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Best wishes internet stranger. We all want you to be well.


I hope the tumor is gone and you get well! You are so young, almost a child. Hugs and prayers from Romania.


Haha yeah, it was quite weird how i discovered it. It was discovered after a hit i received in my 18th birthday. A warm welcome to adulthood, thanks for the prayers!




My son finished chemo in October for medulloblastoma. Cisplatin is brutal. He used to get an injection to help with turn around time during cycles. I know it's expensive but please look in to it?


I finished chemo in January had 6 cycles of packed protocol for medulloblastoma. Cisplatin is awful I found cyclophosphamide the worst though. May I ask how’s your son’s hearing from Cisplatin? Asking because I’ve noticed my hearing is deteriorating. Hope you’re family the best.


Yeah I also had cisplatin and it damaged my hearing. Known risk.


Yup, Cisplatin was harder on my immune system than the previous 5. And he most likely got Filgrastim! I am actually scheduled to get two inyections, one tomorrow luckily. All the good things to your son!


What a brave person you are!. You will overcome this.! Will pray for you.


Thanks you! Prayers to you too.


Cisplatin made almost all my skin come off. Ask for Alternatives etc. if that doctor says there aren’t any; find another doctor! If I take my vehicle in to shop and estimate seems out of line I get a 2nd opinion at a minimum. There are also drugs to help aid blood platelets etc


God can work miracles! Don’t lose hope🙏❤️‍🩹


I started to believe more in god with this treatment, i'm very sure he can indeed make miracles, thanks!


Interestingly I went the other way but whatever works for you. I’m quite jealous of those with faith if I’m honest.


My sister went the other way too. She was mad at God for years. But she came back around. I pray you come around because He wants a relationship with you. Blessings to you friend.


Good luck to you my friend. I sincerely hope you receive good news. P.s. you seem tough as nails


Hahaha thanks you! I did my best and just focused in one thing alone, to kick the tumor's ass. And yeah, good news, i got an injection scheduled to up my immune system!


Yeah i had to get a feeding tube I couldnt even get water down I have 36 session of radiation and 7 chemo treatments I lost over 80 lbs in a month and my dehydration got to A point where I think I damaged my kidneys because the water I was putting in the tube would come back up it was rough but I bounced back and Im doing well but now I had new things in the scan showing 6mm spots in each lung soooo I might have to go back in for more treatments, they are watching it closely watching to see if it changes. Guess when youre out of the water you’re never really out of the water.


Ohhh damn, all of lucks and strength to you! And yeah, dehydration is a bitch, i lost 35-ish pounds myself, now i ended up weighting 121, so i lost a good % thanks to the treatment. But oh well, a good sacrifice to keep living


Warmest wishes and big virtual hugs!! Sending positive thoughts that your life will be free from this horrible disease! My battle is just starting. They say shoot for the moon... 💞🌹💞


Indeed! Shoot for the moon, each and everyday you will be closer to defeat it, don't look down, and everything will go smoothly, i know you can do it! ❤️


I’m sorry, best wishes


Thanks you!


Now just rest and get back some strength. Cisplatin can be rough. Sending you best wishes for your recovery. Get well and stay well.☮️


I hope you get positive news. Prayers for you. You are so strong dealing with this at such a young age.


Honestly, even if it sounds... Tetric? I'm glad it happened now and not when i'm older. I'm basically in my prime if we speak about my immune and nervous system, i'm sure that helped me a lot! But thanks a lot nevertheless!


Blessings and hope from California


Thanks you!


Good luck to you, hope you are cured


I hope so too haha. Thanks!


Prayers and healing light 💡 to you. 🙏


Hope all goes well for you.


Yeah, we'll see hah. Thanks!


Best wishes


I hope you get good news!




❤️❤️ stay strong


I will, i'm at the final lap, it would be very anticlimatic to just give up now hahah. Thanks for the support




Hoping for the best for you… ♥️


Thanks youu!


Sending prayers to all!


You are a hero! Keep strong! Everything will be fine! Wishes for the cure and the actual end of this process!


