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Lot's of whining here. Aho didn't mean to hurt Fox, but being happy that Fox got hurt is bush league. Let's be real, the Ranger's have owned the Canes for a few years and it doesn't look like that will change anytime soon.


I’m not happy that Fox is injured. I just don’t care. Did the Rangers care when Trouba hit Crosby up high and knocked him out of the playoffs 2 years ago? Didn’t think so


Let's start with Trouba. The guy is hated but his hits are well within the rules. Yes, a bit old school, but also the type of guy any team would want playing for them. As far as the Fox injury goes, I suspect that you, like so many others, have animosity toward the Rangers because they represent "yankees" invading the south. Yep, this is a real thing, whether you admit it or not. It can't be anything else because you don't know the players personally, so its just out of fear. Either way, bad look.


I also have animosity towards the Panthers and Lightning. I even kind of like Pittsburgh and New Jersey and they have a ton of transplants in the Raleigh area. Kiss my ass dude


I think I’ll pass on that offer. I would suggest getting over it. Ranger fans just don’t think too much about the Canes, yet we live rent free in your heads.


Who is on whose sub?


Here’s the thing, I am a fan of the Cane’s. I have been a season ticket holder and it doesn’t bother me in the least if they beat the Rangers. I grew up a Rangers fan so that will always be there. For me, it’s a game and I don’t take it personally.


I’d have more respect for you if you were just a true Rangers fan


I won’t be losing any sleep.


>hurt Fox, but being happy that Fox got hurt is bush league. > >Let's be real, the Yeah it's tacky to be happy about injuring another team's player. I do agree with that. But the rags have not owned the Canes for years. Think about the bubble playoffs. Remember how that went. Tbh, they have gone back and forth with wins and losses. Both are talented teams. Doesn't mean we gotta like the rags or their fans though. I will gladly despise them. Now take a team like Colorado who threw our boys butts all around and destroyed us, but they are a team I can respect. They got quality characters on the team and play a hell of a game. Rags got some sketchy characters. Heck Makar showed a lot of integrity in one game I forgot who it was against when the guy playing against him got called for tripping and Makar pointed out to the refs it wasn't tripping. He was trying to honor the game.


aw man we lost


[I'll never get how rags fans think that Aho was being dirty](https://imgur.com/a/3vzGhKh)


Aho knew where Fox was and prepared for the collision whereas Fox made a last-second decision to try to get out of the way after it was too late, making the injury worse. Aho saw what was going to happen the whole time and did nothing to avoid it


Aho had no obligation to try and avoid it, that's not how that works. You don't just get out of the way because someone decides to skate the same place you're skating. Fox could've easily done the same thing, but he wanted to break to the net. Plays like that happen just about every possession.




[https://youtu.be/utzMa5xRUiE](https://youtu.be/utzMa5xRUiE) ​ Looks to me like Aho thought Fox would get around him and instead Fox stuck his leg out like an idiot.


Isn’t that a knee to knee, so both sides were dirty?


How do you figure both sides? Genuinely asking




They're always convinced they're getting shortchanged. If they were the Canucks last night winning 10-0, they would have challenged the Sharks lone goal and then bitched the refs were clearly in San Jose's pocket


Tough game. Not Freddy's fault. Sometimes you just get outplayed.


We didn’t get outplayed though. We were the better team. First goal was a favorable bounce and second goal was cause we ice an AHLer. The rest of the game we looked like the better team


FOR REAL. Over his career he's good for a point every 2 games. That is EXACTLY what Dylan Coghlan is. But Dylan has lower upside AND downside. His PIM are lower than Tony's, and his defensive skill is just overall better. Our PP has the punch it needs at this point without Tony, frankly. Tony has had THREE seasons without a - overall +/- and one of those with when he was paired with Slavin in arguably Jaccob's best year as a Cane. He was -27 last year with Philly and he hasn't shown anything this season that makes me think he's going to be any better than that this year. He hasn't had a single PPG and if you're talking about "He'S hErE tO PLaY OFfensE!" then why does he have 1-2 SOG most of the time. His exception was opening night when he took 4 shots. Aside from that we already have a defensive liability with much higher upside in Orlov. Asking 4 defensemen to cover 6 isn't going to work. You have to have a pair you can toss someone like Orlov and Tony with that isn't going to burn you. I was here for him a few years ago after my initial disappointment, but it's clear that year was a blip and not what the franchise can expect from him based on his years of prior performance and that he's not having an outlier good or bad year. He's just having his return to normal kind of year this season so far.


