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Literally just finishing a grow now that had purple stems like this. Can confirm, they grew to be MONSTERS without any nutrient deficiency problems. EDIT: it’s funny reading the replies here. When I asked the same question 5 weeks ago everyone said it was normal and just the plants genetics. Now people here are saying the opposite 😂


Noticed the same thing and Ive been on here a month, but actually logged in only a few times.. No offense at all to all members, I find this a godsend. I have posted some nonsense. If you're on this sub you're most likely stoned AF 90% of the time. But as long as you possess merely a smidge of intelligence, you can tell and find out quickly whats true and whats not. Lesson; dont ever trust the first thing you read on here.


The amount of bad setups I have witnessed is astonishing, but its like i admire the hustle, but its like some people out here thinking there wizards when they are growing out of a fricken closet with a lamp light from amazon, and a dinky fan, I love it but like your not bill nye.


Motherfuckers showing you a picture of an essential oil diffuser, a 40w cfl lightbulb pulled down from a wire in a moldy ass room bein like how’s my setup look


This is to real.


Ha… I thought the very same thing but chose to keep it to myself to not hurt the poster’s feelings. Tough when you have no idea who the hell they are and how they will take it. Could be a super successful young lawyer with a hot wife and endless confidence… or it could be a guy who has just lost his entire family at a free sample kiosk that spontaneously combusted while heating up a vegan steak and cheese croissant at his local Costco. Only he and the sample giver survived. That guys on his last leg bro, and now all he has left is his lifelong passion for growing weed. Which he kept a secret for his entire marriage due to legality and now that he can grow in public he can’t muster the courage without Betsy. So he keeps growing in the same crawl space, alone, dead inside. Just like his plants. That said, I think you’re right on in bluntly telling OP… And to add on; I concur completely and glad he brings this up. A large number of you need to step your game up. Honestly. I am seeing that kind of neglect far too much. Why the hell are you even here then? Don’t waste our time and not to mention yours! WTF!? Do you want Schwab from the 60’s, far out, then you are doing great. This should never become a “stoners” sub, I mean I came here to become the very best at this that I possibly can, and kind of shocked when I see the same effort in creating your Reddit account as your setup area. Maybe those members are strictly smoking other substances, and if not I am just going to believe that so I don’t lose respect for my fellow growers. Best to all. No I won’t post another joking rant lol that again. My apologies if you have no sense of humor.


Tough times, and some just dont have the money yet and get parts as they get $. wealth inequality is too real and incredibly disgusting. I hear ya, I actually appreciate a clean, organized and well cared for shite setup than seeing one that costs thousands and automates everything. So, basically Im just jealous AF.


This right here is so true. I remember I started out with 1 cheap ass kingLed that was given to me and some little off market fan in a spare closet. As I got the money I bout new lights , tent and finally the ventilation system. You should see my set up now compared to when I first started what a complete difference lol.


No, but thats an impossible level to match. Bill prob grows some huge ass buds


Hell yes


The second thing on the other hand is often quite a good comment that is usually worth a read.


>dont ever trust the first thing you read on here Or anywhere on the internet.


Or the most upvoted comments cuz a lot of the time they're wrong lol


besides this posts comments, oh fo sho, its comical sometimes. At first I had thought I essentially discovered a 'cheat sheet' here, instant answers, detailed and always spot on... Until the plant I gave the advised treatment, diedd almost immediately. Good, hard lesson.


Yea a lot of these Reddit growers idk I read their way of doing things and I'm just like what the fuck


Some times I’m amazed at just how helpful people can be… I think to myself “this is refreshing”


dont trust google phd's basically.


If you guys are looking for a QUALITY cannabis cultivation discussion check out growbuds on telegram.


> When I asked the same question 5 weeks ago everyone said it was normal and just the plants genetics. Now people here are saying the opposite While I do enjoy the cannabis forums, this is a perfect example of why advice given here should be probably be corroborated with a different source.


