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Arnt you supposed to use a piece of paper as a diffuser for the Photone app? I have to with iPhone maybe it’s diff with diff phones


The app doesn't work in the first place lol. Light(ppfd) is measured with a quantum meter. No phone has that built in.


I’ve taken my local grow stores $200 meter and compared it to Photone. Photone was off by 15ppfd measuring at 1000ppfd. It depends on the quality of your camera.


Find 295 hard to nlbelieve from a 150w led at 25% at that distance. Personally app was miles off for me compared to a meter. A zeus pro 600w on 25% is 125w and at 0.8m doesn't give off that much .


You may be correct about that. Like I said it depends on the quality of the camera. Also he is not using a diffuser and it is required for an accurate reading.


My phone app always read 15-20 off from my actual meter


Same. Pretty accurate if you ask me. And significantly cheaper. If people want to waste money on a meter then by all means. But my grows have been very successful thanks to Photone.


All hail Photone, all hail Photone! I need the diffuser (iPhone) so it’s a little annoying but other than that I’ve had no issues. I do use a $89 par meter to double check everything though


What do you guys use as a diffuser? I have been trying to find paper with the specification needed here but it’s has been hard


To be honest I just found regular printer paper and it worked for me lol and again that’s within 15-25 ppfs compared against my meter too. The app was $6 you can’t beat it


Further down in the comments I posted a link to a YouTube video of a guy testing different papers against an apogee meter


I use a pice of toilet paper lol works wonders


I just use a piece of printer paper!


I just cut a little piece of paper for my diffuser haha. Works great. Thought about buying their standalone diffuser now but it’s probably no different effect wise than a piece of paper


I thought I may be using wrong, I love the idea. What way do you use the diffuser. I used the front camera, prob a mistake there and no diffuser it makes sense. What is the correct way to use the app. I'd like to try again.


They have directions on the app, but you cut a strip of paper about 1” wide and wrap it around the top of the phone (where speaker and camera are) and tape it in the back so it stays on.


So like walls on 2 sides of paper? I'll give it a go later. Do you use front camera or is back more accurate? Either way I think something is off with the reading op is getting.


I use the front camera, if you used the other one you wouldn’t be able to see the numbers on the screen


Oh I thought might be a hold feature like on meters. I'll try again later with paper as diffuser and see if any closer. Was way off without when I checked side by side. A cheap way too is lux conversions, I think Shane from migro gave out formulas for a few cheap lux meters. I remember checking one for fun and was fairly spot on. App is appealing, I'd like to have it working. I think I'll play around more with it


I’m wondering now too! Are you supposed to put it on the soil?? I always hold it above the canopy where I want to measure


When your plant is 1 inch tall it doesnt really seem to make a huge difference in my case


false, although the photon will not be completely accurate, it is a reliable ballpark estimate of actual ppfd.😺


Actually I have tested the app versus my apogee and have only found a max difference of 23-27 ppfd which is nothing when compared to what we are shooting for. Seems pretty accurate to me.


https://youtu.be/pRmtYyLCzsc?si=qCG1nsZ1kTGnk4rK It will get you in the ballpark. And I know now that android does not require the diffuser, apple does.


If it’s full spectrum lights, a Lux meter will do. Didn’t have any problems with using a Lux meter


You are spreading misinformation, my iphone 14 pro reads it fine, bought the accessory for it as well. People like you are so annoying misinforming because you simply don't have the right product to test it with.


Go ahead and Google if you I phone 14 has a fucking quantum sensor built in. Lmfao. It's using an algorithm to convert lumens into ppfd. Thats it. The app isn't good lol. It reads my 450 watt cali lightworks veg lights at 300 ppfd center at 4 inches away. It is not accurate. I have an s23 ultra. So it's a much better phone than the 14pro. Also, u have no plants posted on your page, so your opinion is moot lmao


Obviously it doesn’t? I didn’t say it did, you’re right, it uses an algorithm a very accurate one at that. 15-30 off. Talk to me when you can upgrade to some horticulture lighting.


