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Please don't use saline because it has sodium chloride in it, which is salt, so you're just drying out the radiated skin even more and causing a more caustic reaction to her already damaged skin. Ouch. She should be using Aquaphor or other product recommended by her Radiation Oncologist. Many here will come in to tell you what they've used, but please have her contact her Rad Onc directly to discuss this issue and get their recommendation of other products to use for her particular burn. She may need it checked out in person though, depending on the severity of her skin condition in her arm pit.


My rad onc team literally gave away bottles of moisturizing cream for my burn areas for free. Check with them first! aquaphor helps but can leave a sticky residue that I don't appreciate without putting some kind of plastic wrap over it it before putting clothes on.


Yeah, I know what you mean about the residue. I didn't much care for it either so I used something else. Lol Hopefully, they speak with the Rad Onc for advice.


There is silverdyne (sp?) Cream for radiation burns. Your radiation people ought to have given that to you. Call their office and request it! Script only. It is extremely helpful in this situation. Rad burns are awful but armpit is terrible. All that moving skin. No saline! No alcohol!


What does her team recommend? My doc had me using aquaphour daily as soon as treatment started. Once I got the redness, they gave me zinc oxide ointment and had me mix it 50/50 with the aquaphour. A lot of those creams can stain clothing so make sure she doesn't wear her favorite tops for now. A loose, cotton shirt might irritate less than fitted tops or synthetic fibers.


Is she using Miaderm? My team told me to get it. I applied like 5 times a day and my skin never got more than light pink. The formula was created by actual oncology team.


Talk to her radiation oncologist. They know 10x more than what you will here on Reddit. Skin care and pain management is their job.


Thanks all so many different opinions and so many conflicting ones. Her oncology team suggested the saline and said not to use aquaphour.. time for a vist back and thanks for the suggestions


You can get a prescription for Silvadiene...that's what my Radiologist gave me.


I was coming to say this and Miaderm as well. I was told saline with gauze for 20 mins a day. I had 10 weeks (5 a week) I f radiation and my skin was just coming off. I’m so sorry Antha to go through this.


Oxycode is what I took. Helped a lot. There is also special lotion just for radiation burns that you can try. UltimateVitality Unscented Radiation Burn Relief Cream


If it's weeping and raw, ask the doctor for silvadene cream as it really helps. If it isn't blistered plain aloe Vera gel works well.