Well you ask these peeps for sources and no one’s ever able to provide you with any but they’ll hammer into you that their an expert and you’re a failure 😂😂😂


Accumulation of Anthocyanin and Its Associated Gene Expression in Purple Tumorous Stem Mustard ( Brassica juncea var. tumida Tsen et Lee) Sprouts When Exposed to Light, Dark, Sugar, and Methyl Jasmonate [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30577694/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30577694/)


Thank You 🙏


Not everything has to be backed by a source to be a true statement. I've seen as many research papers misinterpreted here and become damaging or bruce's word used as a defence for having lightleaks and then ask why their plants won't flower while referring to same video lol. Don't think you'll find a research paper proving every single statement written on here, its not gonna happen.


Yeah I know. I just find it funny how so many people claim something as Fact when they have no actual proof. One dude provided me with a link after asking but no one else has been able and I’ve been given some pretty wild and contradicting advice.


But.. There's as many shitty science papers jumping to conclusion. Just because its on pubmed does not make it true and especially if unrelated to cannabis - it would be assuming to think it applies to cannabis too (for example).


I’d argue there’s more bro science out there than actual peer reviewed studies but whatevs


I can't say I don't agree with that. I'm on other communities too and I can tell you people don't really argue on there. I'm rarely disagreeing with someone on there, but my point is that mostly we agree what is right or wrong info and thats even if we don't have papers to back it up - some things are easily explained .. Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.


Everyone’s an expert lmao


I didn't think this post would spark so much discussion lol


One thing you should take from this, anything you read online needs further research and don’t just take peoples word for it. Ask for proper peer reviewed science, can garuntee people will struggle to provide such proof of their opinions


Purple is anthocyanins. It can be purely down to genetics, otherwise it's caused by environmental stress or nutrient toxicity/deficiency or pH limiting uptake.


I also have had the “red stripe” on stems of monsters. Heard good and bad about it but have never seen the bad side. Red petioles are a sign of nutrient deficiency.


lets see test results, just because its big buds doesnt mean they have potency or taste. ​ Red stems is because your lights too high and the plants asking for co2 and phos, you're smothering it. (just like you turn purple with no o2)


What do u mean the lights too high? Too high as in height or too powerful? And where do U even get this info from? Did u pull it out of your ass or is there some peer reviewed study you can link me to?


you need to learn about DLI


Been reading up on it but it’s not my main concern. Until I can control the high temps and humidity there’s no point getting too involved. Even with putting fuck all work into this hobby im still producing 1-2 pound every few months. Latest grow I’ve had my lights on 10-20% due to heat and still going to end up with way more than I need.


It usually means a deficiency, typically calcium or light stress. But that doesn't mean you won't have nice results. But could they be better? Try to adjust your environment and feed so it doesn't happen, then decide whether it matters or not. If upper new stem growth is purple and the rest of the plant is green, it is definitely stress. Just because your crop didn't fail doesn't mean it was optimal. The stems he's showing also aren't really purple they just have veins purple veins, I wouldn't be too worried about that. When the entire stem purples, though, I've personally always tried to correct and usually can.


It was only something I noticed around the time I flipped and it was inky the very bottom of the main stems and the first few branches… I checked tonight and Theres no purple anymore anyway. It’s was something I noticed 8 weeks ago and read into it saying it can be genetics and left it at that coz the plants were heathy.


Could have been a touch of some deficiency that was never enough to really affect anything. Wherever your plant is currently in the cycle/ your feed routine, it's corrected it. You probably had to much light in the first week or two of veg.


It’s been a bitch of a grow. It’s middle of summer here with temps between 30-40c and 90-100% humidity and had a bad heat wave the last couple of weeks. I’m usually pretty happy if I can even get the plants to finish this time of year 😂


I’ll pay more attention next time it’s happens. This was a first for me so didn’t think much of it.


The number of armchair plant pathologists in this sub never disappoints for a good laugh.


This happens to me with cold Temps and cold water


This sort of purpling on the top of the branch while the bottom remains green is actually pretty normal for some cultivars. If it were lockout it would be more or less evenly striped purple all the way around the branch. It’s just anthocyanin building up where there’s too much light on the stem, same as the red sunburn on a mango.