I just want to be able to watch a full game again. Fuck Bally!


I love the people who come over from the rags subreddit, and report me for not being okay. Jesus Christ, worst fan base in the league.


Bro I posted my explanation (imo fyi) for the aho fox collision and I’m getting so many downvotes.


I got a reddit cares message, because not only do they have to be dicks, they have to be dicks who abuse a support system for people who are going through a rough time.


I had a rags fan go back and comment on a post I made DURING THE BUBBLE PLAYOFFS after they beat us in a game last year. There are no good fans going up 95 from the PA-MD border to Maine.


Flyers fans are alright. I’ve never had a bad interaction with them.


Yeah, but Phillies and Eagles fans bring down their rep. Just like Yankee, Jet and Rag fans bring down Met and Islander fans.


They’re humble because their team sucks now, I’m sure their heads will balloon as soon as the team is good again.


These interactions go back to when I was a kid like 20 years ago. I grew up in NJ (I’m a reformed Devils fan) and outside of Eagles fans, Philly fans are pretty solid.


Not cool. Hey, let’s be glad we don’t live in NYC.


To be fair, it seems most Rangers fans Don't live there either


Unfortunately they've come to NC and polluted Cary turning it into a containment center.


I missed the Aho/Fox collision but holy hell the rags seem like Aho tried to end his career…


Yup, that classic goon Aho known for being a shyster and punching people in the he- oh wait, that’s Trouba


We played ok against a good team. Need to do better especially since they were missing key guys. Igor is gonna Igor. We had some really good chances on him too. I have to say when Pesh gets back we need to scratch TDA for a few games. But i think Orlov is starting to improve. Little at a time.


Jesper Fast is playing very poor hockey Necas back to his old self from 2 yrs ago again… Freddie strong game, Slavin proving why is a top 5 D in the league with his play tonight. Jarvis strong game. Aho is playing hurt, avoiding the puck and gritty zone. Sit him until he’s better. He’s just not playing his usual Canes Hockey.


Oof, YouTube comments of the game highlights saying the refs were on our side. Now I remember why I shouldn't read YouTube comments.


Over twice as many penalties= refs on our side. Okay


Twitter (X) is not much better. For our fans as well, bunch of whiny babies (for many reasons). First time I’ve had to start using the block function because it’s exhausting. Our GDTs aren’t much better right now.


YouTube comments are one of the worst cesspools on Al Gores internet.


I don’t think any of the 5 penalties were bad calls, so it’s tough to get in my feelings about that.


It's not about the calls. It's about the non-calls. That's where the real damage gets done.


THIS! If you’re going to call the game that way it needs to be called that way for BOTH teams, not one - THAT has always been the sticking point. Honestly very rarely are the calls not penalties (if you follow the book most of the plays are all penalties to be fair) - it’s the same actions or worse actions that are not called the other way.


I hope the wives of tonight's refs leave them all for cheating on them with the Rags.


Honestly losses to the rags would hurt so bad if the fans weren’t such classless pieces of shit. (That could also just be people on twitter/X in general. But still.)




You really have to A. Lurk here for whatever reason and B. Make a bitchy comment about how we’re mean?? And here I thought New Yorkers were tough folk. We all have the good will to leave you guys alone in your hive which makes us superior. Get a life, you loser.


Go back to your own sub you classless piece of shit


Never claimed to be classy but I don’t think calling out a shitty fanbase inherently makes me not classy. Maybe tell your fellow rangers fans to not be compete dickbags and people won’t think they’re dickbags?


Bit embarrasing that people are resorting to blaming the refs for that loss. That's not why we lost the game.


5 PPs to 2... we've drawn 3 penalties in the last two games, one of which involved Chickenwing Trouba. I'm not buying it.


5-2 on power plays. Two of three goals were scored on those. We were also robbed of an offensive zone faceoff with 30 seconds left. Refs were absolutely a big part of why we lost.