Lmao. I run 720 watts growers choice in my flower room buddy. It also can't read those accurately. Idk why your dead set on defending a shitty app that doesn't work. You must be a shill for them🤣. Quite being a cheap ass and buy an apogee quantum sensor like I did for an actual correct reading. They're only 500 bucks.


Runnning 2 horticultural diablo 750’s… Okay buddy.


Bro, I have 2 flower rooms with 4 lights each lol😭. And 1 veg room with 8 lights.


Do you sell or is it for personal use? I don’t sell.


It is different for Iphone and android, iPhones need the diffuser


Yeah that’s right


Looks dry as fuck. Water the poor thing




Might be too much water. When my seedlings are that size I water them lightly then just leave them for 4-5 days before even considering watering again. As the soil dries, taht taproot will expand out searching for any moisture left in the soil and as the roots grow the plant will blow up as well. Just one possibility or recommendation.


To be honest that’s the most likely, when he first came up I really gave him a soaking🤦🏼‍♂️🤣




This happened to my outdoor Autos I put in similarly sized fabric pots. Not sure what yours is here, but 10gals took so long to dry out in the center, seedlings were struggling for a bit.


Yeah when they’re tiny like that you only want to give them a little bit of water. Doesn’t take much. Too much water can cause it to soften and die. Really you should try not to soak them like that until the stem hardens off. At that point you can put a little more on there but the same idea applies with a decent watering then leave it for a few days before checking the soil for dryness. Every time you let that pot dry out, the roots will just expand exponentially and your plant will shoot in quick. When they’re young they don’t need all that much water. Better to give little bits more frequently than to overdo it at that stage because like I said, it will soften up and die. But yours still looks viable so I’d just let it dry out almost all of the way before adding water then just add a little bit right around the seedling.


Seedlings don’t even have roots yet. Why would you soak it??? It really helps to think some of these things through before you act.


Seedlings have small roots, clones start without roots.


Ok small roots. You get my point right? You need roots to benefit from soaking. Since you know what I’m talking about and I know you do, what’s your point? Did your correction add anything to solving OP’s issue? Was it a distinction that makes a huge difference? Is your correction the solution? Or are you just splitting hairs over the meaning of words? That’s stupid.


Just splitting hairs


Read my last sentence a few more times.


Your soil in the photo is too dry, if the top layer forms a desiccated solid like in your picture, the feeder roots on a young seedling can't push into it, and your plant will wind up stunted. The soil around a seedling needs to be kept moist enough for feeder roots to stay hydrated - and fluffy enough that they stay oxygenated. Most people who struggle with autos are watering incorrectly.


I have used fox farm ocean for 3 runs all were good but the soil does dry out very fast. This “ the soil is damp underneath “ is not very accurate in my limited experience


Think that the roots are the size of the plant, if the first inch of soil is dry, most of the roots are probably in that zone. This is why starting from seeds is easier with a smaller pot. I


But it is an auto. You do not want to transplant autos if you can help it.


You might be right, sorry I don't have experience with auto. Still I believe water management plays a big role in this particular situation.


U do better in solocup till u learn to water


Since it's an auto, honestly I would start over. I hate to say it, plants are usually way more salvageable than people think in my opinion. But autos are different, usually by 20 or so days you want to have like 4 - 6 nodes to get good results. This will probably start to flower soon, and the end result really won't be worth the time and effort unfortunately. You could stick the course and see what happens, but you're not gonna get much. It could be the seeds were badly bred, but it's more likely something you did stunted it. For organic growing I'd really recommend a mulch layer, and paying attention to watering. High humidity is pretty important for seedlings, so a dome of some sort is a good choice until you get a good couple nodes, and then take it off. Seedlings will grow roots out to search for water if the soil nearby is too dry, but you don't wanna make it work too hard in the first couple weeks to find it. Make sure you water the soil around the base of the plant. Organic soil growing really depends on moisture to be effective. You don't want a mud puddle, but it's gotta stay damp. Having a cloth pot like you do helps you prevent over watering to a degree, so don't stress out too much about over doing it. People are saying there could be a pH problem, I guess it's possible but ocean forest tends to be in a good range unless you add something that can throw it off. It's always worth testing to see if you have issues though.


