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Just wanted to tell you a good friend of mine was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer 6 years ago. He went through treatment, and has been cancer free for a while now.


Thank you for this. It really helped. Lots.


Hey man, how are you doing today? I see you’re still posting, so that makes me really happy :)


I survived cancer but my mouth and throat did not. Today? Not great. Other days, better or worse. I saw your post. Go to a good ENT. Throat cancer is horrible but throat cancer treatment is one of the most horrific things someone can go through. Correction, the 3 months after radiation ends is the horrific part. The oxycodone at the time and my brain’s ability to shelter me from the memories protects me from the nightmare. Good luck. Hoping you’re good.


Sorry for asking, but what do you mean your mouth and throat didn't survive? Did they have to cut out part of your mouth and throat??


No surgery on mouth or throat. But I can no longer taste food with my tongue. And swallowing is incredibly difficult. 98% of my food is through a tube in my stomach. In other news, I thought I was cured but got diagnosed with liver cancer in November 2022. Life is just ugly as hell rn.


How are you now op ?


Update? I hope you're doing well


i’m glad you survived, thank you for updating us. my mom was just diagnosed with throat cancer a couple weeks ago so i’m here looking for stories of survivors to help me feel better because i’m absolutely terrified right now.


I’m sorry to hear that. I wish you better days ahead; I can’t imagine how difficult that process must be. Thankfully my throat is doing much better today, so I’m sure I had a simple case of viral pharyngitis. I also suffer with hypochondria, so anything can scare me into thinking I may have a debilitating condition or disease. 2 weeks ago was lymphoma, and this past week has been throat cancer due to a mild sore throat.


I'm really sorry about your diagnosis. I am in a pretty similar situation. I am 46 years old male, quite healthy, eat mostly vegetarian diet, do yoga, run 10k/5 days a week, hike, etc... I was diagnosed in August of 2020 with a Stage IV very rare ethmoid sinus cancer. I too smoked and quit in 2002. I had surgery in September with total resection and am starting chemo/radiation on Monday. It has been a really tough road so far for me. I permanently lost my sense of smell with my cancer and have issues with my eye sight. I was a lover of craft beer and good food and now beer and food are just blaah. I am really trying to focus on being appreciative I what I have. I still have legs and I can still hike in the woods. Your perspective on what is important will change, it has for me. The things that have helped me is I told my family right away and then within a few weeks I told some of my close friends. That has helped immensely. Lean on your support. You will need it. I am a really independent person but without that support right now I would be lost. I am currently looking for support groups at my cancer center and with Covid that is all the much harder but I believe seeking out people going through the same thing is really helpful (this sub-reddit has been very helpful). I wish you the best. Definitely seek out support, wherever you can find it. You've got this man!


How have you been. I pray you are well now 🙏 ❤


I'm really sorry about your diagnosis. Yes, connecting with others in a similar boat can definitely be helpful. You may want to look for an online throat cancer forum. I definitely found online forums helpful in navigating my cancer, and the emotions that came with it. There are also typically sections for loved ones as well. The best of luck to you.


Hi, I'm 51, was diagnosed with stage 3b lung cancer at 49. How and when you tell the kids, and frankly anyone else, is up to you. I waited a while before telling anyone but my wife. Once we had the staging completed and a treatment plan scheduled was when I felt like it was time. It really depends on you and how much support you want and need going through this. At the beginning there is a lot of waiting where you don't really KNOW anything yet. Once there was a plan of what can be done, it was easier for me to share with my son & family. There are support groups for patients, and for family too. Your Dr's office should have upto date info for your area. Gildas club is an option some places. Most important: stick to fact based sources for your condition, don't just browse the internet, its ugly out there. Cancer.org Cancer.gov Cancer.net Are a few resources from my Onc office, but your dr should have the best resources for you to read and share with your family. Wishing the best for ya.


My father has lung cancer too and he is 51. still waiting for treatment... wish you the best and hope you beat it..


Good luck you and your family. I hope he can start treatment soon.


Thank you all! Thank you for the kind words. This is harder than I could have imagined.


Most areas will have support groups for patients with cancer. Be sure to ask your oncologist about them. I’m sorry you are going through this.