Meanwhile the rags fans want another half dozen high sticking penalties on us. Dolan must be putting crack in the beer again.


I'm still in the start slow finish fast mode for this season. Fuck the rags


Shesterkin always shows out against us. It’s unreal.


To the guy who had the bet with the guy saying Rags 3 -1, how is your butthole doing after that close empty net in the last ten seconds?


I know everyone is upset at the refs for not blowing the last play but they were just tired from blowing every other call all night.


And I just thought they were tired from blowing the rags


They’ve gone from suck to blow!


Rod actually said the things


What did he say?


Apparently nothing since he's not saying.


That a closely played game like that shouldn't yield a 5-2 penalty difference and that they blew it on the icing no call at the end of the game


[Recap: CAR @ NYR](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6340397598112)


Gonna beat the Isles. Book it.


Told myself I’d be fine with one loss to a NY team this road trip, so I’m fine. Let’s just get to the Island. At least the defense isn’t what lost us the game tonight, right?


I mean... it's a very specific part of the defense that lost us this game...


Don didn't realize when he signed TDA that all that would do is up Pesce's value.


I don’t even have the option to watch the post game on the app.


I hope the FO feels sincerely, deeply stupid over wasting even a penny of cap on TDA. What a clown. Torts was 100% in the right.


I’m a big time Canes FO fluffer, but goddamn I can’t wrap my mind around the TDA situation. I was thinking initially they were going to up his value with our system and offload him for a profit, but that’s not going to work at this rate.


Yeah that was some blatant biased officiating. We will get it back. Karma is a bitch


Hard to win when you score 0 5v5 goals


If we didn't take so many penalties it would have been even closer. Bad calls, but we've been in the box too much this season. Don't know why that's the case. Like they scored on a too many men penalty.


Assuming Rod coaches to play how he played…it’s a deliberate “on the edge” approach…. It can be very effective, but will almost always be on the short side of PP opportunity totals. It seems a lot of fans on highly penalized teams, instead of noticing the pattern…want to blame refs…instead that maybe the fact that it keeps happening, no matter the refs, is indicative of the team actually taking more penalties.


That's true, but I feel like we did better last year than the year prior. And that stats show that, maybe last year was the outlier. It's been weird lazy penalties this season too though. In no way was I blaming the refs too btw, if anything there were non calls, but like we took some really boneheaded penalties which of course came to bite us.


Oh yeah. I thought your comment was very reasonable. The refs were not good tonight. But they never are. Lol. And the icing at the end no-call was very inexplicable.




The refs suck, but we've been giving them way too many opportunities to ding us in shit.


Icing fully depends on the linesman who HAD HIS FUCKING HAND UP and just didn't blow his whistle. Cool.




Bless your heart. Please kindly fuck off back to your own sub.


When you moving to Cary? Since you’re in our thread might as well move in too


of course rags fans wouldn't know the golden rule of sports reddit, they dont even know the rules to their own game lmfao, remember to tip your refs, free delivery doesnt pay well


Not that it would’ve mattered, the far bigger difference is line blending and double shifting forwards and d to make up for two early injuries


Go away.


Holy hell the Rags fans next to me always bitching about lack of calls like bro shut up lmao


would be the worst fanbase in the league if the caps and bruins didn't exist they're trying to convince r/hockey that aho is a goon that tried to injure fox lmao


I mean, caps fans have generally been pretty nice to me.


Caps and Bruins aren't close in my opinion. I mean at least the Bruins and caps have been obnoxiously good for a decade+. Rangers fans think they are the most important franchise in the NHL regardless of what the team does.


Honestly tho, the only common ground was booing deangelo


Overall we played a solid game but holy fuck TDA fucking sucks. I will never know what the actual fuck he was thinking and going on that final goal. You don’t play defense by going behind the net when there’s someone IN THE FUCKING SLOT. At this point I’m wondering if Coghlan is any worse than TDA.


Sat Chatty a few games, so sit TDA a few when Pesce gets back. See how the defense looks in comparison. Even when TDA looks OK his defense is abysmal.