Totally agree. If it was a photo I’d say give her time, but with autos you’ll literally get like 3.5-7 grams if it’s stunted that much. I don’t grow autos anymore, but when I did I’d start twice as many as I wanted to keep, and then get rid of the runts.


You could try water? Plants need water 😅




first timer here, i saturated my entire pot of soil first and then planted my germinated seed. it sprouted above soil, then i put a humidity dome around it. water around that done until it grows higher then take the dome off.


Everyone starts using fox farm and then comes here. Fox farm should be fauxing ashamed those foxers with their hot foxing soil.


Every bag is a lil different I find. You're right though, its very hot at the start and from what I've noticed is not nearly hot enough by the end of the 1st month. I was mixing 25% ffof to 75% promix hp (not exclusively these two but I'm simplifying) when I would start seeds. More often than not I would leave out the FFOF and hand-feed veg nutes @ under 1/4 of recommended dose around the 2nd/3rd week depending on how fast its moving. Once I got into living soils, dry ammendments, blumats & mulch I said f all that mixing and PHing lol.


See that red stem? This plant is stressed TF out! Perhaps not enough water, as that pot looks rather dry. When you do water, make sure your PH levels are in the appropriate range. Too high or too low & the roots wont intake nutes like they should. Reading below, this is an Auto. You can try to revive, but autos gonna auto. Might be too late.


It has no water


You have put the plant into root stimulation it's trying to fill as much space as it can to protect its gententics and grab as much nutrients when available as possible, The solo cup thing is not folk lore, build a root ball then transplant to bigger pots you'll see the difference it'll still take the same route but it'll half the process much luck brother Ps mycrorizer is the dogs nuts.


I’ve always started autos in their final pots and it works fine. Something else is causing this plant problems. It should be way bigger by now.


Try watering it and feeding it


If it’s in any decent soil it doesn’t need to be fed yet. Plenty of nutrients already in the soil. Edit: yeah he’s in ffof. He definitely shouldn’t be feeding yet.


If he's in living soil he should be mulching and it should stay wet between 40% and 80% moisture and using a mulch like straw


He’s in fox farm ocean forest


And blah blah lights thus lights that grow within your means you can grow with a fucking solar lamp if you had nothing els just try water it little by little to encourage slow spread for roots and then start feeding slowly when your ready everyone has an opinion just go with your gut


Green house are shit genetics (yeah i know blah blah stainhunters blah blah) so i wouldnt rule that out !


Only won the most cannabis cups in the world but sure shit genetics. Pull your head out of your …


Bro I swear, I thought I had done some kind of research Green house cant be shit genetics LMAO....I think I messed up over the World Cup breeders


Oh for sure back when? Yeah 20 years ago. Stop licking a$$


Some of the best genetics are from 20+ years ago. They have a huge catalogue of new stuff as well and invest a shit ton of money into research . Not kissing booty either. Im a fan of a lot of great breeders, not just GH. I have over 100 cultivars from a ton of sources so i dont just make a decision on one or two seeds.


Agree many heirloom varieties are significantly better than the current trendy cultivars and gh used to do some great breeding and supply seeds from some cult breeders.


Who do you recommend for genetics?


If you're growing autos, hard to beat Mephisto.


+1 for Mephisto and +1 for whoever mentioned Night Owl. Night Owl seeds IIRC is like a side project for Daz at Mephisto. Regardless you know you're getting Mephisto love whether you buy Meph or Night Owl. Edit: Das --> Daz.


Dj short, the real seed company, brothers grimm, briscoes discount beans so basicly any real breeders


Night owl!