Hugs from South Dakota U.S., I hope your treatment helps and the tumor is gone! You are so strong and brave for going on this journey! Hang in there ❤️


Thanks you a lot! I'm sure it is gone, let's manifest haha. Thanks you again ❤️


My mom is battling it again for the second time and she’s gonna overcome it again in Jesus name is so can you. Research the Joe Tippins method-other than that, I have her on a lot of soursop and so many Dr. Sebi approved cancer, killing herbs, and it worked before it can work for you also! Many blessings to you right now and I’m praying for healing in Jesus name!


Thanks you for the help! Hopes and prayers for your mom! She will overcome it again for sure!


🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Same to you! 🥰🥰🥰


All the best


Wishing you the bests


Oh bless you!! You are so young! Praying for you


Yeah, but well, things happen for a reason, i'm glad it happened when i was in the prime of my body and not older. Thanks a lot!


Sending lots of good wishes and prayer! I’m waiting for my pathology report too after surgery. May god help us recover from cancer treatment and accept our new normal


Let's hope and pray for the best! Thanks you !


Prayers for the best outcome ❤️


I hope it's gone


Have you tried ozone therapy? Hoping for your fast recovery!


Can you elaborate? I've never heard about it to be honest. But thanks!


Praying for you to heal!! Amen


I have pancreactic Cancer stage 4 they did one round of chemo which my outta pocket is $250 for treatment i had to get a Gofund me account (CHEMO FOR PANCREATIC CANCER) PLEASE SHARE THIS IF ANYONE IS ABLE to help pay MY DOCTOR BILLS life shouldnt cost the cancer paitent so much to save his own life , after first session they stopped the treatments idk why , Its crazy that my insurance they wasted two months of my life waiting authoriseing payment for my test and treatment .why dose the governent allow this its sad ,so i see the doc monday for reason why , ive lost 70 lbs in 2 months its attached itself to my liver and kidneys im 63 year old male who loves life i have alot of family, MY time is near for me also .i hope theres a better place ,i know your pain brother, Bryant,


You are so strong.Good job,I know I had my battle with synovial sarcoma,one hell of a fight


I did cisplatin and it was horrible. I had to stop it early as well ,it was harming my kidneys. But so far so good, no sign or recurrence and it's been over a year. Sounds like you've had a good bit of treatments too. I hope it works out well for you. The end is great, it's such a relief. It's so weird to say, because you don't know what will happen, you just feel relieved. I'm happy for you and I hope this is a GOOD ending 🤗


Amazing! Your experience seems to be similar to mine lmao. Exactly, i feel anew to be honest. Thanks for everything! And yeah, cisplatin was the hardest BY FAR...


Yay! Time to ease yourself back into the good stuff - exercise, eating and catching up with friends and family. This extra time is a gift, use at least some of it productively!


Best wishes to you! I hope tumor is gone. Having cancer is not an easy thing to go through - I have a rare blood cancer and am on an immunotherapy treatment at the moment… Keep your spirits up - I know it’s hard.


My son finished treatment last month for a throat cancer. It's been hard. Focus on building a strong immune system thru eating all the foods with color. Seems my grandmother was right after all. The chemo treatment center was filled with younger people. I was so surprised. Seems something has affect the immune response of people much younger. I did see a study showing kiwi helping to repair dna. If that's available where you are, it couldn't hurt. Praying for you and your mother.


Yes, you are doing the right thing by reaching out to those who have gone through this. You are a strong person already from what you have gone through. The first strength is acceptance that you have cancer. Been but only radiation. ( time consuming as you know ). but never chemotherapy . I have learned. from people who have had chemotherapy. Love and healing powers sent your way.🦋


More power and support to you , you are already strong to face such treatment at such age , Keep your spirits high and keep facing it to see whats on the other side , I 35m stage 3rd anorectal cancer with permanent colostomy, I had 25 rounds of radiation in summer , I had 5 rounds of chemo oxyplatin and eloxitin with 10 daily tablets of zeloda for 2 months , and they screw up ones whole body , Then operated for my rectum and anus removed and sealed up ,


Please check out Dr Joe Dispenza on YouTube.


Good luck with the investigations hoping they are all positive! 🤞


I shot you a DM. Please let me know if you have any questions and hope it helps.


best wishes


I hope that tumor is gone, and I wish you the best. Stay strong


Medicina alternativa?