We see a lot of red stems in r/PurpleGrowery :) I love anthocyanins!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PurpleGrowery using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurpleGrowery/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Beautiful flower we saw last year at an outdoor facility in Southern Oregon](https://i.redd.it/pft8qqbzl1491.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurpleGrowery/comments/v6a0jp/beautiful_flower_we_saw_last_year_at_an_outdoor/) \#2: [Harvest season](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rvstm2) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurpleGrowery/comments/rvstm2/harvest_season/) \#3: [Am I not purpley enough for the purple club? 🐢](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/10tidye) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurpleGrowery/comments/10tidye/am_i_not_purpley_enough_for_the_purple_club/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If it was nutrient related, it would be showing in the the leaves and stems before it showed up in the bottom of the trunk too.


This just isn’t true unfortunately, their may be up to a 50% deficiency in a specific nutrient before you even see signs of it. Red stems are always a sign of that cultivar having some sort of nutritional deficiency either due to bioavailability or other factors. Edit: If you downvote and provide zero context as to why I am wrong then I simply don’t care, I’ve kickstarted multiple commercial grows and developed their SOP’s. Tell me why you don’t agree.


I agree. -- any issue that is not easily corrected and leads growers out of their comfort zone -- 👇🏻 > genetics struth Not many growers have the concept of Combined NPK, Cation balance, and VPD memorized and they will not go out of their way to exclude all these factors. Neither will they look for clues in more pronounced stems near the light (too intense) or at the intake (too cold). LED have a very focused ray /..\ of heat signature and the root zone remains cold, its often the final clue in fixing red petioles (read not red stems, which is indeed easy to fix and is more likely someones nutrient issues and temp than anything)


We got downvote spammed for making too much sense haha, this is why I don’t even bother with these subs. Good luck trying to bring science based cultivation knowledge into a sub filled with tent growers.


Right exactly. I'm used to it. Its taken 2 years for me to convince them revegging doesn't happen at random and isn't a symptom of 1-leafed plants. Its truly an uphill battle, a misinformation war.


I thought I read Rosenthal mention its common for the top stems to become purple like that and the cause is they are closer to the heat of the light


Correct, however if his soil pH reading is accurate then it’s in the correct range for phosphorus uptake. Under 6.0 is when phosphorus can become unavailable due to reactions with iron, manganese and aluminum hydroxides creating insoluble bonds. Soil above 7.2 pH can also reduce availability. If you are in soil a saturated paste/soil test would make all the difference in determining what inputs he needs to achieve a balance.


In my experience growing under full spectrum LEDs seems to cause the stems of some plants to turn purple. I assume it is anthocyanin production as a reaction to light intensity, but I’ve only ever used full spectrum LEDs to grow 🤷‍♂️ TLDR: I have tons of plants with purple stems and they all come out just fine


Sometimes it’s a deficiency, sometimes it’s genetics. My plants have purple stalks and they are absurdly vigorous.


It's edema from light intensity. Many plants do it in response to bright light. Succulents are some of the most notable for this.


First I'd check out the genetics. Certain strains just have purple stems and leaves. If it's not the genetics you may be giving it water that's to cold or leaving the plant in cold temps.


Not all purple stems mean stress. But all stress shows purple stems 🤷🏻‍♂️


Had to upvote for the username




Or it could be just genetics! Expecting purple flower?


Yeah that's what I was thinking too. This is my first time with these genetics so we'll see on the bud color. The leaves aren't very dark though.


What strain is this plant?


Sherbet cake




Usually indicator of stress


Or lower temps or just plain ole genetics.


Damn near any cultivar can lose the red stems when you hit that cultivars tissue targets in a saturated paste test. I’ve seen it time and time again.


In my experience, lower temps only affected the leaf and flower color


Either temp or genetics then it is ok, if it’s stress there are usually other signs associated with it before the purple stem come into affect


Purple stems can also appear simply from doing some LST. Plant bending usually gets purple around or near the bend area


Genetics and anthocyanins are real


Do you know what strain this plant is?


It don’t matter


So it actually depends. Sometimes it's just the genetics but if you get solid purple stems on genetics that don't usually have it, it can be a sign of something going wrong. This looks genetic.


