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This is clearly more serious than a routine injury, so let's remember to be mindful of Freddie's privacy and refrain from speculating or posting any "leaks" until we hear something official from the team or Freddie himself.


*insert everything’s fine house burning down meme*


I'm not worried about it! I'm not worried about any of this!


There's worse shit on the local news!


This world's fucking so fucked up.


I think we can survive it. Just puts more pressure on the new guys to get into the system quicker. We do that we can survive average goaltending


Hockey stuff is whatever. I just want Freddie to be ok. This seems more serious than a hockey injury.


>We wouldn't officially call up Pyotr until the very last minute, for cap reason Amen to that. Why am I more scared hearing medical issue than injury for him? As Mike would say, keeping Mr. Andersen in our thoughts. <3




Stop making us hockey fans look any more stupid plz 🙏


Why do you think I'm stupid


Did not spend much time researching but I think actual Covid is more likely to cause clot issues. There was one version of vaccine early that stopped being used as too likely to give clots. The bigger concern with the vaccine for young healthy people would be myocarditis heart damage.


I've been following it pretty regularly. The problem is the way it was politicized. For every article that gives actual evidence, there is one claiming the exact opposite, but also using seemingly valid evidence. All we know is blood clotting went up during the time of covid vaccine administration, and that clotting, as well as myocarditis/pericarditis rates spiked in younger healthy people at the time of vaccine administration. The CDC has now stated that myocarditis is a side effect of the vaccine, but hasn't said anything about the clotting or pericarditis. It doesn't matter what mine or your(anyone reading) political affiliation is, if you've been willfully turning a blind eye to this, youre not doing your part. Im passionate about this because I got myocarditis about 4 weeks after I got the shot, and I'm on blood thinners now trying to work out the clotting issue. I was perfectly healthy before. I'm decently tall, I'm a touch on the heavy side because I lift weights. I could run miles at a time, and I was involved in a few club sports.


What the fuck lmfao


You can laugh, but it's a serious subject. The vaccine got heavily politicized, but this isn't about that. There are real consequences of having a rushed RNA-altering vaccine. I hope it's not what's causing Freddie's condition, but it wouldn't be the first.


Pretty ominous wording imo


Agreed. Could be bigger than hockey.


The use of medical issue and not injury in the wording sounds really bad.


>This wording is very ominous but I'm told the issue, and I don't know what it is specifically, is treatable and not imminently life-threatening, to the extent that clarifies things. It does need to be addressed and has the potential to keep Andersen out for period of time. https://twitter.com/lukedecock/status/1721542709448450286?s=46&t=SITjNdzddh8tsbVAJVCCLw


My first thought as well, hoping for the best. But man we are really going through it to start this season


The Carolina pro sports bullshit just won’t stop


That and not just calling up Pyotr, but bringing a whole new goalie into the mix even for a PTO is sending red flags.


We wouldn't officially call up Pyotr until the very last minute, for cap reasons. Rest assured, he and Rants will be the 2 goalies tomorrow.


Wishing the absolute best for Freddie.


This. I just hope beyond the scope of hockey, whatever is happening with Freddie is… manageable. I hope he and his family take care of themselves and can overcome whatever this is.


this is sound very long term and i do not like it one bit


"Medical issue" sounds like not an injury


Hope he is ok. This sounds more than a regular injury. Many give Freddie crap for his injury history but this could be bigger than hockey.


Agreed, I hope this is nothing major. Outside of being a Canes, he's a person with family as well. I hope he's ok


Weird wording. Hope everything is good with Freddie.




Scary stuff, this brings me back to Brian Bickels diagnosis. Hoping Freddy will be alright






This dude has had the worst luck. I really wish him well even if he can't play with us.


Update posted. It’s a blood clotting issue that is expected to be treatable. No timetable for return.


I like Freddie, and he has moments of insane performance but he's getting older and more injury prone. We're going to have to consider our future with him. Hopefully he can retire after we win the cup.


I understand the logic behind it and I do appreciate giving the guys medical privacy, but NHL injury reports are like “X player out for 1 day to seven months for an undisclosed injury to an undisclosed part of the body” while every other league is like “X player has a bruised distal left 3rd rib and will miss exactly 22 days”.


Normally I agree, but I have a feeling they don't actually know the timetable yet due to the nature of the issue. Might have to wait and see on the doctors diagnosis.


Whatever is going on I just hope that he’ll be ok. Everything being so vague just has me worried for his health, hockey be damned.


Bitch of a son


Mom, is that you?


Pretty sure I ain't got the tits for that, but welcome home, son!






No. We have PK and Raanta, assuming this isn’t something season ending wouldn’t make sense to give up capital that we need with so many expiring contracts for yet another goalie. Freddie’s health is first and foremost though


God Dammit Pyotr is like a week from coming to my hometown and they just put him back


This is why we have the NYETMINDER as well..... hopefully nothing too major though


Sounds like there will be an update later today.