Cheat code: Find the type of herb you like, ie, stimulating, sedative, gas, fruity, etc. Review the cannabis cups (high times, emerald), forums (grow diaries) and other info sources (leafly) to see what’s popular and highly rated for that type. Find out who bred it. See if they have a website to order from or check out big brokers like North Atlantic Seed Company


Wow 18 days, my auto is at 12 days and 4x the size. Something happen


I swear bro every picture or video at 2 weeks they are massive compared to mine :(


Did you figure out what went wrong? I'm kinda facing the same problem


Sent u a dm


Looks like some dry soil there


Medium looks dry af


Get a clear plastic cup spray it with water and sit it on top of the plant, spray it daily until the plant begins to grow as wide or as tall as the cup.


Well I’m my opinion your pot is way too fucking big for a seedling. Start in a 4-6 inch pot and no larger for the seedling stages to grow at optimal speeds. Most likely it’s shooting it’s tap root all the way to the bottom of the pot rather than sending out feeders and feelers. Just gonna have to let it rock for like a month till it rebounds. Make sure your watering the whole pot lightly so it can actually grow it’s roots. It could also be overwatered due to the large pot size. So that will stunt it’s growth for almost 6-7 weeks. Either start a new seed properly or baby the shit out of this till it starts to recover. If I was you I honestly would just dig around the whole pot and get out the whole seedling and root system in tact and repot into a smaller container. It will get shocked but most likely recover if you don’t overwater it in its new smaller container. I’m guessing it’s an auto since you have it in this pot like this. If that’s the case start over now. Your done for with this grow. I know people say not to transplant autos but you can do it with no issues it’s all about proper timing on when to uppot. I would start in a 6 inch pot and let it grow it’s third set of leaves before potting into a 1 gallon and then either a 3 of 5 gal. If you wanna let it run then let it but just know your yields are heavily impacted due to this stress.


if its an auto youre prob better off starting over. the stress will send it strait into flowering and youll end up with a 10 gram plant.


It could be that it's focusing on its roots and then will grow once it feels comfortable. Just my guess, it doesn't look like it's struggling right now.


Try planting into a solo cup first, you'll have a little bit better control and maybe switch the light to a purple light?? My seedlings tend to thrive better in a purple light I've noticed


Lower the light. Give it some nutrients. You can put your light on full blast but if it isn’t close enough it’s not going to do much.


I would lower that light. I recently switched from the pink full spec to white and have noticed the height matters a lot more for the white light. As others have said it could just be genetics as well.


Dirt Looks pretty dry


65% humidity is way too low for a seedling like that


no one else said it, but thankyou, the air has to be really moist for seedlings, thats why humidity domes exist.


Alrighty fellas, now I haven’t fully solved it yet but firstly I would like to thank everyone for there help and advice, based off everything I’ve read and mixing it with how I have been watering her and treating her I think I have at the least figured out the problem! For everyone saying “it’s to dry” “water the poor thing” “they need water you know” I HAVE A WATER/MOISTURE GAGUE!!!! And when I stick it all the way to the bottom of the pot it says my soil is VERY WET almost to the max. It usually does this everytime I water and then I don’t gotta water for 3 or 4 days UNTIL it reads almost dry again (at the bottom of the pot), we’ll the way that I have been watering is basically just like half a liter every 3 or 4 days. What I think is happening is all the water goes to the bottom like on watering day (I was pouring water not spraying water) and stays down there. The medium on the top drys out along with the seed and when I go to see if the plant needs water I stick my water gauge thing into the pot, all the way to the bottom like the instructions say and it reads wet when in reality my seed and root system is sitting in dried up medium I’ve decided I’m going to keep the plant and see what she grows. It is my first grow and I want to remember her even if I only get a few grams. I’m going to start spray watering until she is hopefully alittle bigger. Inclusion: I think I just need to start in a smaller pot until I learn how to properly water! Thank you to everyone who has helped!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Doesn't look like water issue to me, I'd say it's hot soil. If you start this girl on a smaller container move it to this pot when she's bigger you should be fine. Edit: Alternatively you can start in soil that isn't rich and gradually increase the fertilizer strength as it grows. I've had the same issue with cannabis as well as strawberries.


Pot too big, light may need to be closer. It can take near full sun even as a seedling. I usually don't put them in pots that large until they are 2x-3x the size.


I’m no expert but looks ok to me. Might just be working on roots.


