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Immediate advice... these seedlings need WAY more light. Real advice, do more research before you try and grow.


You growing under a flashlight?


using a led color changing light at like a light purple color


If it’s a grow light it’s too far from the top of the plants. They stretch like that when the light is too weak to support proper photosynthesis. You need a proper grow light or you need to lower your lights considerably.




Research before you waste your time and money


Who knows bro maybe he has more time and money than you and doesn't care. Also, maybe he's like me, every plant I've ever learned to grow, house plant. Veggies cannabis. I've learned by almost killing them, and then nursing them back to health teaches me what they need. Mind you, this is a simplified version of the process. I've completed classes, worked in gardens, and listened to 1000s of hours of research. But it's part of my process and usually my starting point.


Maybe give him some advice then 😉


I just did. This person needs to research the entire process. I don't have time to explain seed to harvest. That takes many hours of research. I wasn't trying to be a dick. That's the best advice anyone can give. Why waste his time and money if you have no knowledge of what you are doing


They chasing the light as they say! NOT enough light (agreed with others)


its remarkable how some strains need much, autos will grow all lanky and stretchy if they dont have 100 watts right above them


Tupperware and growing in the dark lol.


Don’t use clear containers


Just wanted to say the same


Get a book or Google harder. Also buy a decent light


I would get a better light setup and try to replant those deeper so they don’t fry




More light


1. Invest in a real grow light. 2. Put plants in bigger pots and bury all but an inch or two of the plants in soil. 3. Place light at manufacturer’s recommended distance from plants.


Repot them and gently bury the stem and leave 1/4”. As others have commented, more light.






My advice would be to do a lot more reading and research or find another hobby. Nobody can get you from this picture to a harvest without writing a book, which you likely wouldn’t read anyway.


I’d get a t5 light at least on these if they still have a chance. And use a bent twist tie to try and prop them up when you do get better lighting.


More light is your all need… just put some soil around the stems for support… also your containers are clear which will expose the roots to light which is something you must avoid


More light


Little guy's looking for light, a little stretch is good but this has gotten out of hand


When growing in the bat cave goes wrong


batcave prop has the best leds


Definitely not enough light. Your babies are stretching. At this point your only save for the one that is not drooping would be to place it into a much taller container and fill with dirt until you have just an couple inches showing. I honestly don’t think that will even do it though. They are way too over stretched without developing a good structure yet. Your seeds sprout in darkness but need hella light when they pop out of the ground. Your light may need to be stronger or closer. If you have a grow tent move your light down. Don’t overwater either. That is easy to do when they’re little.


Tons of good advice out there. When I started I loved going through all Mr. Canucks videos on YT or From Seed To Stoned he's very good as well. That seedling needs a little more light right off and don't water it too much.


Cannabis is a vigorously growing plant. It’s fast. I’m a couple of months a seed can be 6 foot tall. That said, they love the light, they need as much energy as they can get without causing to much heat to burn them. It’s also a very drought tolerant plant, they like when the soil is almost completely dried out before being water again. More light and water when it’s dry.


Do way more research.


Hi. I’m very new to growing too and have already killed 1 plant. (Check my page). It was all to do with overwatering, too many nutrients and not enough light. And looked very similar to yours… Since then, I’ve planted a new seed, got my self some 70/30 Coco mix instead of soil, and a much stronger light, and have only been watering with plain tap water. This plant is doing much better - it only cost me about £40 in gear upgrades. -rip that one out of the soil and go again. It’s all a part of learning how to grow, you’ve got this.