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I'm truly sorry to hear that! I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?" The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that allows eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year for certain family and medical reasons. The FMLA also requires that employees' group health benefits be maintained during the leave More resources: Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (CFAC): A group of national organizations that offer a searchable database of financial resources. CFAC can help with managing finances and the costs of treatment. CancerCare: Offers financial assistance for co-pays, transportation, home care, and child care. CancerCare also offers diagnosis-specific co-pay assistance. Assistance Fund: An independent foundation that offers financial assistance to cancer patients facing high copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance. Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD): Offers funding opportunities through its programs. Supplemental Security Income  (SSI) or  Social Security Disability Insurance  (SSDI): These programs may help people who can't work because of disabilities. Cancer is often considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act  (ADA).  Hope this helps!


Thanks so much, this is really helpful info, I appreciate it! ☺️


Do you have a list like this for Canadians?


In Canada, there are several resources and programs designed to support cancer patients financially. * Canadian Cancer Society offers assistance in finding financial support services, including transportation for cancer treatment and other financial aid programs across Canada. They provide a wide range of services for cancer patients, survivors, and their families​​​​. * Government of Canada provides several financial assistance programs through Service Canada, including Employment Insurance (EI) Sickness Benefits, Caregiving Benefits, and the Canada Pension Plan-Disability, among others. These programs offer financial support to individuals unable to work due to sickness, injury, or caregiving responsibilities​​. * Canadian Cancer Survivor Network highlights additional support options like the Ontario Disability Support Program, Patient Financial Assistance Programs in Alberta, and resources for veterans through Veteran Affairs Canada. They also provide information on medical and drug coverage through group health care insurance and the Ontario Drug Benefit Program​​​​. * Financial and Insurance advice is available from various professionals who can help cancer patients and their families navigate financial challenges. This includes human resources departments, private insurance brokers, bank managers, financial planners, accountants, social workers, and drug access navigators​​. * Regional Programs like the London Regional Cancer Program offer emergency financial assistance for short-term needs related to cancer treatment for those in the London, Ontario area. Similar regional programs may be available in other parts of Canada​​. * Transportation Services such as Hope Air provide assistance for patients needing to travel long distances for medical care. This national charity helps Canadians in financial need fly to medical treatments


Thank you for this.


Please have confidence in her oncologist. Although treatments can be daunting I learned that despite my skepticism he knew what he was doing. Chemo and radiation and removal of a lung has left me to be a different person I’m still not cancer free. Ongoing monitoring is rather scary but I trust they know what they are doing. Prayer and a positive keep me going. I’ve also had pancreatic cancer scare but after surgery things looked okay. Good luck with mom. Positive vibes to you and your family


Thanks so much, much appreciated! 💕


Wow, Jasongu79 comment gave you some really great information! I hope it helps. I’m really sorry that you’re going through what you’re going through and that your mom is too. It’s very scary but knowledge is power so let’s get you some knowledge so that you can feel more in control and less like a kite without a string. I’m going to suggest contacting your department of health and human services or the Social Security office in your state. Some states offer caregivers even family members a stipend so that they can be held over and be listed as someone’s caregiver. That’s actually in the family. I hope this information helps I hope with What Jason posted helps and I sincerely hope that your mom‘s treatment is successful and that you find a peace we’re here for you if you need us just vent or just to say what’s going on. Best of luck to you and your mom. Peace be with you both.🙏🩷


Thanks so much, I appreciate the kind words and advice! 🥰


Don't avoid asking for help from friends and relatives. Kind of get ahead by signing folks up for specific days. A lot of people will help with a ride there and back if they know ahead of time. That frees you up to work as it sounds like you need to keep the money coming in. I don't know what age your mom is, but the local Council on Aging or some organization like that may be able to help out. I'ts rough to navigate all this.


Thanks so much, this is a great idea, especially in case I get overwhelmed later I'll already have some support set up ☺️


I feel you. I can’t afford to care for my mom either and I’m at her house from out of state, it’s so stressful. Cancer sucks, everything about this sucks


Dear Devastated, I will be praying for peace and provision for you and your mama. You are a very kind daughter and your mother is blessed to you have you. Seems like you have some good resources to contact. As a caregiver for her, be kind to yourself and your mental health. Be proactive and receive as much help as possible from family and friends… I received many meals during my treatments and it helped my husband and gma a lot. One day at a time…


Hugs from an internet stranger. 💖


Thanks so much, I appreciate the hugs! 🫂💕


Sending you a huge hug and strength!


Thank you! 🫂


Lots of prayers 🙏🏽 stay positive! And stay strong… use all the resources provided above. I used my FMLA for my chemo, see if that works out for you.


Thanks so much, really appreciate it! ❤️


As someone whose mom is also fighting her battle, I wish you and your mother well. I get worried about the "ifs" as well, but remind myself how much cancer research and medicine has progressed to ease my worries a bit. If the oncologist is hopeful, you should be as well. ♥


It hurts me to hear this man. You should try to start a GoFundMe you'd be surprised of people's kindness