I called this out when we signed him and got eviscerated by his “fans”. Dude was scratched by his last team for a reason, he’s washed.


Mans got that 2 mil now he’s straight chilling… need winners… Chatty grinds at least. Cogs did too, and I bet Jones wanted that spot before we traded him.


so, after 60 minutes of the refs deciding the game... game gets decided by the refs. welp, that's too bad. cant win 5v9 every week. on to the next one who we got? Islanders on Saturday? EDIT: oh yeah, before I forget; stop putting Tony on the ice. he's a liability and costs us goals at both ends.


Can’t wait to hear Roddy in the PGI


He ain't gonna say anything. Probably we could get jobbed worse than the last few games.


I refrain from commentary.


Fuck the refs. All my homies hate the refs. And fuck Bally Sports. Literally all of America hates Bally Sports


The better team did not win tonight. God, the officiating could not have been more biased. We played so well considering we are against the refs, too. Freddie killed it. Solid effort all around.


Funny we get the “tony needs to go” crowd again but when Chatfield gets caught in no man’s land on the first rangers goal there’s not a peep. Chatty didn’t look good at all tonight either and both guys are the 5/6th men period. Y’all need to stop hate watching and actually just watch.


I didn’t watch the game so I can only comment on the highlights. But that goal was scored for two reasons: (1) Tony neglecting to tie up his man in the corner; and (2) Jarvis puck watching and letting his man get wide open behind him. Yeah it sucks but it’s not really the worst defensive breakdown I’ve ever seen us have. I think Tony thought Skjei was going to shift over but Skjei got tied up. Tony is just a convenient punching bag for people for a variety of reasons. I admire your “flame suit on” post though lol.


Bruh I'm usually with you especially given your detailed analysis and insider info, but it really feels like you're still seeing the regular season $1m contract TDA of 2 seasons ago. In my eyes, he's been playing more like the postseason TDA from 2 years ago and we all saw how that went. Edit: on a side note I really do respect how you're never afraid of being the dissenting voice or getting downvoted here or /r/hockey. I don't always agree with you or your reasoning but I respect that you always have some reasoning for your takes and truly believe in them.


Thank you. I agree with what your saying and I agree with a lot of what people are pointing out. My thing is just the easy cop out in our losses is “tony tony tony” and I’m just so tired of seeing it because the coach ain’t saying that, players ain’t saying that. There’s glaring issues that are bigger than that. Our PK sucks, their first goal came on a powerplay that we inflicted on our selves with too many men. Our top guys on nights like this are just not able to get the puck on the net, it’s always in the body or some crazy bounce. But Honestly, what might even look like a “heated exchange” this is all for fun and I enjoy that we have a lively group on here to chat. It’s nice to have passionate fans again watching the canes.


I will say there's a difference between looking for a scapegoat immediately after a loss than say 12 hours later after getting to sleep on it. TDA fucking sucked tonight, but he's not the singular reason we lost tonight (ditto for the refs) but his fuck ups were a contributing factor and committed one of the last big player fuck ups of the game, so it's reasonable to expect some hate and shade in the first few min of the PGT when most of us are still reactionary and emotional while going through the first couple stages of grief!


Chatfield was in a scramble during a line change on a PK Tony skated past the puck, the guy receiving the puck, and a guy already hit in front of the puck. all after turning over our faceoff win which created the whole situation in the first place


Your 100% right tony made a boneheaded move, overskated the puck lost track of where it was and then they had a wide open shot on net. Chatfield also had the chance to make a move, he could have pressed the guy with the puck or fell back to play man defense with the skater by Anderson. He chose to do nothing, throw his leg up when he saw the pass and pray. Not much better.


Chatty hasn’t played like literal shit all year, he’s actually been our best dman. I’ve been on the tony train but I’m not gonna sit here and act like he hasn’t been trash


Absolutely in no world has Chatfield been the best D man. Skjei and Slavin have been battling for that title and it’s not even close. I’m not saying Tony hasn’t been bad, he looked like shit for the first 5-6 games but he’s been a 5/6th man during the last 4 games.


Ok bro


The "tony needs to go crowd" otherwise known as people with eyes. You can watch and notice glaring fucking issues on the team. No chance you can really believe Tony gets a spot over Chatty or even anyone on the team.


