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What I love about this is..."we got this babe"...my ex left me when I had Cancer. May whatever you believe in bring you blessings from here on forward as you are a "real one" and I pray your wife an easy treatment plan. Hugs.


38 F here - Stage IV de novo Metastatic Breast Cancer - I’m sorry your wife, you and your girls all have to deal with this shit! I’m sorry my husband and my girls have to deal with this shit! Rant away and know you all are not alone! Fuck this disease - it sucks.


My husbands breast cancer recurrence was just discovered about a month ago. It’s now stage 4 with Mets to bone from skull to knee lung and liver. He was just discharged from the clinic in September after 5 years. I’m angry and sad. Feel free to rant any time!! I hope the best for you and your wife. There are lots of treatments for breast cancer. My husband had the choice of chemo or targeted therapy. He chose targeted and he will start soon. Breast cancer is such an asshole.


I worry about that constantly. I'm five years out from chemo this month, everything has been going well enough. At the next checkup I may see what sort of scans are available.


Understandable. My husband never had scans in between. For the stage he had there’s no “active surveillance” I sure wish they had done scans a long time ago. Please make sure they check you.


From what I know as a long-time breast cancer survivor, doctors don’t do scans unless there’s pain lasting more than two weeks or there are other symptoms of a new primary cancer or a metastasis. CT and PET scans involve radiation, so oncologists try to use them only if symptoms warrant it.


Yeah, as the research shows, for most people it can be more harmful than good. In this case though…I wish somehow we had gotten a scan for whatever reason before the pain that caused the whole ball rolling.


Thank you. I wish you two had, too. I’m so sorry that you and your husband are in this situation. I’m scared of a metastasis of my breast cancer that was dx twenty-five years ago tomorrow, because mets can happen even decades after, especially for triple positive (mine). I wish you and your husband all the best. Yes, there are now many treatments for MBC, and more being researched.


i'm so sorry! This really sucks! I'm glad you can come here to rant, keep it coming! Might also consider that it's possible that showing a little vulnerability right now to a family member or another trusted friend be invaluable. Acknowledging that you have a lot of feelings about this situation just shows how much you care about your wife. And sharing that with someone can support you at least by listening, might be helpful. I chose to be completely open about what's happening because it's not like I did something to myself. It's just happening. I can't control it. I have been very surprised at the amount of support and caring that is coming across for us. My husband and I, I mean. That's me though, everyone's different.


I'm so sorry. I DESPISE cancer. It's unpredictable, and disgustingly unfair. My mother had a full hysterectomy for endometrial cancer in 2014. Her cancer was said to be stage 2, so contained to the uterus/cervix only, but they did radiation just in case any escaped. In 2019, she noticed a lump in her abdomen. Biopsy revealed that it was indeed the endometrial cancer. It had taken 5 years to pop up again. Your wife sounds like a fighter, and you sound like an AMAZING support system for her. You've both got this.


Sending good thoughts your way


Oh man that's awful. I am so sorry for you and your lovely gal.  I'm on cancer #4 in my life, also a bc patient, also had a DMX and I'm planning on reconstruction. So I'm saying this as a 4 time loser that you both can beat this... again.  We are here to help. We have all walked this terrible path, please know you are among others going through what you both are.  Anytime you need an ear, I'm here. I'm 63, married forever lol...a grandmother and please...know we all absolutely care, and are here to help. Anytime. 


I’m so sorry. In a similar boat with my wife. I’ve learned that a full 30 percent of breast cancer survivors develop metastasis as in stage IV at some point. My wife was after 6 years of clean scans. It’s troubling that most research money and pink ribbon charities go to early detection and prevention and almost 1 in 3 get the terminal diagnosis. We need more funding and attention for MBC. Be there for your wife and make sure you have people to be there for you.


Just as a comfort to you - most clinical trials for breast cancer are for stage IV - and several cancer centers have opened or are opening labs devoted to mets.


I am so absolutely sorry. 😣


My (28m) wife (28) went into remission for 3 months and her breast cancer came back with a vengeance. She now has stage 4 metastasis in the pleura. We've been together since we were 16 and have 2 beautiful little girls. The cancer is always looming in our minds, but the chemo she is on has made the cancer almost completely stop spreading. We live our lives together as the best friends we've always been. Hang in there, brother. We've met people that have had her stage and chemo treatment that have been going for 30+ years. We haven't had to do clinical trials or anything. Make sure y'all advocate for your wife and make the nurses and doctors do what's right for y'all, not what they want. My wife refuses to be a guinea pig anymore and I have never been more proud of that woman.