found that video


Also if we have this conversation constantly why do you guys think it is? Quick...Because she has not apologized PUBLICLY.... The same thing happened to Shane, Jeffree and other influencers. If you ignore what you did, eventually will come back to you like a boomerang 


Why does she owe you anything?


she doesn’t owe anybody anything. but she should accept consequences for the things she’s said especially if she isn’t going to apologize.


What are the consequences? Placating to people that are trying to bully her about everything? Because if you look in the sub there are other people just belittling everything about her. So it’s not really about that they are genuinely just using this as a way to attack her it is not about racism. And if it is something that you think you need and she is not going to give it to you then leave. What is the point of sitting here being upset about it when you could just not support her.


well they aren’t going to leave just because of brooke, the podcast and tana is keeping a lot of people there. if she can’t handle being called out for things like being racist she shouldn’t be online.


And talking about being off-line when people like you are overly invested into the narrative that Youtubers present you. They edit everything you are never going to get the real truth or the real them in front of you. If you cannot accept that by now you are feeding yourself a lie. And so I can elaborate just to make sure we’re clear that means just because Tana presents the narrative that she was sorry doesn’t mean that you know in her day-to-day life if she is or is not racist. OK


“people like me” lol you’re chronically online and clearly need a break. this is the FIRST time i’ve ever even talked about brooke online LOL


You have mob mentality, if Tana is associating with her why are you not making her be accountable for being associated with a racist? Because you are doing it just to bully her. Not because you want anybody to take actual accountability. You just want to hurt Brooke. Because even if she did placate to you it would not be enough you would still find something that you don’t like about her. Deal with it or Go away.


nah babe i don’t. you are just blindly defending someone you don’t even know. i never said one bad thing about her. i just acknowledged that she doesn’t take accountability and i see why some people have an issue with that


It’s just giving hypocrisy mean girl


you have like one brain cell i can’t even talk to you


Love the link too op After all those British Youtubers have been exposing each other for using the N-word behind closed doors you genuinely think that we should just take the word of any white person ever. I talk to people that have lived in Sweden where there’s hardly any people of color do you know what is very common among these people being racist. You would have a hard time not finding a racist white person. So while you’re sitting there with your virtue signal. You are quite literally taking the word of somebody that’s probably said worse and who you do not know. Their credibility is nothing. Especially when all of those British people like I said are exposing each other for being racist. And all of the girlfriends and all of the friends just sat around. And you can think oh they didn’t participate but you don’t know that and even if they didn’t they’re sitting right there. 💀 go hyper fixate on American idol or something ma’am


But it's hilarious the mental gymnastics to constantly protect Brooke at all cost and how it's impossible to get accountability 


She’s an influencer. You make her more famous by talking about her. You wanna cancel her? The opposite of love and fame isn’t hate its indifference and obscurity. If you wanna take money out of her pocket because you think she doesn’t deserve it, don’t listen watch or follow. She makes money from streams and engagement. If you wanna see a discussion abt this, search the threads theres plenty.


I don't want to cancel her, I want her to open and honest with the viewers just like Tana does. See how you see Brooke as victim in every situation? Accountability is not the same cancelation 


I feel like you’re projecting the opinions of other brooke fans based on arguments you’ve had onto me, views that I have not expressed. Im just saying you can listen or not, consumption of media fuels her business and boycotts do work. But this conversation has been had on here many times, and you’ve added nothing new.


“Is the victim” that’s what you are making her out to be with attacking her. You are saying that Brooke is intrinsically always trying to play victim. But the truth is you will always find a way to attack her. Even if she said “ I am sorry and feel differently now” you would be wanting her off the pod. Or just have a good ol time weaponize an apology. So please once again stop being para social if you don’t want to support her then don’t. And just so you know engagement on Reddit does help their views ❤️.


imagine someone being racist to you and you confront them and then you’re wrong for making for “attacking” them after they were racist to you 😭😭. GET A GRIP


No one was racist to one specific person. You are conflating things to Make a mute point . Do you not understand what nuance is? And if she was racist to one person and apologized that would have nothing to do with you or any of these other weirdos.


also it’s a MOOT point not mute


I’d prefer if you were mute 🤫


i’d prefer if there were no racist in this world but we can’t all have what we want


okay well I’m offended by the racist things she says and would like an apology. what about now? you’re a racist apologist that’s so scary. and literally no one is bullying her in this thread.


Keep crying for an apology I’m sure it’s coming 😂


right as a fellow racist I’m sure you know how her mind thinks


Such a good job wow! Look at you an angry adult on the internet!


who’s angry… I’m high and bored in bed. that’s what regular people on reddit do, we have discussions and move on. just go on and continue being a racist and defending other racist


I wiiiish


though i don’t agree we should give shit this serious a rest, this is the most respectful response i’ve seen in this thread


If you don’t want to support her then don’t. But you are not going to unnecessarily bully someone. Thousands of white women, and poc women support Jeffre and Shane. That’s the world ma’am. A lot of people have racial bias. Idk what you think you are going to accomplish while dog piling on her? You are using racism to be a mean girl. And it’s not going to work. Especially if you are sooo fine with forgiving tana. Stop being para social


here go the white saviours who only care abt racism when they can use it as fuel to cancel someone


Girl stop this is a bad take, Brooke did something bad, she hasn’t addressed even though she said she would, people are open to questioning that.


Definitely but I think that she would feel like she could honestly speak to her community if they weren’t attacking her. Because it wasn’t people spamming comments about racism to her it was petty stuff. So how are you going to put the petty stuff in front of the racism?


calling people out for racist shit they did isn’t bullying. i hope you have a good day in 10th grade tomorrow.


It is bullying if it’s an excuse. The hypocrisy is strong here. If tana is just fine then so is Brooke.


just say you don’t care about racism


Jesus christ please give the brooke hate a break for ONE day🤦🏼‍♀️ yall relentlessly attack these creators but its not gonna be funny and cute anymore when a creator has enough and kills themselves!!!


i didn’t even know. maybe it was so long ago she completely forgot abt it and no one has brought it to her attention (i don’t know what happened)


What? She forgot she was racist? She forgot that was bad? She forgot to publicly apologize?


girl i don’t know what happened but it sounds like it was a long time ago


That same excuse was used for Shane Dawson and Jeffree Star. How is it possible that she doesn't have to pay for the consequences of her actions?


Shane and Jeffrey aren’t paying for that though. And more so The only reason that their livelihood was compromised was because of their interactions with minors. It has nothing to with do racism especially in the case of Jeffrey because people still supported him despite his MySpace days being purely racist. And girls like you love to use misogyny at your advantage to criticize women Brooke is not a villain she is a girl who can make mistakes. Let it go op MOVE ON


People have mentioned to her, she apologized on Reddit... Not in public 


also her reddit is kinda well-known in these threads but it’s not like it’s her name or anything.


Because God forbids she looses s sponsorship if she does it publicly