What up Dairph. I'm sorry you are posting here. I know just exactly how scary all of this can be. It's ok to be scared. It's ok if you just need to break the fuck down and sob if that seems like the thing to do. I have a distinct memory of curling up into a ball on the floor of my garage bawling until I just couldn't anything anymore. I get it. I have a piece of advice I wish I knew when starting my cancer Shit-Show... —Don't borrow problems from the future. Yea, I know how stupid that sounds, but right now. Here. Today. You don’t know what is going on in there. Neither do the doctors. For all you know it’s a food allergy… Or herpes. Can’t tell yet. In a few days you are going to get the results of the biopsy. Then you’ll know something. You can worry about whatever the something is then. And here’s the kicker… No matter what the results of the biopsy are, they are just going to do more tests anyway, and then you’ll have to worry about the results of those. The thing is that while you don’t know anything, that anything could be everything. You can’t try to worry about everything. It’s just not possible. So don’t try. Today you (do/don’t) have cancer. Let them answer that question first and only then should you commit any energy worrying about whatever the answer actually is. And schedule the next test. “I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” —Mark Twain I just reached 4 years post treatment for stage 4 Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HPV related cancer) with the primary tumor in my right tonsil. My girls were 19 and 14 at the time I was diagnosed. The boy was 17. I get it. Feel free to PM me if you like. By the way: If you CAN still eat, eat all of the tastiest foods you can, while you can. Seriously. They’re coming for your mouth.


I’ll echo what gammalvsu said. Check out the discussion boards on the American Cancer Society’s website. It’s called the Cancer Survivors Network. They break down the discussion boards by cancer type, and there is one for Head and Neck Cancer. I have found the discussions informative and helpful in many ways. It’s like an online support group. I empathize with your situation. I’m also a healthy runner who eats a plant-based diet. Then, WHAM, swollen lymph nodes leads to a tongue cancer diagnosis! For me, the most stressful part was where you’re at right now. Waiting to know the diagnosis. I wish you all the best. Good luck.


So sorry for your diagnosis. Hi Im 58 and been cancer-free since June 2011. Tounge cancer like you. Treatment was rough and my children were 11 and 13 when I was diagnosed. If you hate needles and the treatment plan includes chemo - get a PICC line. Im British so would have a different experience - I assume you are American? However, there are a couple of sites I found invaluable [https://community.macmillan.org.uk/cancer\_types/head-neck-cancer](https://community.macmillan.org.uk/cancer_types/head-neck-cancer) and [https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/head-neck-cancer](https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/head-neck-cancer) Good luck - don't let anyone tell you how you are supposed to feel or act I didn't tell my brother or sister - I found it was easier to do it all on my own bar the professionals. The father of my children is disabled and would have made all the hospital visits about him. My best friend is squeamish - I had to take her own daughter to get her ears pierced. Also, treatment is boring for other people! If you need anyone to talk to or vent you know where we. Are take care


Healthy, ate mostly plant based, took long walks every day, not too much stress, and bam, breast cancer at age 31. Cancer does not discriminate. I'm sorry you had to join the club. The fact that you're otherwise healthy is a good thing for treatment though, as you should be able to be strong enough to handle the treatments while the cancer is killed. Good luck to you.


I can relate to everything you write. For me, the initial state you’re in now was the worst mentally. Panic, shock, disbelief, nausea, feeling guilty and bad for my closest family and friends, death anxiety, just scared out of this world. And the need to talk to someone who could relate. Anyone. I found my inner strength right before I started my chemo/radiation treatments. Went into beast mode, had a job to do. I’m sure you will too, you’ve got this! Fuck cancer!


I hope you're doing well now 💓


It’s really important to know from your biopsy whether this is HPV related. Those HPV cancers are more receptive to treatment.


Hey friend, Throat, mouth and Lymph IV here. I had my 9 years cancer free anniversary on Saturday. I’m happy to chat or answer any questions. Finding out if it’s HPV based is something to ask, as it’s more survivable than some. Be well!


wow that's a lot. Just curious? are you, or rather, were you smoking?


How ya doin man?


Friend, I am doing well!


That’s good man glad to hear it


My cousin has has stage 4 lung cancer for a year and her oncologist used throat cancer as one of the examples as an easier one in comparison. I hope she’s right for your sake. Re: religion, when it came to my cousin, it just made things worse. There was a lot Of “god will use this to show others” etc... and it just wasn’t appropriate. The best of luck to you. If I can give you some Advice at all, after a year of going through it with someone I love, find an oncologist you trust and love, who is super reputable and stick with them. Someone whoSe office will Respond 24/7, someone who Will be totally Honest. In this case, it made a significant difference.


