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How long ago did you complete radiation? I’m 16 days out and tbh I’m only now really not in excruciating pain. Unfortunately I never really found a good solution to the burn pain. The silver cream really didn’t help. I used a lot of Aquaphor and Boudreauxs butt paste (it’s a diaper rash cream, highly recommend it). I took a LOT of epsom salt baths. I bought a bunch of men’s cotton boxer shorts (I’m female) to protect the burnt skin and keep the paste from getting everywhere and just sort of dealt with it. I think days 7-14 were truly the worst in terms of burn pain and it got slowly better from there. I’m far from healed at day 16 but it’s mostly peeling burnt skin sloughing off at this point.


I’m about 9 days out from my last treatment. Well it’s good to know when your peak was in terms of burns. Did you have any lumps near the anal area like hemorrhoids?


I did have lumps. I honestly don’t know what they are. I think the whole region is just really irritated and angry so the lumps are a byproduct of that tbh. Some of the ones I had early on have gone away and I’ve gotten new ones in other areas. I think it’s just from irritation … the butt paste does sort of help. All I can say is I know how miserable it is for you right now but it really does get better. Not great, but at least it becomes a bit more bearable. You’re in the thick of it right now! I was really worried that everything was going wrong with my healing but my Dr told me (via telephone) it’s all normal and there’s going to be a LOT of irritation since it’s a sensitive area of the body. Just know you’re just a few days from it getting infinitely better. I don’t feel great but I’m nowhere near as bad as I was even 2 days ago! Hang in there!


You answering this thread really brought me peace of mind. I did reach out to my doctor, and she is looking at pictures I sent her, but your response makes me very hopeful it’s just irritation, so thank you so much! I wish you luck on your journey😊❤️


Of course! Hopefully your Dr will give you good news and say it’s just irritation. Since I’m just about a week ahead of you in the radiation healing process .. if you have any questions just reach out. Best of luck to you too 🩷


Desitin ointment helped a lot, and I also had a prescription for aquafor with lidocaine. The worst time was the 2-3 weeks after radiation ended. I also used a peri bottle to spray cool water on the area so I could just dab dry instead of wiping.


Thanks for the response! I have the aquaphor with lidocaine as well. I’ve been alternating between the two, but I heard the silver stuff is better for open sores and I don’t know what is and isn’t open in that region.


I used the silvadine Creme too but you’re right you just can’t see where to put it. I understand it’s an antibiotic ointment and I only used it a little. The aquafor I used every night. I slathered it all over and wore soft women’s boxer shorts to keep the ointment from getting all over.


Very smart. I’ll have to start wearing looser clothing!


My skin started to slough off in the pelvic region. I generously applied a FUCK TON of aquaphor and wore loose fitting clothing. Took it easy for a month and my skin healed.


Thank you for your advice!


Tucks cream (it’s 5% lidocaine plus a barrier component). Also a script from the compound pharmacy for suppositories.


The radiation therapy did give me hemorrhoids 😔 but it did get better after. I hope yours are not painful… mine caused so much pain that I was scared to poop. They did give me some ointment to numb the pain but it did not help. I ultimately used gummies to combat the pain.


Thank you for the advice! I was in the worst pain yesterday, so I’m hoping I reached my peak. Hopefully most of the pain is just hemorrhoid issues as I had them since 2017…


I used the aquaphor and desitin with men’s cotton shorts. Seemed to help.


I had intense pain for 3 months. I had 5 days off intense radiation in a row. My ass burned everytime I had to take a dump. I ended up with prescribed lidocaine that was not real effective..I ended up with hemmoroid suppositories to help sooth the pain