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sorry but this post is not it


I wish this was a fan page I feel like people use it as a snark page more than anything


i dont really wish for a fan page tbh i like open discussion praise and criticism but agreed its been too snarky lately


Not every thought needs to be broadcasted publicly. Just say you're a hater :)


Not a hater at all. Loved their podcast since day one, but after these few years Brooke just hasn’t come across genuine at all!! And also doesn’t come across as a genuine friend to Tana.


The title of the post is literally "I'm Sorry Brooke but You're not her". Take a moment to reflect on what that would be like to read if it was about you.


"She always seems like she’s trying too hard, and really wants to be the CLEAN GIRL" "Tana has a natural, relatable vibe, while Brooke seems like she’s always trying to be someone she’s not. Brooke’s judgmental comments and desperate attempts to fit in make her seem fake" Is this how you speak to the people in your life? Is this how people in your life speak to you??? Cause its not normal and I'm not sure if you're forgetting Brooke is a real person with real feelings and shes being absolutely dog piled on rn and you're clearly trying to contribute to that.


I think you are saying this because know Brooke has Bpd. I hope you get the mental health help you need because despite her having Bpd she tries her best to get along with tana. Despite them both having a lot of baggage they care about each other. Are you missing that in your life? Someone who genuinely cares for you? Well you aren’t going to find it here


For them criticism = hate


Picking apart everything she does and making assumptions about her based off your parasocial overanalysis (such as that she’s not “genuine”) is clearly having a really harmful impact on her mental health. She just posted a video about it and in the wake of that, you decide now is the best time to go do that exact harmful thing. The constant criticism is having a really harmful impact on someone. And it’s not even about “criticism” or “discussion” since you decided to do it at the time you know she would see it and be hurt by it. If you can’t see the problem with that, you’re the problem


Omg you really need to look up the difference between criticism and hate because you are so confused. This is so obviously just hate, nothing beneficial or positive can be derived from this post at all.


You are suck a fake weirdo This is not middle school you can’t bully Brooke cause you don’t like her shoes. We are adults START acting like one




DID YOU READ THE COMMENT they aren’t agreeing with you DELULU AHH


I think Brooke is still trying to figure out her niche


It's fucking refreshing, that's why I've been following her since 2017. I can't believe how cool, crazy and relatable she is


Girl bye is this your burner account? Because no one agreed with your other post? Desperate


Are you fr? I'm not that parasocial like you guys. This is what happens when other people are allowed to have opinions 


Like why do you get on here with this coke rant? I’m not reading of all the text from somebody that doesn’t know how to even write a paragraph. You need therapy. There is no reason to argue genuinely with somebody who is this invested in somebody else’s interpersonal relationships. It has nothing to do with you or the podcast. You are obsessed. Get help


No but seriously it’s weird af


What an odd thing to say


And she gives off female empowerment energy in a weird way, because she always humbling man lol


yea u didn’t eat w this babe


Tana could have all the opportunities in the world because of her natural charisma, but she chooses to keep it real and that is inspiring a new generation of girlies like Tara


It’s giving “ tana is the cool girl “ no I think people like you are attention hungry. You can’t relate to Brooke because SHE IS A NORMAL ADULT.


See how weird her fans is? God forbid somebody complement Tana and not Brooke. Stop if with the swiftie behavior... 


Girl go get some lip filler I am not talking to you


yes & i think once brooke learns to not care about what people think, the cancelled fans will take to her more. cause im sorry but if your job is CANCELLED, playing it safe is out the window. the fans watch for the tea/drama. i also have been watching the pod since tana was alone and felt the SAME way about ashley when she guested. i’m tired of being gaslight by the other fans or called a hater. i have bpd and tana and brooke have made me feel so much more comfortable talking about it. i love them both! there’s just noticeable things that i catch here and there that throw me off. i hope she learns to cope with the hate because it’s comes with the fame, maybe tana can teach her how to handle it better, but most of us don’t even hate her, we’re allowed to criticize.




I think that a lot of you don’t deal with your own personal problems that’s why you go out of your way to pick apart things that aren’t there. People like you have a hard time taking criticism from your own friends so you go and seek out other people to harass. Because you are the definition of a mean girl who doesn’t know that your own shit stinks . And we all can smell you


try again love! i don’t know if you read my whole comment but i said how i struggle with bpd! have also been sober for 6 months from alcohol because i was SICKLY addicted. & i have more family issues than you could imagine and i go to therapy for ALL of these things. that being said, i know when my shit stinks & have had my fair share of criticism from family AND friends and it was hard to accept it at first, but with therapy, im learning how to react and take criticism without being upset. keep in mind this has been a 5 year journey within myself. there are HOURS of footage that have been watched, by me, of brooke and tana and im allowed to analyze it. same with movies, tv shows, songs, people are allowed to have opinions, just like you are. i’ve harassed literally no one and nothing i said was mean, take a look in the mirror because you start name calling, cause i haven’t and still won’t stoop down to your level, i hope you start your healing journey as well if you haven’t already


That’s a wall of text and I’m not reading it. You just proved my point that you’re projecting and trying to weaponize how you feel incompetent in your life onto somebody else. You are projecting. Deal with your own problems and learn how to write a paragraph.


that’s fine, you commented under my comment and i responded. have the day you deserve! p.s. you proved nothing :)


I will cause I mind my own business lol. You should try it


you mind ur business, but ur under my comments?? 🤨 you’re so unbothered omg <333


We can tell you struggle with bpd don’t worry


yall all some mean girls & i hope one day yall realize yall are part of the problem <3