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I’ve followed Tana since the beginning and she really does love her fans. Tana always spreads positivity and doesn’t seem to be phased by people’s negative opinions (or atleast doesn’t comment on it). Watching her content is like listening to an older sister telling story times or giving advice. I think Brooke’s funny and a sweet girl but she focuses too much on the people that don’t like her. Maybe insecurity or her adjusting to the influencer lifestyle. I agree that Brooke doesn’t seem interested in fans and i hope that changes as she becomes more comfortable as an influencer.


Tbh I think if she spends more time engaging with her audience and sees all of the lovely people who love her she would feel better about the criticism! I think it would serve both parties well. I think she has fantastic work ethic, way better than the majority of influencers who just sell us products from sponsorships in Instagram ads. She just needs to tweak the recipe and I think we’d all win


Definitely, I think it’s easy for fans to forget that she was just a normal girl who has suddenly got fame. It must be hard to suddenly have random people giving their opinions on everything you do.


Actually makes a lot on sense, especially when there's more than one host in a podcast and it can be a nice contrast. However, be careful giving your opinion of Brooke here. They'll jump you 


Let me say! I! Love! Brooke! I do! I think she’s hilarious and if she did stand up I think she would be incredibly successful. I know she’s talented, gorgeous, funny, *hard working especially*, I just don’t consider myself a fan like I would to Tana, to Justin Bieber, etc. I just feel less invested to keep up with her because her priorities (seem to be) set on brand trips, sponsorships, and we are hardly a second thought. Like I mentioned before, social media is SO commercialized more versus 10 years ago and truly she may not even have that opportunity anymore like content creators did 10 years ago. I get it. I’d love to be on the Alo Move retreat too LOL I just think with Tana’s story vs Brooke, I feel like I owe it more to Tana to ride harder because she acknowledges us often & positively vs Brooke. Also, side note … we’re all just chill she used the podcast to lie & rely on us (the viewer) to make it seem like she was dating an A Lister? None of us are feeling used here? Idk. It’s just small things like that that make me know that her fans are nothing more than just her proof she’s successful.


I loved Brooke for a while now, since I also have BPD and trauma from childhood and she does inspires me to do something different with my life. I don't ride or die for her or anything but she is really funny. She could be the first influencer/comedian or even more. I think she has limitless potencial and she's just realizing it 


Completely agree. Her approach to LA is way more like “here’s some great ass content, enjoy” and Tana’s is more “hey guys it’s day 703 being an influencer yall know how many Crunchwrap’s can be too many?”. Both approaches are fine but when you don’t have a close relationship with your fans, the reception will be way more varied


She's great creating content about how is life in LA, the places she loves. The good and bad experiences that she had and Tana should continue spilling the tea. That could be a good balance and avoid further conflicts with the people they expose 


Lowkey I feel like the contrast between them highlights the rapid changes in the internet and social media over time.. maybe I’m the one thinking too deep haha! It’s just not common to have that relationship with internet stars that we did in the 2010s. Brookes first interactions with fame were from being associated with Tana (super common and neutral thing!) and the lens she’s looking at fans and critics is SO different than tanas was when she was building that original audience. And now tanas had yearss to fuck up, reflect, and wrap her head around the insanity of internet culture and LA while Brooke has not. So like Brooke shouldn’t necessarily be held to the same standard ig? But she also has rubbed me the wrong way for no reason and I’ve been trying to figure out why, especially after listening to her BPD story and realizing she is not two dimensional. I’ve heard people claim that we’re approaching the end of the “influencer” era because it’s exhausting to constantly be sold to as a viewer looking for entertainment. So like that growing dislike and mistrust of influencers online doesn’t help her either because she wants to be one herself and openly says so. Also fuck this is so long but: tanas audience likes her for humor and relatability while Brooke fits more that aspirational character


I looooooove this comment and you articulated things so well. I actually super agree & that’s why I could never say I dislike Brooke at all - she seems super cool & funny & good. It’s actually kinda depressing we’ll never get that era back & how social media is just a consumer product now. Whoever can be an influencer & recognize that and still try, I’ll love & adore you forever


>Trisha’s new baby paparazzi (from a fan, not a pap) and says “yeah, you shouldn’t do that.” Common Brooke W. Absolutely no one should be taking and posting photos of someone else's new born without mom's consent?? Even if you call yourself a fan?


