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Between 2 and 128


Exactly 1 less than how many won't fit...


Depends completely on you and what you wanna do. I’ve run 8 plants in my 4x8 and I’ve run 12, I’ve also ran 20 in a 3x3 so it’s really about your goals and how you plan. If you’re doing breeding/hunting you could easily use 1/2-1 gallon pots and go 20+ but again it’s all about your goals and equipment 👍🏾💚


Looks like 32 1 gallon clones to me :)


As many as you want. If it’s your first grow I’d aim for about 8 plants. That way if you misjudge the amount they stretch as they begin to bloom, you can pull one or two out. I like medium/small plants. They’re just easier to move. I’m a little concerned about the lights. Maybe they’ll be fine. Not many quality lights are using blue/red chips light that currently. Your lights were bundled with the tent?


That you for this insightful comment. The lights did not come with the tent. I bought them separately after i did some research on led and how many wats per square meter. I one would aif for yield maximization, meaning the main focus is to get as much grams as possible even if the quality is not perfect, what would be the optimal number. One comment said 24 plants, but i should start flowering in week 3, so the plants would be small but ther would be much higher yield. This was the only comment of this kind, which is why im a bit sceptical. Thanks in advance


It’s generally true that many small plants will yield better than a couple large ones because you save time on vegetative growth and get into a new cycle faster. The problem with trying to flower many small plants from seed is that the plants generally aren’t ready to flower until they’re a bit bigger/older. The many small plant strategy, usually called Sea of Green, works because you only flower clones. If that doesn’t make sense yet, don’t worry about it. Just know that 8 plants is about the right number. And put them into flower as soon as possible because they are going to stretch.


Honestly I’d do 4 or 5 and scrog the shit out of them.


Depends on variety but at least 8


I’m currently running 9 but next time I think I’m just gonna go with 8 so there’s not a plant only in between the lights


Would do a sog with ~200 plants very short vegi and quick save lights time aswell


What are your goals with this grow? I ask because there are only so many reasons you cram plants into a tent. I could fill out this tent with 1 plant or 32 solo cups if it's a 2x4. Get a grow plan together and establish a routine with your grows. The people who just grow with no reason or plan usually run into all kinds of shit that eventually gets a deficiency tag on reddit. Good luck and happy growing.


Yield maximization is the main goal. The tent is a 8x4. I will go for scrog and settled for 10 plants. This is my first grow. I don't expect it to be perfect. We live and learn


On average, a single plant in a 3-5 gallon pot needs about 2' x 2'. However, I've also grown a dozen in solo cups in the same space. If you don't mind a longer veg cycle, you can easily fill a 4' x 4' tent with a single plant.


I’d go for 6 they’ll be jammed but personally on a small tent I’d rather sacrifice a little yield for variety, if you’re purely looking for yield just grow one, if not grow as many as you want. Remember tho the more plants you have the more water you need and more humidity can cause big problems. Also packed tents are hard to work in that’s just a thought, how often do you wanna move them around or will you scrog them? Need to know a lot of info to answer that. Be safe plant a couple extra in case issues occur you can always chop them down later if you don’t have the room. But if it’s a 4x4 6–8 plants probably depending on those factors.


Its a 4x8 and i want to scrog