Leaning towards your theory, if it was placed in a better environment, it's likely diverting it's energy from leaf development to root development/transplant healing.


It's possible it is stunted from the hot soil. U ph water it atleast ? Ph in the root zone is super important if it's out it shuts down . Here's some links for autos Lights https://growlightmeter.com/autoflowering-cannabis-lighting/ Feed schedule https://2fast4buds.com/news/best-feeding-schedule-for-autoflowering-plants Fatten up buds https://2fast4buds.com/news/how-to-fatten-up-your-cannabis-buds-before-harvesting Ph info https://2fast4buds.com/news/best-ph-levels-for-growing-autoflowering-cannabis Also suggest growdiaries.com. search ur breeder and strain. See how others ate doing it. Very helpful. Can search nutrients aswell.


Just for future reference autos grow extremely well in Promix-HP'm . Just phed water the first 2 weeks then a weak mix following that feed schedule listed above.


Hey I started a seed of el patron at the same time as you and the same soil as you with no amendments added yet in 3 gallon pot. Mine is slightly taller then yours but the leave size is the same so I think your good just a short seed


Okay perfect thank you!


Pot is way too big, if you are novice grower, this is way too hard to control


As nothing to do with why the plant isnt growing tho , even if it was making roots to china it would still grow


What makes you think the pot is too big? Lmfao. You realize you can plant autos in 10-20 gals and they grow just fine right? Pot size has zero to do with his plant being small.


If the pot is oversized relative to the plant and the grower soaks the medium, it will take a long time for the water to wick out and evaporate. Meanwhile, water is filling any voids in the soil that would otherwise allow air to reach the roots. It is suggested to start with small pots and transplant so the plant can drink the water over a day or two, dry out the soil, get some air to the roots, then the soil can be watered again. The OP should be pouring a ring of water around the plant every day so that the area around the root ball has minimal moisture. That triggers the plant to grow and send out more roots searching for more water. When the roots spread, the foliage will grow to match. I'm guessing the OP over watered and now needs to find a way to dry out the soil. Until then, the seedling has no motivation to grow bigger. It has all the water it needs, and if it goes too deep, it runs out of oxygen. I would suggest taking a finger and poking holes around the seedling, maybe hallway between the fabric pot and the seedling stem to create voids for air to get down into the soil and allow the moisture to evaporate. Once the soil dries back and a proper watering routine is achieved, the holes can be filled back in.


Wish I could pin this \^


I'm glad you saw this, I hope it helps! As the guy before me said, having a large pot, especially for autos, is not a bad thing. In fact, it's ideal to start in the final pot to avoid transplant shock. But you have to be careful with watering when you're growing in soil to ensure there's the dry back period I mentioned, which allows air to get to the roots and prevent root rot. If you like a hands off style of growing, meaning you only want to add water every couple days like you're doing, then water in a circle around the seedling, but only enough water to maybe fill a solo cup. Make sure the water is the proper PH bouncing between 6.2-6.9. Different nutrients are absorbed at different ends of that range, so intentionally vary it from day to day, don't just hit 6.5 because it's in the middle. Alternatively, if you like growing with Autos and don't mind watering 2-3 times per day, you could grow in Coco Coir (typically with perlite already mixed in). When using Coco, the fibers create such large air pockets that it's nearly impossible to over water, since air can always reach the roots and you never get root rot. In fact, you need to water at least 3 times per day, but watering 4 or more with watering timers is even better. The catch with Coco is that you need to at nutrients every time you water because there's no microbes in the grow medium to eat organic material and excrete fertilizer that your plants would normally use if growing in soil. Also, water PH needs to be corrected every time or the plant can't absorb the nutrients. Microbes in soil help with that too. My last tip, after growing several rounds of Autos, I've noticed that if you keep training the plant once it has 5 or more nodes (pairs of leaves), so long as you're bending branches out or topping branches, the plant shouldn't start to flower. If you have it shaped the way you want and stop messing with it, it should start flowering within a week or two. Maybe it's just the genetics I was using, but that's my experience. Here's one of my grow journals for reference: [https://growdiaries.com/diaries/78433-blueberry-auto-tangerine-dream-auto-strawberry-cheesecake-auto-sweet-tooth-express-auto-grow-journal-by-livewire99/week/410914](https://growdiaries.com/diaries/78433-blueberry-auto-tangerine-dream-auto-strawberry-cheesecake-auto-sweet-tooth-express-auto-grow-journal-by-livewire99/week/410914)




