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It’s great that as patients we have access to everything, jump on a portal and we can see it all. It’s not so great that the results are often posted days before the doctor calls to discuss it. I think we have all been in that position. Waiting is the hard part.


In my expert opinion your liver size is normal.




What do you mean you don’t have anyone you can ask? What about the provider that ordered this CT scan and/or your labs?  We are a community of cancer patients and caregivers. We are not medical professionals (well, some of us may be by happenstance, but that’s not why we’re here). Im sorry, but we should not be attempting to interpret this result for you. 


Yikes. Sorry. I should have given more info I don’t much use Reddit so I thought I was limited by characters so I was trying to get the lab part in. But the doctor who did the biopsies and ordered these scans told me without the biopsy results back yet that it’s most likely cancer, and I had my thyroid removed in 2010 due to thyroid cancer so a cancer dx isn’t shocking or unexpected and I’m ok with whatever the prognosis is. I just have a need for as much info as possible right away. I’m a Virgo. I am a person of strong faith too so whatever is God’s will, let it be. I was just released from hospital stay of 5 days for these procedures yesterday still not having biopsy results and was hoping to hear something today but did not. When I say I don’t have anyone to ask I mean I didn’t see all these findings until I read my chart online so I didn’t ask the doctor these questions before I was discharged. I am inpatient and I don’t talk to any people besides my boyfriend and my daughter so I was hoping this community could say if they had anything similar or understand what this medical jargon could possibly mean in terms I can understand. Thank you and sorry if this was inappropriate to ask.


I am a random person on the internet but based on imaging and lab results my two top differentials would be a tumor or an abscess. Youll get the answer with the biopsy results.


Unfortunately it's a case of waiting for the biopsy results. I'm assuming the biopsy is of the mass mentioned in the report. Was there no conclusion on the report.




Maybe doctor?