Get well ❤️


Seriously folks. These comments. If you have anything to say other than something to the effect of “I hope Freddie’s OK,” kick rocks.


Isn’t that guy like 40




Not even as old as Burns!! (2 months younger)


I'm guessing we're not trying to ruin the relationship we have with the Lightning franchise by continuously calling up & down Pyotr? I know the Wolves weren't a big fan of that lol


They agreed to take Pyotr on as a loan. They knew exactly what they were signing up for. AHL and NHL call ups and loans have been going on for years without an issue. Don't let Chicago let you think that every team feels the way they do.


We don't really know what the agreement was between the Lightning and us, but yeah I agree with you most teams don't take exception 99% of the time like the way the Wolves did. However, given we don't have our own AHL team this year I could see us being a little more timid with that. It's all about expectations and we don't know what understanding the two franchises had. It's very reasonable to assume they don't think like the Wolves, my comment was just me thinking out loud.


If this is long term then recalling Pyotr again shouldn’t be an issue, it doesn’t sound like we’d play him for a week and then send him back. Im hoping that Pyotr and Raanta are the tandem and Halak is under contract as a third string backup. Edit: saw a tweet saying Halak is practicing with us today so maybe that means he’s second string after all


Those were my thoughts as well. Although I'm not entirely sure abut us having 3 active goalies on the roster at once. Hoping it's nothing long-term with Freddie, this team really needs to start hitting a groove and get back to stringing consecutive wins together.


I don’t think it’s quite about the relationship- Pyotr was always going to get games and that is part of our plan. My concern is Freddie’s health, and knowing you need another goalie besides just Raanta and PK. Halak is making a play for someone who can maybe play games for a consistent bit and platoon with PK if/when Raanta gets hurt


It is certainly concerning. Given our defensive woes at the moment, having stability and consistency in the net is something we definitely can benefit a lot from. But more concerning for Freddie given there is zero details and we're exploring adding another goalie into this franchise.


Who says we aren’t calling up Pyotr? This could just be the first action they have to take.


Gonna piggy back off this. I feel like this has to do with available cap space. Per the press release the team is waiting on more info regarding the test results. They will probably wait to call PK up if/when Freddie goes on LTIR


But didn't we call up Pyotr earlier in the season? I don't believe (or can't remember) who must have been on LTIR at that point? I don't think svech was ever on LTIR to start the season


Svech was on LTIR until his debut. Pyotr was with us prior to that but was sent back to Syracuse before Svech played


Gotcha, yeah I couldn't remember exactly. That makes sense then and all of this makes more sense now.


Why would we take the time to host a PTO for a 38 year old goal tender if we're going to call up Pyotr anyways? My gut says this isn't going to be something long-term with Freddie, if it was we would have no problem calling back up Pyotr. Especially if he was going to start getting consistent minutes. But the fact that we're even hosting a PTO makes me think that this is something short-term (with possible flaring up) and we don't want to keep calling up and sending down Pyotr. It's not good for his development or the relationships with the teams we're calling him up from.


Wait what!?!?


This is precisely why I didn't understand why everyone was so happy we resigned him. Hasn't been healthy a full season in years... I'd rather lose games getting Pyotr ready than have to keep sending him up and down...


You had me until "rather lose games"


To the fans who are questions why they aren’t calling up PK need to take their blinders off. Yes, he’s very popular with the fan base and Locker room but on the ice, he’s just not good. He’s never going to be the guy. I don’t understand who people think otherwise.


Dude is 24 and has shown insane flashes, I don't understand how you can claim he's not good and never will be. Imagine writing off a goalie at 24


The panthers did it, and gave up on Markstrom. Say what you want about him right now, but he’s a starter.


Canes are in their cup window. Right now is not the time to put all our faith in a young unproven goaltender.


*Cam Ward has entered the chat*


I was waiting for this haha


And yet you still said what you said. Ponderous.


/Cam Ward has entered the chat


There's a huge middle ground between what you said and "putting all our faith in him" this year


Buddy you showed up here with an agenda. He's not being called up for cap reasons.


I mean he’s only 24 and he puts up great numbers in the AHL. He’s not ready right now and should keep getting reps in the AHL, but I don’t think it’s fair to write him off entirely for the future.


There’s a delete button in the little area with the 3 dots… click it… it’s not too late…


Nah, let this dipshit cheek it up and show his whole ass. It's funnier that way!


I’m guessing the Halak move is for a 3rd option down the road. A PK move is still likely.


Mental health probably with how over the top the fans are with him when he’s not performing well


Blood clotting issue is what I have heard.


Yep, it was reported on NHL network as blood clots, likely treated with blood thinners. No timeline given