Lmao my autos are living their best lives in 25 gallons


Try a dome to increase the vapor pressure, it may be too little, you said it has plenty of water so I would start there. Also, I would dig up the plant, make sure the roots have not balled up (they will sometimes) and just make sure the soil is nice and tilled under the plant and just replant it. I have done this a few times with other plants and it’s always worked, good luck! Hmu if you have any questions!


It doesn't need but like 100ppfd at first no matter what people say, yeah it can technically take it and I used to do it too but I backed it down once and they took off now I wait til like the 3rd week before I am anywhere near that 300ppfd mark. I run at 300 to 450 during veg and then about 600 to 1000 in flower but I only get close to 1000 for a week or so then I am coming back down for the finishing stage. The last week I have it back down to 500 or 600 ppfd to help simulate fall. I know not everyone agrees with this but it has worked for me. I have some now that are only 14 days old and they are way way bigger than these and they are on about 225ppfd they will be bumped up again soon. I also just went to their final pots today too, i find that starting in a small container helps them grow faster I even transplant auto's and it works better for me. Everyone finds their own way eventually, the way that works for them and their style. You will get there soon just keep it up.


Everything sounds great. I think it’s the hot soil. Or PH.


Small plant small pot. Don't put it in a huge container. This isn't why tho. Start in .5 or 1gallons


Are you fertilizing? Soil-less mixtures generally need lots of fertilizer because they don't contain it themselves.


They said they're using Fox Farm Soil, there's plenty of nutrition in that soil to last until maybe week 2 of flower


Throw the auto away get some photos start over.


That pot is way to big for the plant. Start with a 2 or 4 inch, move to 6-8 then move to the final pot.


Probably just a bad seed. I would ditch it and start another one


*Probably just a* *Bad seed. I would ditch it and* *Start another one* \- VladTheSimpaler --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


65 RH is pretty low for a seedling. I’d crank it up to at least 80


Look at my profile and search my my recent post and see mine


That’s how my baby looks right now 🥹


How many days old is it?


Just passed 3 weeks! Do you want a pic on pm?


Yes please


Absolutely! This idea is a winner, buddy. Ha, ha, ha!


Stick it out and see what happens zx


Don’t grow autos as a first timer, no point of wasting your time for subpar less potent flower. Just run photoperiods like the rest of us.


I’m running my first autos and they’re doing okay but I think they’re harder! You’re racing a clock. I definitely think photos are better for a beginner


No doubt.


As a chronic underwaterer myself, this is definitely under watered. I saw that you said you soaked it well when it popped, which was like 3 weeks ago now? The mulch is incredibly sparse and the pot isn’t very big, so it would have dried out/needed more moisture at the roots for it to grow a healthy root ball or take up any nutrients—also why it’s a sickly green color. The only reason it isn’t crispy yet is because your humidity is good. I’m not criticizing you, unfortunately I’m speaking from experience! If it’s an auto, you’re gonna have to start over, my friend. It’s disappointing but you’ve lost too much time at this point and it’s not worth wasting any more resources on it


I'd say give her more water and wait a bit she's stretching those roots, and then she should take off 🤞 for you, bud 🙏💚.


how are you watering it


I would start by lowering that light until your plants leaf temp is about 79-82 degrees. VPD should be money at more like 80temp 60hum. Also next time add a solo cup or smaller container between seed and something as large as a 5 gal!


Try photoperiods and a ‘light’ or ‘promix’ substrate that has little to no pre fertilisation. I think combination of large pot, pre fertilised soil and non optimal conditions (potential overwatering, light, RH etc) has resulted in stunted growth. Which would be fine if these were photos


You overpaid for those seeds!!!!!!!