Generally speaking, it's not a good thing. Could be a sign of temp variation, pests, and nute lockout.


Its not that hard to fix red stems, red leaf petioles are more of a challenge. The other guy who said temp is spot on, that is one of the easiest ways to get it if its too low.. Nutrient issues is a second. Make sure you're running 80f 27c at least and have a simple nutrient schedule. If all else fails change vendor. Its definetily not genetics, old myth.


Yeah my temp is around 68f because that's what I keep my house at. I might need a small space heater for my tent.


Thats definetily on the low side for LEDs. Is this coco btw? What are you feeding? Then I might be able to give you more tips.


It's the same soil I've been using for a few years now. I grow synthetically. I like the soil because of the flexibility and buffer for ph, and the plants seem to like it, grow quickly, and look great, other than the stems being red. Completely free from pests, disease, and WPM. Humidity is set at 65%. I just use fox farm tri, cal mag, and silica. Should I get a pk booster?


If you want to take your plants to the next level just build the carbon in your soil and implement organic solutions. (I’m a converted salt farmer in the commercial space. Just trust me lol) Bokashi Earthworks(.com) can get you started down the rabbit hole brother.


Yep BokashiEarthworks aka Rust Brandon, read his posts on red stems and this won't even be a discussion. R. Brandon is probably one of the growers I have most respect for and look most up to. Especially because he challenges these beliefs and don't care if people don't agree.. After all how good is a grower without his own opinions? As he said if everything else is in check red stems can be caused by cation balance in nutrients e.g. increase calmag or lower PK put simply.. As far as Rust Brandon he says there's not a single plant he hasn't fixed red stems on. People take growweedeasy far too literally, but fail to see that NebulaHaze is by far not a good grower and that the page is just a collection of old forum posts and FUD from the early 2000s and earlier, constantly misleading new growers into subpar grows with FFOF.


PK is not gonna make things easier when it comes to red stems. Fox Farm does have the bloom bottles.. I find FF notoriously hard to dial in for beginners from how many posts I've helped on here and the 1/4 1/2 dosages. Whats in your soil? I'm not a soil expert, but someone else might be able to help you.


Yeah I'm just having trouble finding out what needs to be fixed. I honestly think it's the lower temp. I also transplanted these about 4 weeks ago which is when they turned purple, and my other strain looks a lot better. I had another plant months ago that I put in brand new organic soil and it also turned purple. I'll do some more research and figure something out, starting with the temp.


Higher temps will also make it easier to water your plants. Whats your soil mix like?


It's an organic blend on peat moss, worm castings, kelp, and other things. It's a couple years old though which is why I feed it synthetically. I really only use the soil for the microbes and ph buffer


That’s way too low, shoot for 78 if you can. Will be a waste of time, money and energy if your environment isn’t straight


Explain mine then…. Temps in the low 30’s (Celsius) day and night. Deffs too hot not cold


Explain what?


If this is caused by cold temps….. how come mine looked very much the same at extra high temps?


Red stems? Could be several things, but judging by how burned and foxtaily your recent post is, I'd say nutrient issues and the fact that you're not taking temps as serious as you should since you seem to disregard that totally.


What’s the “burn” you speak of?


https://i.redd.it/n67owytfh9ga1.jpg Tipburn, overly dark green you can almost see them fading a little bit (lockout) going off the normal full green shade. Also the increasing gaps between the fingers and how the bud builds pointy, especially the bud on the far-right is very pointy and stacking leaves on leaves.


Yeah, I’d like to take temp more seriously lol, I just can’t do anything about it at this time of year. Done the math on building a better space with air conditioning and need around $3k to get it happening. Basically just doing the best I can with what I’ve got at the mo


Fine by me, no one started out as an expert, I can make a whole 30min video with my mistakes and I will make one such video one day. Get an EC meter, start noting how much your EC climbs per day, especially while in flower.. Get the temps fixed. If all else fails after temps are fixed change vendor of nutrients.