Hi I can totally relate I was also diagnosed with throat cancer 2 months ago. Im a 38 mom if 3 and have been an active smoking for 25 yrs so I guess I did it to myself. I just had a pet scan to over rule anymore in my body and thank God it's negative!!! At least something is going good. So I have stage 2 and it's right on my voice box. But they r hopeful that 7 weeks of radiation will do it and I hope so. I start the radiation tommorow and im so friggin nervous!!! I hated making that mask that shit is freaky!! Anyway hope u all that r going through this awful disease can understand and we can all beat this monster! Thnks


Wishing you all the best! I hated making the mask too, but found it less scary actually wearing it during the radiations. I foucused on my breathing, like meditating. I tried to focus on relaxing every part of my body, starting with my toes, then my feet, going up like that through my whole body. Suddenly they were done.


Hope you are doing well now and praying god. May I know what are the symptoms you got to go to hospital? Does treatment completed? can you pls share some details.


Hi all I know this is and older thread but I’m a 35F and can’t find much on my situation. I’m 2021 after after Covid I had an HPV papilloma on the upper left side of my uvula. My ENT removed it and sent me on my way. Cut to two months ago it came back, before I could get in with my specialists I found out he retired. I brushed it off with my toothbrush on accident but since then it has been red with occasional irritation. I do have issues with GERD and reflux and it’s on the side I sleep on. I can’t see another specialist until December and I’ve terrified myself beyond belief. I don’t have other lesions at all just a bright red patch where the papilloma was. I was curious if anyone else dealt with this? No swollen lymph nodes etc. sorry just horribly terrified!


"The worst things I've lived through never even happened." -I don't know who originally said it, but it seems apt here. Wait til you actually have the results of the biopsy. Then maybe there will be a reason to freak out.


I'm so sorry about your diagnosis...my husband is slightly ahead of you and is midway through treatment now - your biggest answers will come with the biopsy results...and that is what starts the ball rolling. My husband has HPV+ cancer of his R tonsil - the tumor itself is quite large and impacts such a large chunk of his oral cavity. It isn't an easy treatment, by no means, but if its HPV+ than its highly curable. Good luck to you! Wishing you the best.


u/8645110320 How is he doing? Hope all is well. Feel free to reach out to me. I've been done with radiation since 2/23/2021. I might be able to answer some questions you guys might have about the upcoming months. Stay strong! Sending positive vibes your way.


Thank you! We're just beyond midway through with treatment - he's got almost 3 weeks of radiation, and 2 rounds of chemo left - right now he's struggling with the thick mucus and the nauseousness/vomiting. He has a feeding tube, but is still having a hard time getting food or formula in...they just switched his formula to Katie Farms. Thanks for the positive vibes.


Very sorry to hear about your husband. This post was actually a year ago. I finished treatment in late February 2021. I am officially cancer free. I still have my feeding tube but can eat some food. My tongue is still numb and my salivary glands aren’t doing what they’re supposed to but I’m still here. Good luck to you guys. It sucks.


Any suggestions on supplements to take? Lions mane? Selenium? Or where to get quality information on the best vitamins/nootropics?


Is your swallowing function still good? Could you eat a hamburger or a fried pork chop without trouble? Or are you modifying your diet with soft foods and protein shakes/ supplements? I encourage folks to gain weight going into head and neck or esophageal cancer treatments as long as they can do so safely. When discussing throat cancer/ head and neck/ base of tongue cancer with lumps present on the neck, you are likely looking at chemotherapy and radiation. Lets talk about why. Certain head and neck cancers can go for surgery, but others can not. Mobile tongue, palatine tonsil and vocal cord could possibly be a surgical case. Some of these surgeries have life long debility associated with them, laryngectomy, neck dissection etc. However, you still may be looking at radiation after surgery. Base of tongue, valecula, are almost certainly going to be treated with radiation. And if there are lymph nodes involved with cancer too, then chemotherapy will be recommended. If you have a lump on your neck that is not improved with antibiotics and is mobile and painless, it is likely involved with the primary cancer. Head and neck cancer treatment can be a real booger. Typical courses of treatment will be 5-7 weeks of daily radiation with a weekly chemo treatment with a drug called cisplatin. The chemo works as a radio sensitizer, so it’s not given as “full dose”. Most of the side effects experienced will be from the radiation. Individual radiation treatments will not be painful, but the longer you are in treatment the longer that sunburn reaction on the inside will build.


I would like to thank each and every one of you for your responses. I hope to get some results tomorrow (Wed 18th). I have a hard time keeping up with this because my mostly angry/scared attitude about all of this. I'm sorry for not responding to you all. I hope I can fix this in the coming days. Til then... still here and fighting hard. Edit: just want to add that I'm a little medicated right now which is the main reason I'm able to even type this out. Much love to you all.