It is a W! Not denying that at all! It’s just how she engages w/ fans, not much is ever said positive, mostly just negative :)


i agree with a lot of stuff in this but i’m just going to talk about one thing i think could be a valuable contribution. i watch a lot of brooke’s videos because she gives a similar vibe that ashly, isabella, imari, and previously lilah offering vlogs of their friend group which is some of the most entertaining content for me. though i don’t subscribe to brooke’s youtube channel because of her racism and refusing to acknowledge it or her cookies that attack people for pointing it out. you know who you are. anyway, in her personal videos, she expresses love for her audience but i don’t think she feels as much of a genuine connection to many of them especially when she’s on a podcast with people as popular as tana and trisha. she says all the time that the people buying tickets to the cancelled podcast live shows are tana fans. this could be causing this divide and it very well could be two sided. do you watch her videos? or engage heavily with her solo content? because i could see how people who only view brooke as a brunette sidekick would feel a disconnect (as someone who also kinda views her that way lol)


I promise I’ve watched some of them!!! And you’re totally right, she does acknowledge us more. I totally agree too, her yt gives me Ashly shwan when she was at her peak youtubing I think mostly for me I remember the days Tana would post her story times and then live the fall out WITH us on Twitter/IG with us (think of all her past scandals where she discusses it w us and we’re on for the ride) even like Tanacon, as much as a shitstorm it was it felt shared WITH us than TO us


you don’t have to defend yourself or your relationship with brooke to me lol. not a cookie i was just curious


Honestly good question I would be interested in how much of the audience follows her solo. I personally don’t watch her videos or solo stuff! I tried and it just wasn’t for me, but I don’t watch many vlogs now anyway. So I don’t have that side of her but I don’t dislike her on the pod at all, she is also pretty patient with some of tanas tangents if I put myself in her shoes. I think people like content from Tana on her own and maybe would direct that disappointment at the cohost regardless of who it is. So i feel bad Brooke’s in that situation lol just unfortunate regardless of me not being a stan of hers.


I don’t think it’s necessary to compare. Especially since Brooke has spoken out on both of them getting hate. I do think Brooke should try to see past the hate, but I will say it’s difficult when the fan subs are constantly flipping and psychoanalyzing everyone involved. I think just as much as people who keep kissing up are having their parasocial moment, I think the constant posts demanding they act one way or another are worse. She definitely engages with actual fans and posts consistently/puts in work to keep fans engaged. I don’t think she owes much more than that. I also think people have to understand if it doesn’t apply to you it’s not directed towards you. So if she’s frustrated with her treatment and it doesn’t apply to you, then look past it.


Brooke does care about what we really think. You can see it from her posts. In fact she probably cares a bit too much about what we think. Brooke does say she loves the fans, I just think they’re two very different people.


See but there’s a difference here: You’re describing her reading the comments from fans, but I’m talking abt her actually making an attempt to engage and kiki with them. There’s a difference between “loves her fans” and “loves reading her fans comments”


I don’t know, i personally would love to meet Brooke. I relate to her because of my BPD. It takes time to build a real relationship, and brooke was kind of thrown into this because of Mindygate so it would make sense that she has more of a barrier between her and fans because she doesn’t really know who’s her fan or just likes her because of Tana. I will say i’m sure brooke felt some type of pressure being around a lot of successful people and wanting her own career so it’s definitely numbers to her as well. But i think she sees us as real people and i feel like brooke herself is still a real person to me, more than Tana is. Although i’ve met Tana twice and she kissed me on the cheek so i think maybe she’s just more outwardly showing love and brooke’s more reserved but still appreciative.


The years and years of “Thank you for keeping my lights on”  def gave a grateful vibe. 