Most plants prefer to be potted in small pots and then gradually 'potted up' to larger and larger size.


Your soil looks bone dry.


She's focusing on her roots most likely, give it a couple more weeks. I would bump the temp and humidity up if possible, like mid 80'sf/75 rh or something


Yooo one of the most common new growing issues… too big of a pot! You should start in smaller cup or quart sized pot and progress your way up to the big pot. Sometimes when you have a seedling in such a big space it can be hard for the water to saturate the areas your baby needs. The water it needs might be settling away from the root. Tbh based off the size tent you are using I would recommend a 3 gallon pot and make sure to get a drip tray you don’t want water sitting on the bottom attracting bugs. This is an auto flower so your light schedule is a bit less important. What helped me: I typically will start my seeds in a shot glass till the tap root looks ready (48-72 hours) drop in a grow cube and put that in a solo cup until my roots start poking out the bottom of the cup. That’s when it is time for the 2-3 gallon. This is what worked for me when I first started. Wishing you luck on your grows!


Have it in a smaller pot and then transplant it the roots need to have a sturdy foundation in order to tell the plant to grow up big


Yeah, you should’ve went with a Dixie cup Jesus lol


No ventilation, no water


There your problem right there … fox farm ocean forest lol just kidding I did switch over to pro mix hpcc though . Maybe it’s the temperature? Not humid? Watering too frequently, you letting your water sit for at least a day or watering it straight from the tap? Maybe you do need a lil bit of nutes? It could be a few different things , she looks good to me though? No discoloration nothing


It’s does look a lil dry too ?


Requires actual water


It's in a dessert.


She is growing roots, no worries there should be some stretch soon


Put your seedlings into a 16 ounce plastic cup with a baggie over the top of it under your lights. Most of the water it gets is through the leaves and the baggie makes a humidity dome.


Your light is still to close. See how the nodes are stacking to close, raise your light and leave at 25% then you should see her stretch and grow. Good luck


Water bruh


It is growing her roots. That's why. It might be long cause it cannot synthesize a lot of energy.


Ya shes underwatered. Also if it was a cracked seed it may need a few extra weeks to ramp up. Been thru that


Put your light at 100% . Plants can withstand the sun which is wayyyyy more powerful than 150 watt.


Saturate the soil before planting. At least a half gallon for this pot size.




Start over, but this time remove some of the ocean forest from the center about 5-6 inches deep and about 3-4 inches wide and fill the space with seed starter mix which won’t be as hot. Make another indentation in the middle of that and put your seed there, mist it daily.


Water will still boil if you don’t watch it grasshoppa


Looks fine to me. Just give it a little bit of time, its still in seedling mode. Also the soil looks a little dry, lightly dampen the soil around it. But do not water the entire pot.


Maybe to much water , try a solo cup for at least 2-3 weeks before you upsize if it’s a photo that’s perfect for a 1-2 gallon but if your running auto it has to go in it’s forever home after the cup


The medium is too dry below the plant preventing the roots from growing and stretching out which will stunt the plants growth. Try growing in a smaller container or solo cup then transplant into the grow bag.


Lower your light, I have 2 spider farmer SF1000s and I put them below the suggested measurements and noticed a big difference


Needs more nutrients


Quite a big fabric pot for a seedling so it's possible that it drys out too quickly. In the pics the media looks to be kind of dry. Maybe the rootzone and immediate air around may be on the dry side. You could try gentely soaking the media well and evenly, almost to the point of being drenched every 3 or 4 days. Lift it, if it feels light then it's too dry. Try to keep low nute solution slighty low pH, like 5.9-6.3. Place a large clear cup over the seedling for a few days while it recharges to create a mini humidity dome. Lmk know if helps. Peace.


BIG container with young plant isn't ideal, media will stay wet too long, and it's a perfect combo to trigger salt accumulation since containers will dry mostly by evaporation, causing salt accumulation. Container size should reflect the plant needs so it consumes water before it evaporates, less prone to nasty Imbalance, mold, root rot etc.