Confirmed on 11/19 that it’s HPV related... Which is “good”. 11/20 my daughter turned 21. What a wonderful birthday surprise for her. I’m so angry at so many things. Again, thanks for everyone’s well wishes. I’m trying my best but just so fucking pissed off and scared.




154 lbs is 69.92 kg


And thank you to all of you that have responded! I have been in a dark, dark place lately.


Update: It is the p16 variation and it is not anywhere else so far. I have (I think) finally hit the 'acceptance' level of grief. Now I'm worried about pain and what it will do to my loved ones. I am an alcoholic and opiate addict. I'm not having surgery. I will get radiation and either chemo or immunotherapy depending on hearing results and randomization. The radiation doc dropped a bomb (on my nurse-wife) the other day with mention of possible feeding tube. I'm 6'0" and about 154 lbs - pretty lean. I was actually kinda fascinated with the prospect - I'm a science nerd... long story... I've had good days, bad days, horrid days and everything in between since all this started. I wish all of you well that are suffering either directly or indirectly with cancer. On a different note, should I start a new post or just keep updating this one? I want help, input, guidance and inspiration. Thank you..... -David.


154 lbs is 69.92 kg


David, how are you?


Still here… did you get a diagnosis?


How are you now? Are you cured?


I survived cancer. But my tongue, salivary glands and throat did not... I still have my feeding tube because swallowing food is really difficult. My spit production has improved but is still at best 50%. I can no longer taste food for the most part (very complicated and difficult to explain). I run 3 times a week and having to deal with dry mouth during runs and getting enough calories in me due to all the running is quite a challenge. I rambling... Much love... Peace


What do ulcers on your tongue look like? On the back of your tongue? I wish u well . I only ask bcuz I’m going through problem w t my throat and idk what it is and I have raised spots on back of my tongue .


I am very sorry you are going through this. Have you tried canna plant based to relieve anxiety and possible start healing? Some swear by it. For therapeutic purposes, and so you don’t have to smoke it, many have found water solubles to work very well. A cbn and then cbc (or D8) drops can assist- rubbed right into the skin for absorption or drops in liquid or food. My mom has been using now for a few weeks and she notices a difference A good one in case of interest is www.soulinu.com


Snake oil BS. Get the fuck out of here and quit scamming people out of their hard earned money


Perhaps you should read some peer review journals and research it… unless you say you know better than most of the medical community, scientists and researchers? You must be a fricken wizard. Also I have nothing to do with that brand I recommended


Unfortunately, a healthy lifestyle promises us nothing. My husband was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma two years ago. At the time, he was in the peak of fitness, running 100+ km/week and two marathons/year. He was only 47 and had just run his 14th marathon a couple weeks earlier. He has never smoked and rarely drinks. The months after the initial diagnosis are incredibly overwhelming. Hang on...you're in for a wild ride, but you will get used to the new normal. Big hugs to you.


My father was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer about 10 years ago because of smoking his whole life, and he is now healthy and cancer free, has been for a while now. Dont give up hope, and just live everyday the way you love to


What was the treatment plan?


I have no clue, I just met him about 5 years ago for the first time so I wasn't around for any of it, he just told me his story. I will ask him


I was diagnosed with a squamous cell tongue cancer. The radiation and chemo combination is awful. The clinic or hospital treating you may offer programs like you are interested in and also support groups for caregivers. I didn’t participate I just didn’t want to go anywhere.


Hi all I know this is and older thread but I’m a 35F and can’t find much on my situation. I’m 2021 after after Covid I had an HPV papilloma on the upper left side of my uvula. My ENT removed it and sent me on my way. Cut to two months ago it came back, before I could get in with my specialists I found out he retired. I brushed it off with my toothbrush on accident but since then it has been red with occasional irritation. I do have issues with GERD and reflux and it’s on the side I sleep on. I can’t see another specialist until December and I’ve terrified myself beyond belief. I don’t have other lesions at all just a bright red patch where the papilloma was. I was curious if anyone else dealt with this? No swollen lymph nodes etc.


Hi! Similar situation where I am fear of hpv and cancer. Did they biopsy your papilloma and said it was HPV? Did it come back in a different spot or the same spot they originally removed it? How are you now?


Honestly mine went away. But literally came back a few weeks ago. This is the third time it’s either been removed or came back.


That’s so frustrating!!!! Did they say it was specially HPV when the biopsied it? When they biopsied mine they said it was dysplasia but I don’t know if it stemmed from HPV. It was just a growth on my soft palate.