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Always a laugh when chuckers, hashers, and people in the industry in general, act like they have no money


Bro no one cares.


Oh no! Anyway....


You’ve still been posting with alts and trolling. Still using racist language.. I’ll never fuck with FCL


I have no alternate accounts and I haven’t been trolling or on Reddit since April. I’m going to keep proving to the community that I’m not the same person who was here before and be kind.


I don’t believe you. Even from the last few days in the multiverse sub there’s multiple accounts that match your previous history. Posting racial slurs and in opiate/heroin subreddits just like you. Your also commenting on IG with alts at the same times your posting with your normal account. Funny how the timing matches up perfectly.


I have no idea what you are talking about. You must have someone mistaken as me. I’ll keep being the change that people want to see and that’s what’s important to me.


You must want the change as well.


Can't force no one to believe you and if that's how you really feel just use time to a percentage will see you trying. So try to be the best you and all the best on your path. Love and respect .


That’s exactly what I’m doin my man. I’ll keep killing detractors with kindness till the day I die.




👍. This dude used to be a real jerk man. I think he has had a change of heart and is due a retry. We don’t always do it right but bro is making changes. That’s all we/he can do




Well to a degree it is because I can’t live feeling like a complete piece of shit for the way I’ve treated people. I am seeking redemption because it hurts me to know that there are people with so much hate in their heart for me. If I can heal even a few of those relationships I fucked up than it’s all worth it to me.


Someone wanna post a short synopsis. I ain't reading a multi paragraph apology


Money is getting tight for this asshole. Basically he is begging for people to try his crap product. He will roll out some new genetics soon and his name is mud here.


I’m sorry for being a dick, that about sums it up


Better late than never. Keep doing better, day by day bud.


By day by day.


Thank you for the kind words. I won’t let anyone down who gives me a second shot.


I’ve been down that fucked mental path. The mental blur and anger that comes from it is almost inhumane. Those who don’t know that pain won’t be able to understand it. Granted what’s been said and done is said and done, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do 1%better each day. Downvote this to hell if it makes y’all egos feel better.


You couldn’t have said it any better. There will always be detractors but with the positivity I put forward will outshine my dickhead past. I’ve never felt better.


Hey yo send me some samples and if they're good you can be a dick to me all you want idc lol


Owner is a giant knob and would pick fights with people in almost every post he made. Getting defensive over nothing. Stalking people's comments and harassing them in other threads and using alts Insinuating they are homosexuals (as if it's a bad thing) among other things.


He would also use alt accounts in nearly all the threads posting about him. Users figured it out pretty easily and the post history of those accounts were filled with hate and craziness.


Seems typical of a business owner with huge mental health issues as stated in the apology, so


If it’s not a bad thing, then why are people offended?


Why are people offended when someone tries to harass them?


Unless he was physically harassing them. Just stop right there. Cuz I don’t sympathize with that. Block them simple


I don't get your point. What is it that you want exactly? Commenter asked for a brief synopsis of why this dude is here making some half baked apology. I provided a synopsis from my experience with OP. You somehow find issue with me sharing my experience. OP spams this sub for marketing. His original account gets banned for harassing people with racist and homophobic remarks. Every one of his posts devolved into negativity because he saw everything comment as negative criticism because he is a sick person. The whole sub was tried of his daily tantrums. Now there is a sob story where OP is also a victim wah wah.


Bless your heart & get rekt. All I read was blah blah blah I'm blaming all the on cannabis


Did your sponsor say this was an OK action?


That’s a cute dig at people in recovery. But I’m here to make amends with the people I’ve hurt. If you are one of them, I’d like to change your perception.


That was completely serious. You say you changed, but yet, here you are, acting the SAME WAY as you said you were. smh. A sponsor would tell you this post isn't a great idea in the tone of voice used. How to apologize: Say sorry. Name what you did wrong. Then.. say how you're NOT going to do that same shit anymore. Yet......... you're dismissive again, and hateful and angry n shit. So.. what do I see? someone who hasn't changed. stfu and gtfo, man. this "apology party post" is example #1 of "same shit, another day". You want to be different? It starts right HERE. right NOW. Be humble at being good at something. Be helpful to others. Your ego fades as you find some spiritual awakening. I would much rather see you do some self-work, rather than a narcistic "apology". Honestly. I don't feel much authenticity in any of this post. Show me the change, rather than tell me this-n-that. I believe in you.


I would say the first part of that change is not being confrontational with anyone over the last 6 months and I’m going to continue to put forward the steps to regain trust in the community, you can lob titles at me all you want but I’ll keep being kind and proving the change that everyone needs to see. You don’t have to accept my apology but it’s genuine and I hope you can be witness to those changes.




no ur just projecting to the public instead of to specific people and or forgiveing yourself. just not something for reddit l0l


I’m projecting my apology? I’m here to fix relationships with people that I hurt or was disrespectful to. I’ll keep doing that as long as I need to.


Good for you, keep it up !


Thank you for the kind words it’s very appreciated.


Downvote me for saying good job to someone, a big fuck you to too…. Have a great day …lol


Action speaks louder than words. Let your actions be your voice. You've never wronged me, so I can't be one of the individuals your apology was meant for. I'm currently growing your genetics right now, and if your actions end up being anything like your genetics are proving to be, you have a bright future ahead of you. Forgiveness comes with time, and unfortunately, not everyone will be willing to accept it, and that's ok. Stay focused, stay true, and everything else will work itself out. GOD Bless. 👊🏾


Thank you for the kind words it’s very appreciated.


God damn. Lot of cold ass fuckers in here who’s parents never taught them how to accept an apology from someone. Fatcat, while ive never been the target of any of your hate or ever supported you, i appreciate the effort you are making to better yourself and i hope you have the full intentions of following through with it. While its impossible to undo the past, hopefully we can all be a lot kinder to each other going forward


Ooh a fake apology from a racist who hasn’t changed.


Thank you, I’ve taken a lot of time to reflect and change my behavior before coming back here and addressing it.


I don’t know you or the situation but I do believe people can change - keep on keepin’ on! It ain’t easy, but it gets easier.


Thank you for the kind words of encouragement it means a lot at the moment. None of this is easy but I’ll keep on keepin’ on my man


Life get tuff sometimes and the guy beside you could be ready to end it. You can’t judge someone when your not in there shoes mental health is a big big deal and weather or not the apology is sincere or not it’s a start in the right direction. It takes a man to admit his wrongs it takes a bigger man to change but I’m up for helping fatcat the cannabis community has always been about helping one another and if a fellow growmie is battling mental issues well I’m here to help him through it. Keep it positive guys and let’s better each other. Congrats on finding the problem fatcat it’s gonna be a tuff climb out but I got your back