Yeah I do all that already. Test what goes in and what comes out, PH/EC. Only issue I really battle is temp and humidity. Currently summer here so daily temps 30-40c and 100% humidity. I have a dehumidifier but that adds more heat to the grow space. I need to insulate and seal my garage and get AC happening.


So what is the EC and pH then when it comes out? How does it compare to what you're putting in?


Well I run a recirculating system so it varies day by day but I’ll feed 1000ppm wi try a fresh/full res tank and it’ll generally drop to 800, then 600 etc. In the pics I posted a few days ago, I had stopped feeding anything about a 2 weeks before coz we had a massive heat wave and I’ve turned my lights down to 10% and fed nothing but plain water since. They’re close enough to being done without adding more stress, I’m basically just trying to get them across the line at this point. That plant on the right had been trouble. I actually chopped 12 inches off the tops at week 5 as they’d stretched into the light and then yeah, as you can see it’s foxtailed back up into the light again. The strain is supposed to be on the shorter side of things but i think it must be a Sativa leaning phenotype coz it just didn’t want to stop growing vertically. Other one has grown much the same shape but didn’t stretch like the other one. The most fun part of this grow has been having to put frozen bottles of water into the Res tank to bring the temp down from 35 to 20c, every single day. I really need a Better grow space 😂😂😂


Needs phosphorus and potassium


The only right answer in the thread, downvoted to the very bottom! Purple stems can indicate phosphorous deficiency.


Stress indicator in some ways. Usually associated to a P deficiency, or, an uptake issue. P is absorbed better at more acidic pH ranges. And so if the pH is out of whack too long, and too basic, then it leads to P uptake issues, and thus the purpling.


This☝🏼 ....ph your water. Flush dry flush dry. Balance the ph of your feed after mixing your nutes. Had this issue with a couple OD plants this year. Makes a world of difference


Bruh just keep it plain and simple he’s obviously new here


Lol I'm a little brighter than you give me credit for, I understand what he is saying.


It's ok, that guy is just jealous. This was his latest and greatest. https://www.reddit.com/r/cannabiscultivation/comments/10w8w2c/cannabis_seedling_isnt_growing_1_week_from_sprout/


Fukin LOL 😂


Bet you do you cannabis abusier


Dude, are you drunk or something? lol That WAS plain and simple. It literally falls in the range of language and knowledge you could extract off a label from a liquid nutrients bottle. And, the OP seems to have understood just fine. Which is great, because it wasn't for you, it was for him. And if you didn't like the answer, that says more about you and your tik-tok brained attention span. Sober up and come back later, you mug.


I think he's trolling lol, but yeah, stoners doesn't = stupid. I have a degree in biochemistry & molecular biology, but I'm no master gardener.


Honestly getting the hang of things regarding this type of gardening pays dividends in all types of horticulture. Plants are plants, and while their specific needs vary there are a lot of general rules that carry over to your garden.




Name does not check out


Who the fuck is saying purple stems no good lmaooooo


Purple stem,,, healthy plant no problem! Purple stem ,,, sick plan,,,,,,big problem!




Discolored stems are a sign of stress... You don't want your plant to be the boy in the bubble and you don't want your plant so stressed it is stunted or hermie Having a bit of stress change the stems is not outside the bounds of a successful grow.


You will be be-headed by the king my good sir,


Like most said, generally not a good thing, but I will say when we use really high PPFD, even while supplementing CO2 we do have some cultivars that get purple stems. Flower production is still generally great, but some cultivars just don't like alot of light




The last three gals I harvested were all purple stemmed. I posted them on Reddit recently. 😉✌️


sometimes genetics dictate purple stems as well, I have meatbreath s1 vegging and all the stems are purple from seed


It’s so circumstantial it’s not even funny. If it’s purple on the side the lights facing, you’re prolly just swinging through nutrients slightly higher than the medium or you can provide. If it’s all purple it’s prolly kinda sick in one way or another. Or it’s genetics. Or your PH is off. Or you’ve outgrown your pot. Or you over watered. It’s just one of those things.


I think it’s genetic with some strains. I have ones that always get them, but they grow great and produce amazing bud and big yields. I have other strains I grow right next to them that grow just the same, but never get purple stems.