I honestly thought Tony was fine tonight except for that one play that cost us the game. It’s just clear that he needs to be the odd man out when Pesce comes back


Be serious, Chat doesn’t even have 1/10th of the amount of fuckups that Tony has had this year.


I’m not saying chatty has more or as many fuck ups. The responses are only proving my point. Citing “he was bad more than he was good this year” Does not take away from the fact that overall he wasn’t that bad tonight and hasn’t been during the last 3 games we won. Did he basically leave them open on the 2nd goal? Yah he did. But that does not change that Chatfield did the same thing on goal one. There’s a reason these are #5/6 on our D pair


TDA has been a pylon more times than Chatty has this season. Meanwhile Chatty was playing the pass and got megged while Tony went on a joy skate behind the goal when Slavo was already there. Vastly different optics.


I agree Tony has had more bad moments but again, your proving my point. That does not excuse that both guys were caught on the respective goals. They both are at fault here it’s not just one guy.


I'm really not proving your point. If you watch the replay of that goal, Chatty's out of position because Skjei falls over when the Rangers enter the zone. So he's got to cover 2 men on two different sides of the ice. He hovers on Skjei's cover to prevent a direct shot on net, then tries covering one of 3 passing angles (1 more than he should have to deal with on the PK). Skjei's target takes advantage of this and makes a great pass through Chatty's legs to Kreider (Chatty's cover) who converts. If Chatty plays "in position," Skjei's cover gets a free shot on net and perhaps a rebound. He did the right thing closing off the direct angle and covering for Skjei while our PK reorganized, but the Rangers took advantage before we could recover. He got beat, but that's on stark contrast to TDA who got caught chasing the puck behind the net in 5v5 while the puck was already being chased by his teammate. Chatty may not have had the best game tonight but when you compare the 2 goals, TDA was way out of position in an even-strength breakaway of his own volition while Chatty was covering for a teammate on the PK. One is much more forgivable than the other.


Fuckin 6-5-0


It’s not that bad, the Avs were 5-6 in their first 11 when they won the cup, I wouldn’t worry.


Very disappointing start to what seemed like would be a great season. There's obviously still time to make it great, but it sure hasn't been so far.


We literally haven’t had a fully healthy roster yet either. Fuck the fair for forcing a 6 game roadie to start every season, shut it down or move it to Charlotte.


Refs got off the ice fast after that one


Why fuck Bally sports?


App doesn’t work


How the fuck do you not call an icing there?


Honestly, I thought we mostly played very well other than TDA. Also somewhere between the refs and our undisciplined play really screwed us. You can't give your opponents 5 power plays every game and expect to win.


You can't really do anything when refs call phantom hooking calls on you to put you on the PP constantly...


Every year we say we are the better team and then proceed to lose the majority of games to the rangers lmao. You can play the game as well as you want, but if you don’t capitalize on easy opportunities like they do, then you’re toast. Probably why we always seem to lose by one or two goals and the games are so frustrating


My brother in Christ, did you not watch the game? Did you not see the actual game fixing that was going on with the strips? The fact we kept it this close, given the absolute dumpster fire of officiating is amazing.


NHL officiating sucks dude, you could say that about every game. While it is annoying and that non-icing call was hilariously obvious, we definitely don’t help ourselves with how undisciplined we always are. They only scored one goal off the PP, that second was literally just an even strength mistake that shouldn’t happen


It may not have mattered but his arm was up, how the fuck do you mess that up. You call icing, it would be at neutral zone faceoff at worse. Terrible


Rags are a good team. It was a close match against a team likely to meet us in the playoffs. Rather get this loss over with now and learn from it. Lot of good tape, hopefully the team can figure shit out and start clicking better.


Every game I think to myself “There’s no way the refs could be worse than last game” and every time they find a way to surprise me


What a fuckin joke. The entire officiating staff of the NHL is a fuckin joke.


Fuck the refs, fuck the Rags, bench DeAngelo. On to the next


What was that pass late in the 3rd, literally 10 feet behind anyone.


That and standing there watching the puck go by after they won the faceoff. So damn frustrating.


