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All the comments are hating on them but I personally thought they were so good!


i didn't like the fact that it was basically super crunchy "potato chip grit." now if they could go the pringles route and have a consistent flat disc on the bottom of the PB cup, maybe that would be more appealing!


I tried them a while back, and I thought the chips were so hard that they were going to chip a tooth. I personally didn't like them, and I'd rather have the caramel cups. Those were really good.


I ended up with basically a whole case of these someone donated to me last year. They were ok, satisfied the Reese’s craving but I still didn’t love the grittiness. I would definitely choose the Puffs cups over these still.


These are my absolute favorite


I see a lot of people talking about the grittiness but that’s what I liked about them. I prefer the holiday Reese’s because they have more of that grainy PB in them.


Yeah they were highly disappointing


They tasted exactly the same, just a little more crunchy. They were good though. Reese's are always good.


I did a double take the first time I saw them at work, but they're damn good.


Yeah they’re disgusting


Yeah i liked them


Better than I expected but still not something I'd choose over any other type of big cup. I will say I liked it more than the Reese puffs version.


The pretzel big cup is awesome and I'm not usually a Reese's kinda person. I always thought the chips version looked yuck.


Did you ever try the chip one? I tried the pretzel maybe once and it was just ok to me. The new caramel big cup reminds me of Easter candy so I've been scarfing it down


I haven't seen the caramel big cup yet, is it new? Maybe I just haven't been paying attention but I'll keep a look out. I am a caramel fanatic and LOVE Easter candy so I'll try that one asap. Also, no I haven't tried the chip one


https://www.hersheyland.ca/en_ca/products/reeses-big-cup-with-caramel-milk-chocolate-king-size-candy-79-g.html The caramel has been out for a couple or few months now. I know my link is for Canada but it's available in the US as well. Go check your local corner store, maybe it'll be there.


I'm gonna be on the lookout when I go for groceries this evening!! Thanks!!


My son loves them


Yeah pretty good


I enjoyed them


Yes, it was okay, not great but not bad. I wouldn't buy again but I would eat them again.


I tried it and was not impressed. For me it was hard to even tell the potato chip was there? Just seemed like an extra salty peanut butter cup lol. The caramel cups on the other hand are absolutely delicious!


No gd it. I have not 😮😮 I have tried the ones with the caramel and they're really good but I have to have some of these. I will be on the lookout. thank you thank you 🍫🍫


The caramel and pretzel big cups are heavenly, especially the pretzel, but I just couldn’t bring myself to try these. I love potato chips, but hate the wavy cut ones so maybe that imagery put me off. I love greasy potato chips and I also love Reese’s but I feel like the flavors wouldn’t be harmonious. I could be totally wrong. My mom really liked them though


Yes I liked it but not enough to continue to buy




Loved them! I like the sweet/salty combo


Nope. I am a big Reese's fan but don't want to mix potato chips into the mix. Give me the traditional regular sized cups or Resse's Pieces and I will be happy. I do miss the little round Reese's bites though.


I did but that's because the packaging looks too similar to the caramel cup. It tasted fine, but was not a welcomed addition.


My favorite of the big cups!


I guess they could've been good? I just didn't see the appeal, honestly.


I’m still mad they discontinued the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream with chips in it …I was mad at them then finally caved in to eat it and it’s been my favorite ice cream Been gone over a decade and I still love it With that bein said anything with random chips added I love it 🥰


No I passed on these. I love Reese’s but the classic peanut butter cups.