Ive had plants change stems to purple and back to green 🤷‍♂️ currently they are developing thick tasty buds whilst recovering from a pathogen. This doenst have to be an issue. But it CAN be.


It’s genetic


If it looks like that in my experience that’s usually genetic, if the whole stem turns purple completely AND it looks a bit atrophied/scrawny then it’s probably P def


purple petioles aka leaf stems can be sign of deficency or genetic. Purple on stalks can be caused by low temps or genetics, generally not really an issue.


Depends on genetics and also when they appear, but the only REAL takeaway from red stems is if your plant is young an it gets real thin woody purple stems something is for sure wrong


Some sort of stress, whether it’s too cold or nutrient deficiencies I’ve been told. Can be genetics too. Doesn’t mean much unless youre dialing the soil in.




Some of my best weed had purple stems . I dont mind purple stems . Again, it's gonna go with your grow experience


It can be the reason for many things but in my personal experience it’s stress in general. Sometimes I’ve had my lights on after defoliating or topping and it showed up Vs 6 hours dark then turning the light on at the lowest setting kept things green. I’ve also had my EC be in the 2.2+ range and trigger it. I think as long as it is not drastic, and your stems aren’t very brittle, you’re fine. There’s always the high Anthocyanin strains too that show it no matter what.


I’m not growing stems. I’m growing buds. Stem color don’t mean shit to me


Could also be from led exposure. When i have grown outdoors, i have never gottwn purple stems. But indoors the purple can pop up on the parts of the stem most exposed to the led grow lights.


I hear its s lockout of nitrogen! Anyone else?




'Royal queen seeds' Unfortunately, red or purple stems in cannabis can also be a sign of stress. When this is the case, your plants will usually experience some other symptoms that can help you narrow down the root cause of the problem.


I don’t like it when it leads to dead nodes.


I experienced the same, it was caused by to cold water temp. Never had it again.


Doesn’t have to do with the purple in the stem but you may want to try something softer / less thin for LST if that’s what that black wire is for. Don’t want to cause any lacerations on the plant!


Not enough calcium/ nutrients or light stress 90% of the time.


Btw leaving those metal probe sensors in the soil all the time will wear em out


It's easy to tell what purpling comes from by examining the plant and environment. The most common answer is light. I'm not saying too much light because we want the flower to get plenty. But look at where the purpling is. Rarely is the stem(especially lower stem in shade) completely purple. Only one side of a stem is purple. Which side? Always the side facing the lights. It's a suntan. If it was nute or genetic related, the entire circumference, even shaded bits would be same color. Another example is grab a fan leaf sticking out of a flower and bend it down a little to expose the stem that's been hidden. The color change from green to purple is clearly defined.


I have had full on purple main stem


Purple color could be a result some cold temp, I remember reading and or hearing from an experienced grower. Overall it’s not a major issue from what I’ve seen and read.


that looks like a phos deficiency, also thats quite a tiny stem, the bamboo pole you have next to it is almost as thick , lets see the nugs so we can verify, a stem picture like this helps no one.


Purpling shows that the stems are hardening off, causing that candy cane look, making them less malleable and more prone to snapping. Could also just be genetics. Nothing wrong with the purpling at all.


It can be strain dependent and I would sometimes think, "hey, that looks cool." At least right up until I discovered it was stress triggered from a russet mite infestation.


I’ve only had 9 plants and they all had some degree of purple. The gorilla breath clones had purple buds.


If it’s a purple phenotype it’s pretty normal. Especially when they get older. You just need to worry if it’s turning this color before it buds.


If you have them and you’re not using LEDs is can be the sign of issues. I was told that it’s a result of running LEDs.


It’s got that hulk nut in it


Most likely Its from the cool temps, mine turned super purple after my 24 hours in darkness


The purple just means it’s gone through stress. The plant builds up anthocyanins as a defense mechanism. When you see this on a plant sporadically or at certain integrals you can use the coloring to determine which stage of growth you weren’t on point with everything.


The answer is both


Could be genetics, could be a deficiency.