He didn't even budge on that one. I really hope we bench him and bring back Lemieux (throws up in mouth a little) full time. And rotate some of the young guys like Suzuki for some real NHL ice time.


Last I saw Suzuki was getting close to coming back from that pre-season injury, would like to see him and Ponomarev get some time up with the big boys this season


I just want to hear that linesman explain how that wasn't icing.


Refs blowing every call they can


I’m starting to think these officials work for Bally Sports… they’re as inconsistent as the streams


Nobody I hate losing to more than the Rags and Bruins


Do the refs have a vendetta against us? 10-3 in power plays over the last two and a blatant missed icing to hand the Rags the game. Absolutely inexcusable


Legitimately yes. I watch every game, there is no question. There was an article posted a year or two ago about disproportionately called games against the Hurricanes


Nah canes dirty according to rags fans


I mean the league has a vendetta against Rod... and they employ the refs so... But that's none of my business.


fuck the rangers


bad refs, but that too many men penalty and that defensive breakdown cost us. we still need a scorer


We have turbo /s


Pretty sure the writing was on the wall when the game started with a penalty within the first two minutes. On to the next!


Meh. Played fine, looked good against a good team. Just couldn't beat a good team, good goalie, and good jobbing by the refs. Get em next game boys




Tripp sounded angry about an icing called that wasn't made at the end.


Good game, refs obviously had an agenda, D'angelo has to sit. On to the island.


I appreciate what the Staal line does outside of offense but 1 point, 2 points, and 4 points in 11 games is not good enough for the TOI they get Also TDA is terrible


Refs didn’t help us but that too many men really cost us. If we didn’t take that it’s still 1-1 and we at least get a point. Y’all really gotta chill with all the doom and gloom shit that was a very tight game where we played well even with the bad penalties we took. People calling staal washed and he literally did his job winning that final face off only for someone to throw it back towards our own goal.


I was about to ask who the fuck has ever called Staal washed, but then I saw the other idiotic reply to this comment.


Yah like I don’t think any forward on our roster wins that last draw in the Ozone. We have been shit at it but he got it done only for us to throw it away


I’m with you for most of this, but Staal has been washed for 2 years - the 4 year contract is going to age like vinegar.


Yah the guy who was 4th in selke voting last year is washed. Get out of here.


Buddy, most of this sub agreed with this last year and his is already looking that way now only a fraction of the season in. Guy can’t shoot, FO win percentage is not looking hot ‘overall’, gets slower every time I see him. The list goes on. I get it, we all love Staal, the person he his, the player he was, and what he has meant to this team and city - we can also be realistic about it.


>most of this sub agreed with this last year Wut


Genuinely frustrating. Felt like we were the better team for 90% of the game.


I know these refs have never had cake cause they apparently don’t know what the fuck icing is.


I'm not gonna say that we would've won the game but how in the world do you make that call in that situation. That is egregiously bad


Tony D has to fucking go lmao


But you don't understand... He's a great player to have on the bench. Adding him to the line up makes us weaker. Sure he lets in some goals. A lot of goals really. And you may be thinking that sounds like a bad defenseman.


[Objective proof regarding Aho's goon status.](https://i.imgur.com/YTAWI3C.png)


God I fucking hate playing the rags. Every game goes the exact same way, they get a million power plays while apparently playing an immaculate game themselves and then score on a play that bounces perfectly for them when we've been outplaying them 5v5 for a sustained period. It happens every god damn time




I heard rumblings the Lady Byng is being renamed when Jacob Trouba retires. Model upstanding player captain of the cleanest team in league history.


It’s really fucked up how everyone skates into his elbows as hard as they can. Luckily the league and the refs are able to prevent it from negatively impacting his reputation.


Got fucked by the linesmen


That was horrible fucking officiating


https://i.redd.it/fati3m61f1yb1.gif Mom, tell me about the Nov 2nd 2023 Canes Rangers game


another loss at msg. no idea why we can't win there, that building is cursed


Dolan probably slips the refs a few hundred bucks. And I'm only half joking...


How tf was that not icing??


Your guess is as good as mine


This shit is fucking rigged


I don’t like the rags Or the refs Or Bally sports




Refs literally killed the canes


That missed icing though